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Midnight Alms Round And Mekong Cultural Festival

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I was forgetting to tell you all about the Mekong cultural parades and midnight alms round news from chiangraifocus.com.

Hope people dont mine me posting a new thread instead of posting at the pinned one. Because i find easier for people to read about the up coming events in Chiang Rai. :o

Sorry in advance for my poor English if you find it hard to understand. :D

Today at midnight 24.00 pm the amphur muang will held a midnight alms round or Wan Pood Peng meaning Tuesday Moon. It's an old tradition of Lanna peoples and also to Tai Shan. According to the tale Pra Maha Upphakuth who's an Arhat come once a and a while to earth as a transformed form of a little novice blessing the mankind. Making merit on this night will be blessing with luck. This tradition is slowly fading today people doing this lesser then 10 years ago.

Would be great of any of you can contribute on this by making merit tonight at 24.00 pm at Thesaban Amphur Muang.


Tuesday 11 November 2008

22.00 pm the ceromony will be held at Wat Ming Muang, Amphur Muang Chiang Rai.

24.00 pm start the midnight alms round from Wat Ming Muang following the planned trail to Thetsabarn zone.

If you want to go please ask people in town for the location where monks will passing through.


Start from today Mekong Cultural festival will end at thursday so basically if you have 2 days left to visit it.

So dont miss out and have a nice Loy Kratong festival to you.


Tuesday 11 November 2008

09.00 pm -16.00 pm

Art Exhibition, Otop products and market.

17.00 pm – 18.00 pm

Mekong cultural parades from Suan Toon + Khoom (old prison) up to Mae Fah Luang Bridge.

19.00 pm – 20.30 pm

Festival opening at Mae Fah Luang bridge with shows and fire Works.

20.30 pm – 22.00 pm

Performances from various educational institutions from Chiang Rai province.

22.00 pm – 24.00 pm

Entertainment by singers and actors.


Wednesday 12 November 2008

09.00 pm

Modern kratong creations parades at old prison (Suan Toong and Khoom)

17.00 pm -18.00 pm

Mekong cultural parades from Suan Toon + Khoom (old prison) up to Mae Fah Luang Bridge where they held the event.

19.00 pm – 20.30 pm

Various performances showing on stage.

20.00 pm – 20.40 pm

Kratong parade and little Miss Loy Kratong contest (1st round)

22.40 pm – 21.00

2th round little Miss Loy Kratong contest.

21.00 pm – 22.00 pm

Final round of the little Miss Loy Kratong contest.

22.00 pm – 22.20 pm

Announcement of the winner.

22.20 pm – 24.00 pm

Entertainment by singers and actors.


Thursday 13 November 2008

09.00 pm

Elegant kratong parades at old prison.

16.00 pm – 18.00 pm

Stationing Kratong parades at old prison.

18.30 pm

Moving the parades according to the planned direction.

19.00 pm – 20.00 pm

Gathering the contestants of Miss Loy Kratong on stage at Mae Fah Muang bridge.

20.45 pm

Start the First round of Miss Loy Kratong contest.

5 Lanna show performances by educational institutions follow by the second round of Miss Loy Kratong contest.

22.00 pm

Giving awards for the best Kratong parades by category.

22.00 pm

Final Miss Loy Kratong contest.

22.30 pm – 24.00 pm

Entertainment by singers and actors.

Announcement and giving awards to the winner of Miss Loy Kratong contest and Kratong parades.


Anyway people i forgot to add another festival around the same time like that of Mekong Cultural parades and Midnight Alms round.

As we all know now the flowers are blooming at Doi Mae Salong. They held Bua Tong flower blooming festival at Doi Hua Mae Kham from 9-13 November 2008.

Anyone interest to visit the event can also expect shows by the hill tribe peoples. Thais tourists already flocking into Chiang Rai to taste the northern coldness.

Some pictures to get the idea of this festival.

Credit by : http://www.chiangraifocus.com/webboard/vie...=5132&cat=1




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