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Do I Expose Her Or Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (hiv)


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I met a thai girl (a working girl) in 2007, fell in love, married her (Buddist wedding not registered) and had unprotected sex for a year and a half. On September 2, 2008 she had a headache and sore throat so we went to the hospital (Bangkok) to check it out. The doctor reviewed her file and noted that the last visit (2 years ago) she tested hiv positive and asked if she had told me (in thai). She told her that no but perhaps I should tell him now. I was shocked and immediately had a hiv test but negative. I was still prepared to accept this as a mixed relationship with some changes to our sex life.

However since that time, we have broken up and she is going back to work. This poses a health risk and I am aware of it. She is also planning a trip to Europe because the money is better over there. Should I just let it go as not my problem or should I expose her. I am weighing the health risk of others vs their family income (she is the breadwinner of the family mother, father, brother (who is jail but getting out in the new year) 12 year old daughter. any comments?

I am new at posting, hopefully this works

! I often read Thai Visa forum post but never posted my self until now. It is remarkable how brainless many of the post are on this subject: to this question of an HIV infected female Thai prostitute continuing to work and planning to travel abroad to work as a prostitute! Most every one seems to miss the point that she is not only a working girl but trying to have relationships, like she did with her partner she married! Married people normally don't use condoms ( hard to have children when using condoms), so for all the post stating buyer be ware and for the gay related post, these are not relevant to this topic!

BigBadSeattleLad is the only poster that seems to get it!!!

In the USA in many states if caught she would be convicted of one of many crimes, second degree manslaughter, etc. 10 years +++ for her. Sounds like many guys are only here to screw around and therefore find this acceptable, what if your wife (if you had one) back in your own country did this to you knowingly and gave you HIV? Or to your son or daughters, brothers, ect. I'm sure your perspective would be very different.

The responsibility is that of the people who know of here criminal mischief. This is not a bar boy at a GO GO bar, this is a prostitute pretending to be a real women. She need to stop the prostitution and get a real job, Big C is hiring. It's a typical Thai mentality to just take the easiest route and fxxx every one else in the process because no body else matters to them.

Also getting back at farang for here infection is BS as well, 99.99% chance she got this from a Thai husband or boy friend, not from a farang! I have had many Thai friends become Hiv positive and a very close Thai friend of mine's sister died form Hiv which she got from her husband whom never told her about his status and gave it to her during unprotected sex. Her 4 children were left behind to live with this criminal act of the Thai husband.

Just send off emails with pictures and name to all European and American embassies and at least you have tried to stop her form going abroad to kill people, to me she is a fxxxxxx terrorist and should be treated as such. It is the responsibility of all of us to try and help stop the spread of Hiv. This is not the gay community and casual sex, remember this women was married; this is relationships, marriage, living life and pursuing happiness. Give every one the best chance at a full life, there are always risk but why make it worse by turning a blind eye!


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BigBad --- I won't respond to the flame but your 'facts' about the law here are incorrect. Your morale outrage just isn't interesting in this case.

I am not going to make any assumptions about your from your post other than that you are not familiar with the law in Thailand :o

You seem to think you’re a Thai law expert (NOT!), by what you post you clearly have no idea about Thai law. It's based on the British system and although often times under enforced it is still quite complex and does include crimes such as manslaughter for just the very thing this post is about.

From reading your post on this topic, morally you seem to have no compass. Maybe you should partner up with this Hiv infected death machine and share your values together, just keep in in the family after that… If your not willing to do that then why?

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Spud, if someone hasn't said this already (didn't read every post), I hope you are aware that HIV doesn't always show up right away. You need to get a test probably every couple of months for the next 6 months -- 1 year before you're clear. If I were you I'd abstain from sexual relations for that time. Hard, but necessary and responsible.

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My own family knows about HIV and I do what I can at every opportunity to inform others. I personally was part of both the cohort studies and the VaxGen study years ago. (One study followed sexually active gay men and the other was a test of a possible vaccine)

The fact remains that the OP has no right and extreme liability invlved should he go through her emails and send out warnings.

When will people that claim they do not have 'the simplest of minds' realize that protecting yourself and educating others how to do the same is the answer until there is a vaccine? Probably never ...... sigh ....

This guy was married with this twit for a couple years before she finally admitted that she'd been KNOWINGLY infected with HIV the whole time. Does this little factoid continue to evade you? I think at that point he probably has the right to do a bit more checking into her history and consider others who may have, like he, fallen victim to her methods. At this point he should also - as you suggest - begin the process of "educating others" - starting with those on her client database. This way, they too may then realize and adapt for themselves (and those around them, and so on...) the practise of "protecting yourself" - as per your suggestion.

To suggest once again that he would be subject to "extreme liability" for doing so is farcical and requires an extraordinary thickness ... sigh ... For someone who presumes some expertise in the realm, such an acute density is the only 'liability' you should concern yourself with ... sigh ...

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Spud, if someone hasn't said this already (didn't read every post), I hope you are aware that HIV doesn't always show up right away. You need to get a test probably every couple of months for the next 6 months -- 1 year before you're clear. If I were you I'd abstain from sexual relations for that time. Hard, but necessary and responsible.


3 months is gold standard.

Some argue 6 months but by this time we are arguing fractions of fractions.

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