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A Very Sad Day For The World's Greatest Democracy

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OBAMA ... A real winner?

The corrupt American Media and hundreds of millions of US $$ dollars in questionable campaign contributions for Obama ?...

:o Pleaaasse... This was not an Election but an American Media Mandate... and the birth date of an Elitist Social Democracy in America.

I hate to rain on the OBAMA parade but the truth is Barack won this historic election by default not by any measure of political genius...

First, Mr. Obama is of mixed racial parents, he was raised by a white mother and grandparents... his African father abandon him when he was 10 years old... His guidance and higher education was not achieved in the environment of a traditional African-American family.

2008 Election FACT:

John McCain was ahead and gaining momentum in the polls throughout September ... were it not for the horrendous financial melt-down of the USA economy in October and McCain's political proximity to George Bush... It would be OBAMA giving us his concession speech this past November 4th evening...

Political FACT:

The reality is OBAMA has NO credentials to lead the USA... but he had the all important race-card... Truthfully, his history of political accomplishments are adolescent at best ... if he were a white man with the same political experience he would not have even defeated Hillary Clinton and acquired his own political parties nomination. However, it is not "Politically Correct" to speak the truth in America anymore but anyone with common sense knows how this election came to pass.

The racial hysteria that is promoted by the American media today is an embarrassment to my great and free nation... It also deals Black people in America a severe injustice because it continuously absolves African-Americans from basic personal responsibility...

In 2008, there still remains an illegitimate birth rate of 70% within the African-American community coupled with an incarceration rate of almost 20% among black males involved in violent crimes. However, you would be called a racist in the American press if you mention these inconvenient facts. In a modern society NO race of people regardless of their color can attain prosperity or social acceptance under these set of values. The American federal and state governments help perpetuate this social injustice because it was hi-jacked by the Marxist left decades ago.

All in all, I sincerely wish President Obama well... I pray that he can instill his own very responsible set of family values to all Black Americans and raise them above the devastating affects of self-victimization... I strongly feel that then and only then will African Americans attain the true freedom that they deserve.

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