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Philippines An Alternative To Living In Thailand


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I've heard a lot of negative stuff about living in the Philippines but nothing specific. Personally i loved it there during my recent short stay.

I know people who have businesses in the Phillipines and their verdict is generally, the economy is not strong. Not having a strong economy makes things difficult from the beginning. Even if you don't want to start a business, then to get work, will still be harder.

I know that Thailand has had economic set-backs in the past, but it now seems alot stronger.

I don't have access to that sort of data, but things like economic growth and GDP would be interesting to know. I know the Philippines are still in for hard times, even their President admits that. I am sure the GDP of Thailand would be greater, particularly if you consider Thailand now doesn't receive economic aid.

Their (the people I know in the Phillipines) businesses except for 1 are in a terrible state, and to quote one guy "I am thinking of eating the paint off the walls".

That would be my deterrant. As far as alot of the Phillipines vs Thailand stuff, its a matter of taste and opinion. In my opinion, I prefer Thailand, for many reasons, but one of the big ones is the food - you have to eat it every day.

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I've heard a lot of negative stuff about living in the Philippines but nothing specific. Personally i loved it there during my recent short stay.

Apart from the economy and since the US closed a base there....there is a Muslim threat in certain parts of the country.

on a retirement level, you will need to check a few things out...Surf the net for what is required and your rights and obligations etc...

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Thailand doesn't have armed guards in McDs guarding children having their lunch!!

The McDs in Angeles in the Phillipines does!!

You understand what I mean??

------------Ya but Angeles is a kind of thilthy Pattaya and the ice problem is huge there,,, my buddy John hammer use to own thunderstruk and thunderdome on feilds street ,, he was shot at close range with m16 2 years ago.... seems business was too good and he wasn't paying the cops what they wanted... bye bye,,,,,,,,,,,,the PI is more dangerous than thai but the women speak better english and are far more sincere,,,,, but a whores a whore so take yor chances as far as business ..go to sianookville in Cambodia .... soon to be the pattaya of Cambodia(many falangs are relocating there pattaya and the rest of thai are getting too backpacker falang unfriendly..................Shemmy :o:D

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The Philippines is poorer, more desperate, more dangerous, less reliable, more disease-ridden, more Christian, and less honest than Thailand.  I miss my friends there something fierce.


Well thats calling "A spade a spade" and not a "multi-purpose digging tool.

Sadly its all true though.

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Thanks for the info. So starting a business over there seems to be suicidal... But what would your opinion be in regards to living there on your savings ie retirement, long term holiday?

If you are living off your savings, i'd guess that you'll get more for your buck in the Philippines. As for the trouble, it's concentrated in the south, in the isalnd of Mindanao, so just stay away from there. I have a pal in the south and she says the troubles are exaggerated, and news reports on CNN just make it look more spectacular to outsiders.

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One point in the Phillipines favour.

If you're retiring from the UK, where your State pension would be frozen if you're living in Thailand, it would continue to be indexed to inflation if you're living in the Phillipines.

(I have absolutely no idea why this is the case though - seems rather arbitrary to me...)

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..where you live is a personal thing. you need to go there to see if you like it.

personally, I prefer thailand, but if I was not able to live here, the philippines would be my second choice.

I heard good stories about china from friends. but like you, I won't know what the place holds for me until I go there for a visit.

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If it weren't for how expensive it was and the language barrier,Japan and Korea would be where one could enjoy modern cities and high technology and stable economies.China will be there soon.

Always wondered why former Spanish colonies like the Phillippines and Latin America ended up poor third world unstable banana republics while former British colonies like Australia,Hong Kong,Singapore,etc.,are all now wealthy and stable.

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Given the two, I would go for Thailand. people just as nice, food just as nice. But better weather - PI has ha 3 / 4 typhoons in the last couple of months, safer - walking round Ermica in Manilla is one of the few times in my life I have been nervous. Never felt that in Thailand.

Angeles after dark, the residents ALWAYS get a car / motodop home, the risk of robbery is too high, even if its just 5 minutes away. Manilla, a friend used to live there ( and is marrried to a phillipina ). He got robbed and slashed with a knife 4 times in 3 years. He slept with a gun next to his bed.

Probably the economy is better here as well.

Ever thought of Cambo?

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My vote would be for Thailand if you are comparing it to the Phillipines. The only better thing about Phillipines compared to Thailand is that the people there have a higher understanding of English, nothing else.

Just want to add that i had many filipino friends when i was in Hong Kong and they are very warm and friendly people, and the level of english is much higher than in Thailand.
Zovox......they all are when they are out of their country....they were considered warm and friendly people when I lived in Canada but were known to be a "syndicate" of trying to get their family/friends over by introducing them to lonely old men in Canada (sponsorship)

Someone mentioned Muslim movement in Phillipines...........have you noticed recently about the Muslims in the South Of Thailand?

I heard good stories about china from friends. but like you, I won't know what the place holds for me until I go there for a visit.

I personally did not like China as it was congested, polluted and dirty!!! The people there (on the streets) were rude, they pushed and shoved a lot!! Its all right for a visit but not to live there.

Someone else mentioned "honest people" . Sad to say I did not encouter that in Thailand. Someone tried to cheat me on my bill because I am an expat and charging different rates for foreigners and locals seem dishonest to me!!!

I reiterate, there are positive and negative sides to every country...........it all depends on which are tolerable and what each individual prefers.

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The Phils have a neat retirement residence system. No hassle, straight forward. effective immediately. go to the smaller cities or islands, learn some Tagalog and you're are fully accepted AND protected by the local community. Mindanao troubles are largely overstated by CNN and by their own government when they need it for additional support money from the US.

Vietnam is ok if you go for investment. government very keen on joint ventures with SME, to transfer knowledge and techniques.

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Ya I'd say sianokville would be an ok place to hang... it's cheap,good food,the nothern beaches are ok. The Cambodians are less sofisticated criminals than the Thai's,,, mostly cheating and stealing,,,not to violent the chicks aren't as good looking as thai's , but there nicer people..... so far.... same in loas...... ask me again :o in 10 years

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Ya I'd say sianokville would be an ok place to hang... it's cheap,good food,the nothern beaches are ok. The Cambodians are less sofisticated criminals than the Thai's,,, mostly cheating and stealing,,,not to violent the chicks aren't as good looking as thai's , but there nicer people..... so far.... same in loas...... ask me again :o  in 10 years

I lived in both countries for long periods.First time I visited RP was back in 1984 and I was married to a filipina for 15 years.Back at those years the answer would be Philippines , hands down. More friendly people, almost everybody spoke english,more westernized way of living,better and more varied nightlife.Unfortunately for the RP their progress has stalled in the last decade whilst Thailand has moved ahead.Now the situation is :

Philippines : + : english widely spoken,education and laws in english, local language a lot easier to master, customs and people's attitudes more westernized (see americanized), caucasians are considered and treated as a superior race by the folk,women more easier to communicate with, easier to adapt / live abroad

- widespread crime, a lot of firearms in the streets, Manila very dirty and polluted ,security situation in Manila chaotic,economy stagnated, cost of living higher, infrastructute in very bad shape, , percentage of very beautifull women much lower than in RP,Nightlife in Manila very poor,very expensive, ladies unfriendly, mostly catering nowadays to Japanese and old Americans

Verdict : due to the security situation in RP and the far superior/ cheaper / better nightlife in Thailand, LOS wins

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Ya I'd say sianokville would be an ok place to hang... it's cheap,good food,the nothern beaches are ok. The Cambodians are less sofisticated criminals than the Thai's,,, mostly cheating and stealing,,,not to violent the chicks aren't as good looking as thai's , but there nicer people..... so far.... same in loas...... ask me again :o  in 10 years

I lived in both countries for long periods.First time I visited RP was back in 1984 and I was married to a filipina for 15 years.Back at those years the answer would be Philippines , hands down. More friendly people, almost everybody spoke english,more westernized way of living,better and more varied nightlife.Unfortunately for the RP their progress has stalled in the last decade whilst Thailand has moved ahead.Now the situation is :

Philippines : + : english widely spoken,education and laws in english, local language a lot easier to master, customs and people's attitudes more westernized (see americanized), caucasians are considered and treated as a superior race by the folk,women more easier to communicate with, easier to adapt / live abroad

- widespread crime, a lot of firearms in the streets, Manila very dirty and polluted ,security situation in Manila chaotic,economy stagnated, cost of living higher, infrastructute in very bad shape, , percentage of very beautifull women much lower than in RP,Nightlife in Manila very poor,very expensive, ladies unfriendly, mostly catering nowadays to Japanese and old Americans

Verdict : due to the security situation in RP and the far superior/ cheaper / better nightlife in Thailand, LOS wins

Like you married to a Filipina for years. My first trip to the country was back when Marcos was still the president. It was well known even in those days that he was stealing like there was no tomorrow. But he did give back, the infrastructure was good, Manilla was clean. The people were friendly, but the violence in the country wa obvious/ I wa amazed a I walked down the streets to see security guards wiht shot guns at every door way. The news was filled with shooting incidents between security guards, police and soldiers. I took two more trips it each time things looked worse. You can forget Mia Bpien Lia, the church holds a major influence in the country and they are some of the most guilt ridden people that I have ever seen.

Or is a grpup of islands, can island fever kick in there as as it does in Hawaii, I don't know. But here I know I can get on my bike and spend weeks just checking things out. But I will say one thing I saw some of the most beautiful scenry that I have ever saw there.

I would consider it, but not wihtout a ton of research before hand

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Just arrived back yesterday from Manila after my first trip to the Philippines.

Only stayed six days, but could not believe how long it took to travel short distances due to the practically gridlocked traffic day and night. A ten minute walk during the day took approximately an hour to drive, and I was very glad to get back to Thailand.

Armed security everywhere, inc. the small apartment block we stayed at.

We were warned not to even think about walking around at night by our armed apartment guard.

At shopping malls, supermarkets, restaurants and bars everyone is searched before they can enter, (not complaining) begging children everywhere and a sense of not feeling too safe even during daylight. Gunshots to be heard day and night, although so many people are armed and this could just be target practice. :o

Got to say that most of the Filipino’s that I met were warm and hospitable, also warning us not to walk around at night.

Only saw Manila and Alubang so can not comment on the rest of the country, but would not want to go back any time soon.

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  • 3 years later...

I really don't think its an alternative to thailand at all

it has no culture to speak of

infrastructure is 30 years behind and its much more dangerous

it really has more in common with latin america than asia given its long time as a spanish colony.

it may be a good alternative to south america but not to thailand

it also has a really big problem with terrorism

southern philippines is a haven for al queda and other groups

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Everything that was said above is more or less true.

not really an alternative to thailand - something different all-together. People that dont know the difference between taiwan and thailand generally like the Philippines. Keep in mind that there has been an Army base there for sometime, so their perception of falangs is equated with army boys on leave.

but if we want to talk about positives....

1. good beer - san migul is one of the best

2. they speak English - all of them - even the housekeeper or street sellers will speak better english than the prime minister of thailand.

3. you can be friends with the men. - I mean they can be your buddies and brothers like another falang. There is a level of understanding.

but ohhh the food. its just horrendous. (except the buffet at the sofitel)

Edited by Shah Jahan
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Ya I'd say sianokville would be an ok place to hang... it's cheap,good food,the nothern beaches are ok. The Cambodians are less sofisticated criminals than the Thai's,,, mostly cheating and stealing,,,not to violent the chicks aren't as good looking as thai's , but there nicer people..... so far.... same in loas...... ask me again :o in 10 years

Exactly what i found in Cambodia, the people are definitely more genuine then Thais but just arent as much fun.

IMO if there was somewhere else that offered everything Thailand does we would all know about it and be there all the time.

Has anyone ventured into Burma, if they go the China - Vietnam form of communism route then theyll be opening up to the rest of the world very soon.

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Everything that was said above is more or less true.

not really an alternative to thailand - something different all-together. People that dont know the difference between taiwan and thailand generally like the Philippines. Keep in mind that there has been an Army base there for sometime, so their perception of falangs is equated with army boys on leave.

but if we want to talk about positives....

1. good beer - san migul is one of the best

2. they speak English - all of them - even the housekeeper or street sellers will speak better english than the prime minister of thailand.

3. you can be friends with the men. - I mean they can be your buddies and brothers like another falang. There is a level of understanding.

but ohhh the food. its just horrendous. (except the buffet at the sofitel)

1. Personal taste.

2. A massive exaggeration. A lot of people in the Phils learn English at school and then promptly forget it. Some know a bit of Taglish. Presumably you just know Manila. And anyway, everyone speaks English better than Samak.

3. I'm not quite sure what you're saying here. You seem to know either very little about Thailand, the Phils or both.

As for the food, I agree with you 100%. Is it my imagination or do chickens in the Phils have three times as many bones as the rest of the world? But like I said in 1, that's just my personal taste.

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to generalized a country based on a 6 days trip is absurd much more come up with a conclusion.First impressions are not always correct. You must experience it yourself and then you can tell. Its about preference and tolerance.If one day , u decide to choose PI, live in Cebu or in the VIsayas region, and not in Luzon esp near Manila.

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a lot of people point out that the ability to speak and understand english is an advantage of the philippines.

sometimes, i don't agree.

methinks it allows too much influence from other countries (particularly the english speaking ones of course) and can ruin a culture faster as the entry of information, etc is also easier. and if the people are confused and messed up, the damage is even more. hence, the mentality that the grass is greener elsewhere is prevalent as they see movies and glossy magazines from the west which show only the beautiful side. when i was in high school, a classmate and i would hole up in the library, leafing thru american mags like good housekeeping, better homes and garden, admiring the sunny and smiling ads in reader's digest and swore we will spend our adult life in the US.

yes, sometimes being a country with a language barrier can have its advantages, some kind of a natural protection. forced to be closed at first while it develops and grows. then when it can stand on its feet, it will open up little by little. the culture is intact and the tourists are happy. :o

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a lot of people point out that the ability to speak and understand english is an advantage of the philippines.

sometimes, i don't agree.

methinks it allows too much influence from other countries (particularly the english speaking ones of course) and can ruin a culture faster as the entry of information, etc is also easier. and if the people are confused and messed up, the damage is even more. hence, the mentality that the grass is greener elsewhere is prevalent as they see movies and glossy magazines from the west which show only the beautiful side. when i was in high school, a classmate and i would hole up in the library, leafing thru american mags like good housekeeping, better homes and garden, admiring the sunny and smiling ads in reader's digest and swore we will spend our adult life in the US.

yes, sometimes being a country with a language barrier can have its advantages, some kind of a natural protection. forced to be closed at first while it develops and grows. then when it can stand on its feet, it will open up little by little. the culture is intact and the tourists are happy. :o

I agree.....

It will make a country more westernized and will finally subscribe to those opinions which way far irrelevant on Asian culture as opinions are usually derived from cultural and social aspects of ones environment..

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