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Do Geckos Make A Difference?


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Having read the topic about Gecko poison (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Gecko-Poison....html&st=50) I wondered if anybdoy had actually got rid of geckos and what were the consequences: massive attack from mossies and friends or just less sh*t on the floor?

Or, conversley, has anyone encouraged geckos and actually noticed a reduction in insects in their house?

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I always tell my wife that whenever she sweeps up a gecko turd to think about how many insects it took to make that turd.

I think they are VERY beneficial. Before I put the wall around our house, the local kids had killed all the took gaes. It was then common to see centipedes. It took about two years for the took gae population to build back up. Since we now have a lot of them, I see no more centipedes.

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I love geckos, took-gaes and jing-joks. Funny and interesting looking critters. Love the sound they make.

Dont know if they help a lot with mozzies and creepy-crawlies, but that is what they eat.

On Koh Phangan you usually have a gecko sitting under the ceiling of the bungalows somewhere. I dont care about the poo. Got a mozzie net and its mostly in the bathroom anyway.

I saw a gecko getting squeezed by a green constrictor snake, too. Showed the pics to the locals. They were quite impressed.

Shame that people want to kill them. What harm can they do?

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I always tell my wife that whenever she sweeps up a gecko turd to think about how many insects it took to make that turd.

I think they are VERY beneficial. Before I put the wall around our house, the local kids had killed all the took gaes. It was then common to see centipedes. It took about two years for the took gae population to build back up. Since we now have a lot of them, I see no more centipedes.

here people believe tokays bring bad luck and try to kill them. Luckily here is a block of 4 houses which protects them......

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I guess jingjok and geckos are the same cream color ones shitting like hel_l everyday.

You are not the person who cleans their shits, so you think they're cute :o

I like the tokei. When they clear their throats and "tokei... tokei", it is so cute. I like them because they don't stay in my house.

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I was watching a gecko on my wall one day at my BOQ room in Okinawa. Suddenly, from its vertical position, it grabbed a mosquito right out of the air.

I don't know if they really control mosquitos that well, but even one is enough for me. I leave geckos alone and welcome their company.

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I guess jingjok and geckos are the same cream color ones shitting like hel_l everyday.

You are not the person who cleans their shits, so you think they're cute :o

Similarly, the only complaint I have about these critters is their "pooh manners."

Of all the millions of square centimeters in my house they can pooh in, where do they choose?

*The bristles on my toothbrush.

*Any place I'm about to grab (door handles, faucet handles, TV remote, etc.)

*Little deposits made directly into my open contact lens case (duh, I know, shut it).

*The most evil deposit was precariously balanced on the lip of my drinking glass. Unnoticed by me, of course, until I placed my pristine lips over the edge of the glass for my morning orange juice. I first spat out the offending lump, followed by my previously-ingested orange juice.

It's like...they wander around all night long thinking, "Where can I make the greatest psychological impact from my pooh deposit?"

Hat's off to 'em. They win at Psychological Warfare, bar none.

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I enjoy using a red laser pointer which the geckos / jing-joks will chase around on the wall or the ceiling. The took-gaes don't seem to fall for this though. Anyways, hours of enjoyment doing this ...

Try it, it's worth the 30 baht a laser pointer costs!

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I agree tigerboy, kept me entertained while outside having a smoke or whatever. I agree with everyone that they are beneficial , but since i have moved into my new home, there seem to be none around?! How does one go about attracting some to the household?

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I guess jingjok and geckos are the same cream color ones shitting like hel_l everyday.

You are not the person who cleans their shits, so you think they're cute :o

Similarly, the only complaint I have about these critters is their "pooh manners."

Of all the millions of square centimeters in my house they can pooh in, where do they choose?

*The bristles on my toothbrush.

*Any place I'm about to grab (door handles, faucet handles, TV remote, etc.)

*Little deposits made directly into my open contact lens case (duh, I know, shut it).

*The most evil deposit was precariously balanced on the lip of my drinking glass. Unnoticed by me, of course, until I placed my pristine lips over the edge of the glass for my morning orange juice. I first spat out the offending lump, followed by my previously-ingested orange juice.

It's like...they wander around all night long thinking, "Where can I make the greatest psychological impact from my pooh deposit?"

Hat's off to 'em. They win at Psychological Warfare, bar none.

Brilliant. Made me laugh this morning.

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How does one go about attracting some to the household?

It's called "bait." Leave your window and door screens open for a couple nights, and slap a lot of cologne or perfume on your body. Make sure to have lots of skin exposed. No, the jinjoes won't attack you, but they will certainly come to prey on the critter that DOES.

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I agree tigerboy, kept me entertained while outside having a smoke or whatever. I agree with everyone that they are beneficial , but since i have moved into my new home, there seem to be none around?! How does one go about attracting some to the household?

Put up a Geckos-Welcome sign, but written in Thai, you don't want those foreign-geckos, as they're not allowed to work so catch fewer mossies ! :o

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since i have moved into my new home, there seem to be none around?! How does one go about attracting some to the household?

In another 6 months or so, you can start cleaning their shits :o My husband said they only move to where human being live.

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