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Nonimm 'o', Multiple Entry

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Just picked up my passport from the Thai Embassy in Wash DC. Instead of getting the normal 1-year NonImm 'O,' they gave me only 6 months. They said it wasn't personal, that this is the current policy.

This happened a few years ago, but then all subsequent NonImm 'O' visas were for one year -- until now. No indication this was to happen when I submitted my application, the related marriage paperwork, and of course the $125. So, it looks like my annual visa tab will be $250.

Anyone else experience this 6-month NonImm 'O' visa? Where and when?

Date of issue: 2 Dec 04

Date of expiry: 1 Jun 05


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Just picked up my passport from the Thai Embassy in Wash DC. Instead of getting the normal 1-year NonImm 'O,' they gave me only 6 months. They said it wasn't personal, that this is the current policy.

I haven't noticed any other posts in this regard and I would expect that if so, it would be a hot topic. Maybe it's just a local policy at the embassy in DC (i.e. they do it because they can). Perhaps you should apply for your next visa come June at one of the many Thai consulates scattered across the US?

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Sound as if it as they say 'new policy'. What is the basis of your O visa? Believe many Consulates have a no multi entry O visa policy or had it for various periods. There has been a strong push to get people to extend stay rather than use multi entry visa and this may be part of that plan.

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Perhaps someone should tell the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the change in the rules?

Their web site show that there are TWO types of Non Immingrant visa:

Single Entry - valid 3 months

Mullti-entry - valid one year.

Perhaps a letter to the Head of Immigration in Suan Plu might help clear up

the obvious confusion here.

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Waste of time complaining.

I complained to the Hull Consulate about them charging double for a visa. I enclosed a letter from a thai lawyer stating the correct prices and that overcharging was against thai ministerial directives.

Their reply was basically "pay up or p@ss off"

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Sounds as if it as they say 'new policy'. What is the basis of your O visa? Believe many Consulates have a no multi entry O visa policy or had it for various periods. There has been a strong push to get people to extend stay rather than use multi entry visa and this may be part of that plan.

Basis of 'O' visa is marriage. This is the fifth 'O' visa in subsequent years, each with the same paperwork submitted (marriage license, Thai ID card, application requesting multiple entry 'O'). The first year, the visa was also for only 6 months. The next three were for the normal 1-year; and now, back to 6-months.

So, this is not something sudden, as they've done it (to me, at least) in years past.

Anyways, just another quirk I thought I'd share. (But still curious about others getting 'O' visas at RTE Wash DC.)

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Sounds as if it as they say 'new policy'. What is the basis of your O visa? Believe many Consulates have a no multi entry O visa policy or had it for various periods. There has been a strong push to get people to extend stay rather than use multi entry visa and this may be part of that plan.

Basis of 'O' visa is marriage. This is the fifth 'O' visa in subsequent years, each with the same paperwork submitted (marriage license, Thai ID card, application requesting multiple entry 'O'). The first year, the visa was also for only 6 months. The next three were for the normal 1-year; and now, back to 6-months.

So, this is not something sudden, as they've done it (to me, at least) in years past.

Anyways, just another quirk I thought I'd share. (But still curious about others getting 'O' visas at RTE Wash DC.)

Do the next one at the RTCG in Houston. They are liberal, and you can do it by mail. Washington sees that you are using multiples to avoid the financial obligations required to extend the visa for a year at a time.

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Sounds as if it as they say 'new policy'. What is the basis of your O visa? Believe many Consulates have a no multi entry O visa policy or had it for various periods. There has been a strong push to get people to extend stay rather than use multi entry visa and this may be part of that plan.

Basis of 'O' visa is marriage. This is the fifth 'O' visa in subsequent years, each with the same paperwork submitted (marriage license, Thai ID card, application requesting multiple entry 'O'). The first year, the visa was also for only 6 months. The next three were for the normal 1-year; and now, back to 6-months.

So, this is not something sudden, as they've done it (to me, at least) in years past.

Anyways, just another quirk I thought I'd share. (But still curious about others getting 'O' visas at RTE Wash DC.)

Wash has never been regarded as easy and is probably the first in the food chain to go with new policy so if anyone gets six months from other source it would be most interesting to have your reports. This may be the answer to those who need multi entry but make it hard to abuse by those not meeting extension requirements (due to more frequent need/cost for visa). Time will tell. Maybe. :o

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this Summer i applied for a 1Y Multiple Non-B in Vienna on the grounds of investment, backed by a letter of recommendation by one of this forum's sponsors. Was turned down to a 1 single entry and after some talk with them I finally received a 6 month 2 entry Non-B. They also told me about new regulations in Bangkok, said they had to forward the application to the ministry, and they did not agree on a 1Y.


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Exactly the same thing happened to me a couple of months ago. I applied for a 1 year multi entry non-o based on marriage and got only 6 months multi entry. I'm going for the B400k 1 year extension anyway but I still think it is cheap of them. (US embassy in DC in my case too...)

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This may be the answer to those who need multi entry but make it hard to abuse by those not meeting extension requirements (due to more frequent need/cost for visa). Time will tell. Maybe. huh.gif
Yeah, but you might recall from another thread that my situation requires stays of less than 90 days due to an ancient mother. And although I meet all the requirements for an extension based on either marriage or retirement, the fact that I may not be in Thailand the same time(s) each year could preclude renewing this extension if I'm not there for the anniversary date.

Here's the quote from the Embassy web page:

Visa has a 3 month validity and, as a result, must be utilized within 3 months as from the date of issue (more than 3 month up to 1 year validity of visa may be granted on a case by case basis, if more than one or multiple entries visa is issued.)

So, I guess they're hanging their hat on the "case by case basis." This webpage was last updated April 2004, so this isn't anything really new.

Well, that's life. Will see what happens in June. If I get another 6 monther, may just go for the extension -- and hope I can be there every year at the same time for renewal.

Oh, if my first extension is, say, dated from 5 Jan 2005, if I renewed this extension the following year 30 days ahead of expiration, as allowed, would the new extension still be dated from Jan 5 -- or would it start from the Dec date when I applied for renewal?

Lingling, did you also apply in tanktop, lip piercing, and unshaven? Maybe we goofed.


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Well, that's life. Will see what happens in June. If I get another 6 monther, may just go for the extension -- and hope I can be there every year at the same time for renewal.

Get the one-year extension and then immigrations can get in on the money-go-round and whack you for the fee for a multiple-reentry permit. Aren't those up to 5000 baht or so now with the last price hike? :o

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....Oh, if my first extension is, say, dated from 5 Jan 2005, if I renewed this extension the following year 30 days ahead of expiration, as allowed, would the new extension still be dated from Jan 5 -- or would it start from the Dec date when I applied for renewal?

Get the one-year extension and then immigrations can get in on the money-go-round and whack you for the fee for a multiple-reentry permit. Aren't those up to 5000 baht or so now with the last price hike? :o

Non-imm extensions are always effective from the last expiry date. In your case Jan 5, regardless when the application is filed.

Re-entry permits: Baht 1000 for single. 3800 for multiple. Means multiple only worthwhile for 4 or more entries within the same validity of the permit to stay

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Oh, if my first extension is, say, dated from 5 Jan 2005, if I renewed this extension the following year 30 days ahead of expiration, as allowed, would the new extension still be dated from Jan 5 -- or would it start from the Dec date when I applied for renewal?

Your best bet is to do a visa run on the 4th of Jan 2005( returning on that date into Thailand). You'll get 90 days not 1 day. This 6 month visa is good for almost 9 months.


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Oh, if my first extension is, say, dated from 5 Jan 2005, if I renewed this extension the following year 30 days ahead of expiration, as allowed, would the new extension still be dated from Jan 5 -- or would it start from the Dec date when I applied for renewal?

Your best bet is to do a visa run on the 4th of Jan 2005( returning on that date into Thailand). You'll get 90 days not 1 day. This 6 month visa is good for almost 9 months.


Believe he was talking about a hypothetical extension of stay for support of Thai wife visa so 'visa runs' are not part of that plan. :o

But your point about visa being good for up to 9 months is valid if the timing of his visits is such that he can arrange it using the multi entry type.

Believe I would just go with the multi type for now - but perhaps change my source.

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Oh, if my first extension is, say, dated from 5 Jan 2005, if I renewed this extension the following year 30 days ahead of expiration, as allowed, would the new extension still be dated from Jan 5 -- or would it start from the Dec date when I applied for renewal?

Your best bet is to do a visa run on the 4th of Jan 2005( returning on that date into Thailand). You'll get 90 days not 1 day. This 6 month visa is good for almost 9 months.


Believe he was talking about a hypothetical extension of stay for support of Thai wife visa so 'visa runs' are not part of that plan. :o

But your point about visa being good for up to 9 months is valid if the timing of his visits is such that he can arrange it using the multi entry type.

Believe I would just go with the multi type for now - but perhaps change my source.

and those sources are many and varied Lop. :D

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