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Dutch Suspect In Natalee Holloway Case Reported To Be In Bangkok


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I hadn't realized his Dad had already died at age 57 of a heart attack. Just a guess, but it must have been very stressful to have a son like that, and also it was clear his Dad was involved in trying to cover up for Joran. Wrong, but understandable.

Also, it's not going to help Joran that the new murder victim comes from a big shot Peruvian family.

As a Dutch guy i say.. finally justice i hope the convict him and lock him up for years.

As another Dutch Uncle I hope that this time they manage to hold him till he's finally gone through the judicial system and if found guilty jailed. If found not guilty, so be it.

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Crying shame it took another death before he could be properly nailed,

and hoepfully then welded into a small box for life, on an adequate but tasteless diet.

Some people are born with the morality switch firmly set off, and this is a perfect case study.

Demanding for a $250K to tell where Nathalie's body is, is about as low as it gets.

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Yep, this is what happens when you don't hang em high. They keep doing it and this guy may have gotten away with others too. Any unsolved murders in Thailand near where he lived?

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Yep, this is what happens when you don't hang em high. They keep doing it and this guy may have gotten away with others too. Any unsolved murders in Thailand near where he lived?

He lived in Bangkok did regular trips to Pattaya so i geuss that since he lived here and now that in those 2 city's alone there must been alot of unsolved murders of young woman i do hope the Thai police will at least think like we do and at take a closer look at those unsolved murders....

I was wondering if he did this in Thailand as well was the very first thing that came to my mind when i saw that he was again involved in a new case it wouldent surprise me,i hope not!!!

And if you see how easy he kills..the reason he gives for this murder is "she toke my notebook and found out who i was,she entered my private life"

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There is no death penalty in Peru. After he gets a taste of the prisons there, he will probably wish there was. I seriously doubt he is a serial killer though, unless you count two for that. It is gratifying to see a villain like him finally face justice. Kind of like O.J.

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There is no death penalty in Peru. After he gets a taste of the prisons there, he will probably wish there was. I seriously doubt he is a serial killer though, unless you count two for that. It is gratifying to see a villain like him finally face justice. Kind of like O.J.

The max sentence in Peru is 35 years for murder. The Dutchman confessed after 2 days of interrogation by Peruvian police

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There is no death penalty in Peru. After he gets a taste of the prisons there, he will probably wish there was. I seriously doubt he is a serial killer though, unless you count two for that. It is gratifying to see a villain like him finally face justice. Kind of like O.J.

The max sentence in Peru is 35 years for murder. The Dutchman confessed after 2 days of interrogation by Peruvian police

If you are suggesting he is innocent, I doubt it. I don't doubt Peruvian police use hard core methods but in this case I would guess he confessed because he knew there was no way out and it might reduce his sentence. They have very incriminating video of his actions at the time of the murder (some of which has been shown on tv and is REALLY incriminating), plus I have also heard bloody clothing.

Edited by Jingthing
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I seriously doubt he is a serial killer though, unless you count two for that.

What could possibly motivate you to develop such an opinion? The man is a vile sociopath who has admitted killing one woman with his bare hands and has all but admitted involvement with the death and disappearance of another woman, and has the unmitigated gall to extort money from her family in exchange for information about her whereabouts. He is a compulsive liar who gets his jollies from telling those lies. Based upon the evidence that has been made public, I would suggest that he is much more likely to be guilty of multiple homicides than just the one. I shudder to think of how many more Stephany's or Natalee's might be out there.

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//removed by Admin

Not slightly. Totally.

I agree; has nothing to do with this topic.


Edited by webfact
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The opinion of the hired private investigator, a former Private NYPD Detective, Bo Dietl.

Bo Dietl was hired by the family of Natalee Holloway, the disappeared girl on Aruba, 5 years ago, and Dietl was involved in an undercover operation on Aruba where he paid $ 10,000 in cash to Joran van der Sloot, so he claims. This cash money was paid to him by the family of Natalee.

That was supposed to be a down payment on the agreed upon $ 250,000 whereby Van der Sloot would reveal where the body of Natalee Holloway was buried.

The FBI says they set up a meeting and filmed the meeting in a hotel room on Aruba and that a further (down payment) $ 15,000 was wired from the US to an account in The Netherlands.

The Host Interviewer, Bill O'Reilly asked why the FBI didn't arrest Van der Sloot immediately when he handed him the $ 10,000 in cash (and which act was video taped, according to the FBI)


The answers to this remain vague; read for yourself in the interview.

excerpt from:

Did the FBI Botch Van der Sloot Case ?*

"DIETL: He went all over Thailand. You're going to have other people dead. This is a homicidal maniac".


Did FBI Botch Van Der Sloot Case?

Did FBI Botch Van Der Sloot Case? - Bill O'Reilly | The O'Reilly Factor - FOXNews.com


Did FBI Botch Van Der Sloot Case? - Video - FoxNews.com


Personally, I find the remark by Dietl not factual and overdone when he said: "You're going to have other people dead."

The involvement of Van der Sloot in the disappearance in Natalee's case and the killing of the Peruvian girl is more than sad, tragic and dramatic enough for both girls and families and friends but a remark like Dietl's brings more and more unrest which, in this stadium, is unnecessary since there is no other case linked to Van der Sloot; also not in Thailand.

Van der Sloot showed he had cash money in a plastic bag (he had little money on him when he was arrested in Chile; apparently he was almost broke, having lost a lot of money, playing Poker around the world) from Thailand, Cambodia, Peru and Bolivia.

For a Private Investigator to claim that Van der Sloot would possibly be involved for even more killings (or even all dead girls in said countries) is something he can't possibly know about and is, at least, very suggestive.

That doesn't mean I am not disgusted with Van der Sloot's involvements in the 2 girls' deaths...bah.gif


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Source: Undercover FBI agent passed money to van der Sloot in probe

June 10, 2010 -- Updated 1056 GMT (1856 HKT)

The FBI and U.S. attorney's office in Birmingham arranged for a meeting where van der Sloot was paid $10,000 in cash and another $15,000 in a wire transfer for information van der Sloot allegedly promised would lead to Holloway's body in Aruba, a source familiar with the case said. The meeting took place in May, according to the U.S. attorney's office in Birmingham.

Interpol documents show that the $15,000 was transferred to a personal bank account in the Netherlands. The information van der Sloot provided to the FBI was not true, according to the documents.

It's unclear if that money funded van der Sloot's trip to Colombia and into Peru, where authorities said he confessed this week to killing 21-year-old Stephany Flores Ramirez.

Members of Flores' family told CNN they knew days ago that the FBI had paid van der Sloot.

"We really don't have anything to say about it or what could have happened if we knew this information," said brother Enrique Flores, speaking by phone from Peru.


Source: Undercover FBI agent passed money to van der Sloot in probe - CNN.com with VIDEO


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Personally, I find the remark by Dietl not factual and overdone when he said: "You're going to have other people dead."

How many violent women-abusing sociopaths have you heard of throughout history, who admittedly beat one woman to death with bare hands, and all but admitted doing the same to another, and stopped at just one or two homicides? It just doesn't happen. They don't stop until they get caught. Dietl's opinion (yes, opinion, not statement of fact) is right on the money. Obviously I don't hope that his opinion is proven to be fact. But I do very much fear that he may be right. As he suggested, what should be done now is to have Interpol and other agencies retrace his steps over the past several years, including Thailand and any place else that he has been.

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Personally, I find the remark by Dietl not factual and overdone when he said: "You're going to have other people dead."

How many violent women-abusing sociopaths have you heard of throughout history, who admittedly beat one woman to death with bare hands, and all but admitted doing the same to another, and stopped at just one or two homicides? It just doesn't happen. They don't stop until they get caught. Dietl's opinion (yes, opinion, not statement of fact) is right on the money. Obviously I don't hope that his opinion is proven to be fact.

So do I, of course.

But the speculations are there already since CNN just reported that 2 young women are missing from/near a casino in Colombia when Van der Sloot was in Colombia....

In the same message they already speculate as follows: "Is Joran van der Sloot connected to 2 other Casino Girl Murders" .

You see, on one hand there are 2 missing girls and the next sentence they are killed.

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com VIDEO

On the other hand, I have sadly to admit that it wouldn't surprise many people IF he was/is connected.

He now also admitted, so the press speaks, that he knows the location of the body of Natalee Holloway but that he will only talk to the authorities of Aruba.

Official: Van der Sloot says he knows location of Holloway's body

Official: Van der Sloot says he knows location of Holloway's body - CNN.com


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He now also admitted, so the press speaks, that he knows the location of the body of Natalee Holloway but that he will only talk to the authorities of Aruba.


I want to add that Joran has been caught many times over, lying. He has told so many versions of his stories that it is impossible to tell and know whether he's lying or telling the truth.

The chances that he's lying are far greater than the other way around and the Media are starting to question already:

Van Der Sloot Talking About Holloway to Peru Authorities: Is He Lying Again?

Van Der Sloot Talking About Holloway to Peru Authorities: Is He Lying Again? - Greta Van Susteren | On The Record With Greta - FOXNews.com


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Bracketed by Crimes: Van Der Sloot's Last 5 Years

For Dutch murder suspect Van der Sloot, a five-year slide of world travel, poker and lies

Excerpt from Page 2 of the article:

"On his DateInAsia.com profile page, created when he was living in Thailand, he says he is attractive, agnostic, a smoker, regular drinker and a former professional card player. He retired from cards, he says, because it's "too much stress and ups and downs." In the sleepy Bangkok suburb of Muang Ake, he attended Rangsit University in 2008 as a business major but dropped out and bought the Sawadee Cup cafe just off the campus, which served sandwiches and pizza.

One person who met Van der Sloot there, a 35-year-old schoolteacher from Illinois named Matthew Lufcy, was struck by his cavalier attitude about his notoriety.

"I would describe him as arrogant, like nobody can do anything to me. He wasn't shy about it," Lufcy said. He said he met Van der Sloot's then-girlfriend, a blonde from California. Lufcy was surprised, given all the media attention on him, that she was with him.

Van der Sloot may have been a charmer, but he apparently wasn't much of a businessman. So says the young Thai woman who, with her American boyfriend, bought the cafe from him early this year.

"I looked at the documents and balance sheets he left. Many items just look wrong," said the woman, who would identify herself only by her first name, Siripat. Still, Siripat described him as "a very affable guy. He'd invite us for meals. Sometimes, he'd let us eat for free at his cafe."

One souvenir Van der Sloot apparently picked up in Thailand is visible on his chest in a photo taken during a medical checkup after Chilean police handed him over to Peruvian authorities on June 4. It is a tattoo that says, in Thai, "never mind." The word reflects two prominent characteristics of Thai culture in foreigners' eyes: tolerance and forgiveness."

Complete article, 4 pages:

Bracketed by Crimes: Van Der Sloot's Last 5 Years - ABC News


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  • 2 weeks later...

The guy tattooed "Ma pen rai" on his chest in Thai.

Yes, we saw that on him on the news from Peru when they paraded him around without a shirt on. Too bad the Thai police didn't get him for human trafficking of those young Thai women he was selling into prostitution in Holland. Maybe the girl from Peru would still be alive if Thailand would have jailed him.

Here he is in person telling the girls they are only expected to dance in Holland.

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