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Resistance 2 (ps3) Review


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Resistance was the best PS3 launch title by a mile and I played through it's single player campaign twice and also had a blast with the multiplayer.

Resistance 2 is not as good as the original I'm sad to say

The single player levels are too linear and now you are limited to 2 weapons at a time instead of being able to carry everything. I had great fun in the last game figuring out which weapons worked best on which enemies. With only 2 weapons it is the same as every other FPS out there.

The worst part about the single player are the cheap deaths you have to suffer through again & again. Most of these deaths are due to the Chameleon enemies who are completely invisible till they get to within 5ft of you and mean instant death if they touch you. There is nothing worse than killing loads of baddies and then getting killed by one of these invisible b@stards! These are not the only instant deaths monsters either.

Resistance 2's saving grace is the multiplayer. I've not tried the 8 player co-op yet but spent a few hours with the competitive multiplayer and had a great time. Even with 60 players and connecting to the US server the game played very well indeed.

7/10 from me - a disappointment from the people who made all those great Ratchet & Clank games

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