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Ppp And Pad To Rally At Chiang Mai City Hall


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I've just come from the Warorot Grand Palace Hotel where there is a very large group of pro-government supporters readying to go to City Hall at Mae Rim to support the cabinett meeting to take place there.

Their spokesperson said a group of PAD had commandeered a train and thrown all of the passengers off in Bangkok and were also on their way, along with several bus loads of PAD protesters.

I saw a large number of sling-shots being handed out and many PPP members armed with clubs and iron bars.

Anyone who is heading out that way can expect major disruptions.

I'll post more when I get back later this afternoon.

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I would guess that since the Tourists are fleeing the place ( well trying to anyway ) that the only person making money in Chiang Mai is that guy in the night bazarre who sells flick knives, num-chucks, catapults, throwing stars, bb guns and of course good old knuckle dusters.

On a brighter note, if you have a big bike then today is the day to take a ride around the moat with no plates or helmuts as all the BIB's are otherwise engaged.

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I would guess that since the Tourists are fleeing the place ( well trying to anyway ) that the only person making money in Chiang Mai is that guy in the night bazarre who sells flick knives, num-chucks, catapults, throwing stars, bb guns and of course good old knuckle dusters.

On a brighter note, if you have a big bike then today is the day to take a ride around the moat with no plates or helmuts as all the BIB's are otherwise engaged.

_45158977_clackers.jpgDont forget the manufacturers of RED FEET clappers.... as opposed to the YELLOW HAND clappers!

Smart people these Chinese Thais, as my grandmother used to say.

if you have a big bike

30th at Carrefour from 6pm onwards... sponsored by Coke/Heineken. Big Bike meet for Charity (hill tribe clothes i believe)

Edited by SomNamNah
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Why with all the posting about this red shirt, yellow shirt difficulty, is there no mention of the yellow shirt that was pulled from his car and shot and killed last evening?

I can't find mention in either the Bkk Pst or The Nation..

Is someone tryihg to ignore this problem ???

Not really, I have no trouble finding news reports that are getting more and more accurate. The short version is that it was not a case of 'someone being dragged out of his car' (implying that this was merely for wearing yellow). It was part of a longer running feud between rival groups / radio stations.

Doesn't make it any less sad, needless to say. I do feel that it's necessary to set the record straight, because people could easily read it as wearing yellow (or red, for that matter) being enough to get killed.

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Just received valuable intelligence from Chiang Mai's alternative CNN (my MIL)

She was talking to locals on Loy Kroh Road last night, talking about how few tuk-tuks and song taow there seemed to be. Apparently not many farang customers so the guys took up an alternative offer of employment ... 400 baht each to go wave the flag for the red shirts!!

Good for them (and their families) in the very short term but obviously not tinking beyond that

Not enough tourists? Let's go and participate in something that will contribute to scaring more away. terrific

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It's no surprise that both PAD and UDD pay people to participate in their various endeavors.

However be aware that the people who do participate probably share some sympathy with the organization paying the tariff.

If someone has to take time off of work..... :o

Thai democracy is evolving. It is very complicated, and there are many different undercurrents at play here.

I just hope it doesn't end in what happened in my country 150 years ago. :D

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