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Witness To Murder !


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It's Thursday night 11/12/08 around 10.40pm and I have just seen a woman murdered in cold blood by a knife wielding fat slob man. He just walked up to her and started jabbing her in the front with a very long knife until she fell to the floor of the 7/11 where he then kneeled over her and stabbed her violently maybe three times and left her lying there with blood gushing from her mouth, her body in convulsions and a pool of her blood quickly surrounding her on the floor.......!!! I feel sick to the core and will surely vomit soon......my body is floating ......I cannot feel my legs......I am in shock !!!

This was the most disgraceful act of cowardice I have ever seen and I could do nothing for this poor woman.

Why did I not do anything ??

Because this seen was played out on TV - yes, thanks to $#@!^%& Channel 7 I am now scarred for life.

I will not bring up my daughter in this country - this has changed my opinion irrevocably.

the country where a handful of people can overthrow a government and spit in the faces of all those poor people in the countryside. This is what your wealthy city cousins think of you ! Sick sick sick !

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It's Thursday night 11/12/08 around 10.40pm and I have just seen a woman murdered in cold blood by a knife wielding fat slob man. He just walked up to her and started jabbing her in the front with a very long knife until she fell to the floor of the 7/11 where he then kneeled over her and stabbed her violently maybe three times and left her lying there with blood gushing from her mouth, her body in convulsions and a pool of her blood quickly surrounding her on the floor.......!!! I feel sick to the core and will surely vomit soon......my body is floating ......I cannot feel my legs......I am in shock !!!

This was the most disgraceful act of cowardice I have ever seen and I could do nothing for this poor woman.

Why did I not do anything ??

Because this seen was played out on TV - yes, thanks to $#@!^%& Channel 7 I am now scarred for life.

I will not bring up my daughter in this country - this has changed my opinion irrevocably.

the country where a handful of people can overthrow a government and spit in the faces of all those poor people in the countryside. This is what your wealthy city cousins think of you ! Sick sick sick !

Have you watched western TV recently?

If you think that's violent? tune into CNN and have a look at what's happening in the real world.

Think yourself lucky you are in Thailand :o

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It's Thursday night 11/12/08 around 10.40pm and I have just seen a woman murdered in cold blood by a knife wielding fat slob man. He just walked up to her and started jabbing her in the front with a very long knife until she fell to the floor of the 7/11 where he then kneeled over her and stabbed her violently maybe three times and left her lying there with blood gushing from her mouth, her body in convulsions and a pool of her blood quickly surrounding her on the floor.......!!! I feel sick to the core and will surely vomit soon......my body is floating ......I cannot feel my legs......I am in shock !!!

This was the most disgraceful act of cowardice I have ever seen and I could do nothing for this poor woman.

Why did I not do anything ??

Because this seen was played out on TV - yes, thanks to $#@!^%& Channel 7 I am now scarred for life.

I will not bring up my daughter in this country - this has changed my opinion irrevocably.

the country where a handful of people can overthrow a government and spit in the faces of all those poor people in the countryside. This is what your wealthy city cousins think of you ! Sick sick sick !

You should stay in Disneyland kid.

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Have you watched western TV recently?

If you think that's violent? tune into CNN and have a look at what's happening in the real world.

Think yourself lucky you are in Thailand :o

He better do him self a favor and not turn on CNN, I think he’s going to give him self a heart attack…

Bit of an inappropriate ID to chose for your self while I’m at it. I guess you’re from Australia. I’ve had friend die at the other end of a blade there.

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of course the violent video should not be brodcast on news - do write to channel7 to complain.

in the west there are independent regulatory bodies which oversee standards of public brodcast, if enough viewers do complain the station is penalised

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16 years ago my first Thai GF took the time as I was buying a newspaper to bring the Thai newspapers to me which showed graphic pictures of murder victims pointing to each of the blood spattered corpses and telling me, "That guy cheated on his GF. That guy was killed by his mia noi. That guy was killed by his GF for cheating as well."

So this is nothing new in Thailand

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Old lady in my fans village lived alone in a small hut.

story was that her husband kept trying to kill her, so he could run off with another woman. One night he tried to eletrocute her with two electrical wires in her sleep, but the story is she was just pretending to be asleep and ran off.

so... it being a small village the only sensible thing... he moved to the other side of the village to live on his own :o (all of 3 minutes walk away)

Several years later last summer, he was seeing a woman who was sleeping with several Thai husbands in the vicinity of the village. She was not liked for this. She one night told the guy she was leaving him for another richer peasant... so he strangled her and ran away to Bangkok, but gave himself up to the police on advice from some members of the village close to the wat inner circle. Some people are just bad souls.

Mate saw a murder in Africa, but there they go unreported, because its just not worth the danger of getting involved/entangled.

I personally think the motorbike gore in the papers are a good thing, in the absence of law enforcement, it can only be good.

Similarly if the west was to show the suffering it causes in the middle east etc, on both sides.... the war would be over faster.

Maybe the wests lack of real pictures is why the west is so hopelessly screwed, murder by proxy. I know i enjoyed watching Gulf War I "shock and awe" on TV.

ramble ramble, time for bed...

Edited by SomNamNah
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Two months ago in our small town, Namsom, in 2 days 3 people were killed, one man took his wife and baby daughter to their farm, shot the baby in the stomach, killing her, shot his wife in the neck, she survived, next day,2 men killed there wives in the same house because they thought they were cheating on them,

In the same week, some bloke disconected the electric outside mrs cousins bungalow, he went inside with a torch and a a mtr bamboo pole, he hit her in the mouth and broke off 5 front teeth, and a lot of facial damage, he tried to rape her but gave up because the blood was too much for him, she has recovered and knows who the man is, but wont tell the police,if she tells the BIB, he will get 6/1year in the monkey house,

I asked my mrs about this, why she not tell police?she said, yes, tell police, 6 months he do same,nobody play with my family, 1 year he dead.. oh, how? i said, she said, he drunk one night, and then bamboo needle go in ear into brain, tainted with a poision, 24 hour, slow death, agony at its best before death.

As for thai tv soaps, kiss or kill stuff, seems a bit mediocre to real rural life.

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About 4 years ago, and our house had just been finished, my wife and I were sat outside drinking coffee. She is telling me what people did as they passed by on their motorbikes.

"He fixes the water..... He makes houses....He kills people.....He does the electric..." I had actually stopped listening after the 3rd guy had gone past. :o

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No wonder we live in a violent society with all this shit on tv and in movies,but it has been going on for years all over the world,can film producers not come up with anything other than drug dealing murder movies,i just watched one with vinnie jones and that aussie from som tum in it, what a load of <deleted>,...... :o:D

Edited by imaneggspurt
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the country where a handful of people can overthrow a government and spit in the faces of all those poor people in the countryside. This is what your wealthy city cousins think of you ! Sick sick sick !

So you're saying the woman was from the countryside and was murdered by a wealthy city person? :o

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Unfortunately 'Ned' you do not appear to have 'life skills' , fleeing Thailand will not ultimately relieve your fears and anxieties, they will only manifest themselves unless you broaden your horizons, or seek professional help.

I can understand your fear for your young daughter, but the world is a dangerous place, equip her with the life skills required in order for her to deal with it accordingly.

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Because this seen was played out on TV - yes, thanks to $#@!^%& Channel 7 I am now scarred for life.

I will not bring up my daughter in this country - this has changed my opinion irrevocably.

There's a pretty simple solution to this: don't watch soaps on Thai TV and don't let your daughter watch them. My other half's daughter has never seen a lakorn nam-nao in her life and she's a very well-adjusted kid. Get cable, if you can. It's much better. Frankly, Thai music videos can be pretty bad too - full of kids killing themselves because of a broken heart. It's not a healthy idea to give a kid.

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I will not bring up my daughter in this country - this has changed my opinion irrevocably.

the country where a handful of people can overthrow a government and spit in the faces of all those poor people in the countryside. This is what your wealthy city cousins think of you ! Sick sick sick !

Looks like you had a really bad day, mate - RELAX!

Edited by Samuian
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Similarly if the west was to show the suffering it causes in the middle east etc, on both sides.... the war would be over faster.

Maybe the wests lack of real pictures is why the west is so hopelessly screwed, murder by proxy. I know i enjoyed watching Gulf War I "shock and awe" on TV.

Enjoyed it? eh? :o well that is the worst offended comment I had ever heard from a human ,

did you like the shredded bodies of poor forced unarmed soldiers being blasted by thousands of bombs or did you like the 700 chored corpses of women and children in Amreeiah nuclear shelter, where they had tested a new generation of nuclear shelter's penetrating missiles!!

shame on you , .............

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