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I'm not really a portrait man (as can be seen) but the G/F has zillions of good looking relatives who keep pestering me for snaps.

To say I'm getting a luke warm reaction is a an understatement.

So, what's good/bad about this shot. I quite liked it but Puei turned her nose up. Conversely her mother loved it! :o

I hasten to add that a fair bit of airbrushing was required here to remove the 16 year old blemishes and zits!

I really do need some pointers and your opinions would be most appreciated.


Im not expert.

I like the shot, lighting was good and photo sharp , skin tone , hair and background contrast all good. didnt pick up on the airbrushing either.

technically it looks fine , but the smile does not look natural to me.

Good point "Tax" - reminds me now of the old adage of "the second shot is always the best"


Exposure is very good and she should love that.

Smile as Tax mentioned a bit artificial, joking around and shooting loads of pics is a lot of fun and can create fantastic images

The front shoulder strap is very clear, maybe a bit dominant for a portrait maybe less DOF would benefit

Normally the Thai women like to feel taller, so if you shoot from a bit lower angle they seem to like that. Also before shooting ask them to use some hair cream to keep it silky looking with no strands sticking out. Lastly they seem to love soft focus. I know this is up to the subject but I find them to prefer that and as I see you have a bit over exposure to lighten the skin. Portraits is not what the photographer think is good but the subject, so asking them to show some pictures from models in magazines they really like rev

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