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Update On Gifts To A Thai Lady


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Hello all,

I've finally gotten around to formally joining this forum after a few weeks of reading, as a guest. For my first post I have the following question.

Please can you give me any ideas as to what I can give to my Thai girlfriend as a gift from the UK, when I visit Thailand next month. I originally thought of getting some well known duty-free perfume at Heathrow airport on the way out there, but after doing a search for ideas on this forum, I was quite surprised to read that a percentage of Thai ladies feel that a relationship is doomed if they're given perfume as a present, as per post number 6 on this thread.

I tried posting the thread's URL, but apparently this is forbidden. Anyway the title of the thread is: 'Gift For A Thai Lady From Europe'

Also, as this particular thread hasn't been posted to for over two years, could anyone give me an update.

Thank you kindly


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Hello all,

I've finally gotten around to formally joining this forum after a few weeks of reading, as a guest. For my first post I have the following question.

Please can you give me any ideas as to what I can give to my Thai girlfriend as a gift from the UK, when I visit Thailand next month. I originally thought of getting some well known duty-free perfume at Heathrow airport on the way out there, but after doing a search for ideas on this forum, I was quite surprised to read that a percentage of Thai ladies feel that a relationship is doomed if they're given perfume as a present, as per post number 6 on this thread.

I tried posting the thread's URL, but apparently this is forbidden. Anyway the title of the thread is: 'Gift For A Thai Lady From Europe'

Also, as this particular thread hasn't been posted to for over two years, could anyone give me an update.

Thank you kindly


No. Perfume is OK. But even better, buy some Thai gold once you are here in Thailand. Much appreciated and it can easily be sold later (if money is needed).

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I was quite surprised to read that a percentage of Thai ladies feel that a relationship is doomed if they're given perfume as a present, as per post number 6 on this thread.

Not heard that before. I've given my wife perfume several times and we are still together after 12 years. :o

The problem with this is it is personal, I'm not referring to the relationship but to what specific type (odors) does she like. 1st, does she use perfume - some ladies never use it. 2nd, perfume comes in such a range of odors, from musky to ultra sweet. Do you know what type of odor she prefers. The last time I bought some for my wife the store didn't have the brand she liked so I had to make an educated guess. This involved smelling samples until one clicked with me. Fortunately she was quite happy with it.

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I agree that unless you know that she likes to wear it, and know what kind she likes, dont buy perfume. Many women like lotions and oils better, and light body sprays. Most perfumes are also photosensitive and can cause problems in a sunny country.

Maybe think about something unique to your country or home town, just as a token gift, but as suggested, buy her something special that she likes in Thailand. Although rather cliche' most women do love chocolates, and top quality chocolates in Thailand are pricey. Bringing back a quality box of chocolates (or other sweet if you are worried they will melt)from a brand name shop would be nice. Even somewhere like Harrods, if you are around that area. That way she can also share the treats with friends, ie: "Look what my bf brought back from UK for me!" "Oooh!". :D

edit: i see you are from London, so yeh, lots of top places and choices where you can go to buy a treat for her. From my experience many Thai people know of Harrods, so would feel like a luxury gift to her and very thoughtful. Can also go to one of the really lovely sweet shops and have something boxed up beautifully. The packaging is REALLY important, sometimes more-so than the contents :o Then she can keep the box afterwards too if she likes. I say go for Hi-So chocolates/treats, it will make her feel like like you think she is quality too (ok sounds corny, but didnt know how else to word that last bit)

Edited by eek
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Everytime I buy my wife parfum she gives me 1 baht. That act of paying for the parfum cancels out the bad whatever.

If you do go for parfum, I say go for something unique. Also bear in mind that Thailand is hot, so a parfum that smells nice in UK may be absolutely rancid here.

I recommend Lolita Lemphicka (not available in LOS) or Narcisco , a light scent ideal for hot and humid LOS.

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I like Eek's idea.... (but then some would know Im biased :o )

an alternative to perfume would be -- getting some nice boutique brand of cream/lotions - you know something like Crabtree and Evelyn or such others....

depending where she lives in thailand... you could also look at buying her a nice scarve?

or a nice brooch if you have seen her use something like that. (doesnt have to be expensive)

and to the comment about buying her gold - I dont see this as appropriate....but as they say.. up to you

good luck :D

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I agree with Mig and think the gold idea is inappropriate. It seems to me that the OP is looking for a special gift with meaning, not an alternative form of payment.

I bring back gifts for my mother-in-law and sister-in-law as well as staff every year. Perfume is good, I go for light florals or citrusy scents. Expensive body creams are also a good one, my MIL loves the stuff I bring back every year. Well known brand names are preferable.

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I agree with Mig and think the gold idea is inappropriate. It seems to me that the OP is looking for a special gift with meaning, not an alternative form of payment.


A gold jewel is not an "alternative form of payment". It's a gift and it has the advantage of being a sort of life insurance too. Again, it is really appreciated. It's a common gift between Thais themselves (for instance during Songkran) when they can afford it.

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I agree with Mig and think the gold idea is inappropriate. It seems to me that the OP is looking for a special gift with meaning, not an alternative form of payment.


A gold jewel is not an "alternative form of payment". It's a gift and it has the advantage of being a sort of life insurance too. Again, it is really appreciated. It's a common gift between Thais themselves (for instance during Songkran) when they can afford it.

Yes, I know. :o But the OP is not Thai.

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I agree with Mig and think the gold idea is inappropriate. It seems to me that the OP is looking for a special gift with meaning, not an alternative form of payment.


A gold jewel is not an "alternative form of payment". It's a gift and it has the advantage of being a sort of life insurance too. Again, it is really appreciated. It's a common gift between Thais themselves (for instance during Songkran) when they can afford it.

Yes, I know. :D But the OP is not Thai.

Her girlfriend is and she will certainly appreciate (IMHO) a gold jewel. Perfume and/or chocolate too of course, but won't last... Anyway, offering a gold jewel to a Thai woman is also a good test. If the relationship is a serious one, the gold jewel won't be sold (too quickly)! :o

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um, i really think it depends on the lady. If it is a new relationship, then the gold jewelery may seem a bit extravagant. Im sure a number of Thai ladies i know would be wary of a man who bought them gold early on in a relationship. Of course, if dating for some time, that would be different, and should be special.

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..plus with Miggy being a Thai female, you do get a Thai females point of view.

I also really like the creams and lotions idea. Crabtree and Evelyn are really yummy!

Got one at home... and know a few others... Cream and lotions are appreciated too. But I have yet to meet in the real life a Thai female who won't frankly appreciate a golden jewel (bought in Thailand: they usually don't like much golden jewels from Western countries as the percent of gold is not the same for jewels).

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um, i really think it depends on the lady. If it is a new relationship, then the gold jewelery may seem a bit extravagant. Im sure a number of Thai ladies i know would be wary of a man who bought them gold early on in a relationship. Of course, if dating for some time, that would be different, and should be special.

It doesn't have to be expensive. A small medal or ear rings can be OK.

Edited by Goyave
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I had the same problem when I met my wife for the first time almost 2 years ago

I came from the Uk not realy knowing what to bring her.

So I brought Perfume. Turns out that she is alergic to the stuff and the suger in sweets make her cough

Nice Soaps and body creams would have been safer

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I would still insist on the no to gold jewelry

personally I would feel very awkward to get something of monetary value from someone I dont know well

thais do give gold, but its usually from relatives, amongst friends its not at all common. only exception would be when family friends give gold on the birth of their friend's babies.

also, I thought the idea was to bring something from 'foreign' .. something not easily available in thailand, regardless of its monetary value....

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..plus with Miggy being a Thai female, you do get a Thai females point of view.

I also really like the creams and lotions idea. Crabtree and Evelyn are really yummy!

Got one at home... and know a few others... Cream and lotions are appreciated too. But I have yet to meet in the real life a Thai female who won't frankly appreciate a golden jewel (bought in Thailand: they usually don't like much golden jewels from Western countries as the percent of gold is not the same for jewels).

Its good to be aware of your limitations. you've never met any. I went to university with about 9 who all agreed gold was not appropriate until after some long time together and even then, boring and thoughtless. Obviously for your average farm girl gold is money and poverty shapes thinking just as much as leisure does.

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Hello all,

I've finally gotten around to formally joining this forum after a few weeks of reading, as a guest. For my first post I have the following question.

Please can you give me any ideas as to what I can give to my Thai girlfriend as a gift from the UK, when I visit Thailand next month. I originally thought of getting some well known duty-free perfume at Heathrow airport on the way out there, but after doing a search for ideas on this forum, I was quite surprised to read that a percentage of Thai ladies feel that a relationship is doomed if they're given perfume as a present, as per post number 6 on this thread.

I tried posting the thread's URL, but apparently this is forbidden. Anyway the title of the thread is: 'Gift For A Thai Lady From Europe'

Also, as this particular thread hasn't been posted to for over two years, could anyone give me an update.

Thank you kindly


I reckon you cannot go wrong with perfume.

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hmm thats a hard question mayeb she likes bears? haha or some other Jewellery... she might be happy with anything but i know some people are fussy with what they get... chocolate in thailand not so cool haha but yeah a lot of the thai woman i know dont like chocolate unlike me but me being thai too and like someone says you live in london? it be nice to get some london stuff? i brought back lots of gifts from london for friends there.

off topic -- i went to dinner with some of my friends once which one wanted to be my girlfriend i wore ghost perfume and she was like god you smell like you put the whole bottle on... some people dont like perfumes haha

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I would still insist on the no to gold jewelry

personally I would feel very awkward to get something of monetary value from someone I dont know well

thais do give gold, but its usually from relatives, amongst friends its not at all common. only exception would be when family friends give gold on the birth of their friend's babies.


Creole (the opening poster) speaks about his Thai girlfriend and about a "relationship" (not friendship). I might be wrong, but, I'm assuming they are intimate enough for this kind of gift...

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..plus with Miggy being a Thai female, you do get a Thai females point of view.

I also really like the creams and lotions idea. Crabtree and Evelyn are really yummy!

Got one at home... and know a few others... Cream and lotions are appreciated too. But I have yet to meet in the real life a Thai female who won't frankly appreciate a golden jewel (bought in Thailand: they usually don't like much golden jewels from Western countries as the percent of gold is not the same for jewels).

Its good to be aware of your limitations. you've never met any. I went to university with about 9 who all agreed gold was not appropriate until after some long time together and even then, boring and thoughtless. Obviously for your average farm girl gold is money and poverty shapes thinking just as much as leisure does.

It's good to be aware that you are very presumptuous and that your assumptions are really stupid. You don't know with whom I am nor since when I live in the Land of Smiles. Thais themselves at every level of society do offer gold to their relatives, spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend.

The women among your "about 9" (How much "about 9" is when speaking about people by the way? 8, 10, 9.537 or what else?) persons that you know at university would probably appreciate such a gift if it was given by their boyfriend (as you seem to know so much about Thais, you've certainly noticed that they sometimes don't speak their mind and will answer what you want to hear depending on how the topic was presented).

I won't lose more time arguing with you anyway. Let's just say that you are "about right", Mr Know-it-all.

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ok lets not make this a personal attack against anyone alright? regardless of how many thais one knows, each person will be different.

the OP has asked for suggestions, a few have been given. I guess its now up to him to decide what he wants to get her.

other suggestions / new ideas are ofcourse still welcome

but lets not get bogged down with the gold issue. (my apology for insisting and repeating the issue)


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  • 1 month later...

Hi all

I have been LMAO at all these suggestions, so funny...us men are crap at buying presents, whether Thai, european or other. We neve really know what to get do we, lets be honest guys, its hit or miss, we just all get ready to duck incase its wrong. Anyway, the first presents i bought my girl in LOS was a pair of hair staighteners, she did ask for those, plus chocolates and perfume, i had no idea of what to get for either, so guessed and hoped, like i have with every woman. Well it turned out ok, the perfume i got was a set of miniture 5 perfumes, got away with it and she was happy, but i was honest and told her i didnt know, she laughed and gave me a big snog anyway. The straightners were well accepted until i opened my gob and mentioned wireless ones, she would have liked them better.....if they smile, shut up basically. Last time i bought her some earings from Littlewoods catalogue, cheap as chips and she was really happy, she loved the fact i thought about it.....This time in January 2009 when i go back to see her....Whoop Whoop.....come on LOS, i will be taking clothes, just a few tops for about £50, again from Littlewoods, if she dont like them, stuff her, she gets what shes given.....I say treat the Thai girls good, but dont let them dictate, they dont respect that. That said she does alright out of me, but she knows im not rich, she has asked me to get her 1 baht of gold, i have said no so far, she laughs and says please, i say no. She knows 1 day i will give in, but she will have to waite for me to decide, thats the way it should be, you wouldn't give in to a girl back home so easy , would you..........my dad always gives in to my mum tho...bless him, new kitchen, new bathroom, clothes etc.. and people say thai girls ask alot......think about it

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Hi all

I have been LMAO at all these suggestions, so funny...us men are crap at buying presents, whether Thai, european or other. We neve really know what to get do we, lets be honest guys, its hit or miss, we just all get ready to duck incase its wrong. Anyway, the first presents i bought my girl in LOS was a pair of hair staighteners, she did ask for those, plus chocolates and perfume, i had no idea of what to get for either, so guessed and hoped, like i have with every woman. Well it turned out ok, the perfume i got was a set of miniture 5 perfumes, got away with it and she was happy, but i was honest and told her i didnt know, she laughed and gave me a big snog anyway. The straightners were well accepted until i opened my gob and mentioned wireless ones, she would have liked them better.....if they smile, shut up basically. Last time i bought her some earings from Littlewoods catalogue, cheap as chips and she was really happy, she loved the fact i thought about it.....This time in January 2009 when i go back to see her....Whoop Whoop.....come on LOS, i will be taking clothes, just a few tops for about £50, again from Littlewoods, if she dont like them, stuff her, she gets what shes given.....I say treat the Thai girls good, but dont let them dictate, they dont respect that. That said she does alright out of me, but she knows im not rich, she has asked me to get her 1 baht of gold, i have said no so far, she laughs and says please, i say no. She knows 1 day i will give in, but she will have to waite for me to decide, thats the way it should be, you wouldn't give in to a girl back home so easy , would you..........my dad always gives in to my mum tho...bless him, new kitchen, new bathroom, clothes etc.. and people say thai girls ask alot......think about it

Did I miss something here? I thought you said that she was your g/f, not your wife of many years.

I suspect that if you ask your dad he will tell you that your mum never asked him for anything before they were married.

Your mum had the temerity to suggest that THEIR house needed a new kitchen, bathroom etc., and you thought he was just being saintly 'cos she had no right whatsoever to suggest how they spend THEIR money?! And.....dear god, she wanted new clothes!!!

I've no idea how long your parents have been married but I suspect it's a very long time and the money is as much her's as his. How on earth did you grow up thinking that the money belonged entirely to your father who 'indulged' your mother in her whims?!

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Forget the gift from the UK and take her shopping for cloths on your dime when you arrive. You will score bit points from my experience.

Good choice - you can spend days agonising, when all she would really like is a denim jacket for 500 baht, same as her friends, or the latest must have handbag. This being the case perfume and chocolates are not really going to cut it. Thai girls in my experience prefer to buy in Thailand. I am constantly told, 'bring nothing', for my wife and children, giving the impression all they will ever desire is already in Thailand.

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Forget the gift from the UK and take her shopping for cloths on your dime when you arrive. You will score bit points from my experience.

Good choice - you can spend days agonising, when all she would really like is a denim jacket for 500 baht, same as her friends, or the latest must have handbag. This being the case perfume and chocolates are not really going to cut it. Thai girls in my experience prefer to buy in Thailand. I am constantly told, 'bring nothing', for my wife and children, giving the impression all they will ever desire is already in Thailand.

No, what she REALLY wants is GOLD.

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