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Dutch Suspect In Natalee Holloway Case Reported To Be In Bangkok


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A Dutch reporter says Joran van der Sloot, the main suspect in the disappearance of US citizen Natalee Holloway on the Caribbean island of Aruba, is now living in Bangkok making a living off 'exporting' Thai prostitutes to Holland.

The only news source I have is in Dutch:


English-language media will probably pick up on this later, after this guy puts his report on a TV show.

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It never ceases to amaze me how so many bad apples end up here in Thailand. The immgration officials might want to start googling names so they know who they are letting in the country.

That, Scott, is not such a bad idea...... & taken a few steps further could at least put flags up on possible ID's of people that should probably not be welcomed into the country


Mistaken identity (just check out how many John Williams are in any phone book) could be a problem.

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Amazing , even more considering that this criminal is only 21 years old !

Its a person who doesn't care about anyone or anything but himself , as stated above

he is a murderer . There will be an undercover tv show on Sunday in the Netherlands

trapping him again saying he killed the American girl , and wanted to hire an assassin to kill

the man who is stalking him ( P R de Vries ) ever since his first confession

in another undercover operation , where he confessed to his murder .

The crime journalists name is Peter R de Vries , who even got an Emmy for his work on his show .

Hope , if proven he already did business in human trafficking , the Thai police will know what to do

with him .

Som Nam Na

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Amazing , even more considering that this criminal is only 21 years old !

Its a person who doesn't care about anyone or anything but himself , as stated above

he is a murderer . There will be an undercover tv show on Sunday in the Netherlands

trapping him again saying he killed the American girl , and wanted to hire an assassin to kill

the man who is stalking him ( P R de Vries ) ever since his first confession

in another undercover operation , where he confessed to his murder .

The crime journalists name is Peter R de Vries , who even got an Emmy for his work on his show .

Hope , if proven he already did business in human trafficking , the Thai police will know what to do

with him .

Som Nam Na

Not exactly a fan of Joran van der Sloot, but to get the facts right: he never confessed to murdering anyone. What he confessed in the under cover operation was getting rid of the body, after she suddenly died.

Sure hope he will get arrested and not just deported.

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Mario , for what I understood they have a confession on camera this time ,

but maybe I'm wrong ( probably again sort of semi confession ) .

But one thing for sure is that he's a very unstable person , who flip flops

all the time on his statements and clearly to most is the killer of the american

girl on Aruba , who until now is still escaping justice to lack of hard proof ....

( by the way his case is still under investigation )

Perhaps we can read next week he is in Thai custody for exploiting young

Thai girls to work in the prostitution in Holland .

Edited by tijnebijn
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Amazing , even more considering that this criminal is only 21 years old !

as stated above he is a murderer .

Not exactly a fan of Joran van der Sloot, but to get the facts right: he never confessed to murdering anyone. What he confessed in the under cover operation was getting rid of the body, after she suddenly died.

Sure hope he will get arrested and not just deported.

Tijnebijn: I am sorry but I have to agree with Mario2008 here.

Joran van der Sloot*, 21, and from Aruba/Netherlands Antilles and Holland son of an Attorney/Lawyer, is not a convicted murderer. He is still a suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway/USA on Aruba, May 30, 2005 but he is not believed to have killed her but surely involved in her disappearance (after she died.....or..wasn't dead yet.... :o ). The case is vague at this point and it could not be proved that he actually killed her.

post-13995-1226164736_thumb.jpg Natalee Holloway disappeared on May 30, 2005 on Aruba Island/Netherlands Antilles.


* There are many video results about Joran van der Sloot on Google/YouTube, showing his 'confession' when he was secretly filmed in a specially prepared Range Rover:


It could be that Thaivisa members never heard of the story but it was HUGE news in the USA, Netherlands Antilles as well as in The Netherlands.

Dutch Crimereporter Peter R. de Vries published many television reports about the case with the climax of an, UNHEARD OF, Undercover Operation where he and his team exposed Joran van der Sloot, 'confessing' -secretly filmed- that he knew about the disappearance of Natalee Holloway and what happened with her, since he was with her that night on the beach on Aruba.

The television broadcast on February 3, 2008 attracted the LARGEST EVER audience on Dutch television (and later the same in the USA on many Networks) and was watched by almost 50% of the total Dutch population of 16 Million.

Peter R. de Vries was recently awarded with an Emmy Award in New York because of his undercover production about the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

Everything about the disappearance of Natalee Holloway is here:


So: why now Thailand ?


possibly involved in Thai Girl trafficking


Key figure, Crimereporter Peter R. de Vries, mentioned last night on Dutch television that he was no longer interested in Joran van der Sloot, until he was informed, some months ago, that Joran van der Sloot was living in Bangkok and offered an acquaintance of his in Holland to deliver Thai girls for a price of Baht 500,000 or €uro 10,000 per girl.

The girls were promised they would act as dancers in Holland but the real reason behind all this was/is probably of a different nature...(I am careful here since the program* is not aired yet...)

According to Van der Sloot he would take care of passports and visa documents, necessary to travel to The Netherlands.

Peter R. de Vries was contacted by a vague friend of Joran and offered his help. This man, together with an employee of De Vries' team traveled to Bangkok recently where Joran was ''exposed and secretly filmed'' for the 2nd time by the De Vries team.

* The Part II of the Joran van der Sloot story will be aired on Sunday, November 9, 2008 and will draw millions of viewers, no doubt.

Most newspapers in Holland reported the news on their front pages.

Joran van der Sloot was secretly filmed in a hotel room in THE LANDMARK HOTEL - Bangkok. The team was also showing his (he's 21 !) villa in Bangkok and driving around on a big motorbike (Harley style) - (photos in papers).

Another, famous Dutch Television Host, Ivo Niehe was staying in a rather expensive Hotel in Bhutan (!?) in September when he spotted Joran van der Sloot at a table next to him. Joran recognized Mr. Niehe and disappeared. It seems that Joran has enough money to travel around whilst living in a big villa in Bangkok, driving a big motorbike....

The story, no doubt, will be followed up and it remains to be seen if the Thai Police will have enough evidence to arrest Joran van der Sloot, or not, after seeing the footage of the 1 1/2 hour of television on November 9, Sunday.

According to a large newspaper, Thai authorities have been informed about Joran van der Sloot and an "arrest is not to be excluded" as the Dutch paper, De Telegraaf, reported

But maybe Joran van der Sloot won't wait for the outcome and has fled Thailand already.

We'll see.

Photos Joran van der Sloot:



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I dont think it's a good idea to post this here, as it may give the suspect the chance to disappear into thin air quickly.....

better inform the immigration so they can check his whereabout immidiately.....

Crimereporter, Peter R. de Vries, responsible for the undercover operation earlier this year as well as the secret filming in Bangkok, phoned Joran van der Voort this week in Bangkok to inform him that he had been exposed for the second time and asked him if he had anything to say regarding the undercover operation.

Joran denied, of course, everything and KNEW that he would be ''on air'' Sunday, November 9th.

Apart from that, Thai Authorities have been informed also.

Next to that, Joran is so well known now around the world that many Dutch and American tourists tipped De Vries that he was in Bangkok; they filmed him , took pictures etc.

Joran is a very big and tall guy and not easy to hide himself.


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AMSTERDAM, 08/11/08 - Crime reporter Peter R. De Vries has again caught Joran van der Sloot, in many eyes the murderer of American teenager Natalee Holloway, in an undercover operation trap. De Vries now claims to have collected evidence that the young Dutchman is involved in women-trafficking in Thailand.

This Sunday (9 November), De Vries will show in his TV programme, he claims, that Van der Sloot offers women for sale in the Thai capital Bangkok for the Dutch prostitution market. On hidden camera he explains how he supplies girls for 10,000 euros each, who work for 300 dollars a month in Dutch brothels.

Van der Sloot, the son of a judge in Aruba, said in February to an infiltrator working for De Vries that he dumped the body of Natalee Holloway, a teenager from the American state of Alabama, in the sea. He said she died suddenly while they were engaged in sexual activities on a beach. To the surprise of many, including De Vries, the authorities in the Netherlands and the Netherlands Antilles did not consider this confession serious enough for Van der Sloot to be arrested. Since then, he has been in the Far East.

Now trouble is looming again for Van der Sloot. Daily newspaper De Telegraaf, for which De Vries is a columnist, disclosed Friday that the film that will be broadcast on Sunday shows Van der Sloot doing business in a hotel room, in the presence of two Thai prostitutes, with what he thinks is a Dutch sex industry entrepreneur who was in reality working for De Vries. The reporter, with a star reputation, said in the newspaper that the film provides evidence of preparations for human trafficking.


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Good job Laopo , you got the facts right .

As I said , I just knew the global story , and thought

it was clear he was the murderer , but now its cleared

as you stated how it really stands in this case , thanks for that !

( although personally I do think he stinks )

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:o can somebody post a picture?maybe tv readers can help catch him

Amazing , even more considering that this criminal is only 21 years old !

as stated above he is a murderer .

Not exactly a fan of Joran van der Sloot, but to get the facts right: he never confessed to murdering anyone. What he confessed in the under cover operation was getting rid of the body, after she suddenly died.

Sure hope he will get arrested and not just deported.

Tijnebijn: I am sorry but I have to agree with Mario2008 here.

Joran van der Sloot*, 21, and from Aruba/Netherlands Antilles and Holland son of an Attorney/Lawyer, is not a convicted murderer. He is still a suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway/USA on Aruba, May 30, 2005 but he is not believed to have killed her but surely involved in her disappearance (after she died.....or..wasn't dead yet.... :D ). The case is vague at this point and it could not be proved that he actually killed her.

post-13995-1226164736_thumb.jpg Natalee Holloway disappeared on May 30, 2005 on Aruba Island/Netherlands Antilles.


* There are many video results about Joran van der Sloot on Google/YouTube, showing his 'confession' when he was secretly filmed in a specially prepared Range Rover:


It could be that Thaivisa members never heard of the story but it was HUGE news in the USA, Netherlands Antilles as well as in The Netherlands.

Dutch Crimereporter Peter R. de Vries published many television reports about the case with the climax of an, UNHEARD OF, Undercover Operation where he and his team exposed Joran van der Sloot, 'confessing' -secretly filmed- that he knew about the disappearance of Natalee Holloway and what happened with her, since he was with her that night on the beach on Aruba.

The television broadcast on February 3, 2008 attracted the LARGEST EVER audience on Dutch television (and later the same in the USA on many Networks) and was watched by almost 50% of the total Dutch population of 16 Million.

Peter R. de Vries was recently awarded with an Emmy Award in New York because of his undercover production about the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

Everything about the disappearance of Natalee Holloway is here:


So: why now Thailand ?


possibly involved in Thai Girl trafficking


Key figure, Crimereporter Peter R. de Vries, mentioned last night on Dutch television that he was no longer interested in Joran van der Sloot, until he was informed, some months ago, that Joran van der Sloot was living in Bangkok and offered an acquaintance of his in Holland to deliver Thai girls for a price of Baht 500,000 or €uro 10,000 per girl.

The girls were promised they would act as dancers in Holland but the real reason behind all this was/is probably of a different nature...(I am careful here since the program* is not aired yet...)

According to Van der Sloot he would take care of passports and visa documents, necessary to travel to The Netherlands.

Peter R. de Vries was contacted by a vague friend of Joran and offered his help. This man, together with an employee of De Vries' team traveled to Bangkok recently where Joran was ''exposed and secretly filmed'' for the 2nd time by the De Vries team.

* The Part II of the Joran van der Sloot story will be aired on Sunday, November 9, 2008 and will draw millions of viewers, no doubt.

Most newspapers in Holland reported the news on their front pages.

Joran van der Sloot was secretly filmed in a hotel room in THE LANDMARK HOTEL - Bangkok. The team was also showing his (he's 21 !) villa in Bangkok and driving around on a big motorbike (Harley style) - (photos in papers).

Another, famous Dutch Television Host, Ivo Niehe was staying in a rather expensive Hotel in Bhutan (!?) in September when he spotted Joran van der Sloot at a table next to him. Joran recognized Mr. Niehe and disappeared. It seems that Joran has enough money to travel around whilst living in a big villa in Bangkok, driving a big motorbike....

The story, no doubt, will be followed up and it remains to be seen if the Thai Police will have enough evidence to arrest Joran van der Sloot, or not, after seeing the footage of the 1 1/2 hour of television on November 9, Sunday.

According to a large newspaper, Thai authorities have been informed about Joran van der Sloot and an "arrest is not to be excluded" as the Dutch paper, De Telegraaf, reported

But maybe Joran van der Sloot won't wait for the outcome and has fled Thailand already.

We'll see.

Photos Joran van der Sloot:



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Declaring him PNG & deporting him would suit me.

Locking him up in a Thai prison would suit me.

OK, locking you up in a Thai prison would suit me very much, thank you.


Because I would like that.


Yes, as stupid as your remark.

As you can read, this man was suspected of a killing, and set free because there was no proof at all that he was indeed guilty of killing the girl.

He is NOT convicted of any crime, why lock him up in a Thai prison?

Just because Peter de Vries THINKS he did kill the girl?

Just because public opinion in the US is enough to condemn someone?

Just because this guy flees to Thailand because wants to escape that stupid <deleted> de Vries?

He is in Thailand, which only shows the Dutch authorities had no grounds to withdraw his passport.

Why in Thailand?

Why not?

Like all his remarks, statements and fantasies, Joran only shows he is a compulsive liar.


Oh yes, very much.

But guilty without judging?


Is he an example of the kind of tourists I am happy with?


But, his father is a judge, quite rich, probably rather influential.

You see?

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If someone wants this guy, then they should file charges against him. His home country can take his passport pending an investigation. If he is really suspected of trafficking then the Thai police can deal with him legally or at least deport him as an undesirable person. It probably wouldn't be hard to nail him on something. The problem is, his next stop will probably be Cambodia where the pickings are even easier.

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But, his father is a judge, quite rich, probably rather influential.

For the record but in fact not of real importance: Joran's father is NOT a Judge but an attorney/lawyer, whatever they're called. He was, in an earlier stage, nominated to become a Judge on the island of Aruba, but this nomination was withdrawn as far as I know, due to the case.

Rich ? I don't think so; modest income and living in a modest small house/bungalow on Aruba (it was shown on television many times). Certainly not in a wealthy upper class community. On the contrary.

The Bangkok villa from Joran (rented ?), as shown on a photo in the newspapers is a kind of larger villa than Joran's father/mother live in.

The father certainly had some influence within the legal and justice system on Aruba in the beginning of the investigations and interrogations of his son Joran.

But I highly doubt that this kind of influence is still in place.

His son has done too much damage, being involved in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway....may she RIP. :o


Edited by LaoPo
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Peter R. de Vries - crimereporter- from Holland showed his program on Dutch television tonight about Joran van der Sloot, presently in Bangkok. The program was pre-bublished as PART II in the Natalee Holloway/Joran van der Sloot case and to be sensational.

To be honest, I don't know what to think or say about the content of the program.

The program is basically to be divided into 2 parts and the first part was about the Holloway case.

A new witness, a young girl from Holland/Aruba, met Joran on Aruba one year after the disappearance of Natalee.

She dated/met Joran on several occasions and they even went on an evening to the same beach where Natalee disappeared. This was in 2006 according to the program. It is strange that this girl was never mentioned before, now 2 years AFTER she met Joran. She knew who Joran was and was quite interested in him, so she said.

This girl now spoke out about her meetings with Joran but nothing special as far as I could tell. She didn't want to have her face aired and was in the shade when she was filmed.

De Vries further showed a total of 9 1/2 hours of tape (from the secret undercover operation, 9 months ago) to 4 different scientists/psychologists, all Professors, Dr's in Holland and asked them their opinion if Joran told the truth when he was secretly filmed during many different trips in the specially prepared Range Rover (with many mini-cameras and microphones) and whereby Joran spoke (and was asked) about the disappearance to an undercover guy (this man, Patrick, was convicted once and not allowed to travel to the USA because of his past).

This man offered Joran joints (soft drugs) during their trips and he smoked them during the -secret- filming. This Patrick, ''played'' being his friend when they met in a Dutch casino.

The scientists/psychologists believed that Joran spoke the truth during those undercover sessions in the car, meaning that Natalee indeed -unexpectedly- died that night on the beach (cause(s) unknown) and that Joran, for one reason or another, got rid of her body with the help of a mysterious -not know yet- person.

The last part of that particular evening/night is only known to Joran and possibly another person. Joran himself claimed during the secret filming that Natalee suddenly started shaking in a terrible way and passed away/out and that he panicked.

Joran also ''confessed'' during the filming that they did NOT have actual sex but were (just) touching each other genitals and playing; the scientists believe him when he spoke out during the secret filming.

Natalee was quite a small girl, - 5 ft 4 in (1.60 m), weight 110 lb (50 kg) - and had been drinking quite a bit during her stay in Aruba and also that evening; sources claim she was drunk.

The tourist party scene on Aruba is quite active so to say and it could have been that she took drugs, known or not by Joran and his friends (total 3 guys) with whom she left a club that evening -late-, warned by her other group of girlfriends NOT to do so, and stepped in the car of one of the 3 (not Joran's car; he wa too young to have a driving license).

That was the last time she was seen.

The second part of the program was about Joran in Bangkok and his ''actions'' about women/girl trafficking.

Joran chatted with a poker-web friend in Holland, a young early twenty guy, about poker but which chatting turned to 'girls' at a certain stage.

This guy ended up contacting Peter R. de Vries who sent him, together with an employee of De Vries, to Bangkok.

To be frank:

Joran doesn't know anything about how to apply/get Visa for Holland/Schengen and/or how to handle this. He said that it would be easy to get a visa and that one just have to fill in the forms telling WHAT the reason was for the visit to Holland and for how long -max 3 months-. Hmmm...we all know that the truth is a bit different.

He knew he couldn't go to the Dutch Embassy because everyone would recognize him. A vague remark was made talking about visiting Thai Embassies in Germany (which doesn't make sense at all of course).

He visited the 2 guys from Holland in the Landmark Hotel where cameras were installed, together with an American friend from Seattle, a certain Luke (who didn't say one word BTW).

He brought along 2 girls who were/are dancers but one of the girls told she was still in school and could only go to Holland after Xmas. Watching the -type of- girls I doubt they were still in school. They had a job as dancers in a club. Anyway the girls weren't interested very much and left.

In the end (of the few days the 2 were in BKK) the 2 guys from Holland gave Joran € 1.000 for expenses, paperwork etc. for the future, asking him to arrange girls...and went back to Holland.

De Vries phoned Joran a few days ago which was taped of course and confronted him that he had been exposed (again) as a ''would-be'' women trafficker.

Joran denied everything but thanked De Vries for the money.

I am not sure of course if the Thai Police can/will do anything with/to Joran based on the film-material by De Vries because actual trafficking never happened; just big talk as far as I have been watching.

However I have no doubt that Joran WOULD have ''delivered/sent'' girls to Holland IF he would have had an easy way to do so. But that's not hard evidence.

We'll see.


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I dont think it's a good idea to post this here, as it may give the suspect the chance to disappear into thin air quickly.....

better inform the immigration so they can check his whereabout immidiately.....

Thailand's a well-known place for relatively cheap plastic surgery - and getting false identity papers.

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