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An Invitation For You On Wednesday Evening


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Tomorrow, Wednesday Dec 10th at Tuskers, 7.00 - 8.30

Len, an accomplished Thai photographer, is on a rare visit to Chiang Mai and will be giving what promises to be a really interesting presentation about her photographic expeditions. By all accounts she's an fascinating person - for a start, you don't often find Thai ladies of a "certain age" heading off on solo journeys to places as far afield as Madagascar and China.... I've only seen the work on her website but her Yunan landscapes are stunning so I think this promises be a real treat.

The CMPG is hosting this event but it's open for anyone to attend and since Len will be able to field questions in Thai it should appeal to partners with limited English skills as well. This will be held in the upstairs room at Tuskers - if you want to eat please arrange it for before or after Len's talk. There is no admission charge.


© Len


© Len

Two pictures from the collection she will be showing tomorrow - hope to see some of you there!

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She is good isn't she!

It is interesting to visit her website and see the progression from her early 'snap-shot' pics to her current dramatic shots. Very clever eye she has.

Also nice to see a Thai woman traveling overseas so much! Such interesting places, too (I gotta get back to India myself someday!).


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Also nice to see a Thai woman traveling overseas so much! Such interesting places, too (I gotta get back to India myself someday!).


I haven't met her yet but from what I hear she reminds me of my grandmother, an absolutely irrepressible spirit who would up and do stuff that ladies brought up in the Edwardian era were just not meant to do without a brace of chaperones!

Hope you can make it tonight.

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