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In 18 years of visiting Thailand I have never seen a masseur in a public toilet.

Get out a bit more and into the high class places then you will.

I guess this Spicy's joint is a real high-class establishment.

yes you could say that. :o

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In 18 years of visiting Thailand I have never seen a masseur in a public toilet.

Get out a bit more and into the high class places then you will.

I guess this Spicy's joint is a real high-class establishment.

Given your guess, it might be for you.

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In 18 years of visiting Thailand I have never seen a masseur in a public toilet.

Get out a bit more and into the high class places then you will.

I guess this Spicy's joint is a real high-class establishment.

Given your guess, it might be for you.

A place where one is solicited in the toilet is probably not the kind of place for me. I guess I've been missing out all these years not frequenting the higher-class establishments.

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Never seen any trouble to speak of at Spicy's personally. Handbags occasionally. Maybe I've been lucky. I know someone who goes there regularly and with pins, studs, giant earrings, tattoos and pony tail haircut he stands out enough to attract the wrong sort of attention, but rarely has a problem. He slips one of the bouncers a few hundred baht now and then to look after him just in case, but he hardly ever needs his 'assistance'.

Go to Phnom Penh (eg Heart of Darkness, and a few strictly Khmer places out of town I've foolishly tried over the years - not too clever being the single white face amongst several hundred well-drunk Khmers), and it's a different kettle of fish. One club I went to had a large sign outside saying no guns (ok that's par for the course), but also "no explosive no grenade" (sic).

I've always got away with it (hardly ever drink, non-confrontational, can spot trouble brewing, and can run fast), but there have been some dodgy moments.

They're all pussycats in CM in comparison :-)

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Personal favourite from spicy was watching a ladyboy and bar girl having a kind of hissy fit at each other which involved the pair of them grabbing each other, their respective friends grabbing hold of the opposite side and then bouncing around the dancefloor like a human wrecking ball. Great entertainment and the bouncers agreed they watched for two minutes before they broke it up.

Never got chance to go to heart of darkness, heard from a rich khmer guy that if you wanted to remain in once piece you paid off one of the "cigarette attendants" who were all packing and were basically your body guard for the night. But I didn't go so can't confirm.

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In PHN I'll take Sharkys or my old favorite Martinis over the Heart of Darkness. Those WERE some good fun days.

Martinis was a bit rough the last time I was there, a bit like the Walkabout. Sharky's the same as ever. The Shanghai is a bit more upmarket, rather like the Number One bar in Chiang Mai.

But I'm married and well-behaved now ... :o

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He slips one of the bouncers a few hundred baht now and then to look after him just in case, but he hardly ever needs his 'assistance'.

You can't be serious.

What... that he hardly ever needs assistance, or that he coughs up a couple of hundred baht in case he needs a hand when he's had 3 too many?

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On TWO nights within the last week, I have almost come to blows with a different, drunken farang who wanted someone smaller than him to fight. These were in areas near to Spicy, and another spot which name I have forgotten.

Would anybody agree or disagree? I am a likeable guy by nature, mind my own business, very unconfrontational.

Im only on my 3rd day here i went across to that area saw the Spicy disco and instantly thought id avoid that club like the plague, there is one in BKK that attracts drunken studly w4nkers.

As for picking on the little guy i find if i have to fight its always best to fight him, or a beaded dread-locked backpacker.

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Been in CM a few weeks. From my experiences here so far, I would say that the 'Farang Hotspots' (Lady bar and disco areas) seem to attract a lot rougher kind of farang than the Bangkok ones.

On TWO nights within the last week, I have almost come to blows with a different, drunken farang who wanted someone smaller than him to fight. These were in areas near to Spicy, and another spot which name I have forgotten.

Would anybody agree or disagree? I am a likeable guy by nature, mind my own business, very unconfrontational.

I have lived in Chiang Mai on and off for over 20 years, been there, done that and never have I been involved in a brawl or especially picked out for a fight by anyone here.

Maybe you`re not as likeable as you think you are.

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I was in Spicy a few weeks ago and noticed that there are far more Thai men there now than I ever remembered from the past.

The only fight I ever saw was that night when a bunch of Thai men out of the blue turned on another Thai guy and kicked him to the floor. A bunch of other Thai men came over who didn't seem to be in any way involved previously and joined in kicking him in the head while he was on the floor. His girl and a "friend" who had also joined in kicking him in the head while he was down! carried him out.

There was a large pool of blood on the floor.

Whenever I've gone to more Thai places such as Discovery I've seen large groups of Thai men fighting each other.

Seems to be a big change recently as I don't remember this in the past

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Been in CM a few weeks. From my experiences here so far, I would say that the 'Farang Hotspots' (Lady bar and disco areas) seem to attract a lot rougher kind of farang than the Bangkok ones.

On TWO nights within the last week, I have almost come to blows with a different, drunken farang who wanted someone smaller than him to fight. These were in areas near to Spicy, and another spot which name I have forgotten.

Would anybody agree or disagree? I am a likeable guy by nature, mind my own business, very unconfrontational.

I have lived in Chiang Mai on and off for over 20 years, been there, done that and never have I been involved in a brawl or especially picked out for a fight by anyone here.

Maybe you`re not as likeable as you think you are.

I have a similar history, but every once in a while some British yob will shout at me from a bar to remind me how fat I am. It is not that difficult to attract unwanted attention. :o

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Been in CM a few weeks. From my experiences here so far, I would say that the 'Farang Hotspots' (Lady bar and disco areas) seem to attract a lot rougher kind of farang than the Bangkok ones.

On TWO nights within the last week, I have almost come to blows with a different, drunken farang who wanted someone smaller than him to fight. These were in areas near to Spicy, and another spot which name I have forgotten.

Would anybody agree or disagree? I am a likeable guy by nature, mind my own business, very unconfrontational.

I have lived in Chiang Mai on and off for over 20 years, been there, done that and never have I been involved in a brawl or especially picked out for a fight by anyone here.

Maybe you`re not as likeable as you think you are.

I have a similar history, but every once in a while some British yob will shout at me from a bar to remind me how fat I am. It is not that difficult to attract unwanted attention. :o

Yea, sorry about that.

My money was late arriving at the bank, mobile phone was stolen, just one of those bad days and I felt bad tempered.

Next time I`ll buy you a drink at the bar, if you can squeeze through the door.

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I was in Spicy a few weeks ago and noticed that there are far more Thai men there now than I ever remembered from the past.

The only fight I ever saw was that night when a bunch of Thai men out of the blue turned on another Thai guy and kicked him to the floor. A bunch of other Thai men came over who didn't seem to be in any way involved previously and joined in kicking him in the head while he was on the floor. His girl and a "friend" who had also joined in kicking him in the head while he was down! carried him out.

There was a large pool of blood on the floor.

Whenever I've gone to more Thai places such as Discovery I've seen large groups of Thai men fighting each other.

Seems to be a big change recently as I don't remember this in the past

I would say its got a lot to do with people being high on speed,seen this sort of trend happening in Australia as well.

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Been in CM a few weeks. From my experiences here so far, I would say that the 'Farang Hotspots' (Lady bar and disco areas) seem to attract a lot rougher kind of farang than the Bangkok ones.

On TWO nights within the last week, I have almost come to blows with a different, drunken farang who wanted someone smaller than him to fight. These were in areas near to Spicy, and another spot which name I have forgotten.

Would anybody agree or disagree? I am a likeable guy by nature, mind my own business, very unconfrontational.

I have lived in Chiang Mai on and off for over 20 years, been there, done that and never have I been involved in a brawl or especially picked out for a fight by anyone here.

Maybe you`re not as likeable as you think you are.

Maybe the reason you've never been in any fights is because you only visit gay bars?

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Maybe the reason you've never been in any fights is because you only visit gay bars?

Sorry to dispoint, but this theory just doesn't add up. I have seen just as many fights in Chinag Mai gay bars as anywhere else, and I'm not just talking about screaching katoeys brandishing handbags (that's just the cabaret :o. I mean, fists, knives, snooker cues, machetes and even guns. Remember, these places are often full of young punks high on alcohol, yaabaa, and testosterone; a volatile combination!

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plus they work out. dam_n them!

Seems like all the best looking women in Thailand are gay! aint fair.

Talking about rough areas...

Im a member (almost) of a CM biker 'gang' - its all a bit of a laugh, bankers, teachers, a few hi-so's... nothing more illegal than driving slightly drunk..

however having been to a few biker meets over the last few weeks, it looks like the real thing is coming to town next year.. The bandidos - starting a chapter in CM.

-Im used to the Thai bikers - everybody wai's and has a laugh... These guys 'bandidos' - are farang run- looked and acted the part. mean as can be. scary.


Edited by SomNamNah
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Did i read somewhere on this forum very recently that you have only been in Chiang Mai for 2 years? I find that very hard to believe.


plus they work out. dam_n them!

Seems like all the best looking women in Thailand are gay! aint fair.

Talking about rough areas...

Im a member (almost) of a CM biker 'gang' - its all a bit of a laugh, bankers, teachers, a few hi-so's... nothing more illegal than driving slightly drunk..

however having been to a few biker meets over the last few weeks, it looks like the real thing is coming to town next year.. The bandidos - starting a chapter in CM.

-Im used to the Thai bikers - everybody wai's and has a laugh... These guys 'bandidos' - are farang run- looked and acted the part. mean as can be. scary.


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I 'work' (read - sit in the biker bar, while she works) in a large Thai market.. thai uni student market :o

so i must see a few hundred Thais every night, mostly university girls looking for haute couture (from China) :D

Its been an education!

off to work now, this month has been dire. the stingy parents must have cut back on their allowances. grr.. oh well.. xmas and new year they seem to have full purses :D come to papa!

Plus i was sure world war 3 was coming 2 years ago USA/Israel --> Iran, so i figured id wait it out here.. I didnt realise the global economic collapse would mean my plan B (return to Uk for fast cash) would be scuppered... time to go native.

Right now im worried the Iran thing is going to block the straights of Hormuz... if we have high prices of petrol soon, then i think CM is going to be utterly foooked. It wont be worth the cost of travel to work for many.


Its beer o'clock!

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In 18 years of visiting Thailand I have never seen a masseur in a public toilet.

Get out a bit more and into the high class places then you will.

I guess this Spicy's joint is a real high-class establishment.

"real high-class establishment"

It's clear that you haven't been within blocks of the place.

Full of free lance hookers and cheap charlie punters looking for a free lay (they all very quickly find out that there is nothing "free" in the realm though)

They all (those that haven't connected up for some horizontal dancing) spill out on the street at around 05.00 and sit around all night Thai food joints.

Edited by john b good
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Maybe the reason you've never been in any fights is because you only visit gay bars?

Sorry to dispoint, but this theory just doesn't add up. I have seen just as many fights in Chinag Mai gay bars as anywhere else, and I'm not just talking about screaching katoeys brandishing handbags (that's just the cabaret :o. I mean, fists, knives, snooker cues, machetes and even guns. Remember, these places are often full of young punks high on alcohol, yaabaa, and testosterone; a volatile combination!

One big ugly ladyboy that I knew in San Francisco used to say, "The only thing that I like do do more than <deleted> is fight!" :D

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