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Thailand's Costly Protests: Who's Footing The Bill?


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...But the alliance is much more than a sophisticated street mob. Its success is owed less to brute force than to the hidden donor network that sustained its government-toppling campaign. As Bangkok heals in the uprising's wake, alliance leaders are not revealing their financiers, even as airlines, government officials and others mount plans to seek damages in court.

...The alliance's funds and ASTV's finances are deeply tangled, analysts say. Most of the alliance's donations, Sondhi told Thai media, have been funneled through ASTV.

...In its role as protest fundraiser, ASTV kept the alliance's donation hotline flashing on screen around the clock. More revenue has come from a $5.50 monthly service offering daily protest alerts via text message. Another MTV-style service charged 16 cents to broadcast a text message to ASTV on-screen. One example from late November: "KILL THAKSIN KILL THAKSIN KILL THAKSIN."

...It's unclear whether any of the donations will be taxed. "There's a sense of impunity among PAD leaders," Thitinan said. "Even the law (could not) get them to leave Government House. Forget the tax."

Though outsiders are forced to speculate about the alliance's funds, it is known that ASTV-parent Manager Media Group is in bankruptcy proceedings and burdened with $133 million in debt. In November, the firm skipped a civil court hearing with creditors, potentially opening up its assets to seizure. (The donation influx during the protests' late-year peak, however, may have boosted its bottom line.)

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ASTV is very, very sickening psychologically to many gullible Thais. The terrorists have used the media very powerfully under the right wing leadership of Sondhi, Chamlong and ? Very evil sums it up best. I never thought there could be a news show worse than FOX; now there is!

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From that link:

* Thai Airways claims roughly $4.5 billion for the eight-day siege of the Suvarnabhumi international airport, its hub. The airline plans to sue.

* A low-cost carrier, Thai Air Asia, at one point claimed nearly $9 million in lost revenue. The airline is still deciding whether it can sue.

* About $98.1 million USD per day in lost export revenues, according to a Thai export consortium. Airports were seized for seven days. No lawsuit announcement yet.

* At least 1 million tourism-related jobs have been lost or will be lost, according to Olarn Chaipravat, a deputy economics minister.

* The prime minister's compound sustained more than $700,000 in landscaping damage along, according to the government. The National Security Council estimates stolen hardware, including computer servers and databanks, amounts to roughly $1.1 million. Uzis, laptops and golden Buddha statutes were also looted from the compound.

* Citing political unrest, Moody's Investors Service lowered Thailand's economic outlook from "stable" to "negative."


Quiet now. Nothing has been done. PAD leader is having a rest overseas. PAD's cooperative Party, Democrat, is smiling thinking they can win tomorrow.

No big problem then. Who will follow up? If you son/partner makes a mess, do you sue him?

Who's footing the bill? No one seems to remember now. Done.

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I found the article interesting as it raises the proverbial question of the money trail. And any time politicians or groups claiming to act for the public good is involved that can be an interesting place to start.

The article infers that PAD monies were pumped through Sondhi's financially faltering company with no records kept of what came in from who and was used for what. It further suggested that some of those funds may have been used to prop up said finances. In a group decrying corruption this would be construed as somewhat hypocritical at the very least.

However a new government has been formed and all will be swept under the carpet. For obvious reasons the new PM will not be wanting to stir this hornets nest.

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I found the article interesting as it raises the proverbial question of the money trail. And any time politicians or groups claiming to act for the public good is involved that can be an interesting place to start.

The article infers that PAD monies were pumped through Sondhi's financially faltering company with no records kept of what came in from who and was used for what. It further suggested that some of those funds may have been used to prop up said finances. In a group decrying corruption this would be construed as somewhat hypocritical at the very least.

However a new government has been formed and all will be swept under the carpet. For obvious reasons the new PM will not be wanting to stir this hornets nest.

Of course if Abhisit really is a decent and uncorrupt politician, respects the populous, loves democracy and wants to get the whole voting public on his side then he could make a stand on this very area; making sure the courts fully follow through on all the law breaking and financial irregularities of the PAD.

That's if he was serious about changing Thai politics for the better, rather than more of the same same.

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Just one problem with Abhisit ............. he may well be a genuine nice guy, and a genuine good choice (and I honestly belive he is on both accounts - because of his Western upbringing, education and ability to converse fluently and confidently in English he is one of the few PM's Thailand has had in a long time who will be able to handle foreign policy quite well).

But .... be under no illusion: Abhisit is no free agent when it comes to domestic policy. He's going to have to look after the interests of those who gave him the CEO's job.

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