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Yingluck To Run In Chiang Mai For A House Seat


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Hopefully, the Thais are sexist enough to reject her for PM of the new Thaksin puppetry party. I have no doubt she is going for PM, within months or years at the latest. Very appropriate her major association is called ASSET.

I consider it no advance for women's rights here for a stuffed dress with no political experience to become PM based on being the sister of a dictator. More like the same old, same old, women as appendage of the powerful man.

i agree with your post,,,,,, She is NOT good for Thailand and should just go away and hide like her brother,,,,, Not only was her brother a dictator/ but now he is a crook on the run,,,,,,

And so that makes her guilty because? Where is your proof (if any) that she is anything like her brother? are you your brothers keeper? do you take the blame for his actions and he for yours? ho many people are you going to dismiss because you claim that they are a "Thaksin puppet"? Ooh! he had a cat that slept in the same ally as my maid who knew the gardener.... etc etc?


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how much political experience did Thaksin have before becoming the most popular Thai politician ever ?

He was one of Phalang Dharma party leaders together with Sudarat since 1994, he was a deputy PM in Chavalit's government, he has formed TRT and was undisputed party leader for two years before winning his first elections on the strenght of his vision and personality.

Yingluck is nothing of the kind. Just a pretty face and a family name.

The quote above from her "acceptance" speech says a lot about her inexperience and lack of qualifications.

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Heirs of large fortunes, and relatives of billionaires, often get appointed to positions of power in family companies merely because they are family. They never have job reviews. They are seldom fired or evaluated. They are family, which means much more in Thailand than back in farang land. It would be interesting to see where KYSY and its MBA program rank in the US university ratings.

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yes she is Thaksins sister but they are 2 completely different people. please leave your prejudice and shinawarta phobia at the door.

So, you are asserting she would NOT be yet ANOTHER Thaksin puppet? I thought not.

I think you are a puppet of the PAD hysteria. :o

Have you noticed abhisit has adopted Thaksins populist policies ? Does that make him a puppet ? no.

The majority of Thais like the way Thaksin ruled and his policies. No doubt she would also adopt his style and policies.

no I dont think she would be a puppet but she would certainaly take the best out of Thaksins style, not unlike what abhisit has done

I think you are right, in a while she will be leader of the opposition then unless abhisit pumps big bucks into Issan, it is only a matter of time IMO before we have Thailands first female PM. :D

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mc, the entire country knows that Samak and Somchai WERE puppets of Thaksin, and that Thaksin's sister would ALSO be a puppet of Thaksin. Not only PAD. Of course, a puppet of Thaksin can probably get elected again quite easily, not arguing that point.

Edited by Jingthing
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Whats more worse than a so called Thaksin puppet is people with no respect for the electoral process like the PAD (and their zombie puppets).

So, when it comes down to voting time, and ms yingluck becomes PM , the anti thaksinites will have to swallow their pride and accept the will of the people. Instead of their passive agressive behaviour.

I am sure she will do a fine job , just let the people of thailand give her a chance and stop prejudging her.

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Glad to see you are now acknowledging reality and agreeing that she would clearly be another Thaksin puppet. I hear you, you like Thaksin puppets. Good luck with that.

umm i didnt acknowledge anything, I said "so called" puppet, giving as little respect to the label as possible.

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Yingluck Shinawatra vs Sarah Palin. Who do you think is sexier when both in tight exploding buttons Thai uni uniform?

well we will need some pictures. However photos of yingluck on the net are hard to find . in fact not much is known about her.

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Whats more worse than a so called Thaksin puppet is people with no respect for the electoral process like the PAD (and their zombie puppets).

So, when it comes down to voting time, and ms yingluck becomes PM , the anti thaksinites will have to swallow their pride and accept the will of the people. Instead of their passive agressive behaviour.

They will need some years to accept the will of majority of Thais.

Let their leader clear the <deleted> they made first. Not an easy job, man.

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What would be unacceptable is not that Yingluck is the PM, but that she would work for Thaksin instead of the country.

Hopefully by that time there would be nothing she could do for him.

Realistically, while PTP has a chance of winning the largest number of MPs, it has near zero chance of forming a governing coalition given the events of this year, not as long as they percieved as Thaksin's puppets hel_l bent on provoking large scale street protests.

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I find the whole TRT PPP PTP business childish to the extreme. They have proven to be confrontational in their choice of PM's, wheeling out a procession of Thaksin nominees. That they even suggested Chalerm shows how eager they seem to stir up trouble in the hope that Thaksin will be forgiven and called back to sort out the mess he caused. This anouncement is just more of the same. The entire Shinarotten family should be given a lifetime ban from politics and be instantly jailed should they be caught trying to pull the strings of the country again.

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I find the whole TRT PPP PTP business childish to the extreme. They have proven to be confrontational in their choice of PM's, wheeling out a procession of Thaksin nominees. That they even suggested Chalerm shows how eager they seem to stir up trouble in the hope that Thaksin will be forgiven and called back to sort out the mess he caused. This anouncement is just more of the same. The entire Shinarotten family should be given a lifetime ban from politics and be instantly jailed should they be caught trying to pull the strings of the country again.

Amen brother.

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