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You have some strange friends Zaza, do you have anything to contribute to the OP?

My theory has been proven. Personality goes a long way on the internet.

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Taoism: shit happens

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Atheism: I don't believe this shit

So to expand the topic and for my own interest. Are people who use dating websites 'desperate'? Lots of other ways to meet people, social clubs, embassy dos, Thai Visa get togethers :o . Are we getting lazier as people because the internet is so accessible or is it the anonymous attraction of it that keeps things going?

I would not really agree that people are getting lazier but I think it is an outlet for those who are shy at making introductions. On the net you can make that first enquiry and if you get a knock back then you have not been publically rebuffed. Only you and the other party know about your message.

hv they met each other in person? If they like each other, why dont let them to give it a try? The thing is they gotta go out together and see what will happen, otherwise it is just an imaginary thing bewteen them. It wont last long and waste time.
So you are trying to tell me I wastet all my time for 6 years? Yes I know what you are talking about, I was careful too but there is ways of checking up

please, do tell us about the ways.


I remember one instance when I could have used the net for romance.

I returned to the UK after being abroad working for a number of years. Still in the banking game I met up with some colleagues after work in the City. One more than one occasion I was shocked at the materialistic nature of potential females whose fixation was not shrouded at all but seemed in the main to focus on what car I drove. Learning that I did not drive a car they rebuffed me. Learning that I had a $50m house next to the bank (joking) they were quick to engage but by that time I wanted nothing to do with them. These were the people who worked in the City, educated and the likely group from which I would choose a partner. Like hel_l !

So in my own little way I can see why the internet brings opportunities for people to meet others outside of their social group.

My misgivings are bolstered by guys I know who use such sites for arranging nothing more than sex really. They succeed and thus that must mean that women on these sites are there for similar gain.

Then we have the problem of the internet breaking down all time and distance issues between people. Now I am one who would travel to the end of the world for love and have moved continents for it, but how many people are deluding themselves that they can really make a relationship work when the other person is half way across the world ? Thailand is a classic example of this with guys seeking Thai girlfriends from every corner of the globe. Do they really want Thai girls or have they read somewhere that Thai girls are easy pickings in the sex stakes ? Mostly the latter I imagine.

Would I give it a go ? I live in Thailand and Singapore and I say yes. If I lived in the UK and preferred Asian women then a definite yes. It is not because there are not women around who would harness my interest but I feel the internet can be a bridge between your desire and the unknown. In some ways it can reduce risk whilst opening up more possibilities. That both parties have to commit is something I am not certain about as I see the majority of Asian sites as being husband finding machines for poor Asian girls from 3rd world countries.


one thing i would add here is too always remain skeptical, if any of the guys reading this and do decide to participate with internet dating one shoul use a little common sense

reminds me of a time i was in a internet cafe in Samui,:

i was surfing but happened to notice a asian, lady next door having problems with her internet account, anyhow she asks me how to deal with a problem, so i resolved it, but i couldnt help but notice the text of the e-mail, on the lines of " i love you darling" and so forth, but what really caught my attention wa the list of people she had to e-mail, there must of been about 20 names whom she was emailing, pretty much all men, i was blown away by it, i guess she figured that if she hit the reply to many she might beable to keep in touch with a few etc

Another case was i happened to notice when i left another female using having multiple screens of webcams so she was basically chatting to at least 4 guys that i could make out, i had to admire that, keeping the right name and not crossing referencing conversations via websites must be an art

i guess if you are talking to someone via dating sites is to to watch the eyes to see if they glance off as he/she could be talking to many

personally i think its great that people meet via internet as it has opened doors for people to meet, if both parties are honest then i think it can work

but like everything due dilegence should always be sort.

i would rather try the internet dating route than the arranged or 2 week mail order bride service( how anyone can suddenley fall in love and then move to a strange country and having little or no communication or apects to each other nationality is beyond me communication for me is everything, being able to show and tell your feelings is a major factor in any relationship.)


The number of internet sites where you can "Meet live thai women" (I guess as opposed to dead ones) just boggles the mind.

At last count, I maintain about 20+ profiles for thai female friends of mine on the various meeting sites. I answer emails in 'thai-engrish', chat, and try to weed out the guys who are not what the girls are looking for. It is AMAZING just how many interests an even moderately cute thai gurl can generate in a week. Some of my profiles have over 300 interests, and most get too many emails to even begin to answer.

IF any of the matches I find for them comes to Thailand, or lives here and wants to meet; I print out a bio, back story, chat history, etc so when they do meet she's in the loop. So far I'm running about a 75% where the gurls have gone on more than one date with their perspective matches. Several are currently 'involved' and two have left the country on holiday with the match I found them.

At one time I even looked into turning my second bedroom into a small 'internet shop' with 10 p/c's and webcams so they could chat with someone and I could help them along in the background. I never pursued it though and have really tapered off in the day to day management for the profiles I currently maintain for my friends. It was becoming too labor intensive for the money I made. It was also becoming tedious chatting with foreign men who asked the same 15 questions, and thought they were God's gift for thai women, lol..

With that being said; I know several foreign friends of mine who met their current girlfriends online, one is engaged to a nurse he met, and will most likely marry early next year. Another got married after about a 6 month online and another 6 month on the ground courtship. They both seem extremely happy, and I wish them well.

You can meet very interesting thai women online, from all walks of life, some are sincere, some not so, but that is what it is like meeting people in person as well. The online community certainly gives you a wider choice of people; many are ones you would not be exposed to just wandering the streets of Bangkok trying to chat up women. Several of the profiles I maintain for my friends are government workers, office managers, IT consultants, etc, who have busy working lives. They just don't have the free time to pursue the sites like you need to so you can get good results. That's where I come in, lol. After ascertaining the engrish level of a person whose profile I maintain I tailor my typing in chat and email to their abilities, and it seems to work out fine.

I would be hesitant about believing the "fall madly in love" online part. I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but online, hmmm, quite a stretch in believability motivated most likely by desperation and/or other issues. I think as a tool to look for commonalities in personalities, likes, dislikes, etc it is a valuable method to meet people..

Keep in mind that it is very much a "buyer beware" market. Also remember, next time you chat to a cute thai gurl it could be you're really chatting with me. "easy to much typing like girl thai". "I no like thai man, buterfly, drink to much, not take care family me".. :o

The number of internet sites where you can "Meet live thai women" (I guess as opposed to dead ones) just boggles the mind.

At last count, I maintain about 20+ profiles for thai female friends of mine on the various meeting sites. I answer emails in 'thai-engrish', chat, and try to weed out the guys who are not what the girls are looking for. It is AMAZING just how many interests an even moderately cute thai gurl can generate in a week. Some of my profiles have over 300 interests, and most get too many emails to even begin to answer.

IF any of the matches I find for them comes to Thailand, or lives here and wants to meet; I print out a bio, back story, chat history, etc so when they do meet she's in the loop. So far I'm running about a 75% where the gurls have gone on more than one date with their perspective matches. Several are currently 'involved' and two have left the country on holiday with the match I found them.

At one time I even looked into turning my second bedroom into a small 'internet shop' with 10 p/c's and webcams so they could chat with someone and I could help them along in the background. I never pursued it though and have really tapered off in the day to day management for the profiles I currently maintain for my friends. It was becoming too labor intensive for the money I made. It was also becoming tedious chatting with foreign men who asked the same 15 questions, and thought they were God's gift for thai women, lol..

With that being said; I know several foreign friends of mine who met their current girlfriends online, one is engaged to a nurse he met, and will most likely marry early next year. Another got married after about a 6 month online and another 6 month on the ground courtship. They both seem extremely happy, and I wish them well.

You can meet very interesting thai women online, from all walks of life, some are sincere, some not so, but that is what it is like meeting people in person as well. The online community certainly gives you a wider choice of people; many are ones you would not be exposed to just wandering the streets of Bangkok trying to chat up women. Several of the profiles I maintain for my friends are government workers, office managers, IT consultants, etc, who have busy working lives. They just don't have the free time to pursue the sites like you need to so you can get good results. That's where I come in, lol. After ascertaining the engrish level of a person whose profile I maintain I tailor my typing in chat and email to their abilities, and it seems to work out fine.

I would be hesitant about believing the "fall madly in love" online part. I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but online, hmmm, quite a stretch in believability motivated most likely by desperation and/or other issues. I think as a tool to look for commonalities in personalities, likes, dislikes, etc it is a valuable method to meet people..

Keep in mind that it is very much a "buyer beware" market. Also remember, next time you chat to a cute thai gurl it could be you're really chatting with me. "easy to much typing like girl thai". "I no like thai man, buterfly, drink to much, not take care family me".. :o

Thats sounds like what bar girls say not real girls hence the reason its a lie. :D:D:D:D:(

I have a friend living in Thailand who is smitten with someone he met on one of these dating websites. They exchanged a few e-mails and pics and chat regularly. Anyway,they are madly 'in love' which to me is strange, I mean they have never met.

I told him to beware, I mean what would you do in this situation? Can this happen on the net when you become infatuated with someone? Not for me anyway but can a serious relationship develop like this? It's a bit like an LDR thing. I don't want to get involved but asking for some memebers' perceptions.

It can happen all right, a buddy hooked up with a cutie he met on the net and they were together last I theard, dont know if theyre together still though.

Anyway, I dont see the point in internet dating. Its for the lazy imo. The endless time you spend reading and replying to emails and looking at pictures, txting, calling, making sure youre not talking to crazy girls or dudes in dresses, egofix primadonnas, it just to much of waste of time.

I can spend that time out socialising or just going to a mall chatting some nice girls up. Yes theres the risk of rejection maybe thats why some people like the internet?

True but how many people make up internet personas. We all do as members of TV. Some are real some are alter egos, some are just here for fun, some here to stir up shit, no different to putting up your profile on some dating website.

You give out as much or as little information as you choose and leave the rest to others' imagination.

AS for finding true love on one, well some posters have, so must be true.

I dont make up any persona for TV, why would I do this.

As mentioned by another poster, this is 2008, the internet has become the main method for long term communication across the world.

I suspect that many of the posters havent really caught up with the internet revolution yet, I know from much experience how reluctant some older folks are to embrace the new world.

I have a friend living in Thailand who is smitten with someone he met on one of these dating websites. They exchanged a few e-mails and pics and chat regularly. Anyway,they are madly 'in love' which to me is strange, I mean they have never met.

I told him to beware, I mean what would you do in this situation? Can this happen on the net when you become infatuated with someone? Not for me anyway but can a serious relationship develop like this? It's a bit like an LDR thing. I don't want to get involved but asking for some memebers' perceptions.

You don't believe in it ? ok it's up to you, I met my wife on the net we fell in love and now we are happily married for 6 years now, any more questions?

Didn't you start a topic a few weeks ago about the problems you were having in your marriage? You said something like you hadn't had sex for 6 years and that she liked watching TV more than going to bed with you... :o

I've met a few people that I got to know online and I don't keep in touch with any of them, but I do think it can work. I think it's fun to get to know people from different countries, the internet gives you that ability. I've spoken to a lot of different people online and I've never had reason to doubt anything that they've told me, maybe I'm just lucky.

Ok so what's the drawcard? And I'm not being disrespectful here. To me anyway, the real thing is better than the cyber thing. Sure you can find out a lot about each other but never met and madly 'in love' is OTT.

The draw card is simple. With little effort, in the comfort of your home, work, or cyber cafe, you can find a pool of others wanting some sort of relationship. From that pool, a person can screen out people who are clearly not a good match and narrow down a list to some people or even one person with whom there is a decent potential for a amtch.

The screening depends on the desires of the member. It may be based on religion, age, willingness to have children, economics, appearances--anything. Two people don't waste time and emotional currency on a relationship which is doomed to fail, for example, because one person desparately wants children and the other is adamantly opposed to them.

As far a falling in love only through the internet alone, I think that is rare, but it is possible. I think falling into "excitement" is a far more likely result. I think once two people have found that they are compatible over the internet, and then they meet face-to-face, then real love can blossom.

My brother met a woman back in the 70's over the internet before it was the world wide web (when it was a peer-to-peer system connecting some universities, labs, and companies.). Now, with three kids and four grandkids, they are still happily togther and in love.


I'm only 23 and my Thai girlfriend is 23 also, moved here from Thailand to work. We both met online on Myspace when I was looking for a relative 's profile and saw her's by accident. She is so shy that I don't know if I could have gone on a first date without chatting online for months. We exchanged pictures, of us and our families. Now we have both have fallen crazy in love with eachother. She is the most gorgous bombshell Thai girl I have ever seen, I still a tingling feeling all over when I look at her. And that smile...don't get me started.

Without meeting online it would have never happened, but this isn't like most cases. Neither of us were "looking" for love online, I guess it found us. I have found the girl I want to live the rest of my life with, and she has found the same.


Thanks. I hope it does too. I just feel so lucky to find a beautiful and personable girl like her. Most girls my age that are really good looking are conceited and think they are god's gift to earth. Growing up in Isaan she appreciates everything in life so much more than any girl I have ever met. A true diamond in the ruff.

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