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How Do You Think That Thai Visa Should Handle Political Threads About Thailand

Ulysses G.

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It has become apparent that many of us have strong views on the Reds and Yellows and that many of us have chosen sides. Thai Visa has been a wonderful release the last week. Getting it off our chests why we feel the way we do. However, I can't see how we can keep sniping at each other without hurting the forum.

Should Thai politics be forbidden as American politics are, or do you have another idea about how Thai Visa should handle this problem without becoming too negative?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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It has become apparent that many of us have strong views on the Reds and Yellows and that many of us have chosen sides. Thai Visa has been a wonderful release the last week. Getting it off our chests why we feel the way we do. However, I can't see how we can keep sniping at each other without hurting the forum.

Should Thai politics be forbidden as American politics are, or do you have another idea about how Thai Visa should handle this problem without becoming too negative?

I think we should be allowed to post wild and unsubstantiated claims as to what different groups are going to do to farang, and then sit back and smile knowingly at the chaos our post has created.

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Why should Thai politics be forbidden on a Thai forum? This forum is one of the few places I can go to get enough thought-provoking discussion/point of view/information to form my own opinions.

Newspapers, mags, etc, tend to overlook (some) realities when they tidy writing to present a tight argument/theme/mindset. Forum discussions give opposing and often raw information and views. Ok, some is misleading, but it's up to us to judge what we'll believe or not.

All I'd like to see different is a moratorium on slagging off any nationality... and not just in political discussions.

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It has become apparent that many of us have strong views on the Reds and Yellows and that many of us have chosen sides. Thai Visa has been a wonderful release the last week. Getting it off our chests why we feel the way we do. However, I can't see how we can keep sniping at each other without hurting the forum.

Should Thai politics be forbidden as American politics are, or do you have another idea about how Thai Visa should handle this problem without becoming too negative?

I think we should be allowed to post wild and unsubstantiated claims as to what different groups are going to do to farang, and then sit back and smile knowingly at the chaos our post has created.

In case you have not noticed, a lot of truths about Thai politics have come out this last week on Thai Visa and Internationally that have always been hushed up in the past. Who would have believed that the PAD want to get rid of ONE MAN, ONE VOTE Democracy until they admitted it themselves?

Just because you rather not believe something, does not make it untrue. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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In case you have not noticed, a lot of truths about Thai politics have come out this last week on Thai Visa and Internationally that have always been hushed up in the past. Who would have believed that the PAD want to get rid of ONE MAN, ONE VOTE Democracy until they admitted it themselves?

Just because you rather not believe something, does not make it untrue. :o

Until you can provide a documented source, quote from a PAD leader, or quoted interview in which the PAD have expressly stated that they want to get rid of farang and take their business (your words), I'll prefer to suspend judgement.

And an acceptable source does NOT include 'my friends told me'.

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Unless it's the French of course, right?

I mean, that should be a given, surely . .

We should always be able to give the Crapauds cr*p. After 100 years of war we won that right :D

On topic:-

We do not need to continue to tear each others throats out over Thai politics. Each of us is entitled to our own opinion and should always be free to do so (is why we fought that 100 years war & others - to have that right) :o

Thai Visa should allow us to be informed, badly or otherwise by people so we can make up our own minds on the subject.

Without tv we would not be aware of half that has been going on in Thailand recently. Keep up the good work, George & others :D

nighty night. bedtime here in UK land :D

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Until you can provide a documented source, quote from a PAD leader, or quoted interview in which the PAD have expressly stated that they want to get rid of farang and take their business (your words), I'll prefer to suspend judgement.

Suspend judgement all you like, but it seems logical that a movement that wants to take the vote away from its own citizens and return Thailand to what it was like in the past, very well might not want foreigners around either. By the way, I did not say or mean that they plan on "taking our businesses", but that would be a side effect of getting rid of us.

When fair minded, well educated, Thai businessmen tell you that kind of information, I think that it is worth listening to and worth repeating.

It is very likely that it is true, but technically, I'll admit that I should not have stated it as a fact. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Ulysses, we all lost our slugging rights to American politics on a Thai forum, but this is a Thai forum. We need to be free to make the most absurd allegations so that we can be hoisted on our own petard, a Thai petard. The forum rules, which could not be enforced perfectly during the recent storm, are sufficient, I think. The restriction on excessive bashing of Thais and Thailand remains. If we make unsubstantiated claims without proper qualifying statements, the opposition will hold us to it. It was a great online discussion, even when we went to excesses that went unchecked. And as Dan Cook of San Antonio :o said, it ain't over till the fat lady sings. :D

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Until you can provide a documented source, quote from a PAD leader, or quoted interview in which the PAD have expressly stated that they want to get rid of farang and take their business (your words), I'll prefer to suspend judgement.

Suspend judgement all you like, but it seems logical that a movement that wants to take the vote away from its own citizens and return Thailand to what it was like in the past, very well might not want foreigners around either. By the way, I did not say or mean that they plan on "taking our businesses", but that would be a side effect of getting rid of us.

When fair minded, well educated, Thai businessmen tell you that kind of information, I think that it is worth listening to and worth repeating.

It is very likely that it is true, but technically, I'll admit that I should not have stated it as a fact. :o

Think Ulysses has a fair point, lets face it, Thailand has a habit of blaming foreigners for a lot of its woes, so its not a big step in logic to assume they could all have the sights set on foreigners and "foreign owned" business....very silly sentiment in this day and age in my opinion, considering the fallout from a stunt like this, but as we all know, Thailand has a habit of shooting itself in the foot all the time...... but a certain gentleman used this sort of tactic in Europe in the 1940's to Nationalist effect.

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I use TV mainly for crucial information in these troubled times. I respond to breaking news alerts seeking to be informed, but find that I have to plough through page after page of vitriolic ranting comment. There has been so much anger on the pages of late, often along tribal lines, that it sometimes causes me to despair. Its rather like being in a bar and you're the only sober one there while everyone else hurls abuse at each other.

Lively debate? Sure, but there are times when we can practice a little moderation, follow the 'middle path' and at least be civil. I do not envy the moderators in their most challenging positions - it must be extremely difficult to police this site. At least we can tune out, they cannot.

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It has become apparent that many of us have strong views on the Reds and Yellows and that many of us have chosen sides. Thai Visa has been a wonderful release the last week. Getting it off our chests why we feel the way we do. However, I can't see how we can keep sniping at each other without hurting the forum.

Should Thai politics be forbidden as American politics are, or do you have another idea about how Thai Visa should handle this problem without becoming too negative?

Discussing Thai politics is OK, just the problem is that it isn't a discussion at all.

Most postings are just: PAD is evil--no PPP is evil--no you lie PAD is evil etc etc

Not much of a discussion.

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Forbid politics in news forum.

Make a Thai politics forum.

There they can abuse each other.

Good idea, but perhaps difficult to police when something like this happens? Won't a lot of posts be peppered with politics for months to come? (Linking politics to prices, lack of goods, loss of jobs, etc)

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At least we can tune out, they cannot.

actually....I can :o

funnily....I now refrain from sharing my political views and opinions...cos I dont want people thinking Im expressing views as MOD, rather than as me (just cos Im a MOD on the site, does not mean my political views reflect that of the website or the management team of the site)

but in any case, I refrain.....not saying my views are neutral, but cos I dont enter into the debate it turns out that I dont get worked up over the opposing views. this makes it possible for me to read/edit/close threads without really caring which side of the argument it supports

thats the long story.

the short story is:

Im a chocolate-consuming computer 'bot that has no opinions, only good taste for fine chocolates :D

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Right, some make it a point themselves, exposing themselves right here, no wonder that there are paranoid rumors that "they" (whoever "they" are want to get rid of those ever whining and ever complaining, seeing threats to themselves everywhere) foreigners.

This country would be immediate a much better place and the TV would profit a lot too, nothing against controversy, but what had been written here above the heads of this nation, about this nation.... made me really wonder about some of the intentions hidden in those outbursts.

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Why bother having views on thai politics when fact is we can make no difference whatsoever whatever your views,.(unless you are one of the farang elite with a thai passport ) its a joke and a waste of breath i my opinion,.

Why live in ignorance?

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Why bother having views on thai politics when fact is we can make no difference whatsoever whatever your views,.(unless you are one of the farang elite with a thai passport ) its a joke and a waste of breath i my opinion,.

I dont have a thai passport but I have a Thai wife with a baby on the way. Elite no, but giving a crap about what happens in this country - and any affect on my family - yes.

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I think that only my views should be allowed, because I am right every time and anybody who disagrees with me is simply wrong. :o

Without wishing to upset you, may I politely disagree, and express a different opinion ?

I have respect for your right, indeed would strongly support it, to hold a different point of view, it may indeed even be correct, in which case I may learn from you, and modify my own views.

However flaming, and name-calling, would tend to work against persuasion, so thank-you for not indulging in such childish practices, however tempting or satisfying that might sometimes be !

Lastly might I add, that we are all (well ... mostly) farangs here, and only commenting on what happens in Thailand, with humour upon occasion, so need not be exhorted to return to our native countries, if we might appear to some to be mildly critical at times.

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I think that only my views should be allowed, because I am right every time and anybody who disagrees with me is simply wrong. :o

Without wishing to upset you, may I politely disagree, and express a different opinion ?

I have respect for your right, indeed would strongly support it, to hold a different point of view, it may indeed even be correct, in which case I may learn from you, and modify my own views.

However flaming, and name-calling, would tend to work against persuasion, so thank-you for not indulging in such childish practices, however tempting or satisfying that might sometimes be !

Lastly might I add, that we are all (well ... mostly) farangs here, and only commenting on what happens in Thailand, with humour upon occasion, so need not be exhorted to return to our native countries, if we might appear to some to be mildly critical at times.

If I may refer you to this page:


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It has become apparent that many of us have strong views on the Reds and Yellows and that many of us have chosen sides. Thai Visa has been a wonderful release the last week. Getting it off our chests why we feel the way we do. However, I can't see how we can keep sniping at each other without hurting the forum.

Should Thai politics be forbidden as American politics are, or do you have another idea about how Thai Visa should handle this problem without becoming too negative?

Why do we need to be so strongly moderated in the first place? How dose us having strong opinions that differ from each other ruin the forum??? I say we should be able call it like we see it.

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In answer to UG's question - I certainly don't think that real discussion of Thai politics should be banned............ but how much real discussion has there been compared to the tit-for-tat tauntings? While there are islands of intelligent comment and analysis, these are surrounded by shark-infested seas of heckling, jeering and mocking.

I guess I should have realised earlier that when the debate (?) started to be characterised more by "reds" versus "yellows" than a to-and-fro about policies, principles and practices - then the writing was on the wall. I previously compared this to the kindergarten/schoolyard scrap/drunken argument - but,with the team colours in mind, it probably has more in common with the mindless ya-boo rants and mutual hostility of rival football supporters.

Difficult to see a comprehensive solution - people will post as they want. If it were possible, I would like to see Mods deleting OTT or insulting posts much more widely than has been the case - as well as warning the offenders and banning repeat offenders (yellow card, red card........ oh, the irony! :o ). Obviously, there's currently the practical problem of too much traffic and not enough cops - as well as the issue of deciding (inevitably subjectively) what is OTT or not.

Here's a thought. Taking the analogy of stock markets moving out of pre-set limits (leading to trading being suspended so as to give things a chance to calm down), if the flow and content is getting out of the Mods' control - how about temporarily locking a thread so that a] it can be "weeded" and b] maybe, just maybe give some of the more hothead posters a chance to cool off ? The "locked" message should clearly state the reason.

Anyway, speaking for myself, I'm out of there - enough is already more than enough. I don't delude myself that my posts made any significant difference to the goings-on and fixed mindsets - so it follows that their absence will also have no effect. It would be good to say "it's been fun" - but it really hasn't been; rather it has been depressing to see so much spouted by both "sides" with the predictable Rambo tendency in the middle. When I think of our Thai hosts looking through much of what has been posted - frankly I don't see how that can be anything other than deeply embarrassing; it must surely have dispelled any lingering notion for them that farang are somehow superior.

But, it's good to finish on a lighter note, so I'll quote Douglas Adams from "The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy".............. "So long - and thanks for all the fish".

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Why bother having views on thai politics when fact is we can make no difference whatsoever whatever your views,.(unless you are one of the farang elite with a thai passport ) its a joke and a waste of breath i my opinion,.

I dont have a thai passport but I have a Thai wife with a baby on the way. Elite no, but giving a crap about what happens in this country - and any affect on my family - yes.

Yes I fully agree. When you live in this country, you should take interest on what's going on, as many things can affect you and your Thai family.

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It has become apparent that many of us have strong views on the Reds and Yellows and that many of us have chosen sides. Thai Visa has been a wonderful release the last week. Getting it off our chests why we feel the way we do. However, I can't see how we can keep sniping at each other without hurting the forum.

Should Thai politics be forbidden as American politics are, or do you have another idea about how Thai Visa should handle this problem without becoming too negative?

i personally beleive the forum became crap along time ago, repeating the same old tired rumours and trotting out lame cliches as if they were new. wading through that crap to find a substantiated piece of news is tedious at best.

but to forbid discussing thai politics, lord no!

If that happemed i would no longer be able to read about how PAD,"a political party", is just as guilty of vote buying as the rest of the parties writtten by an expert whos thai-chinese wife once gave someone high-up in government a blow-job when she worked at Piano after she finished university.

where would the people who know people who know dazzle us with their insight and privelged information?

no i would hate to miss that.

what would jdinasia cut and paste if politcs were taboo?

think about the consequences before you act. lives will be affected.

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It has become apparent that many of us have strong views on the Reds and Yellows and that many of us have chosen sides. Thai Visa has been a wonderful release the last week. Getting it off our chests why we feel the way we do. However, I can't see how we can keep sniping at each other without hurting the forum.

Should Thai politics be forbidden as American politics are, or do you have another idea about how Thai Visa should handle this problem without becoming too negative?

I think we should be allowed to post wild and unsubstantiated claims as to what different groups are going to do to farang, and then sit back and smile knowingly at the chaos our post has created.

In case you have not noticed, a lot of truths about Thai politics have come out this last week on Thai Visa and Internationally that have always been hushed up in the past. Who would have believed that the PAD want to get rid of ONE MAN, ONE VOTE Democracy until they admitted it themselves?

Just because you rather not believe something, does not make it untrue. :o

that has been out for weeks. i read it in the bangkok post. sorry thai visa doesnt get credit for that one

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