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Democrats Possibly Face Dissolution


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Samak has also presented forged payslips as the evidence, and he was punished alone, not his party.

There's a point about banned politicians meddling with the government but I don't see that Newin and Abhisit has done anything unconstitutional so far. Certainly a hug is not a proof of being a nominee, and Abhisit is not Newin's nominee even in Grandpops books anyway.

The whole idea of dissolving the party for a hug is beyond ridiculous. You can joke about it after Samak was done for cooking, but apparently those PPP guys take it very seriously, just like military service issue.

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Abhisit may be looked down upon for his connections to extreme right-wing factions but it is good to finally see a homosexual prime minister accepted so freely. If only the west were so progressive.

hmmm Do you know something that the rest of the world including his wife and kids do not know?

(not that Thailand has not had a gay PM before ..... but not this one...)

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<br />
no one would have believed Samak had to be banned because of a cooking show.<br /><br />I have faith that the courts will apply the laws consistently and properly.<br /><br /><br />-------<br />Newin should not be involving himself in politics, he has a 5 year ban.
<br /><br />Samak was de-seated [not banned] from having a second job, nothing more or less. That it was a cooking job in tv doesn't matter. Well, unless it's the apologists crying.<br /><br /><br />Newin and everyone banned should stay out of politics. That anyone close to TTT/PPP/PTP would complain is however just pure irony.<br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Samak working in a cooking show...would have brought extra viewers to that tv station, therefore giving that tv station an unfair advantage in viewer ratings.

its like having w bush on a cooking show burning whatever he was cooking.

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If you don't know now, you never will!

There are no major news outlets saying anything other than this is an installed Government. It's a coup pure and simple and the "democrats" were put in power at the third attempt on the orders of the Last Coup and Constitution re-writers.

Perhaps in your quest for knowledge you should re-read many old posts from here and abroad.

It will be interesting to see what they do with an economy destroyed by PAD, a major world downturn and the PAD, Army, Banks, and big businesses all wanting their money from the trough that Sondhi holed! Add to this the relentless pressure that will now fall on his "un-fit to rule" head and it should be fun.

Chilled, and got the beer out mate. It's now up you you PADdies to defend your parties decisions whilst they last.

I'm not sure why so many people are tough on grandpaps.

He has some interesting points.

Fact: The Worldwide Economic Downturn was caused by PAD. All U Fascist PAD apologists better get yr head out of the muds. The world economy was going pretty well in 2005, then those Fascists Pigs took over the airpot.

Fact: Abhisit is Sondhi's puppet. You all saw that photo. Sondhi, aka Il Duce II, is a Fascist Dictator.

Fact: The current government is Fascist. Neither Democrats nor PTP have any real Left or Right political platform. Everyone knows a null political particle falls firmly to the Far Right = Fascism.

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If you don't know now, you never will!

There are no major news outlets saying anything other than this is an installed Government. It's a coup pure and simple and the "democrats" were put in power at the third attempt on the orders of the Last Coup and Constitution re-writers.

Perhaps in your quest for knowledge you should re-read many old posts from here and abroad.

It will be interesting to see what they do with an economy destroyed by PAD, a major world downturn and the PAD, Army, Banks, and big businesses all wanting their money from the trough that Sondhi holed! Add to this the relentless pressure that will now fall on his "un-fit to rule" head and it should be fun.

Chilled, and got the beer out mate. It's now up you you PADdies to defend your parties decisions whilst they last.

I'm not sure why so many people are tough on grandpaps.

He has some interesting points.

Fact: The Worldwide Economic Downturn was caused by PAD. All U Fascist PAD apologists better get yr head out of the muds. The world economy was going pretty well in 2005, then those Fascists Pigs took over the airpot.

Fact: Abhisit is Sondhi's puppet. You all saw that photo. Sondhi, aka Il Duce II, is a Fascist Dictator.

Fact: The current government is Fascist. Neither Democrats nor PTP have any real Left or Right political platform. Everyone knows a null political particle falls firmly to the Far Right = Fascism.

You left out :

Everything we know must be wrong.

All central positions are shunted to an opposing extreme and then silenced.

All the little people involved can't think for themselves.

But all country people are fully conversant with the intracasies

of national level economic crime, but just don't care about it.

One side is all good people, the other side is all bad people.

And all the little people on one side must be stupid to listen to their leaders.

Everyone who disagrees is an stupid arrogant ill informed troublemaker.

Without a arch-conservative, socialist, neo-libertarian party the country will explode.

The rich eat the poor, because they taste better.

No facts are ever enough since all sources are questionable.

Edited by animatic
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Abhisit may be looked down upon for his connections to extreme right-wing factions but it is good to finally see a homosexual prime minister accepted so freely. If only the west were so progressive.

Apart from the dubious claims that the man in question is gay, what does being progressive have to do with extreme right-wing politics?.

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Here's a fact you won't find anywhere else.

In thirties Germany there was a group of industrialists and donors who named themselves

"Friends of the Reichsfuhrer-SS"

and they funded Herr Himmler, without wanting to be directly linked to him functionally.

Nothing more than a political re-surfacing of the "Friends of..." moniker after many years.....strange.

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Here's a fact you won't find anywhere else.

In thirties Germany there was a group of industrialists and donors who named themselves

"Friends of the Reichsfuhrer-SS"

and they funded Herr Himmler, without wanting to be directly linked to him functionally.

Nothing more than a political re-surfacing of the "Friends of..." moniker after many years.....strange.

It's common knowledge.

How is it not found anywhere else?

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P_D right on schedual.

And why didn't you object to Newin's Friends when they

were in league with Thaksin's friends of PPP?

Same bunch same ball game.

Different pitcher and you cry foul balls.

Sniff a little the other side dude, and see how IT stinks.

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If you don't know now, you never will!

Know how you feel Pops... :D

Lead thirsty horse to water...drink horse...look horse...water...oh for Gods Sake horse drink the bloody water... :o

The joy of the freedom of speech....

So no names then.

Why did you mention freedom of speech if you can't say who is behind Abhisit led government.

If people have unnatural fear of naming names of those who are out to get us all they should probably consult a shrink.

Retired generals? Chaisit Shinawatra perhaps? Anupong himself?

If you are not truly suffering from paranoia, I can think of several reasons to keep quiet - there's no name to your conspiracy, you know nothing about it, you expected Thaksin to say something but he didn't, or you are posting this for fun only, any of the names said out loud would instantly make you look ridiculous, so better keep an air or secrecy.

Well, here's a news for you - your emperor has no clothes unless you at least try to explain where or what they are.

Btw, I mostly address this to people like Grandpops, I don't know your posting history at all, Roadman.

I'm with grandpops on this one. There are things you don't understand about Thailand, particularly about the free speech laws and the political structure that has always existed here.

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So, Grandpops, Southerndown and Siam4ever,

I see, the fascists masterminds are shielded from being named because of the "free speech laws". What law is it exactly that prevents you from naming them? I know only of one such law and members of the Privy Council are not covered, btw.

Maybe it's Little Green Fascist Aliens, or the Fascist Spaghetti Monster.

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Snoh says he will not accept opposition leader position

Published on December 16, 2008

Pracharaj Party leader Snoh Thienthong said Tuesday that he will not accept the post of the opposition leader offered to him by the Pheu Thai.

Snoh said he wanted to see all parties cooperate instead of being divided as the opposition and government sides.

He said he has turned down the Pheu Thai's offer for him to take up the position.

The Nation

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no one would have believed Samak had to be banned because of a cooking show.

I have faith that the courts will apply the laws consistently and properly.


Newin should not be involving himself in politics, he has a 5 year ban.

He has been banned because by the constitution he wasn't allowed to have another paid job being Prime Minister!

NOT because of the cooking show!

Snoh says he will not accept opposition leader position

Published on December 16, 2008

Pracharaj Party leader Snoh Thienthong said Tuesday that he will not accept the post of the opposition leader offered to him by the Pheu Thai.

Snoh said he wanted to see all parties cooperate instead of being divided as the opposition and government sides.

He said he has turned down the Pheu Thai's offer for him to take up the position.

The Nation

Interesting move, wonder what he is up to, he lost out big!

Edited by Samuian
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no one would have believed Samak had to be banned because of a cooking show.

I have faith that the courts will apply the laws consistently and properly.


Newin should not be involving himself in politics, he has a 5 year ban.

He has been banned because by the constitution he wasn't allowed to have another paid job being Prime Minister!

NOT because of the cooking show!

and that job was because of the cooking show.

my point was the court is strict about the little things and I hope they treat abhsit equally.

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Why even bother to try to follow this anymore... It's getting a bit stupid now...

This is Thailand, some things you can say and do, other things you can not say or do... Freedom of speech is here from a certain point of view...

Why even bother? There is only one man that can clear this up, he has stayed out so far.

In the long run Thailand needs to sort this out without any interference from the Royal House. It might be painful but it has to be done.

Thais should also look into themselves and ask if 300B is enough for them to cast their vote one way or another...

For the new PM, well I have no doubt that he owe alot to some people. I just hope that he can do his job and see what will happen in the future..

Good luck..

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So, Grandpops, Southerndown and Siam4ever,

I see, the fascists masterminds are shielded from being named because of the "free speech laws". What law is it exactly that prevents you from naming them? I know only of one such law and members of the Privy Council are not covered, btw.

Maybe it's Little Green Fascist Aliens, or the Fascist Spaghetti Monster.

Its the "never give a sucker and even break!" If you are incapable of doing it, just live without the knowledge. Gives the rest of the forum a laugh to see how little some of you know about Thailand!

I still say resign :o

Oh, and Shit bags, Used Tampons, all the same to me mate. I say they are both disgusting whilst you think Sondhi's Tampon trick to be something to be proud of.

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If you are incapable of doing it, just live without the knowledge. Gives the rest of the forum a laugh to see how little some of you know about Thailand!

So can't put a name on your conspiracy?

Sounds more like paranoia to me than a valid political theory.

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Take a chill pill, grandpops.

"Fascist coup", "your dogs ass" - you are too emotional at the moment for a discussion. Whatever valid arguments you have get totally lost with this kind of presentation.

I'd love to know who is really in charge according to your theory when calm down a bit.

If you don't know now, you never will!

There are no major news outlets saying anything other than this is an installed Government. It's a coup pure and simple and the "democrats" were put in power at the third attempt on the orders of the Last Coup and Constitution re-writers.

Perhaps in your quest for knowledge you should re-read many old posts from here and abroad.

It will be interesting to see what they do with an economy destroyed by PAD, a major world downturn and the PAD, Army, Banks, and big businesses all wanting their money from the trough that Sondhi holed! Add to this the relentless pressure that will now fall on his "un-fit to rule" head and it should be fun.

Chilled, and got the beer out mate. It's now up you you PADdies to defend your parties decisions whilst they last.

Grandpops???? The new prime minister is young, educated and has the whole of Thailand in his heart (not his wallet). When you see the positive results of his leadership? have another beer. You will need it to wash down the words you UP CHUCK. :o By the way, I've been here before TackySINS became PM, and to be fare TackySINS did pay the IMF loan off in world record time, he did many good things while he was PM. Greed and hunger for power is TackySINS undoing. He could have been the best PM in the history of this country. Instead your boy is a fugitive who's time is coming to humilitating end.

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