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Is Pepper Spray Or Mace Legal?


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I've carried a gun for over 30 years in America and would love to carry here but barring that, is pepper spray available and legal?

Has carrying that gun for 30 yrs kept you alive? Maybe in American, but I am thankful that you can't carry it here. Now 18 yrs in Thailand I haven't carried any protection, and I am comforted to know that most farangs are not allowed too. Enjoy pepper spraying whoever you want to have conflict with!

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I resent American's spreading their climate of fear.

Didn't Michael Moore make issue of this in his docu/film Bowling For Columbine? weren't the 'Pilgrim Fathers' driven from Europe to America by fear, then fearful of the natives so armed themselves to the teeth?, then Americans got fearful of other Americans because some had bigger guns than others?....then later became feaful of other countries that had bigger guns than them?...oh it just goes on and on.


Sounds like a comic book version of history, but I do have to admit YOU scare me. Wheres my spray?

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the target would say, MORE MORE AROY AROY

Assuming this is a lady asking about a personal mace/cs/pepper/capsicum streamer, I think it's valid for her to consider carrying it.

Only time will tell if it's pointless or not.

Why do you think he/she is a lady?

Edited by tw25rw
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Not a day goes by without nearly everyone on this board shouting how dangerous Pattaya has become.

Then someone asks about legitimate self-defence and out come the same bunch condemning this person.

Oh dear Oh dear Oh dear.


Why you go through tourist attraction and you know well there is dangerious, have to carry self-defence thingy ?

Many places that needs only your hearts :o

Im a woman I never carry anything but myself.

All the power to you lady, great to hear, cheers Jayjay

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Not a day goes by without nearly everyone on this board shouting how dangerous Pattaya has become.

Then someone asks about legitimate self-defence and out come the same bunch condemning this person.

Oh dear Oh dear Oh dear.


I think it's the "gun-toting for 30 years" macho approach and the OP expressing his desire to carry one around Thailand that people are generally ridiculing.

Besides, the vast majority of us cope quite well leaving the house everyday without a weapon -- relying on common sense and street smarts to stay away from touble. Although I've never given many cops credit for much common sense, surely they should have enough street smarts to see potential problems and be able to avoid them. Pointing out to others that theft and voilent crimes are on the rise, especially in places like Pattaya, is different than agreeing that arming oneself is the right thing to do.

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Not a day goes by without nearly everyone on this board shouting how dangerous Pattaya has become.

Then someone asks about legitimate self-defence and out come the same bunch condemning this person.

Oh dear Oh dear Oh dear.


I think it's the "gun-toting for 30 years" macho approach and the OP expressing his desire to carry one around Thailand that people are generally ridiculing.

Besides, the vast majority of us cope quite well leaving the house everyday without a weapon -- relying on common sense and street smarts to stay away from touble. Although I've never given many cops credit for much common sense, surely they should have enough street smarts to see potential problems and be able to avoid them. Pointing out to others that theft and voilent crimes are on the rise, especially in places like Pattaya, is different than agreeing that arming oneself is the right thing to do.

The keyword is self-defense. I'm not talking about arming oneself to the teeth.

Some people don't have street smarts, some people feel the need to have some protection and I was merely pointing out that shouting about danger on the one side and then condemning people that feel threatened and want to have protection on the other side is not very neighbourly.

I agree that OP could have formulated his request in a more civilized manner but that's not the point isn't it.

You can't ask anything on this forum without being ridiculed in one way or another. :o


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Not a day goes by without nearly everyone on this board shouting how dangerous Pattaya has become.

Then someone asks about legitimate self-defence and out come the same bunch condemning this person.

Oh dear Oh dear Oh dear.


I think it's the "gun-toting for 30 years" macho approach and the OP expressing his desire to carry one around Thailand that people are generally ridiculing.

Besides, the vast majority of us cope quite well leaving the house everyday without a weapon -- relying on common sense and street smarts to stay away from touble. Although I've never given many cops credit for much common sense, surely they should have enough street smarts to see potential problems and be able to avoid them. Pointing out to others that theft and voilent crimes are on the rise, especially in places like Pattaya, is different than agreeing that arming oneself is the right thing to do.

The keyword is self-defense. I'm not talking about arming oneself to the teeth.

Some people don't have street smarts, some people feel the need to have some protection and I was merely pointing out that shouting about danger on the one side and then condemning people that feel threatened and want to have protection on the other side is not very neighbourly.

I agree that OP could have formulated his request in a more civilized manner but that's not the point isn't it.

You can't ask anything on this forum without being ridiculed in one way or another. :o


The keyword WOULD BE self defense, but the OP has never mentioned (or barely eluded to) it. Here are the contents of his posts in this thread:

"I've carried a gun for over 30 years in America and would love to carry here but barring that, is pepper spray available and legal?"

"I speak English. The best I can figure from your attempt at communication is that you think I have gonads. I can assure you that I do not. My nickname is NUDNIK for all the NUDNIKs I have locked up over the years. It seems I attract them here as well.

Why don't you try to be a helpful fellow and suggest a store that carries pepper spray here in Pattaya."

"I am a retired (US) Police Captain. I would be the wrong person to throw that red herring to so do try again."

These all possess an aggressive nature that makes me fear this type of individual walking around Pattaya with any type of weapon. As for not having street smarts, he was cop for 30 years, and if someone with that type of background doesn't understand the ways of the street then nobody will. And he hardly seems to feel threatened, more like threatening. He is also a little condescending in his 2nd reply, and that doesn't help his case, either.

I do agree with the number of inane posts on TV that are simply there to ridicule people or are just plain asinine, and that was the reason I stopped posting here for quite a while, but I just can't buy your argument that the OP is someone who feels threatened and in need of a weapon for self defense.

Edited by Beacher
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Nudnik,  I've carried a gun for 15 years.  So I understand where you are coming from.  I've be ridiculed too on this website, but I still come back for more :D .  

My gf tells me that when I retire and we move back to thailand, she doesn't want me to go wandering around by myself in the provence where we will reside.  She said it's dangerous (she said Bangkok is safer).  I'm sure she is exaggerating a little, but if you can't trust your gf (soon to be wife), who can you trust????  AND she's not talking about me being seduced by a beautiful thai woman either...

I know I'd like to carry something.  Pepper spray is great (asp baton better :o ).  But with pepper spray, I can used it if accosted by stray dogs or if the beef salad is not hot enough....

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I do agree with the number of inane posts on TV that are simply there to ridicule people or are just plain asinine, and that was the reason I stopped posting here for quite a while, but I just can't buy your argument that the OP is someone who feels threatened and in need of a weapon for self defense.

If you cannot understand that a person who has carried a gun for thirty years professionally, and having been in daily contact with the darker side of humanity, feels uncomfortable without it, then I rest my case.


no malice intended


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I do agree with the number of inane posts on TV that are simply there to ridicule people or are just plain asinine, and that was the reason I stopped posting here for quite a while, but I just can't buy your argument that the OP is someone who feels threatened and in need of a weapon for self defense.

If you cannot understand that a person who has carried a gun for thirty years professionally, and having been in daily contact with the darker side of humanity, feels uncomfortable without it, then I rest my case.


no malice intended


No malice taken -- just a civilized exchange of viewpoints.

I suppose that I do have trouble relating to the law enforcment way of thinking, but I see your point.

I think what mostly spurred me on to make coments was the aggressive approach the OP has taken. I just don't think its healthy or in his best interest.

Anyway, we've both expressed our views and understand where each other is coming from, so I certainly feel no malice nor feel that my stance is any better than yours in any way.

Cheers, to you too.

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I've carried a gun for over 30 years in America and would love to carry here but barring that, is pepper spray available and legal?

Has carrying that gun for 30 yrs kept you alive? Maybe in American, but I am thankful that you can't carry it here. Now 18 yrs in Thailand I haven't carried any protection, and I am comforted to know that most farangs are not allowed too. Enjoy pepper spraying whoever you want to have conflict with!

of any sort?

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I've carried a gun for over 30 years in America and would love to carry here but barring that, is pepper spray available and legal?

Has carrying that gun for 30 yrs kept you alive? Maybe in American, but I am thankful that you can't carry it here. Now 18 yrs in Thailand I haven't carried any protection, and I am comforted to know that most farangs are not allowed too. Enjoy pepper spraying whoever you want to have conflict with!

of any sort?

That's a weapon of mass destruction, another story, another topic. Seen any blue eyed blond luuk krungs in your neighbourhood?

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Assuming this is a lady asking about a personal mace/cs/pepper/capsicum streamer, I think it's valid for her to consider carrying it.

Only time will tell if it's pointless or not.

Why do you think he/she is a lady?

The best I can figure from your attempt at communication is that you think I have gonads. I can assure you that I do not.

Just a hunch :o

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i had been in thailand for many years , as much as i seen many people got killed , i do not believe that thailand is a dangerous place .

but of cos it would also depend alot on what kinda group you hang out with and where you stay .

and of cos .. how you live your life .

i don't see the needs of a gun .

i do have some perason weapon . like a crossbow for the fun of it . but i do not imagine myself using it .

i do have a good knife which i trust . and in danger is much useful then a gun . in distance less then 3 meter or a neck lock .



look at it this way . if i am a robber or someone intent to hurt you .

if i see you carry a gun ,

trust me i would shot first ..

if my intention is to injury you . and also for fear of my own life .

but for you who is on the reaction end .. will not see the danger unless you see his gun ..

so is not a win win if you have a gun .

mace and axe and knife is commonly carry by thai . legal anot i am sure for self protection even if you kill someone it can be debated .. and if it one to protect someone you love .. i would not think twice to kill anyone who try to hurt my family be it with a gun or just my bare hand .

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Knew a guy that had a home invasion, with his wife and kids being tied up as they raided his house. I brought back some BEAR MACE from Canada for him. Squirts 20 feet. Says "do not use on humans", but that would not stop me if someone was in MY house. Dont think they would be saying Aroi with a face full of that.

The tall canisters of proper Cs gas with a range of 4 to 5 metres are also efficient, not sure how easy they are to obtain though..

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Silly bunch of wanna be cops hanging about on walking street. I've even seen a woman dressed up in the stupid attire.. I'm sure these folks could not get a cop job where they come from. I can tell just by looking into their eyes..... from .... retired street cop.

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Nudnik, Please forgive those with their heads out of the sunshine or who cannot understand. That is why they moved to the gun free/crime free LOS. When I come back I will be doing the same but nothing will replace my old traveling companions, Walther, Sturm, & Weatherby....... Best of luck & take care!

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I think pepper spray is a good thing for self defense . I carried it for 30 years as working in law enforcement. At that time it was for my protection. We had to get sprayed with it before we could carry it.iI am sure when nudnik was in law enforecment

if he was in the US he has been sprayed with it. BETTER THAN HAVING TO SHOOT THE PERK.But i dont know the law in Thailand.

I guess you could be guilty by the law if you are a flang you are guilty no matter what . so be careful

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I think pepper spray is a good thing for self defense . I carried it for 30 years as working in law enforcement. At that time it was for my protection. We had to get sprayed with it before we could carry it.iI am sure when nudnik was in law enforecment

if he was in the US he has been sprayed with it. BETTER THAN HAVING TO SHOOT THE PERK.But i dont know the law in Thailand.

I guess you could be guilty by the law if you are a flang you are guilty no matter what . so be careful

Wow, you worked 30 years in law enforcement, and you don't even know that the person that commits a crime is the PERPetrator, not the PERKetrator. Somehow, I just can't believe your story.

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I encourage my wife to carry the stuff, after all twice in the last two years she has been robbed, and on one of those she was lucky that robbery was the only offence. There was no chance of provocation on either occasion and no doubt her being petite made her an obvious target.

Myself however? I find that the best form of defence is not to get into trouble in the first place. In over 8 years of being here I have only been close to an altercation once (touches wood), and that was probably my fault.

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Completely off topic posts and flames have been removed.

Can't see any point keeping this topic open, if anybody can supply a link, or has information regarding the actual law in Thailand regarding pepper spray or mace please PM me and I will insert it into the topic.


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