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Pro-government Mass Rally To Be Held At Sanam Luang On Sunday

Jai Dee

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With the Red Shirts at Nakhon Sawan yesterday (Saturday) blocking one of the main roads and the red shirts in Chiang Mai and now this new 'demonstration' yes, it does seem that the pro government supporters are now showing themselves in support.

Problem is, will it do any good or simply make matters worse?

I do not think it will make a lot of difference to Swampy Airport though unless the army and police see enough pro government supporters and decide the pro goverment ones outnumber the PAD in sufficient numbers for them ( the police and army) to realise they maybe do need to act in favour of the government.

does it appear that police are afraid of PAD, or just my perception?

I read on the BBC Asia Pacific website a report that the police are unwilling to us force to oust the PAD from the airports for fear the army will not like that and step in and give the police some of the same. (or words to that effect :o )

So what would you do, as a policeman if that is the case? I don't recall the police having tanks :D

Therefore, no, not afraid of PAD directly. But I believe it goes a lot deeper than that with poilice and army being involved and in cahoots with the PAD.

If the red shirts come out in enough force, surely the army, police and others will have to take notice? On the other hand.....

Whaddya mean, the police afraid of the army. Once glimpse of these guys and the soldiers would run a mile :D


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anybody knows what the turnout of the red shirt rally was?

nobody seems to comment on it. If it was a few thousand, game over, if it was 100,000 then we still have a problem


Not too many. Having watched the news at 8 .00 p.m.it was hard to say but I'll guess at around the 10,000 mark. Lan Kong Muang is not too big ( open space near Sao Ching Cha ... the big swing ) so couldn't be too many more . Apparently the crowd then dispersed peacefully , some heading to the democracy monument to wave banners at passing traffic.

One protester interviewed said " We have not come here looking for trouble or confrontation. We have come to show that we do not agree with the PADs actions. We respect peoples right to protest but not to hold the country to ransome "

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By early evening at least 20,000 had gathered, most wearing red that is associated with their cause.



Veera Musikapong, a DAAD leader, told the Nation newspaper one focus of the rally would be the alleged bias of the courts.

The Constitutional Court has moved with uncharacteristic speed to conclude a vote fraud case on Tuesday, widely expected to lead to the disbanding of Somchai's People Power Party (PPP) and two other partners in the ruling coalition.

"It is obvious that there is interference with justice. It was well planned, and this is a concealed coup," Veera said.

If the court dissolves the three parties, Somchai and other leaders would be barred from politics and many cabinet ministers would have to step down.

The chaos caused by the airport sit-ins has sparked rumors of a military coup, even though the army chief has said he will not seize control.

The political chaos has worried Thailand's neighbors, who are due to meet there next month for a regional summit. Surin Pitsuwan, head of Southeast Asia's 10-nation grouping, ASEAN, said on Sunday a postponment may be wise.

Somchai, who refuses to quit and embarked on a rural roadshow on Sunday to drum up support for his government, was expected to make a final decision on the summit on Tuesday.


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Pro-government, they never last more than aday, i wonder why, maybe time up.

A lot of them don't have the luxury of hanging around being brainwashed for months on end- they have to work for a living.

Exactly. To survive day to day, in fact, not a few of them.

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I have a very bad feeling about this. Just told my wife who is stuck in Bangkok on a study program to evacute the city and head south to the Malay border where we have a house. If this all blows up (even more) I'd rather she is out of the city before Tuesday when there is a real chance of severe violence.

My fear is that if violence between the 2 factions erupts, then all public transport will be stopped and getting out of the city will become close to impossible and dangerous. Better safe than sorry :o

Bangkok is safer that way down south just the journey is dangerous enough. Best tell her to stay where she is and not to go out near large crowds.

Most of Bangkok is going about its normal day to day activity with people trying to make ends meet.

Just my advise in the hope that it may help.

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By early evening at least 20,000 had gathered, most wearing red that is associated with their cause.


http://www.bangkokpost.com/topstories/tops...s.php?id=132396 is reporting 4000.

It starts again that every newspaper reports something complete different.

When PAD took government house, you could find "more than 500" up to 550.000 (reuters).

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I have to say I find it quite amusing that the best the government can come up with after a week of this is a rival rally!

So their only "solution" is to do something which is a weak attempt to further polarize the country!


Well that rival rally is pretty dangerous.

trying to block the court so Somchai can stay longer.

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I have to say I find it quite amusing that the best the government can come up with after a week of this is a rival rally!

So their only "solution" is to do something which is a weak attempt to further polarize the country!


If The people don't peacefully show there support for the government, it would look like they weren't supported.

The PAD aren't holding ''a ralley'' (their holding the airport and govermnent buildings to ransom)

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To be fair, that'll make the in excess of 100,000 tourists , who are effectively being held ransom and paying their own expenses, feel a lot better about returning for another holiday in pratayt Thai (free country). I'd expect to see a great surge in the baht when the stock markets open on Monday as well.

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Maybe this is what the Prime Minister wants ?

After all this is not going to do the PAD any favours. Who would want to vote in these political terrorists.

Dissolve the PPP ? :o I am taking bets on what the next name will be.

Get out the bodybags at the airport id bet.

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If anyone can't see by now what's really happening, you haven't lived here long enough.

Stop doing what you are doing, think carefully for a second. Now go... "OH! Yeah, that's right".

Now move on.

This will be over soon.

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Maybe this is what the Prime Minister wants ?

After all this is not going to do the PAD any favours. Who would want to vote in these political terrorists.

Dissolve the PPP ? :o I am taking bets on what the next name will be.

Get out the bodybags at the airport id bet.

The misnamed PAD don't stand in elections mate, just like their backers in the military.

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With the Red Shirts at Nakhon Sawan yesterday (Saturday) blocking one of the main roads and the red shirts in Chiang Mai and now this new 'demonstration' yes, it does seem that the pro government supporters are now showing themselves in support.

Problem is, will it do any good or simply make matters worse?

I do not think it will make a lot of difference to Swampy Airport though unless the army and police see enough pro government supporters and decide the pro goverment ones outnumber the PAD in sufficient numbers for them ( the police and army) to realise they maybe do need to act in favour of the government.

does it appear that police are afraid of PAD, or just my perception?

I read on the BBC Asia Pacific website a report that the police are unwilling to us force to oust the PAD from the airports for fear the army will not like that and step in and give the police some of the same. (or words to that effect :o )

So what would you do, as a policeman if that is the case? I don't recall the police having tanks :D

Therefore, no, not afraid of PAD directly. But I believe it goes a lot deeper than that with poilice and army being involved and in cahoots with the PAD.

If the red shirts come out in enough force, surely the army, police and others will have to take notice? On the other hand.....

Whaddya mean, the police afraid of the army. Once glimpse of these guys and the soldiers would run a mile :D


Is that a tank in that policemans pocket or is he just pleased to see a beautiful lady in Yellow? :D

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Maybe this is what the Prime Minister wants ?

After all this is not going to do the PAD any favours. Who would want to vote in these political terrorists.

Dissolve the PPP ? :o I am taking bets on what the next name will be.

Get out the bodybags at the airport id bet.

The misnamed PAD don't stand in elections mate, just like their backers in the military.

You don't need to be a party to be against vote buying and corruption.

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With the Red Shirts at Nakhon Sawan yesterday (Saturday) blocking one of the main roads and the red shirts in Chiang Mai and now this new 'demonstration' yes, it does seem that the pro government supporters are now showing themselves in support.

Problem is, will it do any good or simply make matters worse?

I do not think it will make a lot of difference to Swampy Airport though unless the army and police see enough pro government supporters and decide the pro goverment ones outnumber the PAD in sufficient numbers for them ( the police and army) to realise they maybe do need to act in favour of the government.

does it appear that police are afraid of PAD, or just my perception?

I read on the BBC Asia Pacific website a report that the police are unwilling to us force to oust the PAD from the airports for fear the army will not like that and step in and give the police some of the same. (or words to that effect :o )

So what would you do, as a policeman if that is the case? I don't recall the police having tanks :D

Therefore, no, not afraid of PAD directly. But I believe it goes a lot deeper than that with poilice and army being involved and in cahoots with the PAD.

If the red shirts come out in enough force, surely the army, police and others will have to take notice? On the other hand.....

Whaddya mean, the police afraid of the army. Once glimpse of these guys and the soldiers would run a mile :D


Is that a tank in that policemans pocket or is he just pleased to see a beautiful lady in Yellow? :D


And, that G19 on the lefty is about as scary as a straw loaded spit ball in shop class.

Mia noi waiting for sum tum guys. Not making any dosh here, time to get a move on.

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Maybe this is what the Prime Minister wants ?

After all this is not going to do the PAD any favours. Who would want to vote in these political terrorists.

Dissolve the PPP ? :oI am taking bets on what the next name will be.

Get out the bodybags at the airport id bet.

We already know it. Peua Thai.

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Maybe this is what the Prime Minister wants ?

After all this is not going to do the PAD any favours. Who would want to vote in these political terrorists.

Dissolve the PPP ? :oI am taking bets on what the next name will be.

Get out the bodybags at the airport id bet.

We already know it. Peua Thai.

And the new PM in the making:

quote from TOC

Pro-govt Networks Begin Moves Against PAD

UPDATE : 30 November 2008

Pro-government networks in provinces has begun their moves against the current protest of the People’s Alliance for Democracy.

Core leaders of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictators in Sisaket province tpday gathered at the office of Rasee Sarai District Office to air opposition against the blockades at Don Muang and Suwannaphumi Airports.

Group’ core leader Thongbai Saichompoo said the Army should join hand with the government to help rebuild the country’s security

Thongbai also stated PAD’s Coordinator , Suriyasai Katasila should not be considered a resident of Rasisarai district anymore as his move has caused damage to the image of the district.

Meanwhile, police officers has stepped up security at the branch of Santi Asoke sectarian in Khanthararak district after a group of government supporters there reportedly prepared to besiege its area due to opposition against its support on the PAD’s anti government campaigns.

At the same time, core leader of DAAD’s in Ubonratchathani province Theerapat Watcharapol affirmed he will not lead government supporters in the province to join the anti PAD’s rally in Bangkok.

Therraphat however revealed he and other government supporters would stage rally at Ubonratchathani City Hall to express their disapproval against the PAD’s current protest. Meanwhile, PAD’s supporters from several provinces still steam into Bangkok to join

from: http://www.thailandoutlook.tv/toc/ViewData...?DataID=1010911

Edited by h90
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Can someone please go down there and whip the crowd up into a wild frenzy and head on over to the airport to clear out the PAD.

Normally i wouldn't advocate violent, but when the government/police/army fail to protect you/your business what other choice do you have?

Well they need someone with no brains and a big mouth - the position is open if you are interested.

:o Good one!

(No offence, Dave, it would be interesting to see what the result would be if they did take a stroll...)

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Thaksin must be sitting in his chair and smiling, watching all the bad news.

This is what he wants, weakening the country, get everyone in his trap (like the PAD seizing the airports). Guess why the army is hesitating? It might be his trap too!

Sick of this all. He is playing his power games on the back of the country and it's people. Shame on him.

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Thaksin must be sitting in his chair and smiling, watching all the bad news.

This is what he wants, weakening the country, get everyone in his trap (like the PAD seizing the airports). Guess why the army is hesitating? It might be his trap too!

Sick of this all. He is playing his power games on the back of the country and it's people. Shame on him.

What absolute rubbish. The forces behind rent-a-mob are all about succession and undemocratic means of ruling the country. Essentially, it has nothing to do with Thaksin.

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Thaksin must be sitting in his chair and smiling, watching all the bad news.

This is what he wants, weakening the country, get everyone in his trap (like the PAD seizing the airports). Guess why the army is hesitating? It might be his trap too!

Sick of this all. He is playing his power games on the back of the country and it's people. Shame on him.

What absolute rubbish. The forces behind rent-a-mob are all about succession and undemocratic means of ruling the country. Essentially, it has nothing to do with Thaksin.

The red mob is direct payed by Thaksin, that's the only rent-a-mob.

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I actually went to check it out . . . here is my report . . .

about 5000 to 10000 red shirts . . . the venue was WAY too small to hold everyone . . . all those feet clappers and colored shirts reminded me too much of PAD . . .

i saw only two morons with stick weapons and motor cycle helmets . . . i actually spoke with one of them (i speak thai), but he obviously wasn't that educated . . .

i saw three farang wearing red shirt/bandana gear, and another 10+ farang who were news reporters (i wore white!)

another thai guy i met said he hated thaksin, but hated PAD even more so he joined the red shirts

at some point ill post my video on my youtube channel (learnthaiculture)

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The red mob is direct payed by Thaksin, that's the only rent-a-mob.

Then there's the yellow mob paid by the PAD. Another rent-a-mob. Two people playing their political game at the expense of the people. Anyone who can't see through the fog now never will.

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