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I travel to Thailand at least twice a year, sometimes three visiting my GF

I will be travelling in January for 3 months to supervise the construction of a house in Esan. Supervise means I guess supply the finance for same.

As of late I have been relying on 30 day stamps on entry.

I propose on applying for a multiple entry O visa .

Don’t know If this matters I am over 55. Irish.

Outside of the visa application fee and what documents should I supply for Visiting friends or family.

Do not want a marriage visa, do not want to work. I just need to stay for longer periods without the worry or need to be doing border runs every 30 days.

This is what is asked on visa application.



(Please see 3 overleaf)

To be completed by non tourists only


Personally I would put to explore the possibility of retirement. You are over 50 and your passport will have your Date of Birth on it. You are really going to have to ask them if they will issue this to you. All consulates are different. Some will some won't.


You could always hop over to Hull Consulate in England. They will issue for visiting family and friends with no proof needed. Takes less than an hour to issue.


Thanks for the prompt reply Lite Beer.

As I stated would prefer not to go for retirement visa as my health is unsure need consistent medication and will never envisage spending more than six months in any one year.

As for applying via Hull would prefer applying via Thai Consulate in Dublin as I will hopefully be applying on an ongoing basis.

Views on documents that may be helpful in support of visa.


A Multi Entry Non O Visa would not be a Retirement Visa. The "O" means other. It could be anything.

It would not matter on what grounds it was issued . The Visa will only have written on it Non O Visa.

Give Dublin a ring and ask.

Believe Hull

will only return passports to a UK address.

A Multi Entry Non O Visa would not be a Retirement Visa. The "O" means other. It could be anything.

It would not matter on what grounds it was issued . The Visa will only have written on it Non O Visa.

Give Dublin a ring and ask.

Believe Hull

will only return passports to a UK address.

Yes only return to UK address (Great Britain and Northern Ireland only).

Postal applications will usually be processed and passports posted back within 24 hours of receipt. It is recommended

that applications are sent to us by Royal Mail Special Delivery. You are responsible for providing an appropriate

envelope duly stamped and addressed for safe return of your passport - the only trackable postal service is

SPECIAL DELIVERY. More than one application can be send in the same envelope and you can provide one envelope

for the return of more than one passport. Please note, we do not accept any responsibility for passports, etc which may

be lost while in transit to or from this office. If you are unable to provide a suitable return envelope we will organise the

secure return of your passport for an additional charge of £6 (Great Britain and Northern Ireland only).

If you are unable to provide a suitable return envelope we will organise the secure return of your passport for an additional charge of £6 (Great Britain and Northern Ireland only).

I read it to mean they cannot organise the return envelope if not in the UK or Northern Ireland for the 6 pound fee.

I think I would give them a call or email concerning this.

If you are unable to provide a suitable return envelope we will organise the secure return of your passport for an additional charge of £6 (Great Britain and Northern Ireland only).

I read it to mean they cannot organise the return envelope if not in the UK or Northern Ireland for the 6 pound fee.

I think I would give them a call or email concerning this.

No problem emailing but envisage them saying that why don’t you apply to Dublin consulate.

Any idea how I should word this email.

I seek your attention and advice in applying or a Multi entry O visa to visit my long term Girl Friend 5 years.

And family.

Normally I visit Thailand 2 -3 times. I now intend to spend more time with my GF AND FAMILY.

Can I apply via HULL as I live in Ireland what would the postage be for return?


Sean. You are making this a lot more complicated than it is.

1. Give Dublin a ring.

2. Give Hull a ring or send the E Mail as you stated.

They issue these Visas all day every day. It is no big deal.

Proof? How about a letter from your girlfriend asking them to issue you a Visa to visit her. Together with a copy of her ID Card.

I would still go the retirement route.


Just for info, mate of mine got his "O" from Dublin last July for visiting friends etc. He did not have to show proof and he was also living in Eire on a UK passport. Got it no problem. He did have a bone fide address in Rosscommon to mail it back to.


2. Give Hull a ring or send the E Mail as you stated…

I say, give them a ring. It they mail to Ireland or other European countries they may be reluctant to put this in writing, for obvious reasons.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



I can confirm I phoned both.

Irish Consulate was not helpful.

Hull consulate said download the visa application fill in fully, supply £100+£10 for postage. + Letter from GF and copy of passport and visa pages.

Which I have copies of Gf rushed home from retail therapy and wrote letter will get in 5 days. . It helped that I was also able

To prove that she was here on 6 occasions for 3 month trips.

Will keep all informed have a nice day.

Thanks all.

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