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Nativity, Italian style

The Vatican is upset that an Italian school has replaced it's traditional Nativity scene

with Little Red Riding Hood, so as not to upset the muslim population.

Nativity, London style

Church leaders condemned a Christmas Nativity tableau at Madame Tussaud's wax works

depicting soccer star David Beckham as Joseph and his pop star wife Victoria as the Virgin Mary.

Tony Blair and George W. Bush are two of the wise men, whilst the Duke of Edinburgh as the third.

Homeland Security

President Bush's candidate elect for the post of Secretary of Homeland Security, Bernard Kerik has

withdrawn from the race as there are questions over the immigration status of his housekeeper and nanny.

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Originally God wanted that Nativity to be in England, but after a wide search they couldn't find three wise men in the whole of the island.

He had a better chance than on the island were we used to send our convict!!!

2000 years ago. 3 wise indigenous brothers ? Hmmmmm. Let's think about that :o

Perhaps your indigenous brothers are wiser than the mods and admin here and would realise that this thread is not Thai related. :D

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Originally God wanted that Nativity to be in England, but after a wide search they couldn't find three wise men in the whole of the island.

He had a better chance than on the island were we used to send our convict!!!

2000 years ago. 3 wise indigenous brothers ? Hmmmmm. Let's think about that :D

Perhaps your indigenous brothers are wiser than the mods and admin here and would realise that this thread is not Thai related. :o

Ahhh.... very wise indeed Gazza. YOU must be English! :D:D:D

Sadly he is neither an Admin or a Mod, or his soap dodged finger's might have eliminated our Christmas fun. :D He wouldn't be fun on a fishing trip either.

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Originally God wanted that Nativity to be in England, but after a wide search they couldn't find three wise men in the whole of the island.

He had a better chance than on the island were we used to send our convict!!!

2000 years ago. 3 wise indigenous brothers ? Hmmmmm. Let's think about that :D

Perhaps your indigenous brothers are wiser than the mods and admin here and would realise that this thread is not Thai related. :D

Ahhh.... very wise indeed Gazza. YOU must be English! :D:D:D

Sadly he is neither an Admin or a Mod, or his soap dodged finger's might have eliminated our Christmas fun. :o He wouldn't be fun on a fishing trip either.

I should look before I leap. He's a septic and ensconsed in Septicland :D

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Originally God wanted that Nativity to be in England, but after a wide search they couldn't find three wise men in the whole of the island.

He had a better chance than on the island were we used to send our convict!!!

2000 years ago. 3 wise indigenous brothers ? Hmmmmm. Let's think about that :D

Perhaps your indigenous brothers are wiser than the mods and admin here and would realise that this thread is not Thai related. :D

Ahhh.... very wise indeed Gazza. YOU must be English! :D:D:D

Sadly he is neither an Admin or a Mod, or his soap dodged finger's might have eliminated our Christmas fun. :D He wouldn't be fun on a fishing trip either.

Ha Ha...Tee Hee....Tee Hee...Guffaw....Guffaw...

Your constant quips about soap dodging, septics and sheep still cracks me up everytime. Please Doc...stop it. My sides are hurting with so much laughter. :o

What's this about fishing? I like fishing. It gives me something to do while I'm not doing anything. :D

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Originally God wanted that Nativity to be in England, but after a wide search they couldn't find three wise men in the whole of the island.

He had a better chance than on the island were we used to send our convict!!!

2000 years ago. 3 wise indigenous brothers ? Hmmmmm. Let's think about that :D

Perhaps your indigenous brothers are wiser than the mods and admin here and would realise that this thread is not Thai related. :D

Ahhh.... very wise indeed Gazza. YOU must be English! :D:D:D

Sadly he is neither an Admin or a Mod, or his soap dodged finger's might have eliminated our Christmas fun. :o He wouldn't be fun on a fishing trip either.

Ha Ha...Tee Hee....Tee Hee...Guffaw....Guffaw...

Your constant quips about soap dodging, septics and sheep still cracks me up everytime. Please Doc...stop it. My sides are hurting with so much laughter. :D

What's this about fishing? I like fishing. It gives me something to do while I'm not doing anything. :D

Doin' nothin' and fishin' = same same :D

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Nativity, Italian style

The Vatican is upset that an Italian school has replaced it's traditional Nativity scene

with Little Red Riding Hood, so as not to upset the muslim population.

Nativity, London style

Church leaders condemned a Christmas Nativity tableau at Madame Tussaud's wax works

depicting soccer star David Beckham as Joseph and his pop star wife Victoria as the Virgin Mary.

Tony Blair and George W. Bush are two of the wise men, whilst the Duke of Edinburgh as the third.

Homeland Security

President Bush's candidate elect for the post of Secretary of Homeland Security, Bernard Kerik has

withdrawn from the race as there are questions over the immigration status of his housekeeper and nanny.

Look I have nothing in particular against this kind of simple minded stuff if it amuses the troops, but the point is it has been initiated by a moderator who had no compunction in halting a thread that was genuinely interesting and relevant to Thailand(dealing with national anthems etc).Quis custodiet ipsos custodies.

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Originally God wanted that Nativity to be in England, but after a wide search they couldn't find three wise men in the whole of the island.

He had a better chance than on the island were we used to send our convict!!!

2000 years ago. 3 wise indigenous brothers ? Hmmmmm. Let's think about that :D

Plenty of indigenous brothers around in England 2,000 years ago...known as the Celts, who were unfortunately kicked to the corners of the country. Not sure if any of them were wise or not. :o

Btw, Jesus was English :D

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Btw, Jesus was English :D

I never knew that! :o

I didn't either. The roll of ancient Soapdodger's Olde Book makes no such wild assertions

You've all got it wrong.Jesus played lock for the All Blacks under the alias of "pinetree". Took no <deleted> from anybody and was quite handy at dishing it out.A real man in this age of sandle ,tree hugging kaftan wearers.

Anyone else for a Divinity lesson? :D

Edited by chuchok
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