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Bars And Shops Closing


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My neighbor's husband is/was head of security at a factory in BKK. It has over 2,000 employess, been in operation for over 35 years and closed this week. He will stay for 2 more weeks to secure the premises, then come home with 4 weeks severance after working there over 25 of those years. I'm thinking it is just the beginning of some really bad jojo.

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My neighbor's husband is/was head of security at a factory in BKK. It has over 2,000 employess, been in operation for over 35 years and closed this week. He will stay for 2 more weeks to secure the premises, then come home with 4 weeks severance after working there over 25 of those years. I'm thinking it is just the beginning of some really bad jojo.

yep, I reckon it's fasten your safety belts time as far as the economy is concerned. I think a supplier of mine is about to bite the dust too.

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Just walking my usual routes I noticed how many places have closed. And the recession has only just started. If it's this bad now, then what's it going to be like when the slump really kicks in?

I did just the same and I saw many shops and restaurants that

were boarded up with " for rent " signs on the door

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Good riddance the thai economy needs a good cleaning. Too many small eating establishments, too many of everything for that matter.

oh yeah, bring on more 7-11's, Carrefour's and Tesco Lotus and mini-Lotuses, that's sure to help matters.

He said too much of everything, and I think that included Lotus, etc.

Not only are places closing, but people are clearly feeling the pinch. My friend had a run in with one of those tourist survey people outside Robinsons. "FXXX you" she shouted when he refused the survey. Great that'll bring the tourists back in droves. Then there was the 'hostess' who rounded of some guests for not spending enough. Just makes matters worse.

The thing is even when the going is good Thais manage to foul up, so who knows what's going to happen now?

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Times have changed from when the Robinsons crew surveyed me five years ago.

I got a smile and a phone number back then :o

But yes the bar scene and pretty much everything is going to hit a recession.

Too much boom means too many copy-cats come on in and expect people to magically split in two and go into their establishments.

The past 3 years have been 3 years too far IMO. The expansion has to be managed properly, and it hasn't and so a lot of folk are going to be in a strange state when the hammer comes down I'm afraid.

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Times have changed from when the Robinsons crew surveyed me five years ago.

I got a smile and a phone number back then :o

But yes the bar scene and pretty much everything is going to hit a recession.

Too much boom means too many copy-cats come on in and expect people to magically split in two and go into their establishments.

The past 3 years have been 3 years too far IMO. The expansion has to be managed properly, and it hasn't and so a lot of folk are going to be in a strange state when the hammer comes down I'm afraid.

I think this is a very good posting, I mean whether it be yet another bar, noodle stand, or shopping mall project, I've always felt this is just 'too much'. When the Paragon was under construction, I remember standing on the platform at BTS Siam thinking ' yes great, just what Bangkok needs, another dirty great shopping mall.' Personally, I tend to be over cautious- something that Thais generally can not be accused of.

Ref the survey girls- yes me too :D , but a few years ago there cam along one quite hard character. She's been there ever since and in a way it's aggressive begging.

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What the heck did they expect?

About time they got rid of a few annoyances while they are at it.

Pushy girls / fake hill tribe vendors stroking wooden frogs / annoying "taxi" drivers showing you pictures of girls / tuk tuks (all of them) / those Robinsons survey girls who think that everyone who isn't of Oriental appearance is a tourist.

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Not another doom and gloom subject, fuc_k it i might aswell move back to the uk.

What do you expect post to say? Economy set to spiral? Boom times ahead?. Free chicks for everyone?

I like posts like this as it gives the perfect opportunity to write : 'wake up smell the coffee', or in this case the freakin coffee :o

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Why move back to the UK? You can get just as much doom and gloom here but with nicer weather!

I haven't seen too much in the area where I live (suburban BKK), but then I haven't really been looking. I go out with a friend to a nice small restaurant on Friday nights and for about the past 3 months, the business has been really bad there. We enjoy it because we have the place to ourselves and we enjoy sitting and talking. Used to have to put up with loud music, karoke and a TV blaring. Now, we tell them to turn it all off--except the TV that the staff wants.

One thing I find strange is that there has been no reduction in staff. Still have all of them sitting around doing nothing. Doesn't seem like a very good way to do business.

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What the heck did they expect?

About time they got rid of a few annoyances while they are at it.

Pushy girls / fake hill tribe vendors stroking wooden frogs / annoying "taxi" drivers showing you pictures of girls / tuk tuks (all of them) / those Robinsons survey girls who think that everyone who isn't of Oriental appearance is a tourist.

Why do you think they do it? They are trying to get a little cash for those luxuries like food and rent. What will they do now? Go back to the farm or become thieves I suppose. Great.

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Not another doom and gloom subject, fuc_k it i might aswell move back to the uk.

What do you expect post to say? Economy set to spiral? Boom times ahead?. Free chicks for everyone?

I like posts like this as it gives the perfect opportunity to write : 'wake up smell the coffee', or in this case the freakin coffee :o

I dont like coffee mate.

And to be honest i prefer to concentrate on the good things in life not negative things that wont affect me :D

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Why move back to the UK? You can get just as much doom and gloom here but with nicer weather!

I haven't seen too much in the area where I live (suburban BKK), but then I haven't really been looking. I go out with a friend to a nice small restaurant on Friday nights and for about the past 3 months, the business has been really bad there. We enjoy it because we have the place to ourselves and we enjoy sitting and talking. Used to have to put up with loud music, karoke and a TV blaring. Now, we tell them to turn it all off--except the TV that the staff wants.

One thing I find strange is that there has been no reduction in staff. Still have all of them sitting around doing nothing. Doesn't seem like a very good way to do business.

I was joking but lucky enough i dont surround myself with negative westerners in thailand.

Another chang please :o

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Unless you own the premises of your small business then you, like me over the last few years, have been on the wrong end of greedy landlords who seemed to think they could keep killing the golden goose and still receive the golden eggs ! I offloaded a couple of businesses in the last 12 months because I knew there would be a rent review and I'll bet a pound to a penny that the landlord in both cases will hike the rent by 10%+. That would not make the businesses unprofitable but would certainly reduce their value on the open market.

However, the next tenant may sell on at a loss and so may the one after that but it is going to take a great deal of time before someone just walks away because his anticipation of future losses is greater than his future rental payments. Only at that point will businesses sit empty. What I envisage is owners taking losses because there are no buyers and the alternative is to lose everything. They will hold out for high prices and take it on the chin. Some of course will just have to walk away and then the landlord can get a new tenant for exactly the same business for less than the previous owners wanted because of no goodwill.

I would be very grateful if anyone can come forward and say that they have been able to renegotiate better terms either at lease renewal or intra lease. I would rather have 12 times $75 than 6 times $100.

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my understanding is that the thai web boards are full of those 'we can only keep you on at a 30-40% cut' stories

UH! not for the first time Dave, your postings seem to lack cogency. What are you talking about?

what are you talking about? Perhaps put the Chang down?

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my understanding is that the thai web boards are full of those 'we can only keep you on at a 30-40% cut' stories

I think you're referring to Thai websites which advertise or talk about job opportunities? And they're talking about 30-40 percent wage cuts for people who want to keep their jobs?

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