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Pojaman Is Landing In Bangkok Tonight


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she never jumped bail in thailand she was already out of the country, so her bail conditions obviously included allowing her to travel, now she is back. so what did she do wrong?


Perhaps I can refresh your memory::

Arrest warrants issued for Thaksin and wife who are reportedly seeking political asylum in the UK

The Supreme Court yesterday issued arrest warrants for former premier Thaksin Shinawatra and his wife Pojaman for failing to appear for a hearing on the Ratchadaphisek land purchase case.

The arrest warrants by the court's Criminal Division for Political Office Holders rendered the couple, who are now in England, "fugitives" and diplomatic hot potatoes as extradition requests from Bangkok loom.

Thaksin and his family are understood to be in the process of seeking political asylum in the United Kingdom. With Pojaman already convicted for tax fraud, and corruption trials set to start for Thaksin, the couple's claims of political persecution will become highly contentious

The Criminal Court on Thursday found the wife of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra guilty of intentionally avoiding tax payment of Bt546 million for the transfer of 4.5-million shares of the Shinawatra Computer and Communications' shares, worth Bt738 million.

Found guilty in the same charges were her adopted brother, Bannaphot Damapong, and her secretary, Kanjanapa Honghern.

The Court sentenced Khunying Pojaman and Bannaphot to three years in jail; two years for the charges relating to the conspiracy to evade tax and one year for giving falsified statements.

Kanjanapa faces two years in jail.

The Court said the three defendants had committed serious crimes and filed false statements with government agencies to avoid paying taxes.

They intended not to pay taxes despite being rich.

Now the court on the Ratchadaphisek ultimately found her not guilt because it only has jurisdiction over person of high political office which she did not have...They also said she could be prosecuted in another court however.

Absolutely astounding that so much of Government would bow and stoop at for the wishes of a convicted felon that like most criminals appeal the convictions....until the verdict is either confirmed or reversed, she is still a convicted felon.

Edited by old wanderer
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I am a Thaskin fan, I admit it. I like his spirit to keep fighting when I am sure he was offered the "retirement" deal.

And are you a fan of Pokemon, his ex-, stargazer extraordinaire and chief banker of the clan?

Thailand's political situation has gone beyond plain farce to comic-tragedy, when this bouffant-haired witch waltzes in for the VIP treatment, as if all was well with the world and she wasn't a jailbird on the run from justice. Anybody count her bags off the plane and see how many she takes out the country, next time she needs to do a runner? Wonder who is going to be beneficiary of the Sinatra mob's largesse this time round?

I'm sure you could be in line for a little reward Dave for your loyalty, if you went and rattled your "I love Mr T" tin outside her mansion down Thonburi way. After all, it is the season of giving, eh? :o

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Pojaman arrives

Khunying Pojaman Shinawatra, ex-wife of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, and her daugther, Pintongta, arrived at the Suvarnabhumi International airport at 10:30 pm Friday.

They arrived on Thai Airways International's Flight TG607 from Hong Kong.

Immigration officials checked their documents onboard the plane and they immediately left on a car after the document clearance.

Several former Thai Rak Thai executives waited foroutside the passenger terminal but did not meet her.

Somkram Kijlertpairoj, former deputy commerce minister, said he did not meetbecause a car picked her up at the plane and sent her to her house.

The nation

Immigration officials checked their documents onboard the plane and they immediately left on a car after the document clearance.

This I don't understand Khun Pojaman Shinawatra is a common citizen why they make and exeption for her. Whey she can't follow mormal procedures like any other passenger.

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I am a Thaskin fan, I admit it. I like his spirit to keep fighting when I am sure he was offered the "retirement" deal.

And are you a fan of Pokemon, his ex-, stargazer extraordinaire and chief banker of the clan?

Thailand's political situation has gone beyond plain farce to comic-tragedy, when this bouffant-haired witch waltzes in for the VIP treatment, as if all was well with the world and she wasn't a jailbird on the run from justice. Anybody count her bags off the plane and see how many she takes out the country, next time she needs to do a runner? Wonder who is going to be beneficiary of the Sinatra mob's largesse this time round?

I'm sure you could be in line for a little reward Dave for your loyalty, if you went and rattled your "I love Mr T" tin outside her mansion down Thonburi way. After all, it is the season of giving, eh? :o

You meam the same way as the PAD leaders are allowed their equally destructive liberties? :D Same game, different side.

Common sense dictates that when power vaccums exist ones gets off their arse and gets busy to seize it. And looking at Thailand right now there is no concept of leadership or law in place so it is there for the taking. The return of Pojaman is a wise move. She can be the evil Dr's sacrifical (lamb?) sheep - nothing to lose as if she goes under then sweaty nights with Nok, Noi and Nam while serving the last months of his overseas jail term would be quite satisfying. Beats sitting in a Thai jail, knowing who the judicary dances for, and waiting for their brought bullet in the back of the head.

Smoke and mirrors...

You don't have to blink, you will not miss it. The real power lady is dealing right now. Perhaps the winds of change that blew equality and the promise of change through the American system will blow the same chance of equality on other Americanised leaders that are now being 'mothered' into serving. I hope so, as then with some give and take there is opportunity for Thailand and the beautiful ordinary thai's who don't deserve this garbage. If not after the time of "He" who has gone to walk with Buddha, this impasse will still need to be resolved and by then the only resolution may be red on yellow.

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for a transfer of Bt738 million pay Bt546 million tax? fat.

she didn't pay tax in one of her deals and makes it look like an inner family present. so what? that is the big deal?

envy other peoples money. nothing bettter to do?

in the end it was her or her family money only exist because they have been busy, lucky and hard working. and money that gave other poeple a job.

the protests just waste other peoples money, a lot of other people and lot of money, destory even other people businesses and the base for the job of other people.

did you never try to cheat the tax office little bit? tax laws so complicated but with loopholes to evade paying taxes that there is a own service industry for. tax counsellor take money from people and in return they give the advice and concept how to pay as less as possible on tax money. and the people you know here in thailand. are that all honest taxpayers?

anyone knows how much tax money the thaksin complex still did generated every year?

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Immigration officials checked their documents onboard the plane and they immediately left on a car after the document clearance.

This I don't understand Khun Pojaman Shinawatra is a common citizen why they make and exeption for her. Whey she can't follow mormal procedures like any other passenger.

You never flew first class being a VIP? :o

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for a transfer of Bt738 million pay Bt546 million tax? fat.

she didn't pay tax in one of her deals and makes it look like an inner family present. so what? that is the big deal?

envy other peoples money. nothing bettter to do?

in the end it was her or her family money only exist because they have been busy, lucky and hard working. and money that gave other poeple a job.

the protests just waste other peoples money, a lot of other people and lot of money, destory even other people businesses and the base for the job of other people.

did you never try to cheat the tax office little bit? tax laws so complicated but with loopholes to evade paying taxes that there is a own service industry for. tax counsellor take money from people and in return they give the advice and concept how to pay as less as possible on tax money. and the people you know here in thailand. are that all honest taxpayers?

anyone knows how much tax money the thaksin complex still did generated every year?

1. The Bt 546 included intrest and PENALTIES, for not paying the normal tax in the 1st place...it way more than doubled the amount if she had just paid what was owed.

2/ The Family has been Busy, LUcky and Hard Working....Let see. Government buys a piece of land for 2 billion baht and sells it to Pojaman for 25% of what they paid....while being busy to change the normal bidding rules to require a 30% deposit with your bid and telling others to not bid exept for the 2 bids by associates that were somehow mysteriously lower?

Or Lucky....Yet those that campained against corruption just seem to disappear.

3. Tax law complicated....Not when you change the law just before a major sale to exempt any tax....(of course this is not corruption be cause it was the law....(that was made to specifically exempt you interest)

4. Since politial donations are tax deductible...who was the largest single donner of the PPP...I will save you researching it...Pojaman...

This clan need to be gone and eliminate the gene pool.

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Immigration officials checked their documents onboard the plane and they immediately left on a car after the document clearance.

This I don't understand Khun Pojaman Shinawatra is a common citizen why they make and exeption for her. Whey she can't follow mormal procedures like any other passenger.

A check will show Khunying Pojaman still has a diplomatic passport (in her married name, which she used to enter), even though she is now using her single name....

It takes about 3 weeks to generate a normal passport from a consulate.

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With Thaksin at the helm happily married to his sponsor, the Dampramong (spelling?) family had their fingers firmly in the till. With Pojamoen out of the country, her husband on the run and a Shinwatra by marriage (Somchai) with the key for the till, the Dampramong family were feeling the pinch. What's going on now with the divorce and her return could be more a power struggle between 2 mafia clans than a fight to save Thaksin by his wife.

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Immigration officials checked their documents onboard the plane and they immediately left on a car after the document clearance.

This I don't understand Khun Pojaman Shinawatra is a common citizen why they make and exeption for her. Whey she can't follow mormal procedures like any other passenger.

Are we a bit naive today Henry ? :o

She is not a common citizen and you know it. I'm not defending her but you will understand that security reasons are most probably the reason for these procedures.

Nobody wants to see something nasty happen to her caused by some lunatic (especially on December 5.....!!) setting the country on fire... :D


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If the police refuses to serve arrest warrants and lets her off scott-free I'd expect PAD to make really loud noises over this when it blows out in the open.

There will be a lot of pressure to exlain it away during the weekend, and if it doesn't go away and police refuses to do their jobs, and Pojamarn gets involved in Phua Thai politics - it will be a complete breakdown of law and order and people would have all the rights to seize the govt house or the airports or whatever. In fact if the govt (which controls the police) works against the justice system, the military is also justified to take over.

The questions is - will Pojamarn be able to escape the wrath of people? Will she try? Will her backers try to fool the PAD? Do they have any control over it? Logistically a new protest will be very difficult to organise, but there are also many people who were not part of the govt seige but will join a fight with Pojamarn. One massive demo would send a chilling message to whoever is plotting this, they don't need a sit in for a moment.

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Immigration officials checked their documents onboard the plane and they immediately left on a car after the document clearance.

This I don't understand Khun Pojaman Shinawatra is a common citizen why they make and exemption for her. Whey she can't follow normal procedures like any other passenger.

You never flew first class being a VIP? :o

She is not an VIP. She hold not any official function or have any kind of diplomatic status who give her immunity, she do not represent any government, International or national institute or organization, she is a common citizen. Who she is? just an ordinary woman with a little bit :D more cash than somebody else and an ex wife of an convicted criminal who was once PM of the counttry,that's all. BTW she is convicted by court for Tax evasion, and skipped bail. I don't say the should send her straight to jail, but at least they could hold her in custody till she clear out some of her actions, and ask her about the present doings of her ex husband.

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Government buys a piece of land for 2 billion baht and sells it to Pojaman for 25% of what they paid

Like all other assets, governament can keep it. Is there a reason why the government needs to sell ALL (ues, everything is already sold) the assets in such a short period of time, at rock bottom prices. Why fire sales.

The land Porky bought is just of the the thousands of assest sold at a big lost by the stupid government. Single out 1 case amoung a thousand is plain stupid or ignorance.

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Surely she has a VIP status, she actually has a title - Khunying which she hasn't been stripped of yet.

Still, the police matter of skipping bail in tax evasion case needs to be addressed. Arrest warrants in Ratchada case do not matter anymore - she has been cleared in that one.

It's interesting that the police say "we don't have a warrant". Where did it go? Someone must surely have it and should be ready to serve it to her.

They owe a lot of explanations to the public regarding her bail and appeal process.

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I hope she can unite the various factions and help solve the countries problems.

That you think she has any interest in solving the country's problems shows how little you understand her and her family. She has come to solve problems, but only her own.

And that you think she can unite the people of Thailand... well really... you must be on a completely different planet.

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If the police refuses to serve arrest warrants and lets her off scott-free I'd expect PAD to make really loud noises over this when it blows out in the open.

There will be a lot of pressure to exlain it away during the weekend, and if it doesn't go away and police refuses to do their jobs, and Pojamarn gets involved in Phua Thai politics - it will be a complete breakdown of law and order and people would have all the rights to seize the govt house or the airports or whatever. In fact if the govt (which controls the police) works against the justice system, the military is also justified to take over.

The questions is - will Pojamarn be able to escape the wrath of people? Will she try? Will her backers try to fool the PAD? Do they have any control over it? Logistically a new protest will be very difficult to organise, but there are also many people who were not part of the govt seige but will join a fight with Pojamarn. One massive demo would send a chilling message to whoever is plotting this, they don't need a sit in for a moment.

"PAD making really large noises".Ooer missus, that's got us shaking in our boots.

Khunying Pojamarn was convicted in a court of law and needs to arrange bail, and then deal correctly with the charges against her.

But let's get this into context.The charges against her are trivial compared with the crimes committed by the PAD leadership and its band of fascist thugs.You talk about the "wrath of the people" but without the slightest evidence that those sharing your views are other than a small and dwindling minority.I have no idea whether Khunying "Evita" Pojamarn has plans to get involved in politics or whether there are any impediments, once having sorted out her legal status, preventing her from doing so.Of course she must work within the justice system, compromised as it is.

The recent crimes of PAD and the national dishonour brought on by its fascist tactics should have taught its non-toxic supporters a lesson.Like the restored Bourbon dynasty in France after Napoleon you appear to have learnt nothing and forgotten nothing given the facile and ignorant way you invoke more criminal attacks on the nation's infrastructure.In another historical analogy your attitude reminds me of Japanese High Command after Pearl Harbour, namely "we have the measure of these stupid and ignorant Americans after this knock out blow.What can possibly stop us now?".Four years later they found out.

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

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She'll get "arrested", appeal her sentence and apply for bail, which will be granted in exchange for passports.

BUT, it might all be just a rumor, arriving at 10 PM is a "straight to jail until Monday morning" option, and if the police doesn't do that - it's time to take over the airport again.

On weekends, the law in Amazing Thailand, is "out of order"!

Unbelievable, let the drama unfold....will this country soon see a 2-5 years appointed ruler ship?

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