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Adsl - Too Far Away ?

kin hell

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I am not a technical person , so this question may sound a bit dumb to some, I have recently moved to a new house that has a TOT telephone line installed, first ive connected my computer to the internet by using the built in dial up modem, and the results are '' slow'' about 40Kbps !!! , so I went to see the TOT office guy and asked if I can have adsl installed, he asked for my telephone number and house address, He came back into the office and said I could not have adsl installed as my house is 2-1/2 Km too far away from some sort of connection box, how Can 2-1/2 Km make that much difference ? , I am thinking that may be the guys just quoting some sort of fixed guide line regarding the distance away from the adsl connection box,

In my non technical way of looking at this, say if the adsl was installed at my house , but due to this extra 2-1/2 Km distance

I could not hope to get a standard connection speed, '' BUT'' the poor speed I could get was greater than my current 40Kbps

I would still gladly pay for the adsl set up , what do you think ....

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If you're living in the boondocks, it might be so that there are no suitable cables in your area yet.

What to do? Live with the advice of the TOT guy.

Hi , I do live out in the sticks, but have come to learn that you can't all ways go by the answer you are first given here, I just thought an adsl connection used the normal TOT telephone lines ..?

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I am not a technical person , so this question may sound a bit dumb to some, I have recently moved to a new house that has a TOT telephone line installed, first ive connected my computer to the internet by using the built in dial up modem, and the results are '' slow'' about 40Kbps !!! , so I went to see the TOT office guy and asked if I can have adsl installed, he asked for my telephone number and house address, He came back into the office and said I could not have adsl installed as my house is 2-1/2 Km too far away from some sort of connection box, how Can 2-1/2 Km make that much difference ? , I am thinking that may be the guys just quoting some sort of fixed guide line regarding the distance away from the adsl connection box,

In my non technical way of looking at this, say if the adsl was installed at my house , but due to this extra 2-1/2 Km distance

I could not hope to get a standard connection speed, '' BUT'' the poor speed I could get was greater than my current 40Kbps

I would still gladly pay for the adsl set up , what do you think ....

ADSL is technically limited. Normally the maximum distance between ADSL repeaters is 3 KM. So in your case the repeater is probably 3+2.5 KM away, hence the connection is not going to work. No, not even a little.

Find out if they can provide you with a WiFi link (with directional antennas at receiving and sending ends, and signal booster) from the last ADSL repeater. The connection is not going to be great (and I mean it will totally drop and you might have to realign the antennas frequently, and that's not easy) in bad weather though.

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well adsl can go up to 5km, this is the maximum standard in belgium in france but it can be a little higher 5.5km depending of the line quality, this for a speed of 512k max.

you should ask them if they can provide half a meg to start and lower it or higher it depending on the experience.

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I'm pretty sure the local office sales reps use the 3 kilometer rule here. 5 clicks may be true in other countries that have cabling done to some installation standard but here the unreliable terminal boxes and poor junctions make for a overall poor quality connection. A simple watertight junction here is a challenge for them.

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Indeed the local phone companies use 3 km as a limit to deliver ADSL.

They know their phone line quality is not good, with a lot of taped up junctions, so when they would give you ADSL at 5 km, they probably can expect you to be on the phone pretty much daily to complain about the speed, lost connections etc...

I had ADSL over here for a while on a 6km cable (I know somebody at TT&T so they hooked me up anyway) and I can tell you it's not worth it. 256kbps but the modem was constantly reconnecting, dropped away altogether with the slightest rain etc...

Luckily they put up a new ADSL exchange right around the corner, so now happily connected at 3 Mbps :o

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Here's a funny story.

We recently moved into our newly built house.

We previously had a TT&T adsl connection at our previous rental.

In the village where we now live TOT said that we could not connect up to adsl.

TT&T switched our account to the new house no problem at all using the TOT phone lines!

The internet connection I have with TT&T is the basic 2meg and gives me just about what I need so no complaints.

I wouldn't trust anything TOT tell me.

If TT&T are in your area give them a call and see what they can offer you.

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1st, Ask your neighbors if they have it...

2nd often they will lay a cable/exchange if 5 or 6 people in the same area want it.... Ask TOT how many.. ask neighbors if they want it...

3rd did you try all the other companies that use a TOT line ?

Edited by ignis
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