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Need Help With Visa, ! Flying Tonight !

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Ok in desperate need of help, heres the situation.....me and my friend are flying to sri lanka tonight and also have flights booked for bangkok on the 13th december, however we have no visa's for thailand, we just foolishly found out that you need a return flight or flight out of thailand to get a visa on arrival (think thats right) and we cant apply for a visa via post because it needs our passports and we're flying tonight. We have been told that if we can provide proof that we are leaving the country by some means then we will get a visa on arrival, otherwise we'll be deported !?!

We have working visa's for australia, will that be enough proof ? we really want to book some sort of train or bus ticket from thailand to malaysia so that we have some proof that we will be leaving. But have No idea how to do this or where to go online to do it or if its possible.

How can we make sure that we will not get deported from thailand when we arrive. Our plan was to travel to singapore from bangkok. Please help !!!!!

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Well, if you are leaving tonight, you're pretty much stuffed.

Best bet is to go to the Embassy in Colombo and throw yourselves on their mercy. See if they'll give you a transit or tourist visa based on yourdocumentsofemplyment from Australia.


Click the consular services button.

Edited by phaethon
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The requirement for a visa exemption (30 day stamp) assuming your nationality allows it, is onward AIR travel, you are highly unlikely to be allowed to board your flight to Bangkok without either onward travel or a visa, if you do get onboard you're home free, immigration rarely (never) check the onward travel requirement.

If you can't get a visa in Colombo, buy AirAsia tickets to KL online, problem solved :o

Edited by Crossy
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What Crossy says is spot on, as usual, however I have to say though that I have flown to Thailand several times with no visa (30 day exempt stamp) and separate onward ticket (different airline) and have never been asked by check in staff for proof of onward travel. What does this prove? Nothing save I may have been very lucky. I think THAI maybe more vigilant as they know the rules better than other airlines. I have also never been asked for proof of onward/return travel by immigration. Offered my ticket once and it was passed back without a glance - not interested.

Best either book AirAsia to anywhere within 30 days of your arrival in Thailand or try and get a tourist visa in Sri Lanka.

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