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Should Pm Somchai Step Down?


Should PM Somchai step down?  

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Here's the proof they are not terrorists. George Bush is still the US president. His government didn't call them terrorists, he just told them to leave the airport. Thats the one thing George Bush has done well, call people terrorists, and he missed this opportunity why exactly?

Why? - Long standing trade agreements and intelligence cooperatives between the two countries.

Same as many other countries with terrorist organizations that the US has no problem labeling as terrorists. Look at the news in Mumbai for a definition of REAL terrorism. Why cheapen the word?

Okay. sorry. I had to wikki it.

Definition of terroism.

The word "terrorism" is politically and emotionally charged,[1] and this greatly compounds the difficulty of providing a precise definition. A 2003 study by Jeffrey Record for the US Army quoted a source (Schmid and Jongman 1988) that counted 109 definitions of terrorism that covered a total of 22 different definitional elements.[2] Record continues "Terrorism expert Walter Laqueur also has counted over 100 definitions and concludes that the 'only general characteristic generally agreed upon is that terrorism involves violence and the threat of violence.' Yet terrorism is hardly the only enterprise involving violence and the threat of violence. So does war, coercive diplomacy, and barroom brawls."[3] Angus Martyn in a briefing paper for the Australian Parliament states that "The international community has never succeeded in developing an accepted comprehensive definition of terrorism. During the 1970s and 1980s, the United Nations attempts to define the term foundered mainly due to differences of opinion between various members about the use of violence in the context of conflicts over national liberation and self-determination."[4] For this and for political reasons, many news sources (such as Reuters) avoid using this term, opting instead for less accusatory words like "bombers," "militants," etc.

End quote.

We can agree that Terroism it is a grey area, and a loose term. But the acts are polictically motivated and threat of violence has been used. So probably the best word to descibe the actions observed at the airport is terroism. The words Protest or demonstration do not quite afford adequate description.

Maybe you have a better word?

Call it what you will, it needs to stop.

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Here's the proof they are not terrorists. George Bush is still the US president. His government didn't call them terrorists, he just told them to leave the airport. Thats the one thing George Bush has done well, call people terrorists, and he missed this opportunity why exactly?

So Bush Jr, knows the definition of terroism...

Takes one to know one, baby.

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I don't think he should have to.

But, I think he might have to.

If you catch my drift.

Yes and I agree; which is rather a sad reflection on Thai politics.

The PAD probably don't have majority support but have been very good at using the support they have.

The Govt can't control/heavily influence civil order which makes it look very fragile. The show is nearly over. It really needs to clear the protesters double quick.

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I am unsure what the out come will be of the current crisis here in Thailand I can see that many want to blame thaxin for all the problems but how an earth can democracy ever become stable in Thailand if the PAD get what they want.

What happened to democracy and due process?

Yes by all means protest but within the laws and by having elections how just after an election can this PAD call for the resignation of an elected government

forget about taxin if Thailand wants to be a democratic society they need to start and follow the democratic ways

What will happen if they have another election that PAD are not happy with what next another violent protest

Easy to blame hard to put things right

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I voted yes...but not because I dislike him or want him out.

I just think it's time for everyone, for all factions, to calm down the rhetoric, and consider the country's interest versus their own selfish interests.

by resigning the PM would at least gain some moral authority and prestige. He could announce that he was resigning for the good of the country and challenge his oponents to do the same.

But I don't think it will happen that way.


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I am unsure what the out come will be of the current crisis here in Thailand I can see that many want to blame thaxin for all the problems but how an earth can democracy ever become stable in Thailand if the PAD get what they want.

What happened to democracy and due process?

Yes by all means protest but within the laws and by having elections how just after an election can this PAD call for the resignation of an elected government

forget about taxin if Thailand wants to be a democratic society they need to start and follow the democratic ways

What will happen if they have another election that PAD are not happy with what next another violent protest

Easy to blame hard to put things right

It probably won't be an election as we know it as the Army would be the boss. But if it didn't suit PAD yes they'd go again. I guess it's chasing a hat trick :o

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far from impartial? Even our man Thaksin said he had faith in the courts (until they couldn't be bought) and then was convicted!

The EC found PPP guilty earlier ... they forwarded it to the appropriate court ... the final info from the PPP is due on the 2nd. The courts can act as soon thereafter as the see fit.

As far as being re-elected. it will NOT be any of the same players as this time ... they didn't do great last time ... and I sincerely doubt that they will be able to bribe any other parties to make a coalition government with them again (that could only work once since the smaller parties promised NOT to do so)

I see it being a Democrat Party led government next time (If they cannot get enough districts on their own) They already managed to get the most votes in the last election!.

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I think he should step down. Not because the PAD should win, (if you can even speak in these terms), but because of his inability to govern, and deal with the situation that has arisen. perhaps it's not his fault, as the army and/or police don't seem to be under his control, but nevertheless. It looks to me that this is the root problem. How can a democracy function if the army or police don't respect the rules of democracy? As long as the military are an independent force, democracy is a farce, window dressing, nothing more.

I must saythat PPP has been totally irresponsible in appointing a Thaksin family member as PM. Indirectly they are to blame for this situation, regardless which side is wrong or right, they should have known better. The phrase: "You reap what you sow", springs to mind. A bit more tact and consideration for the minority would not have been too much to ask for, right? For the sake of the country? The PAD leaders for that matter, are no better or worse, they should be arrested and put behind bars for their actions, because "terrorism" should not be rewarded and the airports should be cleared ASAP.

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Any chance the Democrats had of winning in the next election, by themselves, or as head of a consortium minority party has been destroyed by the recent actions of the PAD.

The North will rise again.

I disagree -- that they didn't FORCE new elections by resigning en masse and that they have not protected the PAD will go far. Nobody wants this to replay again. I expect the demos will do well next time and lead a coalition government.

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More chance on a civil war JD and this is perhaps the only way to settle this and rid Thailand from the corrupt/evil thugs known as the PAD!

LOL ... not TOO much chance of that! The corrupt evil thugs are MOSTLY wearing red :o

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I expect the demos will do well next time and lead a coalition government.


but I agree on that last point, Abhisit "weasel" Vejjajiva only strategy to grab power is waiting when the 2 forces (majority of ordinary voters, PPP v PAD extremist and corrupt establishment) to cancel each other so he can pick up the pieces, fragment the electorate and lead an unrepresentative coalition. Slowly but surely the truth is coming out.

Edited by soundman
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I voted no because you cannot give in to mob rule, it opens the door for this to be done anytime a minority disagrees witha demorcratially elected government.

The problem is it's the only way to avoid bloodshed as it seems the police and military do not support him.

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I voted no because you cannot give in to mob rule, it opens the door for this to be done anytime a minority disagrees witha demorcratially elected government.

The problem is it's the only way to avoid bloodshed as it seems the police and military do not support him.

That is a very simplistic reason to oppose it.

This is an extraordinary situation. The current PM is a close relative of a fugitive, convicted, very corrupt exiled ex-leader who still tries to control Thailand through his proxies (the current PM and the PPP party for now). Assuming the Thaksin factor can someday be neutralized, what do you think the chances are of such a bizarre chain of political events to happen again?

Edited by Jingthing
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Naturally there are no sources available to confirm or deny this statement.

I am simply going on information provided by the Thai people, both Bangkok and North Eestern, I have spoken to over a number of years, who are quite open to discuss the topic. They have told me that they have been offered a certain amount of money to vote one way or the other. They are also offered money to join political rallies or demonstrations - such as the one we have now. Please don't attempt to deny this happens.

This has been going on for years and will continue to do so.

Of course. :o

Just curious....How does "vote buying" in Thailand effectively take place? I am assuming that you are offerred money to vote for a particular candidate or party and take the money. Are you then on an honor system to vote as you were compensated? I would simply take the money and vote as I wished. That way I have my cake and eat it too.

How is this enforced by the buyers?

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Naturally there are no sources available to confirm or deny this statement.

I am simply going on information provided by the Thai people, both Bangkok and North Eestern, I have spoken to over a number of years, who are quite open to discuss the topic. They have told me that they have been offered a certain amount of money to vote one way or the other. They are also offered money to join political rallies or demonstrations - such as the one we have now. Please don't attempt to deny this happens.

This has been going on for years and will continue to do so.

Of course. :o

Just curious....How does "vote buying" in Thailand effectively take place? I am assuming that you are offerred money to vote for a particular candidate or party and take the money. Are you then on an honor system to vote as you were compensated? I would simply take the money and vote as I wished. That way I have my cake and eat it too.

How is this enforced by the buyers?

Voting is a pretty localized thing and there is a local political machine for enforcement. They have used various scams to ensure individuals votes but most often it is "here's your 200 baht -- go vote TRT" and the folks do because if the numbers come back skewed the bosses are gonna be asking questions.

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