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I'm a women, 43 and I'm losing more hair than all 3 of my dogs combined! It's falling on the keyboard as I type... I've been to the hairdressers and had a chat about it and got conned into some special 'detox' treatment - now I've got really glossy hair falling out. The only advise I can get is to buy more hair products and I've already got a bathroom full of these. I live in kanchanaburi and think a visit to the hospital here is going to be a waste of time. Anyone any suggestions?


Just found this on the internet, hope it helps.


What causes excessive hair loss?

A number of things can cause excessive hair loss. For example, about 3 or 4 months after an illness or a major surgery, you may suddenly lose a large amount of hair. This hair loss is related to the stress of the illness and is temporary.

Hormonal problems may cause hair loss. If your thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, your hair may fall out. This hair loss usually can be helped by treatment thyroid disease. Hair loss may occur if male or female hormones, known as androgens and estrogens, are out of balance. Correcting the hormone imbalance may stop your hair loss.

Many women notice hair loss about 3 months after they've had a baby. This loss is also related to hormones. During pregnancy, high levels of certain hormones cause the body to keep hair that would normally fall out. When the hormones return to pre-pregnancy levels, that hair falls out and the normal cycle of growth and loss starts again.

Some medicines can cause hair loss. This type of hair loss improves when you stop taking the medicine. Medicines that can cause hair loss include blood thinners (also called anticoagulants), medicines used for gout, medicines used in chemotherapy to treat cancer, vitamin A (if too much is taken), birth control pills and antidepressants.

Certain infections can cause hair loss. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in children. The infection is easily treated with antifungal medicines.

Finally, hair loss may occur as part of an underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes. Since hair loss may be an early sign of a disease, it is important to find the cause so that it can be treated.

Can improper care of my hair cause hair loss?

Yes. If you wear pigtails or cornrows or use tight hair rollers, the pull on your hair can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia (say: al-oh-pee-sha). If the pulling is stopped before scarring of the scalp develops, your hair will grow back normally. However, scarring can cause permanent hair loss. Hot oil hair treatments or chemicals used in permanents (also called "perms") may cause inflammation (swelling) of the hair follicle, which can result in scarring and hair loss.


A friend's sister suddenly lost most of her hair about 20 years ago. Eventually it grew back. She never found out what caused it, but suspected some special hair care product she'd bought.

If you've got a whole bathroom of hair products already, try stopping using them. Just get some mild shampoo for daily use -- and avoid "made in China" just in case some bright boy decided to substitute turpentine for a more expensive ingredient.

Since you mentioned dogs, are they suffering hair loss as well? You might have a problem with mange. The mites are abominably hard to kill.

Finally, as odd of a chance as it might be, if you're neighbors to a salvage yard, you might borrow a geiger counter and check your surroundings. Taiwan had (and still has) a problem with radioactive steel rebar that got sold in the mid-1980s (some high-level waste from a nuclear power plant got mixed into the remelt batch); they've systematically covered up the problem. Radiation sources from hospitals get dumped all the time because of the expense of proper disposal, and the results can be catastrophic.


Get a thyroid panel (blood test of thyroid function). This much, the local hospital can do, altho you'll probably have to specifically request it. If it comes back abnormal in either direction then you should make the trek to Bangkok and see a thyroid spceilaist for tretament,. If it comes back normal, then that's one cause that can be eliminated.

Would help to have more info e.g.:

- your age (or at least, if you are pre, peri or post-menopausal)

- any recent pregnancies/births

- medications being taken (inc. birth control pills)?

- any general symptoms e.g. fatigue, insomnia etc? (anything at all out of the norm)

- does your scalp itch?

- before this began did you undergo any hair treatments or change hair products?

- any unusual stresses in your life when this started?


Many thanks for the helpful replies.

I am the owner of a spa and I usually use the Thai herbal hair care products we sell. I did add in a deep henna treatment (which I brought from a local health food shop) for a while but have stopped using that about 6-8 weeks ago. I have tried a kaffir lime shampoo and a bergamot hair tonic for the last 2 weeks. I ask our staff to give me a scalp massage and apply the tonic. They say there isn't any bald patches and I'm losing hair from all over and not to worry it's the cold weather!

The dogs - I only mentioned them as a comparison for the amount of hair I am losing - they are not shedding more than nornal but our floors are covered in long red hair from me. There's no mange and I don't have an itchy scalp.

Funnily enough our neighbours do collect recycling - plastic and glass bottles - no idea where to source a geiger counter.

To answer Sherly's questions.

I'm 43, never been pregnant, medication - an antihistamine Dormirax 50 - to help insomnia and occassional pain killers usually Nurophen for back pain. I have insomnia badly and for more than the last 5 years so nothing new there. I have recently recovered from Dengue fever - otherwise healthy. I go to yoga 4 times a week and get massaged regularly. I do get stressed easily and have found the pressures of adapting to life as a buiness owner difficult but we've been open for over 4 years now so there's nothing really new here. I have had some upset with my family in England and this began in September, peaked in October and is still unresolved.

I have had a thyroid test twice - due to concerns of unexplained weight loss coupled with slightly bulging of the eyes. This has been done twice over the last 5 years and both times came back as normal - I will happily go again.

I have contacted a GP type practice in Bangkok and arranged for Dr Donna to call me today for a telephone consultation - I will report back after her call.

Thanks again for your help so far.



It sounds like you are experiencing some stress and as you already know, you also seem to be sensitive to stress.

Stress is quite powerful and the body usually tries to give signals in different ways when it does not feel ok, as a reaction to what is going on both physically and mentally.

About what you felt like upsetting around your family in september and october feels like the key to what is causing the hairloss.

And as you mentioned, there are some unsolved things within it, still and my feeling is that it is both painful and frustrating for you to think about it.

Is it possible that you feel that there is nothing you can do about it from where you are now?

I feel more around this but will stop here.

Sounds lovely to run a spa but I understand it is rather demanding too. I am sure that you are going a good job there!

Yoga is wonderful too, it keeps you balanced for the moment but is it possible that you might need something more to balance you up at this stage?

Do you meditate on your own?

I am sorry if I sound too personal or too spiritual...I don´t mean to make you feel uncomfortable in any way.

Take care of yourself now.



Well, the dengue, the recent new stress, and the henna are all possible excplanations (either singly or in combination) and if so it will stop on its own. However from your history and age, I would indeed get the thyroid checked again, and be sure it is by someone who knows what they are doing. 2 thyroid specialists in Bkk who have been recommended by other TV members, both at Bumrungrad:

Dr. Jun Srimanunthiphol

Medical School: - M.D. Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 1994

Board Certifications:

- Diplomate of The American Board of Internal Medicine 2000


- Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, George Washington University, USA, 2002

Special Clinical Trainings (with Document) :

Thyroid Ultrasound and Osteoporosis

Special Clinical Interests: Thyroid Diseases, Diabetes, Osteoporosis and Calcium Disorder,

General Endocrinology

Dr. Rosanee Valyasevi

Medical School : - M.D. Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University (First Degree Honor), Thailand, 1988 Board Certifications :

- Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine, 2003

- Diplomate of the American Board of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,2004

- Diplomate of Thai Board of Internal Medicine, 1992

Fellowships :

- Endocrinology, Howard University Hospital, USA, 1995

- Endocrinology, Mayo Clinic, USA, 2000

Another possibility is the perimenopause. Unfortunately doctors in Thailand are not very state of the art in this (if anyone knows of one who is, please advise!!!). Suggest you read up on it. There is some thought that symptoms such as you describe may result from an imablance between estrogen and progesterone levels and that supplementation with natural progesterone can help. There are bioidentical hormone preparations available here although the progesterone gel seems out of stock leaving only micronized oral form. But rule out thyroid problem first.


A quick thanks for taking the time and trouble to reply. Dr Donna is now calling at 8am and I'll report back after. It's really nice to have the opportunity to talk about this problem, so thanks again.

Many thanks for the helpful replies.

I am the owner of a spa and I usually use the Thai herbal hair care products we sell. I did add in a deep henna treatment (which I brought from a local health food shop) for a while but have stopped using that about 6-8 weeks ago. I have tried a kaffir lime shampoo and a bergamot hair tonic for the last 2 weeks. I ask our staff to give me a scalp massage and apply the tonic. They say there isn't any bald patches and I'm losing hair from all over and not to worry it's the cold weather!

The dogs - I only mentioned them as a comparison for the amount of hair I am losing - they are not shedding more than nornal but our floors are covered in long red hair from me. There's no mange and I don't have an itchy scalp.

Funnily enough our neighbours do collect recycling - plastic and glass bottles - no idea where to source a geiger counter.

To answer Sherly's questions.

I'm 43, never been pregnant, medication - an antihistamine Dormirax 50 - to help insomnia and occassional pain killers usually Nurophen for back pain. I have insomnia badly and for more than the last 5 years so nothing new there. I have recently recovered from Dengue fever - otherwise healthy. I go to yoga 4 times a week and get massaged regularly. I do get stressed easily and have found the pressures of adapting to life as a buiness owner difficult but we've been open for over 4 years now so there's nothing really new here. I have had some upset with my family in England and this began in September, peaked in October and is still unresolved.

I have had a thyroid test twice - due to concerns of unexplained weight loss coupled with slightly bulging of the eyes. This has been done twice over the last 5 years and both times came back as normal - I will happily go again.

I have contacted a GP type practice in Bangkok and arranged for Dr Donna to call me today for a telephone consultation - I will report back after her call.

Thanks again for your help so far.

Get a TSH specific test for your thyroid. I am thin and have a thyroid condition. Actually I was even thinner when diagnosed. My doctor told me that she would have never

guessed by looking at me that I had a thyroid condition if it wasn't for the TSH test.



After a really busy weekend at the spa – all Bangkok residents (it's died a death today, there’s hardly a tourist in sight!) I finally have time to report back.

I spoke with Dr Donna by phone and have sent photos showing the extent of hair loss and details from blood tests I had taken last year to use as a comparison with new blood tests to be done shortly. These will include the TSH specific test for thyroid. (This was normal last year) She mentioned the possibility of the perimenopause but agreed with Sheryl to get the thyroid done first. We talked about stress and I was very honest - well there doesn't seem much point in dressing it up!

Comehome - I didn't feel that you were being too personal and welcome any help I can get - I do love the spa and we have put our hearts and souls into making this venture work and keep it running to the highest standard - this is a hard slog in a country of mai pen rai. ( we’ve been open for 4 years and I don’t think there was anyone except Craig and I that thought we’d make it – the staff, several who have been with us since the start confirmed this at our 4th anniversary party, after a couple of Spy wine coolers they said when they first heard about the business they reckoned they’d got a job for no more than 6 months).

Yoga is a mixed blessing - the yoga school is located on a busy main road, next to the railway crossing and next door to a car work shop where the Bangkok buses park up for repairs - not peaceful by any stretch of the imagination! I'm often the only student for the morning session and the yoga teacher loves to chat. I have to get up really early (remember I don't sleep well) to get things ready so I can get out to the yoga session and often leave feeling frustrated that the class has been dominated by the teacher gossiping. It is the best on offer here and the classes have really helped my back problem and posture but I feel I need something calming and this isn’t it. I have tried to meditate at home but it’s not easy with the business and house located on the same site – customers arriving, staff yelling at the door, people on motor bikes waving bills, the postman, door to door sales people, staff turning up out of the blue for an interview…. We open the gates in the morning and in pours Thailand in all it’s noisy glory – I need to be away from here to meditate. I’ll work on this.

I get back to you with the blood test results. In the meantime I would welcome any thoughts and ideas.

  • 3 weeks later...


Dr Donna said she would contact me on Monday 8th to discuss the photographs and give me the name of a better alternative to the antihistamine. I finally heard from her today, the 24th.

This is a cut and paste of her email.


sorry for not getting back to you, I recommend some blood tests.

Thyroid, blood count, autoantibody and some hormone test


I was speechless, talk about clearing you desk on Christmas eve. She earlier quoted her fee as 1,200 Baht for this consultation. Dr Donna works at MedConsult Clinic and I would suggest that you avoid them like the plague! I didn't have much confidence in her - every phone call we timetabled she didn't call on time, my husband quickly nicknamed her Dr Dormant! Bored of waiting to hear from her I met with Dr Irene at BNH. She is a GP and I found her to be very helpful and easy to talk to. She feels the hair loss is due to the dengue fever and will grow back. We talked about dealing with stress and she offered very practical solutions. She said to stop going to the yoga class(they are just adding to stress) but to reorganize our mornings so that I can have an hour for meditation and yoga at home before the business opens. I converted the spare room into my yoga room and shut myself in there with the ipod. I feel so much calmer. The morning are no longer such a rush. I get up 30 minutes earlier and have from 7:30 - 8:30 yoga time. Then we have breakfast and I'm in the shower when the staff arrive at 9:30. Such a simple solution but even after just 5 days it's showing benefits. She has given me some anti stress tablets which I can take as I need and I'm sleeping better. Dr Irene gave me a thorough physical examination and says there is no indication of other health problems, she said to wait a maximum of 2 months and if I'm still losing hair she has recommended a specialist who would start all the blood tests but she's confident that the problem will resolve itself.


Forgot to mention 2 things

I was with Dr Irene for a good 45 minutes - the cost was 400 Baht.

Happy Christmas and all the very best wishes for the New Year.



Thanks for the update and 2 questions;

- did Dr Irene (or anyone) do a TSH (thyroid) test?

- what is Dr. Irene's full name and specialty, since you were so pleased with her it would be good to have for future reference



Hi Sheryl

No blood tests so far. She said the wait and if the hair loss doesn't stop go in for a full range of blood tests. She seemed convinced that it's a consequence of the dengue.

Her full name is Yin Ong Kiatkwankul. (Name on her door - Dr Irene) She works as a GP, in the way I'm used to coming from England. She looks at the problem as a whole and then suggests specialists. She gave me the most thorough physical examination I've had in the 12 years I've been in Thailand. She has recommended Dr Sukarma if the problem persists and I need a hair loss specialist.


Thanks a lot, very useful. This is one of the first solid recommendations for GP type care I have seen so far in LOS. Plenty of feedback on specialists but here as increasingkly elsewhere there seems to be a dearth of good general practice practitioners. Glad you found one!


Just scanned through quickly.

Has anybody mentioned Alopecia? It's a very common form of hair loss brought on by stress. No real cure except relieving your stress levels, on which your hair may grow back.


  • 1 year later...

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