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A Documentary. What Motivates The Ladies..........

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My tgf recently came in 2nd in miss thailand pagaent.

I've seen lots of posters claim their girlfriend was incredibly rich, went to Harvard/Chula, spoke four languages, was CEO of a multinational, etc, but I don't think I've seen anyone claim she was runner up for Miss Thailand.

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Sensationalism......... Of course plenty of it going on. I guess a Harvard / Chula graduated girl marrying a farang would be not good material for a "documentary".

This is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

It would be a great story unfortunately this scenario doesnt happen.

My tgf recently came in 2nd in miss thailand pagaent. Apparerntly first place got to know the judges intimately(if you know what i mean). It came out a judge acknowledged he and other judges had close relations with winner but all agreed it did not influence their vote.

Anyone there could see the winner had some kind of pull as she was not a good contestant, 7 or 8 girls were better looking and more talented.

Im a high powered lawyer in usa with lots of money, is there anything i can do to right this travesty.

<deleted>? :o

Thanks for sharing.

I'd love to see an in depth study of what motivates the men in this equation. So much of what is said here, and elsewhere just doesn't add up.

Well , personal slave is probably a factor. It Cooks It Cleans It Services. The all in one Thai Woman. Buy one now at your nearest bar or local village.

While Supplies Last

Smell's like frustration around here...


Women (and to a lesser extent men) worldwide commit matrimonial prostitution just as much as, if not more, than Thai women. It is just that their societies somehow justify it through traditions and denial. Have you ever heard a woman's reason for marrying a man claimed to be "because he's a good provider"? Same as saying he has money and can take care of me. It ain't no different. If a woman (or a man) isn't providing for the relationship equally (financial or otherwise) then the lesser contributor is committing matrimonial prostitution.

Plain and simple.

So, all you people trying to put down so called "poor Thai girls" or farang men for trying to hook up with one another are being hypocrites because at one point or another in your life, you've most likely been a part of the same thing but in a different disguise. Get over it and stop insulting.



My tgf recently came in 2nd in miss thailand pagaent.

I've seen lots of posters claim their girlfriend was incredibly rich, went to Harvard/Chula, spoke four languages, was CEO of a multinational, etc, but I don't think I've seen anyone claim she was runner up for Miss Thailand.

Maybe meant Miss Tiffany's ? :o

My tgf recently came in 2nd in miss thailand pagaent.

I've seen lots of posters claim their girlfriend was incredibly rich, went to Harvard/Chula, spoke four languages, was CEO of a multinational, etc, but I don't think I've seen anyone claim she was runner up for Miss Thailand.

It's not all that strange, my girlfirend also just finished second in the Miss Thailand.......Hey, you don't think that she's........Nah, surely not :D

Sorry Abhor, only kidding :o

Thanks Gary! It's interesting and sad to say the least.

I watched all 5 and felt sadden for these women. It's not a matter of choice for them, but a matter of survival.

What utter rubbish, it's always a matter of choice, governed by self respect. :o

Get real ! It's easy for anyone to pontificate when they are not struggling for basic survival however the reality is that self respect does not put food on the table, or pay for basic medical care for a sick child. Everyone may have choice but not everyone has the luxury of choosing the one that perfectly suits the value system of other people. Try walking a mile in someone elses shoes and see how much 'utter rubbish' there is to the basic matter of survival.

Well said! Sometimes it's not all about love and self respect, but a matter of being able to put food on the table for your children.


I come from a (fairly) small mining town in England and what the Thai bar girls are doing is nothing different to what the supposedly better educated counterparts in my local high street are doing every night of the week, but sometimes for far more fundamental reasons.

Some are doing it for fun or due to boredom, some are doing it for the opportunity of financial gain that they'll never have 'down on the farm' and others are doing it for some romantic dream of a new life in the land of milk and honey.

Likewise those of us who come on here and justify or castigate them, also have our own reasons, far too numerous to list.

I for one have lived in too many glass houses to be judgemental of any of the above groups, least of all the girls, but I will say:

to the girls, be careful of what you wish for as it may come true - and to the farang looking for his perfect Thai bride, caveat emptor. :o

Thanks Gary! It's interesting and sad to say the least.

I watched all 5 and felt sadden for these women. It's not a matter of choice for them, but a matter of survival.

What utter rubbish, it's always a matter of choice, governed by self respect. :D

Get real ! It's easy for anyone to pontificate when they are not struggling for basic survival however the reality is that self respect does not put food on the table, or pay for basic medical care for a sick child. Everyone may have choice but not everyone has the luxury of choosing the one that perfectly suits the value system of other people. Try walking a mile in someone elses shoes and see how much 'utter rubbish' there is to the basic matter of survival.

I don't know who really needs to get real... In Thailand, "basic medical care" or "food on the table" does not cost much (even by local standards). Most girls who become prostitutes don't to that because they (and their family) can't survive with a regular job, but often to be able to purchase non-essential goods (new mobile phone every three months, karaoke-home theater, a brand new motorbike or a pickup truck for the most popular or hard-working ones, etc.), to play lottery and over gambling games, etc.

I bet you saw a lot of Thai rice farmers with a brand spanking new pick up truck, motor cycle and a karaoke-home theater system :o. It's you who need a reality check. Many Western women would do exactly the same if given the opportunity for financial freedom.

You really think all those gorgeous girl fell for Hugh Hefner because they love him? Give me a break.


Abhor , if i was a high powered lawyer in the USofAwith lots of money , i do not think i would be asking anyone on a forum what to do about your G/F's problem , i would be using my influence/knowledge and some of my money to have this injustice investigated in Thailand . Surely a high powered lawyer should be able and competant enough to garner information on Thai law , click off of TC and let your fingers do some walking .


I have to say the documentary did make me think about life for many of these women. Not only those who work as bar girls but also for those working in the fields and other low paid jobs. I was already aware that many struggle and far too many IMHO are now mothers with no husband to help raise and pay for the children from previous marriages. These mothers have to struggle on a daily basis or go looking for the Golden Goose as so many will not find another Thai husband who is willing to take care of another mans child. It can be hard enough in the West to get a man to really care for a child from a previous relationship. These women are fed dreams and see some who have met and managed to get a big house and land from foreigners and are told their dreams will become reality. Maybe for some, but not for many.

I too saw through the deceit [lies] in the documentary.

Also one of the women who seems to do best is the letter writer in the village. I can see she must be on a canny screw as she gets paid by these ladies and it is in her best interest to keep their hopes and dreams alive.

The cat fighting in the bar also shows yet another side to the life of these bar girls. Lack of customers, the amount of men they have to sleep with & the amount of 'lady drinks' they must consume for their 'basic' wage can be no fun. No wonder that lady decided to go back to the village and not work in a bar after she saw what was happening there.

If this view of life does not make you feel for these ladies then you must be very hard hearted, even after seeing through the deceit.

As for me, I'll not think of these ladies who work the bars and scour the internet looking for that Golden Goose in the same way again.

With the faults my g/f has [and, yes, I have my faults too] and the lowly wage she earns, this documentary has raised my respect for her even more as she struggles to get by on her wage, give money to her mother and try her best to care for the baby she has with a former husband who does not even care one jot about his son. Reaffirmed my understanding of why she goes off to work in the 'sugar factory' for 4 months of the year to get that extra 2.000 baht a month as do many of her friends and neighbours and the long hours she puts in for this extra cash, yet she still makes sure she has time for me, here at my house, though she is so tired.

Yet, she is so independent in so many ways and will let me help her in small ways only. Like tonight when she asked me for 100 baht for oil [petrol] for the motorcycle until she gets paid. That, then, raises my respect for her even more as she has her own self respect.

Finally, I think a fair proportion of blame for the way these girls are fed these dreams has to be laid at the doorstep of those foreigners who do flash the cash and lead these women to believing we are all money trees.

I hear some of you ask, 'What about the men who are ripped off?' That, to me, is a different topic.


If you understand Thai, you will see that much of the translations are inaccurate. The woman making all this is doing so to fit her personal political agenda.


I think doc maker is trying to warn denmark men to stay away from those wimmin! apparently by the remarks here men from holland will go on as usual!

If these men spent their money on educating the village instead of building houses in the village it may become the silicon valley of se asia. ok maybe not!


why some of you are saying those women have no other choice?

it was their choice to start banging every thai guy in the village ffrom age 14 and getting pregnant 5 times before 18

Thai tv has lots of advertisement about condoms and HIV same goes for billboards.

also with an iq over 50 you would realize your parent's mistake and not do the same thing?


me monkey

I guess you never grew up in the depths of poverty. Usa poverty people have a hard time getting out, you think thai one have a chance wo help.

Say a thai girl remained a virgin till 30 she'd still be poor and uneducated.

Thanks Gary! It's interesting and sad to say the least.

I watched all 5 and felt sadden for these women. It's not a matter of choice for them, but a matter of survival.

What utter rubbish, it's always a matter of choice, governed by self respect. :D

Get real ! It's easy for anyone to pontificate when they are not struggling for basic survival however the reality is that self respect does not put food on the table, or pay for basic medical care for a sick child. Everyone may have choice but not everyone has the luxury of choosing the one that perfectly suits the value system of other people. Try walking a mile in someone elses shoes and see how much 'utter rubbish' there is to the basic matter of survival.

I don't know who really needs to get real... In Thailand, "basic medical care" or "food on the table" does not cost much (even by local standards). Most girls who become prostitutes don't to that because they (and their family) can't survive with a regular job, but often to be able to purchase non-essential goods (new mobile phone every three months, karaoke-home theater, a brand new motorbike or a pickup truck for the most popular or hard-working ones, etc.), to play lottery and over gambling games, etc.

I bet you saw a lot of Thai rice farmers with a brand spanking new pick up truck, motor cycle and a karaoke-home theater system :o . It's you who need a reality check. ...

Yes, I know some of them who own one or several of these items. And I also know how some among those got the money to buy these products (or to start and reimburse a loan to buy all this). I am certainly not judgmental here (check my other posts in this thread and you should be able to understand on whom I put the blame). I just explain what is purchased with the money earned by local prostitutes. If you believe that it's mainly on "basic medical care" or "food on the table" or other essential needs, think again! Unless you believe that lottery, gambling games, mobile phones, amphetamines (etc.) are basic essential needs?

Thank you, but I don't need a reality check...


The part where they state that girls with 'boyfrfiends' stop seeing other customers and that the mamasan enforces it, LOL are you serious?

Agree entirely ... I had a mate who believed his dolly delight was waiting patiently for his return and monthly cheque. She advised him she was now working as a receptionist in the bar? Did not go with the customers. So I suggested he call me at 3am one Sunday morning. Well I said hello when he called and asked him did he want to speak to his girl friend? I passed the phone to his girl friend who was in the hotel room with me. First of course she had to remove the pink pencil she was gnawing on... Cruel to be kind? It was a cheap lesson for him. I'm living here a long time now and would need all the fingers and toes of all the denizens of Nana to count the number of times I have been hushed while a girl takes a phone call from her besotted back in Germany, England or Australia. Do I feel guilty? Why should I? The girls sure as hel_l dont. I had another mate who used to ring his girl friend every night from the UK to make sure she was not in the bar. The dope did not realise she was tricking with Thai businessmen during the day... Did he listen to me? Of course not and I was the worst in the world... Six months ago a some middle aged Swede (nice sort) came into a local bar and took a fancy to a decent looking girl who had been working in the bar for over a year. Being the best looking girl she had plenty of business. I not lie when I tell you one night I saw her go 5 times between 10 and 2am... Lets say she was rarely seen in the bar for more than an hour. Young or old it made no difference she plied her trade swiftly and most efficiently. The poor old eegit asks the mamasan how long was the girl working the bar? Oh she come 3 days now. Go with old farang one time but she scared and no boom boom him... She is in Sweden now with half the population of Isaan. Poor git paid 30K Baht to buy her out of the bar. She was back last month to get a new visa and was back to her old tricks earning pocket money!

Women (and to a lesser extent men) worldwide commit matrimonial prostitution just as much as, if not more, than Thai women. It is just that their societies somehow justify it through traditions and denial. Have you ever heard a woman's reason for marrying a man claimed to be "because he's a good provider"? Same as saying he has money and can take care of me. It ain't no different. If a woman (or a man) isn't providing for the relationship equally (financial or otherwise) then the lesser contributor is committing matrimonial prostitution.

Plain and simple.

So, all you people trying to put down so called "poor Thai girls" or farang men for trying to hook up with one another are being hypocrites because at one point or another in your life, you've most likely been a part of the same thing but in a different disguise. Get over it and stop insulting.



Are you being serious?! I for one have never known a Western woman marry a man because 'he's a good provider'.

I've said something similar in another thread, but I agree that women in the West will rule out a man if he's inadequate (which is why so many end up here), but to marry for money alone??? That is abhorent in the Western world.

Conversely, the opposite is true here. It's not only not frowned upon, but the "poor Thai girls" are applauded by their families and peers if they are 'lucky' enough to find a farang.

Those who are unable to find (and keep) a farang, despite their best efforts, are ostrasized if they have slept with farangs. They really are in trouble.

Thanks Gary! It's interesting and sad to say the least.

I watched all 5 and felt sadden for these women. It's not a matter of choice for them, but a matter of survival.

Its interesting that there seems to be some element of surprise about the motivation of poor women in poor countries.

This is not just a thailand thing, you can go almost anywhere in asia, south america, africa, and eastern europe and you will find exactly the same thing. If you trawl the internet you will find that by far the greatest numbers of ladies looking desperately for a western husband to provide for themselves or/and their children is Russia and the Ukraine.

While many look down on this I believe that these women are to be admired. They are making a life choice in the hope of a better life and are showing courage above and beyond.

As for love, I know a few and have heard of many others who are blissfully happy with each other in spite of things like looks and age differences. These women whilst undoubtedly in difficult situations have learned to look beyond the superficial. Good luck to them.

Thanks Gary! It's interesting and sad to say the least.

I watched all 5 and felt sadden for these women. It's not a matter of choice for them, but a matter of survival.

Its interesting that there seems to be some element of surprise about the motivation of poor women in poor countries.

This is not just a thailand thing, you can go almost anywhere in asia, south america, africa, and eastern europe and you will find exactly the same thing. If you trawl the internet you will find that by far the greatest numbers of ladies looking desperately for a western husband to provide for themselves or/and their children is Russia and the Ukraine.

While many look down on this I believe that these women are to be admired. They are making a life choice in the hope of a better life and are showing courage above and beyond.

As for love, I know a few and have heard of many others who are blissfully happy with each other in spite of things like looks and age differences. These women whilst undoubtedly in difficult situations have learned to look beyond the superficial. Good luck to them.

It's just an unfortunate coincidence that Thailand has a long standing reputation as a country with women who are 'readily available'.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of books I read that make reference to the easy availability of Thai women, but the one that really suprised me was written by a journalist many years ago. It was just a short paragraph, but pointed out that the GI's during the Vietnam war came to Thailand for women because the women in other Asian countries wouldn't offer the same 'services'.

Yes, there are poor women throughout the world, it's only Thailand that offers such easy availability to the ST and SP!

As for the Thai women who are "blissfully happy" with their farang partner "in spite of things like looks and age" - you really are kidding yourself!!


time for a positive post!!

some thai women prefer western men because of their stereotypical beliefs ...farangs are loyal and physically warm ...asian men aren't interested in "warmth" in their relationships and often distance themselves from their wives when they are older. My fiance smiles happily when she sees "old farang couples" walking hand in hand and caring for each other (ie in canada). The notion of "growing old together" has immense value to her. She views thai men, (generally) as disloyal and unproductive and so has elected to "exclude" them. She believes a farang has better potential as a partner.

when i visit her in LOS i am her "guest" ... she feeds me, drives me around etc .. and resists offers to pay..She believes she has a duty to take care of me as she would with anyone who visits her.... clearly a strong sense of hospitality.

i have read the negative numerous posts about thai women and would offer the view that some?most? thai women are women of integrity with loyalty and devotion as a foundation. During my time there .. albeit only one month ...all thai people (not just women) I encountered were gracious, welcoming and strongly receptive to my gestures to relate and communicate (don't speak thai), .. and, oh yes ....respect was omnipresent. I met not one person with a sour heart.... a far cry from my native Canada.

i am sad for those (thai and farang) who have not shared similar experiences and encourage those who are authentic in their purpose to remain open and positive. It is a blessing to feel and be included in thai culture, any culture, and for this I am honoured!!!

please excuse grammatical and spelling errors..

Most of us know that the only way to achieve anything in this world is to work for it, unless one is extremely lucky and wins a lottery or something.

Many of these Thai girls see the older Farang as a short cut to achieving their goals for the future. Why pay for education or work hard for the rest of your life when you can tap into the resources of someone that has already done that?

So look at it in this respect, the older Farang who has already achieved his ambitions wants a bit of hot totty before he gets completely passed it and someone to care for him when he does become passed it.

The girl wants security for her and her family without having to work doing no hoper low paid crap jobs for the rest of her life, plus some status also.

I will create a new saying here: your money for your wife.

And the reality is that, the Farang becomes a financial institution and the Thai wife becomes the comforter & carer. So it concludes with, that the married couple both become products for each other, love rarely enters the contract.

Very well said.

Thanks Gary! It's interesting and sad to say the least.

I watched all 5 and felt sadden for these women. It's not a matter of choice for them, but a matter of survival.

Its interesting that there seems to be some element of surprise about the motivation of poor women in poor countries.

This is not just a thailand thing, you can go almost anywhere in asia, south america, africa, and eastern europe and you will find exactly the same thing. If you trawl the internet you will find that by far the greatest numbers of ladies looking desperately for a western husband to provide for themselves or/and their children is Russia and the Ukraine.

While many look down on this I believe that these women are to be admired. They are making a life choice in the hope of a better life and are showing courage above and beyond.

As for love, I know a few and have heard of many others who are blissfully happy with each other in spite of things like looks and age differences. These women whilst undoubtedly in difficult situations have learned to look beyond the superficial. Good luck to them.

It's just an unfortunate coincidence that Thailand has a long standing reputation as a country with women who are 'readily available'.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of books I read that make reference to the easy availability of Thai women, but the one that really suprised me was written by a journalist many years ago. It was just a short paragraph, but pointed out that the GI's during the Vietnam war came to Thailand for women because the women in other Asian countries wouldn't offer the same 'services'.

Yes, there are poor women throughout the world, it's only Thailand that offers such easy availability to the ST and SP!

As for the Thai women who are "blissfully happy" with their farang partner "in spite of things like looks and age" - you really are kidding yourself!!

Why are you so obsessed about thai women?? I just glanced at your previous posts and all apart from 1 are derogitary towards thai women. I live in minburi bangkok, its very very rare i see a BG if at all. I think you need to relax about this, if you keep thinking to much it will just keep hurting u more, let go, get over it.

Just stop the bitterness about thai women. you really dont know about thai culture, I can quite safely say i would never go back to a western girl? why becuase of women like you.

Thanks Gary! It's interesting and sad to say the least.

I watched all 5 and felt sadden for these women. It's not a matter of choice for them, but a matter of survival.

Its interesting that there seems to be some element of surprise about the motivation of poor women in poor countries.

This is not just a thailand thing, you can go almost anywhere in asia, south america, africa, and eastern europe and you will find exactly the same thing. If you trawl the internet you will find that by far the greatest numbers of ladies looking desperately for a western husband to provide for themselves or/and their children is Russia and the Ukraine.

While many look down on this I believe that these women are to be admired. They are making a life choice in the hope of a better life and are showing courage above and beyond.

As for love, I know a few and have heard of many others who are blissfully happy with each other in spite of things like looks and age differences. These women whilst undoubtedly in difficult situations have learned to look beyond the superficial. Good luck to them.

It's just an unfortunate coincidence that Thailand has a long standing reputation as a country with women who are 'readily available'.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of books I read that make reference to the easy availability of Thai women, but the one that really suprised me was written by a journalist many years ago. It was just a short paragraph, but pointed out that the GI's during the Vietnam war came to Thailand for women because the women in other Asian countries wouldn't offer the same 'services'.

Yes, there are poor women throughout the world, it's only Thailand that offers such easy availability to the ST and SP!

As for the Thai women who are "blissfully happy" with their farang partner "in spite of things like looks and age" - you really are kidding yourself!!

Why are you so obsessed about thai women?? I just glanced at your previous posts and all apart from 1 are derogitary towards thai women. I live in minburi bangkok, its very very rare i see a BG if at all. I think you need to relax about this, if you keep thinking to much it will just keep hurting u more, let go, get over it.

Just stop the bitterness about thai women. you really dont know about thai culture, I can quite safely say i would never go back to a western girl? why becuase of women like you.

He probably got fleeced by a pattaya bg...That would explain the bitterness.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of books I read that make reference to the easy availability of Thai women, but the one that really suprised me was written by a journalist many years ago. It was just a short paragraph, but pointed out that the GI's during the Vietnam war came to Thailand for women because the women in other Asian countries wouldn't offer the same 'services'.

In your efforts to paint Thai women in the worst possible light, you have become confused & surely meant to say that it was the Filipinas that offered widest variety of 'services'. During the 1970's the Thai ladies were definitely considered to be more 'conservative' with regards to sex.

Of course, I don't know where your journalist got his information from, but I know where I got mine.

Thanks Gary! It's interesting and sad to say the least.

I watched all 5 and felt sadden for these women. It's not a matter of choice for them, but a matter of survival.

Its interesting that there seems to be some element of surprise about the motivation of poor women in poor countries.

This is not just a thailand thing, you can go almost anywhere in asia, south america, africa, and eastern europe and you will find exactly the same thing. If you trawl the internet you will find that by far the greatest numbers of ladies looking desperately for a western husband to provide for themselves or/and their children is Russia and the Ukraine.

While many look down on this I believe that these women are to be admired. They are making a life choice in the hope of a better life and are showing courage above and beyond.

As for love, I know a few and have heard of many others who are blissfully happy with each other in spite of things like looks and age differences. These women whilst undoubtedly in difficult situations have learned to look beyond the superficial. Good luck to them.

It's just an unfortunate coincidence that Thailand has a long standing reputation as a country with women who are 'readily available'.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of books I read that make reference to the easy availability of Thai women, but the one that really suprised me was written by a journalist many years ago. It was just a short paragraph, but pointed out that the GI's during the Vietnam war came to Thailand for women because the women in other Asian countries wouldn't offer the same 'services'.

Yes, there are poor women throughout the world, it's only Thailand that offers such easy availability to the ST and SP!

As for the Thai women who are "blissfully happy" with their farang partner "in spite of things like looks and age" - you really are kidding yourself!!

Thai women do it best. Why do you people just dont want to believe. Los reputation as sex capital is well deserved, the women see to it....the women will have it no other way. :o:D


So, why should poor Thai girls work so hard, if they could have a sweet live without any work financed by a farang or Japanese or a ... ???

All the hard working girls at building sites or at the rice paddies or wherever work is hard should be saluted.


I bet getting a farang to build you a house,being a middle aged country girl w 3 kids is harder than carrying buckets full of dirt all day long.

Thats why the prize is so big.

I see so many who just dont seem to make money giving it up!

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