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Urgent Call To The Press


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Well, I guess you have to be here to understand the situation. I'm not complaining about my own position here but am merely trying to help those that do have problems. How about an 80 year old grandma having to cart around her heavy luggage, being put in a room on the 5th floor. We are not paying guests at this hotel with the priveliges that entails. Or the Bangladeshi contract worker who had to be back in Australia yesterday and now lost his job and probably the only means of support for his family. There are many other examples. We are not all British or Americans. There are others who are less fortunate.

I was hoping for some positive feedback and support but that was too much to expect from a bunch of wanke_rs who have nothing better to do than mock the unfortunate.

This is why I hate Thaivisa so much. Nothing but negativity from the posters. Thanks for the one or two who did sympathise.

I can feel sorry for you, however it could be worse, you could be stuck in the uk !. it wont last for ever and id say turn a negative into a positive and get on the beach til they call you for the plane,there are plenty of expats that will let you join their balloon chasing gangs and you can live very cheaply as they will tell you, im sure your friends in your home country understand and if you are working any boss worth his salt will feel sorry for you and not fire you, relax.
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I've been held hostage here in thailand for years.....I hope I am NEVER rescued.....I won't even give my location away! :o

I have only one thing to say to the OP......thats 'Jai Yen Yen'.... **flame removed**

The comment of Drama Queen rings so true here, the OP has been so caught up in her aweful world she forgot to notice others doing it a bit tougher......typical really for a caucasian sheila!

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OP: There are a lot of us who sympathies with you and the rest of the passengers who are stranded. Not everyone has a debit card or a credit card, believe it or not. Not everyone has someone who will wire them money. Not everyone who is stranded here is a tourist. There are people who came for medical treatment, there are people merely transiting through the country, there are people that were here on business. Believe it or not, everyone isn't happy to be here.

It's never fun being stranded somewhere you don't want to be.

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I've been held hostage here in thailand for years.....I hope I am NEVER rescued.....I won't even give my location away! :o

I have only one thing to say to the OP......thats 'Jai Yen Yen'.... **flame removed**

The comment of Drama Queen rings so true here, the OP has been so caught up in her aweful world she forgot to notice others doing it a bit tougher......typical really for a caucasian sheila!

OP appears to be male from previous postings. Suggest you rethink your preconceived notions :D

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I've been held hostage here in thailand for years.....I hope I am NEVER rescued.....I won't even give my location away! :o

I have only one thing to say to the OP......thats 'Jai Yen Yen'... **flame removed**

The comment of Drama Queen rings so true here, the OP has been so caught up in her aweful world she forgot to notice others doing it a bit tougher......typical really for a caucasian sheila!

it says samut sakhon in your profile.

OP, are you as "non-paying" guests not allowed to use the elevator? poor grandma.

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I can't understand why the OP is upset either. I'm sure that all the members getting on his case would not mind having their freedom of movement, and choice taken away from them. I mean what the hel_l is wrong with this guy? Why can't he just do as he is told, and be happy?

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This is a serious situation!

We are being held hostage in Thailand.

There are thousands of people placed in hotels in and around Bangkok who are not able to leave and go back to their home countries. Many of these people are in dire straits as it was the end of their holidays and they are now out of money. They can not afford to stay in Thailand any longer. Eventhough Thai Airways are taking care of food and accomodation, stranded passengers still need to contact work, home and relatives but this has to be on own expense. Many have to go back to work.

We were told this morning that it will take at least ten days before people will be able to go home. We can not wait that long. This situation is destroying lives.

This is an urgent call for the press to get involved so that International help can be called upon. If you have contact with the press, please get in touch. We are stranded at the Ambasador City Hotel in Pattaya. Around 10 different nationalities are involved. Please help us get home.

the fact that you have internet access and posting on ThaiVisa says you can contact them yourself

Voted as the best answer.

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Whats with all the bashing? Everyone that is putting down the OP is sitting in thier house and live thier lives here, the OP is obviously does not. I know if i was one of these passengers I would be very upset, hel_l, I dont even like to sit in an airport for more then hour more then i have to. Most people are on a budget when they come to thailand, so this would also be stressfull. Imagine being in pattaya and not being able to go out for a night on the town to relieve all the stress, oh my buddha. The OP is going a tad to far on the dramatic side , but I definitly feel a little bad for her. If it were me, I would try to enjoy my time, you cant change the situation , so drink all the booze out of the mini fridge and trash the room when you leave, that might relieve some stress...

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Don't overlook the overland options:

Bus or train to Malaysia and fly out from there

Bus to Cambodia and fly out from there (take in Angkor Wat on the ay if you have time!)

If Cambodia, will only be able to fly directly to Singapore, Hong Kong, Viet Nam and Kuala Lampur, and then(if these are not your destinations) connect from there. but plenty of travel agents in Phnom Penh or Siem Reap can make those bookings for you.

And plenty of cheap lodgings, nice people....

Of course downside is that you'd have to pay for it and I can appreciate that many people want/need to make use of the tickets they have already purchased. In which case, rather than stressing out in Bkk may I suggest a side trip to cambodia or Laos?

Even including the cost of travel, a side trip to Camb would probably be a cheaper option to waiting around in Bkk for those whose hotel bills aren't being paid by the airlines.

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I think for most employed people, their bosses would understand and that would be the end of the matter.

For self employed people, then yes, I can see a financial penalty. However, if the penalty of a protracted delay is so great, then you would find some way home, however expensive.

For people with elderly or sick relatives then I appreciate your dilemma but why were you on holiday anyway if great auntie Doris was at death's door ? Obviously not so important to you.

As for no cash left, then perhaps for some but most have access to some cash either on credit or from friends.

Shit happens, deal with it. For everything else there is insurance !!!!!!!

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Worse places to be stuck in than Thailand. There are options, ie Cambodia, Laos, and Malaysia if one really must leave. Granted the idea of being on a coach that long is horrid, but if you have to get home then these are options.

Edited by britmaveric
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Well, I guess you have to be here to understand the situation. I'm not complaining about my own position here but am merely trying to help those that do have problems. How about an 80 year old grandma having to cart around her heavy luggage, being put in a room on the 5th floor. We are not paying guests at this hotel with the priveliges that entails. Or the Bangladeshi contract worker who had to be back in Australia yesterday and now lost his job and probably the only means of support for his family. There are many other examples. We are not all British or Americans. There are others who are less fortunate.

I was hoping for some positive feedback and support but that was too much to expect from a bunch of wanke_rs who have nothing better to do than mock the unfortunate.

This is why I hate Thaivisa so much. Nothing but negativity from the posters. Thanks for the one or two who did sympathise.

Everyone sympathises...its just there isnt anything anyone can do more than what you can...Thats what the Embasseys are for not a forum on a website.

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Well, I guess you have to be here to understand the situation. I'm not complaining about my own position here but am merely trying to help those that do have problems. How about an 80 year old grandma having to cart around her heavy luggage, being put in a room on the 5th floor. We are not paying guests at this hotel with the priveliges that entails. Or the Bangladeshi contract worker who had to be back in Australia yesterday and now lost his job and probably the only means of support for his family. There are many other examples. We are not all British or Americans. There are others who are less fortunate.

I was hoping for some positive feedback and support but that was too much to expect from a bunch of wanke_rs who have nothing better to do than mock the unfortunate.

This is why I hate Thaivisa so much. Nothing but negativity from the posters. Thanks for the one or two who did sympathise.

If that's the case, then why did you bother posting.

I think that any reasonable employer is not going to sack an employee becasue of something like this. It's an inconvenience, and one that Thailand should be ashamed of, but you're just going to have to put up with it. People who live and work here are going to pay far more in the long term for this nonsense.

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sbk & ts,

Sorry I didnt do my research well, in fact I didnt do any research, its just the OP is going on like a big girls blouse...that was my point!

hel_l Ive been caught in worse situations, once I was bogged in a mates 4x4 and all the beer was back at the camp some 20km away, now that was hel_l and I never remember getting online screaming blue murder....although anything is possible as i vaguely remember slipping into some type of psychosis (sp) or something.

Anyway, I hope they get the OP out of thailand asap, probably a wingeing pom....should of never left the duldrums of inner london in the first place! :o

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sbk & ts,

Sorry I didnt do my research well, in fact I didnt do any research, its just the OP is going on like a big girls blouse...that was my point!

hel_l Ive been caught in worse situations, once I was bogged in a mates 4x4 and all the beer was back at the camp some 20km away, now that was hel_l and I never remember getting online screaming blue murder....although anything is possible as i vaguely remember slipping into some type of psychosis (sp) or something.

Anyway, I hope they get the OP out of thailand asap, probably a wingeing pom....should of never left the duldrums of inner london in the first place! :o

No, he's not a Brit or an American as he's already attacked them in his last post, I reckon he's from somewhere in deepest darkest Europe, if not there then probably Australia. :D

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Any smart person should have at least 3 months of salary (minimum) in savings at all times in case of job loss, unexpected emergencies, or other occasions such as this.......... Tell me this OP has taken a vacation on his/her last cent? Not smart.....

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Well, I guess you have to be here to understand the situation. I'm not complaining about my own position here but am merely trying to help those that do have problems. How about an 80 year old grandma having to cart around her heavy luggage, being put in a room on the 5th floor. We are not paying guests at this hotel with the priveliges that entails. Or the Bangladeshi contract worker who had to be back in Australia yesterday and now lost his job and probably the only means of support for his family. There are many other examples. We are not all British or Americans. There are others who are less fortunate.

I was hoping for some positive feedback and support but that was too much to expect from a bunch of wanke_rs who have nothing better to do than mock the unfortunate.

This is why I hate Thaivisa so much. Nothing but negativity from the posters. Thanks for the one or two who did sympathise.

It seems, that you are now using that 80 years old lady and the Bangladeshi as an excuse for your situation, which is in fact really ridiculous harmless.

So the positive feedback from me: Relax, take a massage, listen to Ray Charles and wait, things will be better soon.

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Well, I guess you have to be here to understand the situation. I'm not complaining about my own position here but am merely trying to help those that do have problems. How about an 80 year old grandma having to cart around her heavy luggage, being put in a room on the 5th floor. We are not paying guests at this hotel with the priveliges that entails. Or the Bangladeshi contract worker who had to be back in Australia yesterday and now lost his job and probably the only means of support for his family. There are many other examples. We are not all British or Americans. There are others who are less fortunate.

I was hoping for some positive feedback and support but that was too much to expect from a bunch of wanke_rs who have nothing better to do than mock the unfortunate.

This is why I hate Thaivisa so much. Nothing but negativity from the posters. Thanks for the one or two who did sympathise.

It seems, that you are now using that 80 years old lady and the Bangladeshi as an excuse for your situation, which is in fact really ridiculous harmless.

So the positive feedback from me: Relax, take a massage, listen to Ray Charles and wait, things will be better soon.

Ray Charles???? Do you want them to relax or put them in a coma? :o

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This is a serious situation!

We are being held hostage in Thailand.

There are thousands of people placed in hotels in and around Bangkok who are not able to leave and go back to their home countries. Many of these people are in dire straits as it was the end of their holidays and they are now out of money. They can not afford to stay in Thailand any longer. Eventhough Thai Airways are taking care of food and accomodation, stranded passengers still need to contact work, home and relatives but this has to be on own expense. Many have to go back to work.

We were told this morning that it will take at least ten days before people will be able to go home. We can not wait that long. This situation is destroying lives.

This is an urgent call for the press to get involved so that International help can be called upon. If you have contact with the press, please get in touch. We are stranded at the Ambasador City Hotel in Pattaya. Around 10 different nationalities are involved. Please help us get home.

Attention PRESS: Please help us get the OP out of Thailand. He or She is a Drama Queen and a TROLL.....

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Well, I guess you have to be here to understand the situation. I'm not complaining about my own position here but am merely trying to help those that do have problems. How about an 80 year old grandma having to cart around her heavy luggage, being put in a room on the 5th floor. We are not paying guests at this hotel with the priveliges that entails. Or the Bangladeshi contract worker who had to be back in Australia yesterday and now lost his job and probably the only means of support for his family. There are many other examples. We are not all British or Americans. There are others who are less fortunate.

I was hoping for some positive feedback and support but that was too much to expect from a bunch of wanke_rs who have nothing better to do than mock the unfortunate.

This is why I hate Thaivisa so much. Nothing but negativity from the posters. Thanks for the one or two who did sympathise.

It seems, that you are now using that 80 years old lady and the Bangladeshi as an excuse for your situation, which is in fact really ridiculous harmless.

So the positive feedback from me: Relax, take a massage, listen to Ray Charles and wait, things will be better soon.

Ray Charles???? Do you want them to relax or put them in a coma? :o

Ray Charles is not too bad, it is relaxing, but Hawkwind or Bach would be other options.

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sbk & ts,

Sorry I didnt do my research well, in fact I didnt do any research, its just the OP is going on like a big girls blouse...that was my point!

hel_l Ive been caught in worse situations, once I was bogged in a mates 4x4 and all the beer was back at the camp some 20km away, now that was hel_l and I never remember getting online screaming blue murder....although anything is possible as i vaguely remember slipping into some type of psychosis (sp) or something.

Anyway, I hope they get the OP out of thailand asap, probably a wingeing pom....should of never left the duldrums of inner london in the first place! :o

No, he's not a Brit or an American as he's already attacked them in his last post, I reckon he's from somewhere in deepest darkest Europe, if not there then probably Australia. :D

Bloody hel_l a whinging Aussie. :D

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Attention PRESS: Please help us get the OP out of Thailand. He or She is a Drama Queen and a TROLL.....

not a drama queen, what he (she?) is saying is true!

You are a troll as well ..... No one is being held hostage .... Just think yourself lucky that your are not being held hostage in a Mumbai hotel .... Go down to Singapore or KL by bus and jump on a plane you big blouses..

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Attention PRESS: Please help us get the OP out of Thailand. He or She is a Drama Queen and a TROLL.....

not a drama queen, what he (she?) is saying is true!

You are a troll as well ..... No one is being held hostage .... Just think yourself lucky that your are not being held hostage in a Mumbai hotel .... Go down to Singapore or KL by bus and jump on a plane you big blouses..

peace brother, but you are now mixing hel_l with purgatory

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