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Some Of The People Need A Lesson On Life


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This thread already shows the makings of a good 'un. Some much needed light-hearted relief during a time of stress and pain.

Let's keep it civil, and it'll be fun.

I'm off for a qiuck shower, but will eagerly return in five minutes, with a tiger, for some more (and much needed) 'lesson on life'.

Quick shower, how about a nice long bath or don't you like nice long baths?

And Tiger! Why not drink Chang...

If people come to Thailand and don't like nice long baths and Chang they can just bugger off.

As can newbies who still havn'e discovered outside of Bankok and feel the need to have Thai place names in their avatars to impress their mates back at the anorak factory.

I hate this thread so I suppose I better just bugger off as well.


PS anybody know why I encourage these trolls! Answers on a post card...

Best post of the day award, IMO.

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This thread already shows the makings of a good 'un. Some much needed light-hearted relief during a time of stress and pain.

Let's keep it civil, and it'll be fun.

I'm off for a qiuck shower, but will eagerly return in five minutes, with a tiger, for some more (and much needed) 'lesson on life'.

Quick shower, how about a nice long bath or don't you like nice long baths?

And Tiger! Why not drink Chang...

If people come to Thailand and don't like nice long baths and Chang they can just bugger off.

As can newbies who still havn'e discovered outside of Bankok and feel the need to have Thai place names in their avatars to impress their mates back at the anorak factory.

I hate this thread so I suppose I better just bugger off as well.


PS anybody know why I encourage these trolls! Answers on a post card...

On a postcard???

If you can't be bothered to have a dedicated website (like what us minority do) you should bugger off. :o

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Interestingly (to me at least), my wife called our laundry guy to come pick up some stuff afterwork last night, to which he replied, "sorry I can't as I am at the protest at the airport".

To which my (Bangkokian Chinese Thai) wife replied, fine, if you dont come tomorrow night, never come back again and hung up.

Let's see where his loyalty lies tonight, his pocket or his pride.

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Interestingly (to me at least), my wife called our laundry guy to come pick up some stuff afterwork last night, to which he replied, "sorry I can't as I am at the protest at the airport".

To which my (Bangkokian Chinese Thai) wife replied, fine, if you dont come tomorrow night, never come back again and hung up.

Let's see where his loyalty lies tonight, his pocket or his pride.

Are we taking bets on this ? lol I will give 10-1 he is not coming back....any takers ?

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Interestingly (to me at least), my wife called our laundry guy to come pick up some stuff afterwork last night, to which he replied, "sorry I can't as I am at the protest at the airport".

To which my (Bangkokian Chinese Thai) wife replied, fine, if you dont come tomorrow night, never come back again and hung up.

Let's see where his loyalty lies tonight, his pocket or his pride.

Are we taking bets on this ? lol I will give 10-1 he is not coming back....any takers ?

I bet u one beer.

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Interestingly (to me at least), my wife called our laundry guy to come pick up some stuff afterwork last night, to which he replied, "sorry I can't as I am at the protest at the airport".

To which my (Bangkokian Chinese Thai) wife replied, fine, if you dont come tomorrow night, never come back again and hung up.

Let's see where his loyalty lies tonight, his pocket or his pride.

Are we taking bets on this ? lol I will give 10-1 he is not coming back....any takers ?

I bet u one beer.

errrrhummmmmmm....... Forum Rules - No wagering.... :o

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(If you don't like what a tiny minority group are doing against an elected government then you should leave? Oli wa, ali na...)

If the current Parties are really that much loved by the population, they could be sure of re-elections, why then they aren't going to go for it and dissolve the house?

Why not?

This is an important question, and easy to answer too.

If they dissolve the house, now, and call an election, with the current state of court proceedings (set in motion by the illegal coup) they would not be able to reform their party - leaving only the Dems to contest the next election, with a few minor parties. Thus, the PAD / army / Dems would be getting exactly what they've been after for years - Dem party government. (along with all the favours that the Dems would owe to their PAD / army / other sponsors).

On the other hand, the Thai populous (majority) would have their consistently voiced vote taken away and the Dems forced on them, by a minority group based in Bangkok who want to control all the wealth.

Sounds about right.

Yes, these 'monsters"!

Didn't see any of this happen when Chuan Leekpai was Primeminister - why did the democrats didn't stretch out their 'evil' claw then having THEIR LEader at the helms?

takky was ousted because he is a sincere man, these bangkok elites simply envied him his honest accumulated wealth - this sounds very much like himself, I feel so sorry for him and his kind loving TRT doing so much for the poor, eradicated poverty, all rural kids have access to a university and the elderly all taken care of in free nursing homes, so are the zillions of abondoned children, all the sexworkers now have jobs in a telecom empire and all enjoy completely free health care as well as social welfare!

did I forget something?!

Ah, yeah have all the "Father Joseph Meier's" been send home by them yet?

See, something doesn't fit into your equasion you're trying to sell off here, sir!

Edited by Samuian
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i will keep this short

: Average Thai's history and military tactic knowledge : 1/100

: Average western's history and military tactic knowledge : 70/100

We have history classes, we have army movies, we have political classes, we have documentaries.. all of those are forced on us over elementary and highschool.

+ extra knowledge for higher education

Thais have no knowledge of their own history (biased) or world history, most of them dont even know what ww2 is besides hitler looks cool on a tshirt, therefore they have no bloody idea how their stupid PAD movement isnt doing any good, all they know is that everybody in the political world sucks horribly and they just take a side and blame the other sides.

Hence we have to educate them on behalf of what we have learned throughout humanity.

Edited by canadianmonkey
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if you do not like it then bugger off

couldn't you come up with anything more original?

I would leave, but I am being held hostage... the only escape is if I jump on a cargo ship! In fact it is just not I or fellow falangs being held hostage, the country is now closed off, effectively being held hostage.... thanks to a bunch of thugs.

So yea, I find it anoying, and so do my circle of Thia friends that operate businesses in Thailand.

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I cannot understand why foreigners who live here are getting so angered with the PAD and the situation they have made, if you do not like it then bugger off to the power to the gov and no one else west !

This is their country and they have a right to do what they deem necassary. This is Thailands form of democracy and it will never change because this is how the cycle works and has thus far resolved all political situations with the minimal of civilian casualties. Can you imagine what the scene would be like if this happened in a south amercian country ? I do not want to !

I feel sorry for the tourists who were simply on holiday here and especially if they have kids, are old or disabled in anyway. I have no time for expats who live here making accusations against the PAD for what they are doing. As I have said before it quite simply is none of our business and if you do not like it then do not live here.

Their are many qualities in living in Thailand but just as in life there have to be negatives to balance it out. If you do not understand the fact that this type of situation is going to present itself all to often in this country then I would back ya bags now and head home.....well not by plane hahah

this is an expat forum, if you don't like our opinions ... then bugger off !!

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