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Dutch Suspect In Natalee Holloway Case Reported To Be In Bangkok


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A Dutch reporter says Joran van der Sloot, the main suspect in the disappearance of US citizen Natalee Holloway on the Caribbean island of Aruba, is now living in Bangkok making a living off 'exporting' Thai prostitutes to Holland.

The only news source I have is in Dutch:


English-language media will probably pick up on this later, after this guy puts his report on a TV show.

Well, if he is out and about scouting for Thai hookers to export, I think most of us know some likely spots that he is using for his "hunting grounds". I would personally thoroughly enjoy finding this guy myself. And I hope they don't deport him back to Holland. A nice long stay in a BKK prison would be far more appropriate than the much more egalitarian and humane justice system in Holland. Keep your eyes open for this miscreant mates, he is out and about somewhere. Anybody got a recent pic of this clown???

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The problem is, if you have enough money you can do any yhing in thailand, thats why so meny criminal people goes here.

One thai lady steel from me, and the police would not do any thing, only making a repport. Then i had to pay for laywer and court myself. I did not want to spend more more money or time on her, so now i have copi of her id card on the wall in my cafe toilet, with the headline FARANG WARNING.

And i send copi of id card and police repport to meny embassy's so she cant get back into EU.

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Some inflammatory posts and the responses to them have been removed. If anyone happens to have any information regarding this individual, the correct people to contact are the police, not Thaivisa members.

He is not wanted by the police. He has been arrested and released multiple times for this already.

The journalist who said he is in Bangkok is somebody who wrote a book about this and has been drumming up this case for a long time now, so he can sell more books and get himself on TV. He is far from a credible source or somebody you should be taking information to the Thai police for.

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The problem is, if you have enough money you can do any yhing in thailand, thats why so meny criminal people goes here.

One thai lady steel from me, and the police would not do any thing, only making a repport. Then i had to pay for laywer and court myself. I did not want to spend more more money or time on her, so now i have copi of her id card on the wall in my cafe toilet, with the headline FARANG WARNING.

And i send copi of id card and police repport to meny embassy's so she cant get back into EU.

i tihngks iff can hab psroblemsz wis thaai ppeolpe kan helpp sizujusationsz if can spkkk engrit nit noi

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Joran conned a dutchman out of money about a year ago, maybe he was just attempting another con. he did end up receiving 1000 euro

2 points:

- it is not that difficult to get the 3 months Visas as is suggested here, dutch friends regularly have TG visiting for 3 months.

- Joran is on tape saying he played poker last night, he is a profesional poker player, which is illegal in thailand, it's not as bad as trafficking, but could still be enough reason to deport him

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post-13995-1226203243_thumb.png Joran van der Sloot on his bike

Another article:



What I see, is a young man on a motor bike WITHOUT helmet, just going maybe 50 mtr away from a nice villa, where the motorbike was parked. First-of-all: I thought, with all those police around, you even cannot drive 1 km WITHOUT helmet. Second: who convinces me, he LIVES there, even it is HIS motor bike ?

What Mr Peter R. de Vries, his big enemy after he was thrown a half glass of wine in his face on TV by Joran, is not something always has to be 100% true.

Third: the so-called name card, with a 080 mobile number on. That is possible in thaland ? I know 081, 084, 085, 089, but .. 080 ? ( sorry, I live abroard, and are only a few weeks per year in Thailand, I am not sure )

For the Nataly Holloway case: he was piut two times in investigation arrest, but the police could not find enough evidence to keep him. When all had to be arrested, who confess a crime, all prisons were full already.

Yes, Joran has a VERY BIG MOUTH, but when all farangs + Thais I met since 1993, and offerend me a "girl friend for the ..." were an example of all living in Thailand, and all were put in jail, there was no space anymore for newcombers.

Still: hurting so much the Thai name, for me even that is enough to give him a chance to see State Hotel in State Uniform from the inside for some time...

And after that: in a mental hospital. He is as crazy as ...

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Jordan van der Sloot alweer zo'n hebzuchtig figuur. Don't worry people, he only can have a big mouth umong his Aruban people. Not among, Thaipeople. He better confest and try to get over with. Now he is a hunted deer. And not by one man. I like to wispher him some words in his ear. At the end he is a loser-loser.

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Latest update: Missing since Friday night. Has been spotted on the way to Koh Samui .... Even his lawyer cannot contact him.

uh, .....and lawyers never lie? Someone mentioned OJ in t his thread. One thing which happened during the OJ mess that seemed to slip under the newsworthy radar, so to speak: The morning after Nicole's murder, OJ's lawyer was video taped leaving OJ's mansion with a large briefcase by his side. One or two reporters asked him what was in it. He just grinned, said nothing, and walked briskly to his car - and split. Yes, there's 'attorney-client confidentiality', but there's sometimes a thin line between that - and aiding and abetting a crime.

It never ceases to amaze me how so many bad apples end up here in Thailand. The immigration officials might want to start googling names so they know who they are letting in the country.

Was he ever convicted of any crime? Not much they could justifiably do. Accused does not make one guilty.

There are hundreds of thousands of 'bad apples' around the world. Who's to say Thailand has more than a fair ratio of them?

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is it easy to escape from thailand ? via cambodja ?

It worked for a VIP politician's son - who was running, after murdering a Thai cop in a nightclub - a few years ago. When he got back to Thailand, months later, his big shot daddy had arranged for the kid to get off with barely a slap on the wrist. Now the kid has a high government position. Thai justice (oxymoron?) works in weird ways.

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is it easy to escape from thailand ? via cambodja ?

It worked for a VIP politician's son - who was running, after murdering a Thai cop in a nightclub - a few years ago. When he got back to Thailand, months later, his big shot daddy had arranged for the kid to get off with barely a slap on the wrist. Now the kid has a high government position. Thai justice (oxymoron?) works in weird ways.

And the main CONVICTED suspect in the tragic murder case of the well respected Jules Odekerken * from The Nertherlands who was brutally murdered in Pattaya in 2003 (!) is also still on the run.

However, Joran is not convicted for any crime (yet) and unless he is not brought to trial (again) he is in fact a free man, until the prosecutors will decide before the end of this year to prosecute him again, or not, (in the Natalee Holloway case that is)

If the Thai police is looking for him regarding the alleged preparations for girltrafficking is vague, so far. At least I didn't hear about it at all; that they are working on it and trying to locate him but I don't think he's in Thailand anymore.

* http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Murder-Case-...ov-t151991.html The Murder Case Of Jules Odekerken - Nov. 17, 2003


Edited by LaoPo
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Jordan van der Sloot alweer zo'n hebzuchtig figuur. Don't worry people, he only can have a big mouth umong his Aruban people. Not among, Thaipeople. He better confest and try to get over with. Now he is a hunted deer. And not by one man. I like to wispher him some words in his ear. At the end he is a loser-loser.

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Amazing , even more considering that this criminal is only 21 years old !

Its a person who doesn't care about anyone or anything but himself , as stated above

he is a murderer . There will be an undercover tv show on Sunday in the Netherlands

trapping him again saying he killed the American girl , and wanted to hire an assassin to kill

the man who is stalking him ( P R de Vries ) ever since his first confession

in another undercover operation , where he confessed to his murder .

The crime journalists name is Peter R de Vries , who even got an Emmy for his work on his show .

Hope , if proven he already did business in human trafficking , the Thai police will know what to do

with him .

Som Nam Na

Not exactly a fan of Joran van der Sloot, but to get the facts right: he never confessed to murdering anyone. What he confessed in the under cover operation was getting rid of the body, after she suddenly died.

Sure hope he will get arrested and not just deported.

Yes, let us indeed get the facts right: van der Sloot was with Natalee, and poured huge qauntities of alcohol into her. He was with her on the beach when she passed out. He knew that something was wrong and failed to render or seek aid. His call instead was to a criminal accomplice who took her out to sea and dumped her overboard. Neither of them were medically able to make a call of death. A person in a deep coma can mimic death with extremely shallow breathing and weak pulse.

Put it into whatever legal terms that you want, but van der Sloot is responsible for her death through his negligence and dumping of her body.

Someone needs to take this SOB out.

Here's hoping he gets to rot in a Thai prison.

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dutch lawyer

Mr. Peter Plasman

After viewing the images suggests lawyer Peter Plasman that Van der Sloot is punishable, both in Thailand and the Netherlands, according to him because he is clearly concerned with preparing for women trafficking.

Crucial is :Joran took the money. And said later :thanks for the money

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dutch lawyer

And said later :thanks for the money


I'm sure he did say thanks. He thought he had just ripped off the stupidest person in Bangkok. Who the heck would pay money to this shmuch to locate prostitutes to work abroad when you can easily find hundreds of them for free that are willing to go to Europe by just going to Pattaya or Nana Plaza? It's obvious he had no intention other than scamming some dumb farang out of their cash.

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dutch lawyer

And said later :thanks for the money


I'm sure he did say thanks. He thought he had just ripped off the stupidest person in Bangkok. Who the heck would pay money to this shmuch to locate prostitutes to work abroad when you can easily find hundreds of them for free that are willing to go to Europe by just going to Pattaya or Nana Plaza? It's obvious he had no intention other than scamming some dumb farang out of their cash.

So he took money under false pretenses,

seems prosecutable with the right Thai cop and judge.

I agree, you practically trip over girls, guys and katoeys

who would LOVE to get a trip to EU land and will keep

your willy very happy until they can get there.

Why would you EVER need Joran Van Der Pimp to do it?

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He isn't a gangster he's a naive rich boy.

Well the young lad is well on his way to BECOMING a gangster.

This person is obviously a warped sociopath, possibly a psychopath as well. I would suspect as you have above, that he is a wanne-be tough guy who is probably not ever going to be a tough guy. The inevitable is only a matter of time. What's the over/under on the number of months before he is found face down in a ditch?

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dutch lawyer

And said later :thanks for the money


I'm sure he did say thanks. He thought he had just ripped off the stupidest person in Bangkok. Who the heck would pay money to this shmuch to locate prostitutes to work abroad when you can easily find hundreds of them for free that are willing to go to Europe by just going to Pattaya or Nana Plaza? It's obvious he had no intention other than scamming some dumb farang out of their cash.

the 1000€ was a small part of the deal (down payment )

the deal was 10.000 € for 1 girl 

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the 1000€ was a small part of the deal (down payment )

the deal was 10.000 € for 1 girl 

Yeah, that was the arrangement, but most likely the plan was to take the 1000 euros and run before the dude realizes the incredible stupidity of what he had just done. You want to meet a prostitute that wants to work in Europe, you don't need to pay 1000 euros, most people would take you to Nana Plaza for the price of a beer. I can only assume you have never been to Thailand.

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Look at the Peter dv Show !

Telegraaf :

Sunday, the whole thing revealed in a show of Peter R. de Vries on SBS 6, but De Telegraaf was the first to see the images. And it would appear that the former suspect in Natalee's disappearance now lives in a spacious villa in Bangkok and that he sells Thai women for 10,000 euros per piece .

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I just saw on Yahoo that a new witness has come forth in the case. She is pointing a finger at this guy. The police, however, still don't have any evidence. I can't provide a link because I am technologically challenged (and wish to stay that way)!

They also said he had been in Thailand but his whereabouts is a 'mystery'.

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