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An Apology


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I am sorry to say that I have been highly critical of the American people over recent years.

I have at least in my own mind blamed them for the majority of the ills that beset the world. Maybe I have been unlucky but as an old style brit I found both the brashness and the directness of most of the Americans I have met less than acceptable along with the conviction they seemed to have that they were the only really important people in the world. Perhaps this is because Iapart from 1 short visit all my contacts have been with Americans overseas.

With the events of last night I feel completely humbled.

I can think of nowhere else in the western world that would have had either the conscience or the courage to do what was done last night in the election of Barak Obama. Certainly not in the UK.

The fact is that America does lead the world and for the first time in a long time I feel some optimism for the world in general. This relatively young man can achieve more on a global scale than any other this century and he has a huge burden of expectation on his shoulders, I hope he can match the challenge.

What happens now will affect the whole world in one way or another.

I hope the mods dont see fit to remove this thread. I congratulate America.

Edited by benjamat
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The OP must have an entire library of books at home whose covers are the only things he's read.

Your sorry because you have the wrong impression about America? Yes I suppose that does make you sorry.

But to blindly think this empty suit named Obama will do wonders for our country,only shows how little you have cared to learn about the candidates.

Perhaps you forgot our congress has been in the hands of the Democrats for quite some time now, and they have enjoyed the LOWEST approval ratings of ALL TIME. They have done NOTHING. Everyone is quick to blame Bush (I am in no way a Bush supporter) for all the problems, but perhaps again you need to look past your nose and the BBC news reports, and realize is was the DEMOCRATS and CLINTON that ram rodded legislation that FORCED banks to make these risky "liar loans" to people that had no business having them and legislating Fannie and Freddie to insure those loans.

The truth of the matter is, Republicans and Democrats have been systematically destroying America from the inside out for years. Bigger and more omnipotent government. People of the UK should know this all to well, could your Govt. possibly cram any more cameras into your cities?

This country was started by Libertarians. The government's sole role is to provide for a national defense. It is left up to the individual states to determine the majority of the governance issues. But with help from our media, special interest groups, big money lobbyists and of course the Republican neocon's and the Liberal Democrats, our government has only grown bigger and bigger all the while doing nothing to actually help any of the problems.

The one man that should have been elected, that would have truly made things better was Ron Paul, the single most popular candidate across all forms of media except our controlled big media stations. Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate whom has NEVER violated his oath of office or the Constitution. But we ended up with possibly the two worst choices.

Just wait and see.

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I think somebody just apologized for what they perceive to be a wrong impression (whether it is or not, remains to be seen). Thank you for the apology.

Whether or not the right person got elected or the wrong person or...or...or , is an entirely different question.

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Sorry did i miss something has world peace finally broken out, are all religions finally living in harmony, has someone put pay to inequalities in health and education, and do the worlds starving all have full stomachs tonight.

Because all ive seen on the news in the last 24 hours is a very good public speaker, who had a fantastic marketing campaign, who had a privelleged upbringing being elected as president in a 2 horse race where the opposition kept on falling over.

Give it a few years at least before turning into Americas cheerleader.

PS Some of us were bright enough to realise the average Yank just goes to work and gets by the best he can like the rest of us.

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Hate to say it, but I find myself somewhat less confident in the United States as a result of this election. Not because Barack Obama won--by all means, I supported Obama's candidacy as soon as I heard that Hillary Clinton quit the race and I even voted for him yesterday. Rather, because trying to do the right thing for the country is an uphill battle.

Just months ago, Barack Obama and John McCain were neck and neck in polls despite the Republican party's abuse of the economy, cutting of social/consumer programs (like social security, education, medicare/medicaid) and huge war expenditures. It took an economic meltdown and Sarah Palin to finally give Obama a recognizeable advantage.

Furthermore, Barack Obama was bolstered in polls by 96% black voter support. They make up 13% of the US population, but traditionally have disparagingly low voter turnout. If, in 8 years, the democratic presidential nominee is not black, what will happen to voter turnout in this essential group?

The right-wingers have the country convinced that "the United States has always been center-right." This is true if you compare 2008 to 1950, or 1950 to 1850, but put into context, the US is traditionally a center-left state (just not these last 8 years). So the graduated income tax and higher corporate tax rates are essential in maintaining the integrity of the United States, but the vast majority of Americans do not recognize this. Taxation policies are the primary difference between the Republicans and Democrats, but the Republican party has brought forth issues like abortion, religion and homosexuality to negate the impact of their other poor policies.

My prediction for the future:

2008-2010 will be spent repairing damage. Republican governors (like Tim Pawlenty) are replaced by democrats

2010-2012 the country is still in debt, but is gradually paying it off. Social reforms are issued and a new bubble (maybe nanotech =) begins. Democrats win presidential elections.

2012-2014 The US economy is booming and there's finally a surplus. Republicans gain power in congress.

2014-2016 POTUS cheats on wife, Republicans cry and cry. Republican party wins election with promises of low taxes.

The cycle begins anew.

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How about an apology for inflicting this daily, 24/7 show for months on everyone?

Obama is a great inspirational guy, but I've had enough of him sometime in March or April.

When will he start talking business? I guess I can safely turn CNN off until his first address to the Nation or whatever they call it two months from now in January.

I don't mean to spoil your party, guys, I'm just suffering from Obama fatigue already.

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Perhaps you forgot our congress has been in the hands of the Democrats for quite some time now, and they have enjoyed the LOWEST approval ratings of ALL TIME. They have done NOTHING. Everyone is quick to blame Bush (I am in no way a Bush supporter) for all the problems, but perhaps again you need to look past your nose and the BBC news reports, and realize is was the DEMOCRATS and CLINTON that ram rodded legislation that FORCED banks to make these risky "liar loans" to people that had no business having them and legislating Fannie and Freddie to insure those loans.

The truth of the matter is, Republicans and Democrats have been systematically destroying America from the inside out for years. Bigger and more omnipotent government. People of the UK should know this all to well, could your Govt. possibly cram any more cameras into your cities?

This country was started by Libertarians. The government's sole role is to provide for a national defense.

The one man that should have been elected, that would have truly made things better was Ron Paul, the single most popular candidate across all forms of media except our controlled big media stations. Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate whom has NEVER violated his oath of office or the Constitution.

The democrats have never had control over congress during these last 8 years. Sure, from 2006-2008 they had majority, but never enough to override a hostile presidential veto. So that point is moot.

The Clinton administration plans didn't get out of hand until the Bush Administration deregulated the banking industry. I'll admit, LBJ was wrong to continue to Vietnam war and Jimmy Carter was a bit off, but Bill Clinton was amazing. His popularity ratings were the highest since FDR, but he made the mistake of lying under oath (even then, his ratings stayed high enough to get him reelected were it allowed). Aside from the lying under oath part, I fully support his boning of Monica Lewinsky and the boning of secretaries in general (as long as it's lawful).

Don't try to pin the Libertarian name on the founding fathers. These men transcend the current political squabbles. They were great, open-minded men who developed a unique constitution that could readily be amended. The people decided long ago that they didn't just want the government for war, but they wanted protection for individuals and for the consumer (for example, they were tired of being sold poison by corporations and tired of being persecuted by radicals within the country).

Ron Paul's plans are faulty and would set the US back 100 years. That's why mainstream media doesn't accept him and that's why he's mostly an internet phenomenon.

Is this the monroe doctrine?

Someday =)

Edited by Monroe
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How about an apology for inflicting this daily, 24/7 show for months on everyone?

Hear hear! While the result is worthy of forum bandwidth, the endless threads and news coverage is somewhat monotonous.

Balls to politics, religion and money I say! Venus Project all the way :o

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I am sorry to say that I have been highly critical of the American people over recent years.

I have at least in my own mind blamed them for the majority of the ills that beset the world. Maybe I have been unlucky but as an old style brit I found both the brashness and the directness of most of the Americans I have met less than acceptable along with the conviction they seemed to have that they were the only really important people in the world. Perhaps this is because Iapart from 1 short visit all my contacts have been with Americans overseas.

With the events of last night I feel completely humbled.

I can think of nowhere else in the western world that would have had either the conscience or the courage to do what was done last night in the election of Barak Obama. Certainly not in the UK.

The fact is that America does lead the world and for the first time in a long time I feel some optimism for the world in general. This relatively young man can achieve more on a global scale than any other this century and he has a huge burden of expectation on his shoulders, I hope he can match the challenge.

What happens now will affect the whole world in one way or another.

I hope the mods dont see fit to remove this thread. I congratulate America.

Needing a visa to visit the USA do you?

kidding, cheers

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Benjamat..........probably not a good idea to judge a country by the people you meet in Thailand. I know if I based my opinion of the English on the ones on ThaiVisa and the ones I've met in thailand it would not be a good opinion at all. Lets face it a lot of losers come to thailand and they are not a good representation of their home country, present company excepted of course.

Your apology is appreciated and accepted. Hopefully he will live up to everyones expectations. I wish him the best of luck.

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Don't try to pin the Libertarian name on the founding fathers. These men transcend the current political squabbles. They were great, open-minded men who developed a unique constitution that could readily be amended. The people decided long ago that they didn't just want the government for war, but they wanted protection for individuals and for the consumer (for example, they were tired of being sold poison by corporations and tired of being persecuted by radicals within the country).

Ron Paul's plans are faulty and would set the US back 100 years. That's why mainstream media doesn't accept him and that's why he's mostly an internet phenomenon.

Wow your post shows your ignorance.

The Libertarian ideals are exactly what you described the founding fathers as having.

Please oh please provide the surely entertaining evidence that Ron Paul's plans would set America back 100 years. You really need to do more than believe everything a news anchor tells you on tv.

LOL, how foolish are you? Really "Thats why the mainstream media wouldn't accept him"...lol thats exactly why his plans WOULD WORK.

Mostly an internet phenomon...yes where you dont have an anchor person telling you what to think, and instead you can learn for yourselr. Ron Paul had more support than all candidates combined, untill the MSM took over and dictated to the sheeple whom you proved yourself to be one of the heard and put up who they wanted...McCain and Obama.

Please provide some proof of how Ron Paul's ideas would destroy America...really I need a good laugh...go ahead...unless your just a cheerleader rah rah rahing with no salient points to make.

Edited by Mattchu9999
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Benjamat..........probably not a good idea to judge a country by the people you meet in Thailand. I know if I based my opinion of the English on the ones on ThaiVisa and the ones I've met in thailand it would not be a good opinion at all. Lets face it a lot of losers come to thailand and they are not a good representation of their home country, present company excepted of course.

Your apology is appreciated and accepted. Hopefully he will live up to everyones expectations. I wish him the best of luck.

Speak for yourself mate.

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To the guy seeking feedback on the problem with going libertarian from The End of Libertarianism The financial collapse proves that its ideology makes no sense by Jacob Weisberg. I have always subscribed to the latter description.

To the OP, thanks for giving us a second look. Amercans are feeling justifiably proud of what we just did and relief for what we didn't do (President Palin. oh my God!) and part of that pride is based on a global perspective of what this means for America's changing role in the world. It has long been said by cultural commentators that wanting to be liked is a classic American trait and I think Americans do realize and do appreciate that our new leader makes us a lot more likable to the world (in sharp contrast to our current regretable installment).

I am old enough to remember the feelings of joy, hope, optimism, and idealism that came from the election of President John F. Kennedy, a real icon. The reaction to Obama is directly comparable to the feelings about JFK. Of course we hope and pray that the ultimate Obama story turns out a lot better.

The best thing you can say about libertarians is that because their views derive from abstract theory, they tend to be highly principled and rigorous in their logic. Those outside of government at places like the Cato Institute and Reason magazine are just as consistent in their opposition to government bailouts as to the kind of regulation that might have prevented one from being necessary. "Let failed banks fail" is the purist line. This approach would deliver a wonderful lesson in personal responsibility, creating thousands of new jobs in the soup-kitchen and food-pantry industries.

The worst thing you can say about libertarians is that they are intellectually immature, frozen in the worldview many of them absorbed from reading Ayn Rand novels in high school. Like other ideologues, libertarians react to the world's failing to conform to their model by asking where the world went wrong. Their heroic view of capitalism makes it difficult for them to accept that markets can be irrational, misunderstand risk, and misallocate resources or that financial systems without vigorous government oversight and the capacity for pragmatic intervention constitute a recipe for disaster. They are bankrupt, and this time, there will be no bailout.

Edited by Jingthing
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Again and again I hear it that Bush was elected, WRONG!

He was selected when the SCOTUS stopped the recount . And put in the mix of ballot tabulating machines with secret source software, manufactured by Republican owned companies ....Mass voter purge and suppression, i.e. Long lines in Dems counties., ETC ETC

Even Congress's own GAO said the machine are unreliable , in 2005 but did Congress do anything? Of course not .

This has been going on since 1996 starting with Jeb Bush Governor race in Florida And it's still going on... Look at the Senate race in Georgia

The only reason this presidential election wasn't stolen again is there was a 10 point lead by Obama in the polls going in , hard to get away with stealing with those kinds of advantages. Notice the ballots were only 4-5 points for Obama.

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I have asked, and never recieved an answer, as to how in a country of over 600 million people you can only come up with 2 parties ? I was also talking to a black guy and he was saying that a lot of blacks did not want Obama to win. Why says I ? Well he said some of these black guys have mae a career of being the suppressed, exploited, its " because Im black " lifestyle. He said the minute that a black guy gets elected to the POTUS all the excuses go out the window. Now the only excuse for being a failure etc is because you are lazy or refuse to work hard.

Pesonaly I thnk that Obama isnt a man of his word and will tax the hel_l out of ordinary working people just like our lot did when they got into power. They promised not to raise taxes then went ahead and doubled the tax take by the back door. Only time will tell I suppose. Its also along way to go before Jan 2009. I still think Bush will do something to enact his emergency powers and postpone the take over. The best man won, not saying a lot when the other guy was a senile geriatric, and I wish him well. Lets see if he does bring the change so bady needed. :o

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the US does have many more than 2 parties, only the 2 are taken seriously, and structurally it is very difficult for any other party to emerge as significant, but it is legal and possible

US population closer to 300 rather than 600 million

95 percent of black Americans who did vote voted Obama, and that is a fact.

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I have asked, and never recieved an answer, as to how in a country of over 600 million people you can only come up with 2 parties ?

your problem is that quite obviously you get your information (and perhaps general education) from the chap sitting on the bar stool next to you (after seven Changs) :D i am not only referring to your above mentioned posting but to some of your previous ones too.

you don't like what i just said? well, let me tell you that i care a flying fàck what you like or don't like :o

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the US does have many more than 2 parties, only the 2 are taken seriously, and structurally it is very difficult for any other party to emerge as significant, but it is legal and possible

US population closer to 300 rather than 600 million

95 percent of black Americans who did vote voted Obama, and that is a fact.

sure JT! we trust you because you counted the votes :o

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Don't try to pin the Libertarian name on the founding fathers. These men transcend the current political squabbles. They were great, open-minded men who developed a unique constitution that could readily be amended. The people decided long ago that they didn't just want the government for war, but they wanted protection for individuals and for the consumer (for example, they were tired of being sold poison by corporations and tired of being persecuted by radicals within the country).

Ron Paul's plans are faulty and would set the US back 100 years. That's why mainstream media doesn't accept him and that's why he's mostly an internet phenomenon.

Wow your post shows your ignorance.

The Libertarian ideals are exactly what you described the founding fathers as having.

Please oh please provide the surely entertaining evidence that Ron Paul's plans would set America back 100 years. You really need to do more than believe everything a news anchor tells you on tv.

LOL, how foolish are you? Really "Thats why the mainstream media wouldn't accept him"...lol thats exactly why his plans WOULD WORK.

Mostly an internet phenomon...yes where you dont have an anchor person telling you what to think, and instead you can learn for yourselr. Ron Paul had more support than all candidates combined, untill the MSM took over and dictated to the sheeple whom you proved yourself to be one of the heard and put up who they wanted...McCain and Obama.

Please provide some proof of how Ron Paul's ideas would destroy America...really I need a good laugh...go ahead...unless your just a cheerleader rah rah rahing with no salient points to make.

Your suit in the avatar looks good, do they let you take it home when you finish work??

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Sincerely, thanks to the OP for an apology. Now if we Americans could earn more apologies.

Yes, not to mention issueing some. :D

I'm sorry for when the world need us, we are there to help, but when you don't, you chastised us :o

Was that a good enough apology? :D

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Sincerely, thanks to the OP for an apology. Now if we Americans could earn more apologies.

Yes, not to mention issueing some. :D

I'm sorry for when the world need us, we are there to help, but when you don't, you chastised us :o

Was that a good enough apology? :D

A case can and has been made that Iraq did not ask to be "helped", invaded, and occupied in retaliation for an attack on the US that they had nothing to do with. I am very sorry my country made that mistake. Be careful, the world isn't black and white.

95 percent of black Americans who did vote voted Obama, and that is a fact.

Naam: sure JT! we trust you because you counted the votes

Yes. you should trust me, ha ha.

Poll: Obama won 95 percent of black vote

By Yael T. Abouhalkah, Kansas City Star Editorial Page columnist

Barack Obama's appeal to black voters worked.

The nation's first black president won 95 percent of the black vote in the United States on Tuesday.

That's according to national exit polls, which were beefed up after the debacle of 2004, when the polls erroneously indicated John Kerry had beaten George Bush.

On Tuesday Obama also won the under-30 crowd by 34 percentage points.

And Obama won two-thirds of Hispanic voters.

Edited by Jingthing
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Thanks for all replies.

My post was not intended to be a comment on the minutae of politics or peoples.

Of course many are partisan but I think the election of this man transcends that, in particular for those who have been without hope in this world.

What he will achieve remains to be seen but it is a very special moment in time.

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Thanks for all replies.

My post was not intended to be a comment on the minutae of politics or peoples.

Of course many are partisan but I think the election of this man transcends that, in particular for those who have been without hope in this world.

What he will achieve remains to be seen but it is a very special moment in time.

Couldn't agree more. Good luck to him and all of us. tough job.


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