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Us Federal Reserve, Bank Of England?

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They talked on CNBC about this happening here at GS in USA too. The announcer justified it by saying well if they dont get the bonuses they will go work elsewhere. Hard to swallow eh?

I am still choking on this, doubt whether I can swallow it.

Where do they think these guys will find other work? Manufacturing? Anybody who made such massive losses would have be standing in the dole queue. They are UNEMPLOYABLE.

We need to get RID of them, the whole lot. Send them all to Iceland, lots of empty property there.

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I am still choking on this, doubt whether I can swallow it.

Where do they think these guys will find other work? Manufacturing? Anybody who made such massive losses would have be standing in the dole queue. They are UNEMPLOYABLE.

We need to get RID of them, the whole lot. Send them all to Iceland, lots of empty property there.

You will get no argument from me on that.

They on the other hand argued that without these geniuses who would manage the accounts?

I still cannot believe any of it. If it were my money I might do something they would regret :o

Being self employed all my life has kept me sheltered from such jackels

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Being self employed all my life has kept me sheltered from such jackels

These guys are "self helpers" - they help themselves to other people money. NONE of them would survive running their own manufacturing business. The concept of balancing books to survive is alien to them (and to governments).

And I doubt whether anybody is sheltered from there massive excesses.

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Dubai state-owned companies has gotten more than 8 billion U.S. dollars of financing from U.S. banking giant Citigroup in recent months.

What did I say again?

Connect the dot's


A nice view when you are at the top......


Pack your bags.....


It will soon start raining......


Are you ready?


Who are those?


I guess.


Do you "Get" it?


Maybe it is time to, Move?


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Let me be more specific.

The article about US corporations moving to Switzerland.

One of my companies is incorporated in Grand Caymen!


Ah yes sorry............ That one is all over


But from what I hear old news.

Singapore will be the place to be soon. :o

US is pressuring switzerland so much it may not be a safe haven for long.

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I do seem to remember that when I opened an account in HSBC SG they asked if I was from US because they would not allow US citizens as account holders because of the declarations they would need to give to the US government.


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Thanks Fly for spoonfeeding the mass.

That was level one info available through MSM.

Level two goes a litlle deeper, are you ready?

Are you aware of:












Are you sure when you retire you will have enough money to live?

Ponzi structure if you ask me.


Edited by AlexLah
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How important was this witness and what type of witness was he?

Voluntary?.... arm twisted up his back?..... and is the case dead in the water with his demise?

Please provide details...

Bush Insider Who Planned To Tell All Killed In Plane Crash: Non-Profit Demands Full Federal Investigation

Contact: Ilene Proctor PR, +1-310-858-6643

WASHINGTON, Dec. 20 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Michael Connell, the Bush IT expert who has been directly implicated in the rigging of George Bush's 2000 and 2004 elections, was killed last night when his single engine plane crashed three miles short of the Akron airport. Velvet Revolution ("VR"), a non-profit that has been investigating Mr. Connell's activities for the past two years, can now reveal that a person close to Mr. Connell has recently been discussing with a VR investigator how he can tell all about his work for George Bush. Mr. Connell told a close associate that he was afraid that George Bush and Dick Cheney would "throw [him] under the bus."

A tipster close to the McCain campaign disclosed to VR in July that Mr. Connell's life was in jeopardy and that Karl Rove had threatened him and his wife, Heather. VR's attorney, Cliff Arnebeck, notified the United States Attorney General , Ohio law enforcement and the federal court about these threats and insisted that Mr. Connell be placed in protective custody. VR also told a close associate of Mr. Connell's not to fly his plane because of another tip that the plane could be sabotaged. Mr. Connell, a very experienced pilot, has had to abandon at least two flights in the past two months because of suspicious problems with his plane. On December 18, 2008, Mr. Connell flew to a small airport outside of Washington DC to meet some people. It was on his return flight the next day that he crashed.

On October 31, Mr. Connell appeared before a federal judge in Ohio after being subpoenaed in a federal lawsuit investigating the rigging of the 2004 election under the direction of Karl Rove. The judge ordered Mr. Connell to testify under oath at a deposition on November 3rd, the day before the presidential election. Velvet Revolution received confidential information that the White House was extremely concerned about Mr. Connell talking about his illegal work for the White House and two Bush/Cheney 04 attorneys were dispatched to represent him.

An associate of Mr. Connell's told VR that Mr. Connell was involved with the destruction of the White House emails and the setting up of the off-grid White House email system.

Mr. Connell handled all of John McCain's computer work in the recent presidential campaign. VR has received direct evidence that the McCain campaign kept abreast of the legal developments against Mr. Connell by reading the VR dedicated website, www.rovecybergate.com.

VR demands that the Ohio Attorney General and the United States Justice Department conduct a complete investigation into the activities of Mr. Connell and determine whether there was any foul play in his death. VR demands that federal law enforcement officials place the following people under protective custody pending this investigation. Heather Connell who

is the owner of GovTech Solutions, Randy Cole, the former President of GovTech Solutions, and Jeff Averbeck, the CEO of SmartTech in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Both GovTech and SmartTech have been implicated in the rigging of the 2000 and 2004 elections and the White House email scandal. Our prior request to have Mr. Connell protected went unheeded and now he is dead.

SOURCE Velvet Revolution


Here is a bit of detail on the actual crash


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MORE than 20 million people watched either Strictly Come Dancing on BBC One or its ITV1 rival The X Factor on Saturday night as the simultaneous screening of two reality television show finals captivated a third of the British population.....Source The Times.

A THIRD OF THE BRITISH POPULATION!......These viewing figures say it all?

Thier parents were spoonfed a diet of consumerism and media hype and the next generation are hooked on the same, so the cycle continues.

Why should a third of the British population or be it the US population wish to discover the truth about abuse of money and power that actually directly affects there lives?......Its not entertainment and boring for them.


I should be flabergasted but I am not!

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MORE than 20 million people watched either Strictly Come Dancing on BBC One or its ITV1 rival The X Factor on Saturday night as the simultaneous screening of two reality television show finals captivated a third of the British population.....Source The Times.

A THIRD OF THE BRITISH POPULATION!......These viewing figures say it all?

Thier parents were spoonfed a diet of consumerism and media hype and the next generation are hooked on the same, so the cycle continues.

Why should a third of the British population or be it the US population wish to discover the truth about abuse of money and power that actually directly affects there lives?......Its not entertainment and boring for them.


I should be flabergasted but I am not!

Well as the saying goes, you get the government you deserve. People right now just don't have what it takes to wake themselves from their slumber. But I am optimistic that the impending financial collapse will eventually lead to a global awakening where people will start to take an interest in the power structure that governs their lives, rather than spend hours being hypnotised by the TV.

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MORE than 20 million people watched either Strictly Come Dancing on BBC One or its ITV1 rival The X Factor on Saturday night as the simultaneous screening of two reality television show finals captivated a third of the British population.....Source The Times.

A THIRD OF THE BRITISH POPULATION!......These viewing figures say it all?

Thier parents were spoonfed a diet of consumerism and media hype and the next generation are hooked on the same, so the cycle continues.

Why should a third of the British population or be it the US population wish to discover the truth about abuse of money and power that actually directly affects there lives?......Its not entertainment and boring for them.


I should be flabergasted but I am not!

Well as the saying goes, you get the government you deserve. People right now just don't have what it takes to wake themselves from their slumber. But I am optimistic that the impending financial collapse will eventually lead to a global awakening where people will start to take an interest in the power structure that governs their lives, rather than spend hours being hypnotised by the TV.

I am not :D sheeple will always be sheeple and if anything education standards

in USA and UK are slipping..........look at how many young adults are now

into binge drinking? Are they suddenly going to become politically aware ?:o

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"I am not ohmy.gif sheeple will always be sheeple and if anything education standards

in USA and UK are slipping..........look at how many young adults are now

into binge drinking? Are they suddenly going to become politically aware ?laugh.gif"

When you have a choice of "same same" political parties as in the UK and most of the population havent a clue what the left and right is on a political spectrum but know who Emily Pankhurst was but are never taught about the British Empire (even though it existed) because it is not Politically Correct, how do expect the Sheeple to question politics and the abuse of power money?

Look, The UK has at the moment a Prime Minister that NOBODY voted into office.... Cash Gordon.

Democracy????......Ba, Humbug!

Gimme X Factor, Come Dancing Derrrrrr

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"I am not ohmy.gif sheeple will always be sheeple and if anything education standards

in USA and UK are slipping..........look at how many young adults are now

into binge drinking? Are they suddenly going to become politically aware ?laugh.gif"

When you have a choice of "same same" political parties as in the UK and most of the population havent a clue what the left and right is on a political spectrum but know who Emily Pankhurst was but are never taught about the British Empire (even though it existed) because it is not Politically Correct, how do expect the Sheeple to question politics and the abuse of power money?

Look, The UK has at the moment a Prime Minister that NOBODY voted into office.... Cash Gordon.

Democracy????......Ba, Humbug!

Gimme X Factor, Come Dancing Derrrrrr

Is that cash or Flash Gordon

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"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks...will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered"

Andrew Jackson - 7th President of the USA

Maybe when the prediction in the quote comes true people will start to take more notice of the financial system the governs so much of their lives. Could be too late to do anything about it by then though.

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Quote from MJP on another thread "I for one am grateful for your post. Isn't it amazing how banks can print imaginary 'money' and wind up owning real things.

Quite evil in fact.

If your 25% estimate is correct, I can see a major revolution coming, across the world. Just look at Greece. How much sh1t are people supposed to take before they begin the process of self-determination?

The fact fiat currency is enforced through taxation and the power of the government and it's guns is quite astonishing.

I do hope humanity comes out of this disaster in a fairer and more equitable condition to that which it went in.

Here's hoping."

Evil it is indeed!

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