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Do All Thai Girls Bring Another Gf On A First Date


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One of my ex-g/f's brought a female friend on our first date at a restaurant. The friend had the most expensive steak on the menu.

The next day her mate called and we decided to go for lunch at another restaurant.The friend had the most expensive steak .....

I never took her friend with us again.

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Yep, very common in Thailand with a chaperon - reasons:


It looks better in the public eye - lonely Thai girl with farang man = no-good girl (prejudice of course, but very wide-spread)

Checking out your general social skills

Checking out your compatibility with friends and family as the case may be

Just go with the flow. Eventually the friend will be out of the picture.

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One of my ex-g/f's brought a female friend on our first date at a restaurant. The friend had the most expensive steak on the menu.

The next day her mate called and we decided to go for lunch at another restaurant.The friend had the most expensive steak .....

I never took her friend with us again.

Yes, my wife said she use to take her friends along to get a free feed - but not with me, i liked to add. :o

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Your lucky its just one relative when I first went out with my wife half the family was there, and that didn't include all the people who just happened to stop by out of the blue hehe. But its been 16 years and we're still together just not as many family gatherings as in the past

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One of my ex-g/f's brought a female friend on our first date at a restaurant. The friend had the most expensive steak on the menu.

The next day her mate called and we decided to go for lunch at another restaurant.The friend had the most expensive steak .....

I never took her friend with us again.

What a bitch!! :o

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One of my ex-g/f's brought a female friend on our first date at a restaurant. The friend had the most expensive steak on the menu.

The next day her mate called and we decided to go for lunch at another restaurant.The friend had the most expensive steak .....

I never took her friend with us again.

What a bitch!! :D

That's what I thought too :o but never told my g/f. I also got the impression - as a previous poster said - that the 'friend' was just having a good feed - stocking up on good red meat - that would last her a few weeks until she could find another 'friend' to have dinner with. Mai bpen rai... we live and learn. :D

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One of my ex-g/f's brought a female friend on our first date at a restaurant. The friend had the most expensive steak on the menu.

The next day her mate called and we decided to go for lunch at another restaurant.The friend had the most expensive steak .....

I never took her friend with us again.

What a bitch!! :D

That's what I thought too :D but never told my g/f. I also got the impression - as a previous poster said - that the 'friend' was just having a good feed - stocking up on good red meat - that would last her a few weeks until she could find another 'friend' to have dinner with. Mai bpen rai... we live and learn. :D


I think maybe jackr was referring to a bitch of the canine variety! :D

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Usually all thai girls prefer going with a friend or 2 on a date for the first time with someone.But if you speak thai fluently and got a good tongue,you can confess her for coming alone :D Up to your guts though.It's up to the person as well,you will know by talking to her that if she's comfortable being coming alone,you gotta talk and find it out.You need to talk to her and kill that fear inside of her.But sometimes it doesn't work as some girls never agree to come alone.So you have to bear her one friend for just the 1st date.And after that,You can use your tongue to get rid of her mate for next date anyways.Coz meeting up just one time is enough for her to conclude about yourself perfectly.Up to your personality again though.and most importantly,your communication skills.As I told you,if you r fluent in thai and very good at speaking,your chances are very bright that she would come alone even for the first time :D I can say this coz it's my personal experience. :o

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I have a story.

My friend and I stepped into a bar for a beer. I was bummed because this local gal would not go out with me even though her eyes were saying yes, aughie, you can do it. I just could not figure out the password. My friend’s gf was playing noshow. Noshow is her way of testing him. She has her sisters watch and see if he will go sniffing for some stray tang w/o her presence. We are both being tested and me being the barbarian I couldn’t discern the Thai password to kitty heaven.

Anyways, there are a few gals in the bar. My friend spots a good looker and figures I need someone to talk with because I am bummed and confused. He points out this t-gal talking with a friend and says why don’t I invite her over. Why not?

I walk over say hello and ask her to join us. She gets up and starts to the bar I notice her friend just sits. So I invite her too. She points at herself, the gesture 'me?'. Yes, please. So we talk at the bar and the girls sip their coca colas. We have Min and her friend Jesse. Eventually my friend excuses himself as he wishes not to get caught in a net by his girl’s noshow trick and he has steered me into a girl whos' company I am enjoying. We talk and her friend is doing the shy routine not saying much as she is in the second position. I’m explaining my problem with this other girl I got a serious need for and Min is laughing and giving me tips. Here is where it comes. Min cracks her knuckles so I crack mine. Then Jesse, up they come, I swear it’s just like the Seinfeld episode…man hands!!!

Now previously I am relaxed and taking in Min’s advice. Now all the sirens are going off and any sort of a semi I had going for Min has now run into the depths and pulled my b**ls in for added protection. I started looking Jesse over as she smiled at me. Ok, manhands that’s obvious what else you dope? Long sleeve turtle neck sweater in Thailand? Got it. Trimmed fingernails. So I am keeping my cool and focus on Min. Only Jesse has stepped out now and is making a play. Jeez…this ain’t America. Jesse has moved closer and wants to know if I want a massage. The time of polite passive is over, now it is time for polite assertion. No thank you. What I want is this. I put my hand on Min’s thigh and look at the ladyboy eyes then I totally ignore Jesse. The ladyboy hangs around for awhile making little comments trying to get my attention then finally leaves. Whew…not good but at least it wasn’t some crazy surprise package back at the hotel. Welcome to your ladyboy close encounter. I had seen a few katoeys before, they were fairly obvious but this was up close and got past my radar completely. The ladyboy had piggy backed in with Min. No biggee. I kept my cool. Min and I finished up our business of how to successfully crack Oi’s defenses. I slipped her 100 baht. Way too much! Fifty would suffice for a consultation but I was feeling good about having passed my first up close encounter with a katoey and being civilized about it. I made my way back to the hotel packing the inside scoop on how to get Oi.

The next day I went by Oi's work. I asked her if she and a friend would like to go for a walk after work and she said yes. The walk ended up being nothing more than an escort to the Skytrain but it was a start. :o



I thought people weren't animals. But then I heard this gal call someone a gohp. It was funny when she explained how they sit and croak.

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Thanks for all the reply's :o My friend is going to Thailand with another friend, They just wanted to know how Thai girls feel about going out with a foreign man. Is this also true with thai men??

I'm sure this question has been asked before. Where can a decent guy meet a decent girl?? My friend is not interested in the bars or nightclubs. Thanks


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One of my ex-g/f's brought a female friend on our first date at a restaurant. The friend had the most expensive steak on the menu.

The next day her mate called and we decided to go for lunch at another restaurant.The friend had the most expensive steak .....

I never took her friend with us again.

Considering how much food is in thailand, Was this a very expensive hotel?? Or Maybe were you trying to impress both of them?? :o And buying two steaks did this break your bank account?


Edited by DragonLad
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One of my ex-g/f's brought a female friend on our first date at a restaurant. The friend had the most expensive steak on the menu.

The next day her mate called and we decided to go for lunch at another restaurant.The friend had the most expensive steak .....

I never took her friend with us again.

Considering how much food is in thailand, Was this a very expensive hotel?? Or Maybe were you trying to impress both of them?? :o And buying two steaks did this break your bank account?


The cost isn't the issue, Dragon, I'm sure. It's the point behind it...the greedy tart was getting the most she could out of him.

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One of my ex-g/f's brought a female friend on our first date at a restaurant. The friend had the most expensive steak on the menu.

The next day her mate called and we decided to go for lunch at another restaurant.The friend had the most expensive steak .....

I never took her friend with us again.

Considering how much food is in thailand, Was this a very expensive hotel?? Or Maybe were you trying to impress both of them?? :o And buying two steaks did this break your bank account?


The cost isn't the issue, Dragon, I'm sure. It's the point behind it...the greedy tart was getting the most she could out of him.

Exactly... I can't remember where either restaurant was - they were chosen by my g/f who knew them both. I didn't care that the steaks cost 800 or 900 baht - that wasn't the point. The point is why would a Thai girl have a big steak at 10 pm and then have another at 2 pm the following day? Greedy or what? And she wasn't exactly malnourished, either. Sheer greed.

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One of my ex-g/f's brought a female friend on our first date at a restaurant. The friend had the most expensive steak on the menu.

The next day her mate called and we decided to go for lunch at another restaurant.The friend had the most expensive steak .....

I never took her friend with us again.

Considering how much food is in thailand, Was this a very expensive hotel?? Or Maybe were you trying to impress both of them?? :o And buying two steaks did this break your bank account?


The cost isn't the issue, Dragon, I'm sure. It's the point behind it...the greedy tart was getting the most she could out of him.

Exactly... I can't remember where either restaurant was - they were chosen by my g/f who knew them both. I didn't care that the steaks cost 800 or 900 baht - that wasn't the point. The point is why would a Thai girl have a big steak at 10 pm and then have another at 2 pm the following day? Greedy or what? And she wasn't exactly malnourished, either. Sheer greed.

RDN, i think it was worth the 800/900 baht: you a got good story to tell out of it.

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