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Can anybody recommend a good Chinese medical physician?

Anybody tried traditional Chinese or Tibetan medicine? Results and or thoughts ?



My friend who visits yearly always goes to visit the Chinese medicine shop behind Warorot market.

Whether it works , I think really depends on what your illness is.

Can anybody recommend a good Chinese medical physician?

Anybody tried traditional Chinese or Tibetan medicine? Results and or thoughts ?


Chinese medicine is , in the main, either herbal or made from various anatomical parts !

Personally, I wouldn't ingest the latter because many of them are repulsive to me - but I was amazed with the results of a herbal medicine "Nan Bao", given to me by my practitioner friend in Australia in the cold winter months when my hands were ravaged by an aching/ burning sensation (a very long-standing condition of mine caused by poor circulation). On the very first day the warmth returned to my hands and the aches and pains were gone.

I have always been skeptical of herbal medicines, mainly, I think, because the practitioners do not usually possess the skills/training/knowledge found in "western" trained doctors.

So, clearly, some herbal medicine is good.

I think it would be prudent to find out the exact ingredients of any proposed treatment and refer those ingredients and recommended dosage to your GP who is best able to consider them, taking into account your other known medical conditions, if any.

Good luck



Tried Chinese herbs prepared the way you are supposed to.. For me, nothing worked, for my wife, she said some of it was useful. Tried accupuncture for a few months. It only help with my weight loss, but that was it.


A few years ago, the authorities found out that a lot of the Chinese Medicine formulas contained steroids, which work quite well on certain things, but are also very dangerous.

My friend who visits yearly always goes to visit the Chinese medicine shop behind Warorot market.

Whether it works , I think really depends on what your illness is.

Try the large Chinese pharmacy across from Wororot. It's on the opposite side of the road from the 7-11. You can't miss it because you will smell it.

Dr. Wang will examine your pulse and tongue and listen to your complaints and prescribe you herbs which are boiled and consumed once a day. They usually taste okay but cooking them can be a bit stinky. Chinese medicine seeks to harmonize the organs(energies) in the body. The herbs cost about 300 baht for a weeks supply and the ingredients are tailored for the treatment.

I would say its good preventative medicine. A lot of the remedies tend to focus on cleaning and improving the liver/gall bladder function. It does tend to work slower than western medicine. The benefit is that it tends to correct the underlying inbalance or problem as opposed to just treating the symptoms.

It's no secret however that western medicine is kicking chinese medicines butt in Thailand and China. It's fast becoming a dying art. Still has some merit but not so satisfying for people who want immediate results. I have found it useful for some things and totally worthless for others. YMMV.


have been cured from hepatitis A in Nepal through Ayurveda medicine!

later back home got tests done and they revealed nothing!

and know many others who have been cured from various ailments by this medicine!

This is as well as Chinese medicine, or other holistic treatments a large area where quacks are abundant!

If i have a bad cold, I use chines Yin Chiao tablets... they work fine with me.

Besides I am not a pill fanatic and don't rum to the doc every time my body's system is somewhat upset and that is rarely the case!

Human race has made it through a large part of evolution WITHOUT pharmaceutical industry!

How did that happen?


have been cured from hepatitis A in Nepal through Ayurveda medicine!

later back home got tests done and they revealed nothing!

and know many others who have been cured from various ailments by this medicine!

This is as well as Chinese medicine, or other holistic treatments a large area where quacks are abundant!

If i have a bad cold, I use chines Yin Chiao tablets... they work fine with me.

Besides I am not a pill fanatic and don't rum to the doc every time my body's system is somewhat upset and that is rarely the case!

Human race has made it through a large part of evolution WITHOUT pharmaceutical industry!

How did that happen?


okay i am going to have to rain on your parade a little and point out two things. First is that nearly everybody recovers from Hep A without any medicine because the body builds antibodies. Medicines just ease the suffering and reduce the length of the inflamed acute stage as well as reducing short term liver damage.

Second yes the human race got by without any western or chinese medicine but keep in mind for most of human history the average lifespan was less than 15 years. Medicine(s) are an invention which greatly improves quality and duration of life. In just the last century the average lifespan has nearly doubled.

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