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Why Do Some Ex Pats Defend Thailand At All Costs


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Hi All,

I have noticed that on many of the threads that a number Ex Pats defend Thailand as if it's their own country. Whatever the case may be, murder, drug use, buying property or the drop in tourism. Its never the fault of the thais or Thailand. There are many faults in this country as indeed there are in most countries of the world, but at some point someone must accept some of the responsibility. Reading the daily news and watching the national TV news stations it's very apparent that Thailand is politically unstable even to the point of calling a state of emergency in the past months. It's also very apparent that crime is rising in the country, maybe because of the political instability. This will affect tourism in the short and long term because people don't want to holiday in countries that have these problems.

The news is being aired all over the world so people are aware of the problems and i think that this reflects on peoples decisions to travel here. I have had calls from my friends and family In The UK asking if i was OK because of the situations are being shown on the news. The problems that i have mentioned are real, they exist, so why do a number of Ex Pats believe that they do not.

The usual answers are: 'You do not speak the language so you don't understand the culture'. 'You don't live in Thailand so what do you know'.

I think that the first lines of the national anthem pretty much sum up the thoughts of the majority of the Thais and certainly the ones that have been tied up in the farang rich areas of Phuket and Pattaya.

Thailand embraces in its bosom all people of Thai blood.

Every inch of Thailand belongs to the Thais.

It has long maintained its sovereignty,

Because the Thais have always been united.

The Thai people are peace-loving,

But they are no cowards at war.

They shall allow no one to rob them of their independence,

Nor shall they suffer tyranny.

All Thais are ready to give up every drop of blood

For the nation's safety, freedom and progress.

Farangs will never be accepted by the Thais as a Thai no matter how long they live or have lived here.

This is not a troll or a flame but i would be interested to know your thoughts on this.

Cheers, Rick

I don't know any farang who defends Thailand to the degree you suggest.

I disagree with your conclusion on acceptance by Thais (though agree it's difficult), but why would you care one way or the other?

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This is the land of denial. To live here, one has to do as the Thai do, go into denial.

I suspect that many who so vehemently defend Thailand at all costs are in denial. The good which they so boldly tout, is mostly plastic. Scratch the surface and very little real good is found here.

Which makes me terribly sad. I'd love to love Thailand.

But why do Non Thai Bashers get labelled as being in denial, whilst the Thai bashers are seen as enlightened ?

I'll give you an example, I knew a UK guy that once had a lot of money, he bought into a hotel business, restaurant, Bar etc etc...In fact he bought into it with a Farang that was just looking for a mug to cough up some money cos he was getting really low on cash.

Anyway, this guy loved Thailand, couldn't say a bad word about the place, when the other Farang cleared off with the money and this guy was left on his own to pay for leases etc, he eventually also became a little short of money, after that his attituide took a dramatic reversal, never said a good word about Thailand, blamed Thailand for his bad judgement and became very disillusioned, in fact he hated his life here.

The usual things being said, all Thai men are lazy Thai woman are all gold diggers etc etc etc...you know what I mean, just read many threads here on TV

So he left, he had to cos he was broke.

His Father was still alive and was well off, when his Father passed away, this guy inherited money property etc.....Guess what he done, yep you got it, he cashed in and came back to Thailand again.

This time he was wiser and stayed away from business ventures, especially bars etc, he's still here and with his money he is secure enough to like Thailand again.

So it wasn't Thailand he hated it was his poor judgement that he regretted, now he has money, he's back to liking it again.

Personal circumstances emotionally and financially may well have a bearing on ones happiness in a Foreign land, certainly did in his case.

It's alright moaning about the things you can change, but to say things like " Thai parents don't care about their children " is ridiculous.

Thai people are incapable of this, THai people are incapable of that and anything else the bashers can think of, I'm pretty sure most are trolling, cos if they live in Thailand and are so unhappy and disillusioned, they may well be mentally unstable if they stay.

And looking around Pattaya yesterday, there's enough nutcases here already without adding to the ranks. :o

Ol' REd Eyes, this ain't all directed at you, only the parts you associate yourself with are. :D

Edited by Maigo6
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Just back from the "real world" - London .... :D

"Gaeng kiu wan" - 480 Baht?

a pint of beer - average 125 Baht?

transfer heathrow to the hotel nearly 3000 baht?

Average hotel room - around 6500 Baht?

get real....!

very, very happy to be back on the island!


who can't except the way of life and as things are in LoS should leave immediately and nothing behind but his/her footprints!


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I get the impression that some of the people that criticize Thailand the most do not live here or spend relatively little time here. Makes you wonder why they really care one way or another. Just bored and need something to do perhaps.

Like others have stated, Thailand is far from perfect but a pretty darn nice place to live. So I for one will stay here until something better comes along.

words of truth and wisdom! :D

p.s. advice to all thai bashers. take a hike. return to your home country and keep on living the mediocre life you are used too. work your butt off and pay a fair share of the dough you earn to the taxman to make him happy. but leave us alone and don't ask silly questions :o

Edited by Naam
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Don't buy a Toyota Fortuner if you're gonna compare it with a BMW X5.

Fortuner is a good motor ( I've got one ), but it ain't no X5, I could afford the 1.25 Mill I paid for the Toyota, but I can't afford the 7. 8 Million for the BMW.

<deleted> has this got to do with the price of onions you may well ask....

My point is, don't come to a SE Asian developing country and expect it to be like fully developed western countries, don't try to compare Pattaya to Monte Carlo, or in both cases you may well find yourself dissapointed.

The rich and Famous are not to seen walking along Pattaya Beach road looking for a cheap thrill are they, same as Bill the Butcher from Bradford is not to found in a Monte Carlo Casino with some drop dead gorgeous model hanging on to his arm.

If you wan't all that is good about the west, then why choose a SE Asian developing nation, if it's cos you can't afford to live how you want, then maybe you should get a better job. You can't have it all ways folks.

Change the things that you can change, accept the things you can't change or change location to suit your expectations.

Or moan about all the injustices on an internet forum. Your choice. :o

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This is the land of denial. To live here, one has to do as the Thai do, go into denial.

I, like (I'd imagine) most foreigners, came here willing to learn, adapt and respect.

Which makes me terribly sad. I'd love to love Thailand.

i vehemently disagree! i don't live like a Thai or "do" like a Thai. i am not in denial. i have NOT come to Thailand to learn and definitely not to adapt. but i RESPECT the thai way of live! respect does not cost me anything, not even the slightest effort but i think respect is warranted towards my host country. moreover i'd be lying by claiming i love Thailand. all i can say is i like living in Thailand :o

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This is the land of denial. To live here, one has to do as the Thai do, go into denial.

I, like (I'd imagine) most foreigners, came here willing to learn, adapt and respect.

Which makes me terribly sad. I'd love to love Thailand.

i vehemently disagree! i don't live like a Thai or "do" like a Thai. i am not in denial. i have NOT come to Thailand to learn and definitely not to adapt. but i RESPECT the thai way of live! respect does not cost me anything, not even the slightest effort but i think respect is warranted towards my host country. moreover i'd be lying by claiming i love Thailand. all i can say is i like living in Thailand :o

Yep, can't say I love it, don't want to be a Thai, but it is important to respect people and their difference from yourself. As the wise man said, Don't judge a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes (or was that moccasins?).


P. S. I am mainly here to make money, far more then I can make in my home country. :D

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But why do Non Thai Bashers get labelled as being in denial, whilst the Thai bashers are seen as enlightened ?

I'm not sure its as black and white as all that Maigo.. I certainly see those who have unrealistically positve views of Thailand and those who have unrealsitically negative views of Thailand as both being out of touch.... responding to some problem they themselves have.

In the end I think its clear, Thailand is not a perfect heaven, or a perfect hel_l - Those who feel the need to defend Thailand hearing no negativity and those who feel the need to condemn Thailand hearing nothing of the good are both clearly neglecting reality and giving voice to some problems they themselves have.
Edited by GuestHouse
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I think you fellas just think too much. Just get on and enjoy living in this wonderful country. Maybe living here in Chiang Rai we are blinkered from any troubles in BKK, but what I do know is this: here we are not regulated to a tenth degree like folk are in UK, I feel there's far more freedom living here. Life's too short, so just think on the good things here and enjoy it!

Nicely put. :o

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But why do Non Thai Bashers get labelled as being in denial, whilst the Thai bashers are seen as enlightened ?

I'm not sure its as black and white as all that Maigo.. I certainly see those who have unrealistically positve views of Thailand and those who have unrealsitically negative views of Thailand as both being out of touch.... responding to some problem they themselves have.

In the end I think its clear, Thailand is not a perfect heaven, or a perfect hel_l - Those who feel the need to defend Thailand hearing no negativity and those who feel the need to condemn Thailand hearing nothing of the good are both clearly neglecting reality and giving voice to some problems they themselves have.

I understand where you're coming from GH, but if I join the ranks of the Thai Bashers, the moderates, or stay as I am, in the grand scheme of things, it don't change a thing, I live here and I have to try to stay positive for my own well being. I know Thailand has problems, just like any other developing nation, I don't expect Swiss or German efficiency cos if I did I'd find Thailand lacking in that department, so I try not to make the comparison if I can help it.

I'd like to own a piece of land in my name and speculate, yet I'm fully aware that I can't, so I don't dwell on it.

Of course i would like to see Thailand as a perfect place with the best of everything, yet if that could possibly happen overnight, I'd be priced out of it, and I suspect many others would also.

You think I'd rather not live a millionaires lifestyle in Monaco if I had the chance, I'd be out of Thailand before you could say " Hey, I thought you loved Thailand " :D

Now, if I still lived in Pattaya full time, I'd probably go insane, that place has undergone massive changes, when I first lived there I could park a pick up in Soi Yamato, Soi Post Office etc anytime of day or night, now finding a parking spot anywhere in Pattaya is difficult, the traffic is hectic and the motorcyclists Thai and Farang take huge risks in my opinion. Then again, I also had Big Bikes in Pattaya many moons ago and was a nutter myself....so maybe the guys that moan a lot live in a place like Pattaya and own a car, I still have a rental in Pattaya and it's a nightmare on the roads so I do understand the isssues of the driving here.

In another location in Thailand the view may change.

Many Farangs here that complain about corruption are another matter, when they get stopped for breaking the speed limit and pay 100 - 200 Baht to the police instead of going to the station and paying more is OK for them, why ? Cos they benefit, that's why, it seems that selective corruption is acceptable as long as it's beneficial to them, but when it don't benefit them, they reel back in horror and have a rant about it.

If I was a high ranking Thai Minister who had the chance to award a major contract to a company that was offering me 30 Million baht in bribes or a company that was offering me nothing, I'd take the money!

Yes I know, I know, ThaiVisa members would never do such a thing.....yeah right..... :D

Thailand is Thailand is Thailand, accept it with all it's misgivings or move on elsewhere or don't accept it and stay here and be miserable. We Farangs are very fortunate to have a choice, many Thai people can only dream of the opportunity to travel to Europe, UK, US, AUS, NZ etc, let alone live there just cos they feel like it.

I don't walk around with my eyes closed, I don't bury my head in the sand, of course there are problems here, but I can't change things for the masses I can only change things for myself and my loved ones, moaning and whining on internet forums changes nothing, but it does make for some lively threads cos we don't all bash.

As I said previously, many are troll posts in my opinion, I just cannot accept that people could spout such hatred towards seemingly everything Thai, yet remain in the place they dislike so much. Gotta be trolls or nutcases. :o

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The most boring post in history,congratulations.
And the most predictable ,and i can even add who i thought would be most opinionated was, !, opinions based on thais in pattaya etc may have some base,.however most expats in those areas that fell to the wolves it could have happened anywhere,. those coming from the airport to pattaya are in a different thailand altogether,.there is another side and another race, its a pity most wont see it, but will have sour grapes based on experiences from the cesspit,.
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But why do Non Thai Bashers get labelled as being in denial, whilst the Thai bashers are seen as enlightened ?

I'm not sure its as black and white as all that Maigo.. I certainly see those who have unrealistically positve views of Thailand and those who have unrealsitically negative views of Thailand as both being out of touch.... responding to some problem they themselves have.

In the end I think its clear, Thailand is not a perfect heaven, or a perfect hel_l - Those who feel the need to defend Thailand hearing no negativity and those who feel the need to condemn Thailand hearing nothing of the good are both clearly neglecting reality and giving voice to some problems they themselves have.

I understand where you're coming from GH, but if I join the ranks of the Thai Bashers, the moderates, or stay as I am, in the grand scheme of things, it don't change a thing, I live here and I have to try to stay positive for my own well being. I know Thailand has problems, just like any other developing nation, I don't expect Swiss or German efficiency cos if I did I'd find Thailand lacking in that department, so I try not to make the comparison if I can help it.

I'd like to own a piece of land in my name and speculate, yet I'm fully aware that I can't, so I don't dwell on it.

Of course i would like to see Thailand as a perfect place with the best of everything, yet if that could possibly happen overnight, I'd be priced out of it, and I suspect many others would also.

You think I'd rather not live a millionaires lifestyle in Monaco if I had the chance, I'd be out of Thailand before you could say " Hey, I thought you loved Thailand " :D

Now, if I still lived in Pattaya full time, I'd probably go insane, that place has undergone massive changes, when I first lived there I could park a pick up in Soi Yamato, Soi Post Office etc anytime of day or night, now finding a parking spot anywhere in Pattaya is difficult, the traffic is hectic and the motorcyclists Thai and Farang take huge risks in my opinion. Then again, I also had Big Bikes in Pattaya many moons ago and was a nutter myself....so maybe the guys that moan a lot live in a place like Pattaya and own a car, I still have a rental in Pattaya and it's a nightmare on the roads so I do understand the isssues of the driving here.

In another location in Thailand the view may change.

Many Farangs here that complain about corruption are another matter, when they get stopped for breaking the speed limit and pay 100 - 200 Baht to the police instead of going to the station and paying more is OK for them, why ? Cos they benefit, that's why, it seems that selective corruption is acceptable as long as it's beneficial to them, but when it don't benefit them, they reel back in horror and have a rant about it.

If I was a high ranking Thai Minister who had the chance to award a major contract to a company that was offering me 30 Million baht in bribes or a company that was offering me nothing, I'd take the money!

Yes I know, I know, ThaiVisa members would never do such a thing.....yeah right..... :D

Thailand is Thailand is Thailand, accept it with all it's misgivings or move on elsewhere or don't accept it and stay here and be miserable. We Farangs are very fortunate to have a choice, many Thai people can only dream of the opportunity to travel to Europe, UK, US, AUS, NZ etc, let alone live there just cos they feel like it.

I don't walk around with my eyes closed, I don't bury my head in the sand, of course there are problems here, but I can't change things for the masses I can only change things for myself and my loved ones, moaning and whining on internet forums changes nothing, but it does make for some lively threads cos we don't all bash.

As I said previously, many are troll posts in my opinion, I just cannot accept that people could spout such hatred towards seemingly everything Thai, yet remain in the place they dislike so much. Gotta be trolls or nutcases. :o

Hey buddy, was the pun intended ? :D I'd like to own a piece of land in my name and speculate, yet I'm fully aware that I can't, so I don't dwell on it.
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I would say that the majority of complaining that occurs on TV is done by people with negative tendencies. Thailand is a country with good and bad like every other country; but in my opinion it is always better to focus on the good. Negativity is like a disease which corrupts people's minds, and it can be contagious.

This negativity occurs a lot on this forum. People do have legitimate complaints, but far more of the posts are just petty. Start a thread about something positive in regards to Thailand and you might get a few hundred views. Start a thread full of negativity and the views will be in the thousands. This negative thread will be full of people griping about how Thailand is such a let down; I suspect that many of these people forget to mention that they have been equally negative about everywhere they have lived.

I think a big problem is that many people see Thailand as their salvation, but when after a few years they realise that it is just another country they feel bitter and cheated. I would say that the majority of moaners on TV are in this category. Some of us came to Thailand with realistic expectations so didn't become disillusioned. I think Thailand is a great country, but I would be equally happy if I needed to live in my home country. I try to avoid the extreme negativity in many of the TV threads.

Edited by garro
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If I was a high ranking Thai Minister who had the chance to award a major contract to a company that was offering me 30 Million baht in bribes or a company that was offering me nothing, I'd take the money!

How sad that you feel that way Maigo. My moral compass might not always be pointing in the right direction, but there is a line, and screwing my country over is one i hope i'd never be greedy or stupid enough to cross.

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If I was a high ranking Thai Minister who had the chance to award a major contract to a company that was offering me 30 Million baht in bribes or a company that was offering me nothing, I'd take the money!

How sad that you feel that way Maigo. My moral compass might not always be pointing in the right direction, but there is a line, and screwing my country over is one i hope i'd never be greedy or stupid enough to cross.

You'd never make a politician in any country with that attitude. :o

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Hey buddy, was the pun intended ? :o I'd like to own a piece of land in my name and speculate, yet I'm fully aware that I can't, so I don't dwell on it.


Hi Mike still in Patters ?

The pun wasn't intentional actually, but well spotted.

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Hi All,

I have noticed that on many of the threads that a number Ex Pats defend Thailand as if it's their own country. Whatever the case may be, murder, drug use, buying property or the drop in tourism. Its never the fault of the thais or Thailand. There are many faults in this country as indeed there are in most countries of the world, but at some point someone must accept some of the responsibility. Reading the daily news and watching the national TV news stations it's very apparent that Thailand is politically unstable even to the point of calling a state of emergency in the past months. It's also very apparent that crime is rising in the country, maybe because of the political instability. This will affect tourism in the short and long term because people don't want to holiday in countries that have these problems.

The news is being aired all over the world so people are aware of the problems and i think that this reflects on peoples decisions to travel here. I have had calls from my friends and family In The UK asking if i was OK because of the situations are being shown on the news. The problems that i have mentioned are real, they exist, so why do a number of Ex Pats believe that they do not.

The usual answers are: 'You do not speak the language so you don't understand the culture'. 'You don't live in Thailand so what do you know'.

I think that the first lines of the national anthem pretty much sum up the thoughts of the majority of the Thais and certainly the ones that have been tied up in the farang rich areas of Phuket and Pattaya.

Thailand embraces in its bosom all people of Thai blood.

Every inch of Thailand belongs to the Thais.

It has long maintained its sovereignty,

Because the Thais have always been united.

The Thai people are peace-loving,

But they are no cowards at war.

They shall allow no one to rob them of their independence,

Nor shall they suffer tyranny.

All Thais are ready to give up every drop of blood

For the nation's safety, freedom and progress.

Farangs will never be accepted by the Thais as a Thai no matter how long they live or have lived here.

This is not a troll or a flame but i would be interested to know your thoughts on this.

Cheers, Rick

A a fair few tend to be emeshed into a farm on a village or house in Isaan and are pretty much stuck in the 'golden cage' with a thai family holding the key.

It really is a case of 'can't beat em? Join em'

And so they speak up for the Thais.

This is not always a bad thing though.

As a city-kind of guy more than the country I only defend Thailand on the grounds of its less bs here than back home and you there is more freedom here than in N/W Europe.

there is more freedom here than in N/W Europe. I think you suffer from the Stockholm syndrom, or you looking TV too much

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If I was a high ranking Thai Minister who had the chance to award a major contract to a company that was offering me 30 Million baht in bribes or a company that was offering me nothing, I'd take the money!

How sad that you feel that way Maigo. My moral compass might not always be pointing in the right direction, but there is a line, and screwing my country over is one i hope i'd never be greedy or stupid enough to cross.

You'd never make a politician in any country with that attitude. :o

Gone native?

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People have different experiences and more importantly different capabilities. Some walk in the light so to speak and some are in a constant state of zig zags trying to avoid pianos falling from the sky. The masses refer to this as luck. But what many call luck is really just the result of your choices.

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This is the land of denial. To live here, one has to do as the Thai do, go into denial.

I, like (I'd imagine) most foreigners, came here willing to learn, adapt and respect.

Through time, it's become apparent that there really is very little here to respect, and that to be able to survive here without constant anger and disgust I'd have to go into denial, or at least ignore all the crap around me.

AKA "I need more money!"

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I would say that the majority of complaining that occurs on TV is done by people with negative tendencies. Thailand is a country with good and bad like every other country; but in my opinion it is always better to focus on the good. Negativity is like a disease which corrupts people's minds, and it can be contagious.

This negativity occurs a lot on this forum. People do have legitimate complaints, but far more of the posts are just petty. Start a thread about something positive in regards to Thailand and you might get a few hundred views. Start a thread full of negativity and the views will be in the thousands. This negative thread will be full of people griping about how Thailand is such a let down; I suspect that many of these people forget to mention that they have been equally negative about everywhere they have lived.

I think a big problem is that many people see Thailand as their salvation, but when after a few years they realise that it is just another country they feel bitter and cheated. I would say that the majority of moaners on TV are in this category. Some of us came to Thailand with realistic expectations so didn't become disillusioned. I think Thailand is a great country, but I would be equally happy if I needed to live in my home country. I try to avoid the extreme negativity in many of the TV threads.

I agree with most of this post, but if I were forced to live in my own country, I would probably be miserable.

I have never regretted quiting a good job and coming to Thailand, and I would be quite happy to spend the rest of my days here. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Hi All,

I have noticed that on many of the threads that a number Ex Pats defend Thailand as if it's their own country. Whatever the case may be, murder, drug use, buying property or the drop in tourism. Its never the fault of the thais or Thailand. There are many faults in this country as indeed there are in most countries of the world, but at some point someone must accept some of the responsibility. Reading the daily news and watching the national TV news stations it's very apparent that Thailand is politically unstable even to the point of calling a state of emergency in the past months. It's also very apparent that crime is rising in the country, maybe because of the political instability. This will affect tourism in the short and long term because people don't want to holiday in countries that have these problems.

The news is being aired all over the world so people are aware of the problems and i think that this reflects on peoples decisions to travel here. I have had calls from my friends and family In The UK asking if i was OK because of the situations are being shown on the news. The problems that i have mentioned are real, they exist, so why do a number of Ex Pats believe that they do not.

The usual answers are: 'You do not speak the language so you don't understand the culture'. 'You don't live in Thailand so what do you know'.

I think that the first lines of the national anthem pretty much sum up the thoughts of the majority of the Thais and certainly the ones that have been tied up in the farang rich areas of Phuket and Pattaya.

Thailand embraces in its bosom all people of Thai blood.

Every inch of Thailand belongs to the Thais.

It has long maintained its sovereignty,

Because the Thais have always been united.

The Thai people are peace-loving,

But they are no cowards at war.

They shall allow no one to rob them of their independence,

Nor shall they suffer tyranny.

All Thais are ready to give up every drop of blood

For the nation's safety, freedom and progress.

Farangs will never be accepted by the Thais as a Thai no matter how long they live or have lived here.

This is not a troll or a flame but i would be interested to know your thoughts on this.

Cheers, Rick

None so blind as those who don’t want to see.


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Judging from a few other threads, many farang here have a strong sense of entitlement living in Thailand. They are not satisfied with the level of respect given to them by Thais and claim that you can never be Thai. But the question is, why should Thais be bending over backwards to accommodate farang? I suspect that many farang simple view Thais as being inferior to them and get mad when the Thais do not oblige them, or when Thais drive a nicer car, or do anything unpeasantly.

"Why can't the Thais realize that they should do everything the way it is done in my country?"

"Why do they say "This is Thailand"?

"Why do they think they have the right to have their own culture? I am here now."

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But why do Non Thai Bashers get labelled as being in denial, whilst the Thai bashers are seen as enlightened ?

I'm not sure its as black and white as all that Maigo.. I certainly see those who have unrealistically positve views of Thailand and those who have unrealsitically negative views of Thailand as both being out of touch.... responding to some problem they themselves have.

Spot on again Guesthouse, the thai bashing is simply a way of avoiding bashing themselves in many cases.

In addition it appears that many have not done much real travelling and therefore do not have the experience of a wide range of countries and cultures, if they did they would perhaps have a more balanced view.

In the end I think its clear, Thailand is not a perfect heaven, or a perfect hel_l - Those who feel the need to defend Thailand hearing no negativity and those who feel the need to condemn Thailand hearing nothing of the good are both clearly neglecting reality and giving voice to some problems they themselves have.

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Hey buddy, was the pun intended ? :D I'd like to own a piece of land in my name and speculate, yet I'm fully aware that I can't, so I don't dwell on it.


Hi Mike still in Patters ?

The pun wasn't intentional actually, but well spotted.

are you sure ? :o .im coming and going, either that or i was about to buy a superman outfit or start shouting at imaginary people !.lol :D
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