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Disadvantaged Issan Boys


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Just as many dissadvantaged young northern girls are encouraged to work in BKK/Pattaya etc does the same apply to boys?

I'm not sure why you would ask such a question but the answer is yes; many, many. As I'm sure quite a few posters on this forum who like the dark skinned Issan look and physique will happily confirm!

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There is a lot paradoxical about isaan boys IMHO.

My BF of 3yrs is from N Isaan and is the sweetest, kindest guy I have ever met. I leave money everywhere but he never takes a cent.

But, in Pattaya, a lot of the MBs are from Isaan.

Someone once told me that the Isaan people are the best. I laughed. I don't laugh now. I am grateful, cos the guy was right.


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Just as many dissadvantaged young northern girls are encouraged to work in BKK/Pattaya etc does the same apply to boys?

Welcome to the gay forum, sunreader. I see you just started a thread in the Ladie's forum about you (46) and your Isaan wife (30). May I ask what your wife thinks of Isaan boys?

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Just as many dissadvantaged young northern girls are encouraged to work in BKK/Pattaya etc does the same apply to boys?

Welcome to the gay forum, sunreader. I see you just started a thread in the Ladie's forum about you (46) and your Isaan wife (30). May I ask what your wife thinks of Isaan boys?

I don't have an Isaan wife, but thank you for your valuable contribution anyway 'super' moderator.

Edited by sunreader
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My partner is from Isaan.

He was made to work very long hours for just over HALF of the minimum Bangkok wage and sleep in a restaurant on Wireless road until he reached 'working age' because he was still a child. Since then he worked his way up and ended up in charge of a kitchen (in a different restaurant). All this before we met.

To the OP : Among the ones (boys and girls) leaving Isaan in search of work, a few do end up in the flesh trade but MOST of them don't, they work very very hard for low wages mainly in the cities

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My partner is from Isaan.

He was made to work very long hours for just over HALF of the minimum Bangkok wage and sleep in a restaurant on Wireless road until he reached 'working age' because he was still a child. Since then he worked his way up and ended up in charge of a kitchen (in a different restaurant). All this before we met.

To the OP : Among the ones (boys and girls) leaving Isaan in search of work, a few do end up in the flesh trade but MOST of them don't, they work very very hard for low wages mainly in the cities

I have known many wonderful northern rural Thai guys,but never forget that after mama, papa ,nana, grandpa and the family you count yourself somewhere about but probably just below the chickens running around the yard in the so called farm.

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I have known many wonderful northern rural Thai guys,but never forget that after mama, papa ,nana, grandpa and the family you count yourself somewhere about but probably just below the chickens running around the yard in the so called farm.

Hmm...I believe that is quite unfair. Maybe a dog?

Dogs bark, they do not speak Thai. They might bite, no-one likes that! They shit allover, no way!

I think most problems in life are basically semiotic. Or semantics play a role however we look at it. I am amazed sometimes what kind of couples there exist together. I hardly see any other reason to be together than ... You've guessed it!!! ... and from that, if it's the ONLY reason, nothing good can be expected.

And what comes to people from Isaan. Don't forget that there are many that are not exactly from rice field. Some even have education and goals in life. Like my bf.

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I have known many wonderful northern rural Thai guys,but never forget that after mama, papa ,nana, grandpa and the family you count yourself somewhere about but probably just below the chickens running around the yard in the so called farm.

You have been very unlucky with your choice of 'Thai guys' from Isaan.

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Just as many dissadvantaged young northern girls are encouraged to work in BKK/Pattaya etc does the same apply to boys?

Welcome to the gay forum, sunreader. I see you just started a thread in the Ladie's forum about you (46) and your Isaan wife (30). May I ask what your wife thinks of Isaan boys?

I don't have an Isaan wife, but thank you for your valuable contribution anyway 'super' moderator.

But you did say you have a Thai wife, so his question might be stated,"I see you just started a thread in the Ladie's forum about you (46) and your Thai wife (30). May I ask what your Thai wife thinks of Isaan boys?


....when they see me holding my Thai wifes hand as we walk around?

I am 14 years older than her just a regular looking guy, but though she is 30 she looks 22, so some may think the age gap even bigger...

are they thinking bad thoughts/jealous thoughts?....or nothing at all?

I am concerned she has got dirty looks from some Thai woman....though am not sure why?

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:D Well I held my tounge for a few days, and that in itself is a major task, if ya get ma drift...

Disadvantged Isaan MEN...I met my Isaan partner when he was 27, he is now 31, shock horror..worked in a sweat shop as a machinist from 14 years of age till I met him, YES in a bar....he was not a money boy, per se, pardon my Latin twist...he said he had been with a farang once before, but why he approached me because I was ranting and raving in my own speshial thai verbage, some of it made sense to him and funnily enuff, some three or more years later, it still does...I have been so lazy, an ex Ajarn but have spoken thai since we met, he is now attending engish classes five days a week, three hours a day..I have learnt an awful lot about thai kulcha from him, we have different political views, we dont have sex anymore but he is my dearest fiend in ThighLand...I came to intimacy late in life but now am happy I will not die wondering what it would be like to not experience Initimacy, now I know....to allow the trust to enter, that was hard after four years or living here, doin the Ajarn thingo at at a Buddhist University in Chiengmai..loved it madly but saw signs of burnt out resurface as it had when I was 40 in Awstrayia....what am I trying to say....I have found a soul mate, someone who understands moi, and that is a lot to get anyones head around.....we remain togehter because we wish to be together, emotional monogamy is understood, sexual monagamy, not part of our discourso...not for everyone but in terms of an Isaan partner I can make no criticism...not bliss, but comfortable....Dukkha :o

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