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Pad Announcement 29/2008: Conditions For New Government


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So when I observe things,

and make comments you tar me with 'the PAD brush', and yell untrue.

As if whatever I post is neccesarilly my position paper on political functioning,

rather than a juxtaposition for thinking about ideas?

You accuse me, and yet you are arbitrarily assuming you're correct,

and on things that have actually been denied before.

I don't hit the ignore button, because I prefer to READ the lies about me and rebut.

You clearly read only superficially the great majority of my posts

and filter that through preconceived notions of who and what I am about.

And clearly get it wrong.

The one consistent fact is I find Thaksin's manipulations a malign hand for Thailand,

and want that manipulating hand removed from controlling peoples lives here.

I post MANY things to make people THINK about them and maybe HATE a little less.

A Hypothetical 'Walk a mile in my shoes to understand me better' thought chain.

It seems SOME are preferring to stick with blinding ideological hatred,

as validation for their beliefs.

Some may be ready to die for their beliefs, in a soldier defending the nation we say this

is the highest full measure of devotion, but in a group fighting another group without

'national sanction' it's reduced to aberant cult thinking and should be abjured at all costs.

And yet we encourage children to stand up to the school yard bully too.

it's just when we grow up the bullies get bigger and often mentally unstable

or morally dysfunctional too. So that standing up to them becomes a

MUCH more hazzardous undertaking.

Situational ethics at it's cutting edge or lowest common denominator,

depending on your views.

But there surely is more under heaven and earth than dreampt in our philosophies.

Since when is hatred flexable?

I don't even hate Thaksin, never have. I feel more sorry for him as a lost soul.

Considering some of the things I have read,

I am not bothered to be added to your hated 'crazy list'.

One less voice to respond to lacking graciousness and adequate forethought.

Bye bye.

Edited by animatic
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There does seem to be an ever increasing gang of fascist sympathysers both in Thailand and here on tv.

Could it be because they have been defeated by the democracies of the world, and so are all drawn to one of the few remaining fascist states they can identify with.

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So when I observe things,

and make comments you tar me with 'the PAD brush', and yell untrue.

As if whatever I post is neccesarilly my position paper on political functioning,

rather than a juxtaposition for thinking about ideas?

You accuse me, and yet you are arbitrarily assuming you're correct,

and on things that have actually been denied before.

I don't hit the ignore button, because I prefer to READ the lies about me and rebut.

You clearly read only superficially the great majority of my posts

and filter that through preconceived notions of who and what I am about.

And clearly get it wrong.

The one consistent fact is I find Thaksin's manipulations a malign hand for Thailand,

and want that manipulating hand removed from controlling peoples lives here.

I post MANY things to make people THINK about them and maybe HATE a little less.

A Hypothetical 'Walk a mile in my shoes to understand me better' thought chain.

It seems SOME are preferring to stick with blinding ideological hatred,

as validation for their beliefs.

Some may be ready to die for their beliefs, in a soldier defending the nation we say this

is the highest full measure of devotion, but in a group fighting another group without

'national sanction' it's reduced to aberant cult thinking and should be abjured at all costs.

And yet we encourage children to stand up to the school yard bully too.

it's just when we grow up the bullies get bigger and often mentally unstable

or morally dysfunctional too. So that standing up to them becomes a

MUCH more hazzardous undertaking.

Situational ethics at it's cutting edge or lowest common denominator,

depending on your views.

But there surely is more under heaven and earth than dreampt in our philosophies.

Since when is hatred flexable?

I don't even hate Thaksin, never have. I feel more sorry for him as a lost soul.

Considering some of the things I have read,

I am not bothered to be added to your hated 'crazy list'.

One less voice to respond to lacking graciousness and adequate forethought.

Bye bye.

Animatic, this post of yours follows directly after one of mine - so maybe I am the "you" to whom you refer or maybe it's more like "all of you" ? Difficult to tell........

Notwithstanding, I am still waiting for an answer to the entirely straightforward question I asked you in Post #237 on this thread.

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So does anyone have any idea if Abhisit's government will meet the PAD criteria and if they dont what the PAD will do or are we just going to turn this thread into another degenerate mutant where without reading the thread title it is impossible to know the subject by just reading the insults, flames, rants and sanctimonious outrage?

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So does anyone have any idea if Abhisit's government will meet the PAD criteria and if they dont what the PAD will do or are we just going to turn this thread into another degenerate mutant where without reading the thread title it is impossible to know the subject by just reading the insults, flames, rants and sanctimonious outrage?

The PAD has served it's purpose. They will be leashed or put to sleep, depending upon whether their masters think there may be a need for it again in the near future.

Leashed, I'd say, probably till after the b(u)y-elections that should be held in Jan.(?) I think?

Edited by OlRedEyes
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So does anyone have any idea if Abhisit's government will meet the PAD criteria and if they dont what the PAD will do or are we just going to turn this thread into another degenerate mutant where without reading the thread title it is impossible to know the subject by just reading the insults, flames, rants and sanctimonious outrage?

The PAD has served it's purpose. They will be leashed or put to sleep, depending upon whether their masters think there may be a need for it again in the near future.

Sounds about right to me for now. Not sure what the red guys will do but I doubt they can be as effective as the PAD and I think ordinary people would like to see an end ot protests.

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So does anyone have any idea if Abhisit's government will meet the PAD criteria and if they dont what the PAD will do or are we just going to turn this thread into another degenerate mutant where without reading the thread title it is impossible to know the subject by just reading the insults, flames, rants and sanctimonious outrage?

The PAD has served it's purpose. They will be leashed or put to sleep, depending upon whether their masters think there may be a need for it again in the near future.

Sounds about right to me for now. Not sure what the red guys will do but I doubt they can be as effective as the PAD and I think ordinary people would like to see an end ot protests.

I'd guess the redshirts will be dealt with very firmly. How that will play out I'd hesitate to guess. Depends how docile they are after centuries of brainwashing.

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I am done posting on this


Okay now i am not done, thanks for such great insight, and compelling aurguments to change my view point!!!! Is that how you got to 21K posts by just replying with icons :o ...?

Since when did you think I was interested in changing the views of some just-signed-up, obviously insincere poster? It's a waste of time... which is why you garnered no more effort than an easily-posted smiley. But anyway, good to know you're done now.

Just now I know that those who just signed up with TV are insincere and those who signed up years ago are sincere.


I should check when the poster joined TV before I reply to them.

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So does anyone have any idea if Abhisit's government will meet the PAD criteria and if they dont what the PAD will do or are we just going to turn this thread into another degenerate mutant where without reading the thread title it is impossible to know the subject by just reading the insults, flames, rants and sanctimonious outrage?

The PAD has served it's purpose. They will be leashed or put to sleep, depending upon whether their masters think there may be a need for it again in the near future.

Sounds about right to me for now. Not sure what the red guys will do but I doubt they can be as effective as the PAD and I think ordinary people would like to see an end ot protests.

I'd guess the redshirts will be dealt with very firmly. How that will play out I'd hesitate to guess. Depends how docile they are after centuries of brainwashing.

It will be a test of what support her red shirts actually have. There are the hard core and the sympathisers and there is the vast majority of the country who to date havent been involved in any protest. I agree the red shirts will dealt with firmly. Already the news are showing them as unruly rock throwing gang. Interesting message.

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I am done posting on this


Okay now i am not done, thanks for such great insight, and compelling aurguments to change my view point!!!! Is that how you got to 21K posts by just replying with icons :o ...?

Since when did you think I was interested in changing the views of some just-signed-up, obviously insincere poster? It's a waste of time... which is why you garnered no more effort than an easily-posted smiley. But anyway, good to know you're done now.

Just now I know that those who just signed up with TV are insincere and those who signed up years ago are sincere.


I should check when the poster joined TV before I reply to them.

I realize that English is supposedly not your first language, but you've misinterpreted what I've written.

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So when I observe things,

and make comments you tar me with 'the PAD brush', and yell untrue.

As if whatever I post is neccesarilly my position paper on political functioning,

rather than a juxtaposition for thinking about ideas?

You accuse me, and yet you are arbitrarily assuming you're correct,

and on things that have actually been denied before.

I don't hit the ignore button, because I prefer to READ the lies about me and rebut.

You clearly read only superficially the great majority of my posts

and filter that through preconceived notions of who and what I am about.

And clearly get it wrong.

The one consistent fact is I find Thaksin's manipulations a malign hand for Thailand,

and want that manipulating hand removed from controlling peoples lives here.

I post MANY things to make people THINK about them and maybe HATE a little less.

A Hypothetical 'Walk a mile in my shoes to understand me better' thought chain.

It seems SOME are preferring to stick with blinding ideological hatred,

as validation for their beliefs.

Some may be ready to die for their beliefs, in a soldier defending the nation we say this

is the highest full measure of devotion, but in a group fighting another group without

'national sanction' it's reduced to aberant cult thinking and should be abjured at all costs.

And yet we encourage children to stand up to the school yard bully too.

it's just when we grow up the bullies get bigger and often mentally unstable

or morally dysfunctional too. So that standing up to them becomes a

MUCH more hazzardous undertaking.

Situational ethics at it's cutting edge or lowest common denominator,

depending on your views.

But there surely is more under heaven and earth than dreampt in our philosophies.

Since when is hatred flexable?

I don't even hate Thaksin, never have. I feel more sorry for him as a lost soul.

Considering some of the things I have read,

I am not bothered to be added to your hated 'crazy list'.

One less voice to respond to lacking graciousness and adequate forethought.

Bye bye.

Animatic, this post of yours follows directly after one of mine - so maybe I am the "you" to whom you refer or maybe it's more like "all of you" ? Difficult to tell........

Notwithstanding, I am still waiting for an answer to the entirely straightforward question I asked you in Post #237 on this thread.


I thought it would be obvious I was responding to the long post with 'untrue' in it

and was responding to several points among them that I am now on his

'never reply to these crazy posters list'

I had seen several comments of repudiation in the last 6 months by the Dems.

I also general saw them keeping their head down.

I am not going to try and FIND them for you, but they do exist.

You now used in the universal sense:

If 'you' can see some logic in the other side, then note it,

even if you find their position wrong, it's NOT all "crazy people" against your ideas.

My biggest dislike is these blanket, arbitrary denunciations of opposing parties.

It is counter productive to SOLVING THE <deleted> PROBLEMS...

And that kind of talk leads to violence which is worse.

Too many here give NO credence to the other sides mindset, or less radical ideas,

only that they must be 100% bad because you oppose them on certain points.

Thing is this goes BOTH ways, and that is most often my point.

But shout down alternative views as often as possible lest they take root,

and destroy a entrenched philisophical position.

Don't consider thinking about the otherside as also rational people,

who happen to be JUST as dead set against certain things as you are.

You have top ask WHY, what made them this way, and to just say 'crazy cult',

doesn't in any way answer the hard questions. It doesn't solve anything.

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Animatic, this post of yours follows directly after one of mine - so maybe I am the "you" to whom you refer or maybe it's more like "all of you" ? Difficult to tell........

Notwithstanding, I am still waiting for an answer to the entirely straightforward question I asked you in Post #237 on this thread.


I thought it would be obvious I was responding to the long post with 'untrue' in it

and was responding to several points among them that I am now on his

'never reply to these crazy posters list'

I had seen several comments of repudiation in the last 6 months by the Dems.

I also general saw them keeping their head down.

I am not going to try and FIND them for you, but they do exist.

You now used in the universal sense:

If 'you' can see some logic in the other side, then note it,

even if you find their position wrong, it's NOT all "crazy people" against your ideas.

My biggest dislike is these blanket, arbitrary denunciations of opposing parties.

It is counter productive to SOLVING THE <deleted> PROBLEMS...

And that kind of talk leads to violence which is worse.

Too many here give NO credence to the other sides mindset, or less radical ideas,

only that they must be 100% bad because you oppose them on certain points.

Thing is this goes BOTH ways, and that is most often my point.

But shout down alternative views as often as possible lest they take root,

and destroy a entrenched philisophical position.

Don't consider thinking about the otherside as also rational people,

who happen to be JUST as dead set against certain things as you are.

You have top ask WHY, what made them this way, and to just say 'crazy cult',

doesn't in any way answer the hard questions. It doesn't solve anything.

[earlier quote deleted for brevity]

Regarding the Dem's "comments of repudiation" (of PAD), I can't help feeling that (such as you say there have been) they weren't exactly major blips on the political radar - "keeping their head down" certainly seems accurate......... but then I'd regard that as political reality/necessity and one would have to be really naiive to expect otherwise.

As to the rest - how could one reasonably disagree with the general thrust of what you say? Sadly, I have seen innumerable examples here of: people misrepresenting opinion and hearsay as established "fact" - some of them repeatedly and self-evidently knowingly; assuming that because someone questions one aspect or "side" then that member must be treated as pro the other "side" and all its works; sniping at the writer - just enough to be arguably (but tenuously) the right side of flaming......... and so on and on and on. In short, I see some posts here that are so outlandish in the line and tone taken that one almost begins to wonder whether they're examples of "black" propaganda planted to discredit the proposition they appear to contain. Sadly - it's likely nothing so purposeful and smart as that would imply.

As I've mentioned elsewhere, I think nobody posting more than a few times here has not been tempted to come back with the snappy one-liner put-down - and far too many succumb to the temptation far too often. To state the obvious, in the process they undermine whatever merit their argument in that post and their others may have and (I agree) they begin to make the discussion more violent (emotional, at least) and IMO irrational. More heat, less light........... :o

Edit: On a more positive note, I really do advise people (from whichever corner) to use the "Report" button more. The Mods are not stupid (I hope my saying this doesn't fall foul of the forum rule about discussing Mods' decisions! :D ) and they do know flames when they see them - however cunningly camouflaged.

Edited by Steve2UK
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It is sometimes hard to tell if a poster is truly sincere.

it is also sometimes npt hard at all to tell when they are NOT.

There is a noted propensity for allegedly, but OBVIOUS, trolls,

to sign in using a new handle, but an OLD style of locution and disputation.

So usually the older posters have a wait and see attitude

about new posters actual sincerity.

Some people are signed in for a LONG time and suddenly have an opinoin.

They usually ring true. Some people show up out of the blue with a unique

perspective, they also often ring true.

Some come in stay around and prove sincerity, while appearing so wrong headed

that many don't take them seriously.

Other still smart sincere and totally aggravating to many

for ideas completely inverse to common modes of thought.

And infinite shades of grey and fade to black in between.

So far no white lights, of angelic, true enlightenment, have been sighted....

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The PAD announcement makes a lot of sense to me. It is direct and it demands/requires what ANY citizen has the right to expect from their government. Good governance.

It seems like the folks that are up in arms about it are not looking at the points being made but are looking at who is saying it and only that.

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The PAD announcement makes a lot of sense to me. It is direct and it demands/requires what ANY citizen has the right to expect from their government. Good governance.

It seems like the folks that are up in arms about it are not looking at the points being made but are looking at who is saying it and only that.

Yes, but I would like the PAD to explain their policy of "denying the poor a vote", and how far it goes, and for the PAD to tell us their views on

1.One person one vote

2.Ethnic cleansing.

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So does anyone have any idea if Abhisit's government will meet the PAD criteria and if they dont what the PAD will do or are we just going to turn this thread into another degenerate mutant where without reading the thread title it is impossible to know the subject by just reading the insults, flames, rants and sanctimonious outrage?

The PAD has served it's purpose. They will be leashed or put to sleep, depending upon whether their masters think there may be a need for it again in the near future.

Leashed, I'd say, probably till after the b(u)y-elections that should be held in Jan.(?) I think?

For the PAD now two things,

1.Prosecuted in the criminal courts for their illegal activities at government house and the airports.

2.Sued in the civil courts to financially compenstate people for their losses in their illegal occupation of the airports.

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So does anyone have any idea if Abhisit's government will meet the PAD criteria and if they dont what the PAD will do or are we just going to turn this thread into another degenerate mutant where without reading the thread title it is impossible to know the subject by just reading the insults, flames, rants and sanctimonious outrage?

The PAD has served it's purpose. They will be leashed or put to sleep, depending upon whether their masters think there may be a need for it again in the near future.

Leashed, I'd say, probably till after the b(u)y-elections that should be held in Jan.(?) I think?

For the PAD now two things,

1.Prosecuted in the criminal courts for their illegal activities at government house and the airports.

2.Sued in the civil courts to financially compenstate people for their losses in their illegal occupation of the airports.

You can sue as much as you like. As long as the court is with PAD (and their backers), it just won't stick. Dress themselve in YELLOW is like apply a coat of teflon. I better dye my remaining RED shirt to YELLOW now. Perhaps I may screen Sondhi face on it too. At least it will frighten Khmer ghosts after his used Kotex trick.

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You can sue as much as you like. As long as the court is with PAD (and their backers), it just won't stick. Dress themselve in YELLOW is like apply a coat of teflon. I better dye my remaining RED shirt to YELLOW now. Perhaps I may screen Sondhi face on it too. At least it will frighten Khmer ghosts after his used Kotex trick.

a Sondhi il Lim print on the T-Shirt really makes all the difference.


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NCCC: Ex-PM Somchai may be involved in Oct 7 violence

Former PM Somchai could be involved in the violent crackdown on October 7 which left two dead and over 400 injured, according to the investigation committee under the NCCC. Investigation committee chairman Vicha Mahakun said his panel will summon Somchai and question him further after Senator Somchai Sawaengkarn and Bangkok Senator Rosana Tositrakul filed a complaint, accusing the former PM of being involved in the deadly clash between the police and People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) demonstrators on October 7. Mr Vicha said the committee was gathering new information and interrogating more witnesses, but many high-ranking police officers refused to cooperate with the investigative units. Previously, Metropolitan Police commissioner Suchart Mueankaew asked the committee to postpone the interrogation. Other important witnesses included former national police chief Patcharawat Wongsuwan and

Continued here:


*and now... ANOTHER organization condemns Somchai et al

Geeeez..... talk about "Naming Names" *


former PM and First Lady Somchai & Yaowapa Wongsawat


former Deputy PM Chavalit Yongchaiyudh


former National Police Commissioner Police General Patcharawat Wongsuwan


Police General Pansiri Prapawat


Deputy National Police Commissioner Police General Jongrak Juthanont


Metropolitan Police Chief Police Lieutenant-General Suchart Muankaew


Metropolitan Police Deputy Chief Police Major-General Ekarat Meepreecha


Metropolitan Police Deputy Chief Police Major-General Amnuay Nimmano

Somchai, Chavalit, and Police blamed for Oct 7

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has held many high-profile figures, including Somchai Wongsawat, Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, and Police General Patcharawat Wongsuwan, responsible for the violence on October 7.

Two people were killed and hundreds injured in running clashes on the streets of central Bangkok.

On that day, People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) demonstrators surrounded Parliament House in a bid to prevent Somchai's government declaring its policies. Somchai, a brother-in-law of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, was widely seen as Thaksin's puppet.

Police used teargas to disperse the PAD mob, but exploding canisters saw several protesters lose limbs.

The bloody crackdown prompted PAD demonstrators to clash with police throughout the day.

However, Somchai successfully declared his policies and did not order police to stop using force.

The NHRC has looked into the October 7 violence, questioning witnesses and reviewing evidence.

Doctors, forensic-science experts, policemen, reporters and demonstrators all gave witness accounts.

The NHRC probe has concluded that Somchai and his then-Deputy PM Chavalit should be held responsible for the violence because they were the ones who gave instructions to police.

Patcharawat, who was then-National Police Commissioner, and 11 other high-ranking policemen were also charged with violating human rights.

NHRC also said the actions of Patcharawat and these 11 other policemen could be construed as offences in terms of colluding to harm other people and even pre-meditated murder.

The 11 policemen are General Pansiri Prapawat, General Wiroj Paholvej, General Jongrak Juthanont, Lt-General Suchart Muankaew, Maj-General Wiboon Bangthamai, Maj-General Likhit Klin-uan, Maj-General Ekarat Meepreecha, Maj-General Chaktip Chaijinda, Maj-General Sriwara Rangsiphramanakul, Colonel Leuchai Sudyod, and Maj-General Amnuay Nimmano.

Patcharawat was transferred to an inactive post after the National Police Chief failed to remove PAD protesters from Suvarnabhumi and Don Mueang airports.

Somchai, however, lost his premiership early this month because the Constitution Court dissolved his People Power Party and banned all its executives, including Somchai, from engaging in politics for five years.

Chavalit resigned his post in the afternoon of October 7 to take responsibility for the violence that erupted.

Surasee Kosolnawin, who heads an NHRC panel, yesterday said the probe results had been forwarded to the National Counter Corruption Commission for further action.

- The Nation / 2008-12-19

Edited by sriracha john
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Oct 7 clash response an 'Inhuman Act'

Former PM Somchai, 31 of his former Cabinet members, and 24 police should be charged with murder over the bloody clash with protesters at Government House which left two dead and hundreds injured, a National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) investigation report has recommended. The findings of the NHRC investigation into the tear gas incident involving PAD members were sent to the National Counter-Corruption Commission (NCCC) on Tuesday. NHRC Spokesman Surasee Kosolnawin said the 116-page probe report found the firing of tear gas to disperse PAD demonstrators was an inhuman act. The report said officers involved in the operation had overreacted. The panel concluded that police involved in the operation and the Somchai government must be held responsible. They would be subject to deliberate murder and attempted murder charges as stated in articles 157, 295, 297, 288, 289 and 83 of the Criminal Code. If found guilty by the NCCC, the case would be sent to the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions, Mr Surasee said, adding the NHRC panel had no authority to file the case with the court. According to the report, senior police involved in the operation testified before the panel that the Somchai Cabinet resolved on Oct 6 night to disperse PAD demonstrators. Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, then Deputy PM, was assigned to supervise the operation. None of the Cabinet members attending the meeting had opposed the use of tear gas and force in clearing the demonstrators. The dispersal, which killed two demonstrators and injured 471, was an act of human rights violation and unlawful, according to the panel.

Continued here:


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Human Rights Commission Submits October 7 Clash Report to Anti-graft Panel

The Human Rights Commission has forwarded the report of the October 7 bloodshed to the anti-graft panel for further investigation against the former Somchai Wongsawat, his Cabinet, and the police.

National Human Rights Commissioner Surasee Kosolnawin has revealed that the panel has submitted a 115-page report on human rights violations of the October 7 clash between the police and the People's Alliance for Democracy demonstrators, to the National Counter Corruption Commission for further investigation.

The Commission discovered that former Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat, former Deputy Prime Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, and other ministers who attended a meeting on the night of October 6th had no objection to the use of teargas to disperse the rally.

Despite many people being injured by the firing of tear gas on the morning of October 7th, the previous Cabinet allowed the police to continue attacking demonstrators in the afternoon and evening, without orders to stop the harsh action, resulting in fatalities.

Thus, it is considered a violation against human rights as well as the law. In addition, the move by the Somchai Cabinet can be regarded as an negligence of duties, ordering a third party to injure other people, and attempted murder, according to the Criminal Law.

Police officers involved in the incident include former National Police Chief Patcharawat Wongsuwan, Deputy Police Chiefs Parnsiri Prapawat and Chongrak Chuthanon, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Suchart Meuankaew, Deputy Metropolitan Police Commissioners Wiboon Bangthamai and Ekarat Meepreecha, and Special Operations Police Commander Luechai Sudyod.

The Human Rights Commission viewed that the use of lethal weapons such as teargas is a brutal operation that steps on people's pride, rights, and freedom. It also broke the Declaration of Human Rights.

Furthermore, distorted information that the Deputy Metropolitan Police Chief Amnuay Nimmano gave the media was regarded as a malfeasance of duties.

The panel also made suggestions to the National Counter Corruption Commission, saying that the October 7 bloodshed is an important lesson that should lead to a standard for handling demonstrations efficiently, to prevent further human rights violations.

- TOC / 2008-12-18

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