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The Great British Pounds

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:D ...please, NOT AGAIN another topic about the GBP.....how many do we need ?

10 about the GBP ?

10 about the Dollar ?

10 about the Euro ?

10 abut the Yen ?

Ozzie dollar ??

I could go on.... :o

Oh..I forgot the Thai Baht :D


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When i 1st came to live in Thailand in 05 i was getting 70 to 72 per pund now as we all know its round the 50 mark so that i a massive massive loss, in all seriousness can we exepct the GBP to goback up to 72 in the future or is it done now.

The British Government has stated that is will take no direct measures to protect the value of the GBP, but will try to restore the confidence in the economy by other means. Interest rates etc.

I think that next year would be a good time for Britain to join the European monetery union and take on board the Euro.

GBP rest in peace.

Cheers, Rick

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:D ...please, NOT AGAIN another topic about the GBP.....how many do we need ?

10 about the GBP ?

10 about the Dollar ?

10 about the Euro ?

10 abut the Yen ?

Ozzie dollar ??

I could go on.... :o

Oh..I forgot the Thai Baht :D


Really, all that's required is a single $USD thread. One can glean whatever they need to know abut their own currency from that one.

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:D ...please, NOT AGAIN another topic about the GBP.....how many do we need ?

10 about the GBP ?

10 about the Dollar ?

10 about the Euro ?

10 abut the Yen ?

Ozzie dollar ??

I could go on.... :o

Oh..I forgot the Thai Baht :D


Really, all that's required is a single $USD thread. One can glean whatever they need to know abut their own currency from that one.

But the pound seems to be gaining against the $ but losing against the euro ?

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When i 1st came to live in Thailand in 05 i was getting 70 to 72 per pund now as we all know its round the 50 mark so that i a massive massive loss, in all seriousness can we exepct the GBP to goback up to 72 in the future or is it done now.

Lived in Thailand in 96 for 6 months, the baht then was 36 to the pound, then shot up to 90 baht to the pound by 1998-99?, that is when wife and i built the house in Buriram, also this was the time i started bringing in 40 foot containers of handicrafts to the UK. Good times.

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:D ...please, NOT AGAIN another topic about the GBP.....how many do we need ?

10 about the GBP ?

10 about the Dollar ?

10 about the Euro ?

10 abut the Yen ?

Ozzie dollar ??

I could go on.... :o

Oh..I forgot the Thai Baht :D


Really, all that's required is a single $USD thread. One can glean whatever they need to know abut their own currency from that one.

But the pound seems to be gaining against the $ but losing against the euro ?

If I was trading short term fluctuations in currencies or knew I was going to die next week, that's probably how I would look at it as well. Since I'm not doing the former, and I can't know about the latter, I'd say then, that generally speaking, the GBP is down pretty significantly against both currencies.

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Its coming back, slowly but surely. 53 today. The British are a hardy lot and we can take a beating but always get up and come back. So hold your pounds if you can and wait awhile. I think we will see 60+ before too long.

Rock on Perfidious Albion!

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Remember devaluation? - what did it touch then? - Baht 97 wasn't it!

It'll go back up to the 60's/70's ..... but its going to take a couple years I would have thought.

Now is not the time to be changing Sterling to Baht - and not the time to be buying property in Thailand with Sterling (you are a mug if you do - a fool, simple as that).

Hang on to your Sterling - things will turn around over the next year - if not the Sterling then the Baht. Last month, for the first time in around 10 years, China's economic growth turned the corner and is now on its way down - Thailand's is going to follow - both shadow chasing with the reccessionary West.

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Remember devaluation? - what did it touch then? - Baht 97 wasn't it!

It'll go back up to the 60's/70's ..... but its going to take a couple years I would have thought.

Now is not the time to be changing Sterling to Baht - and not the time to be buying property in Thailand with Sterling (you are a mug if you do - a fool, simple as that).

Hang on to your Sterling - things will turn around over the next year - if not the Sterling then the Baht. Last month, for the first time in around 10 years, China's economic growth turned the corner and is now on its way down - Thailand's is going to follow - both shadow chasing with the reccessionary West.

Of course you should hang on to your Sterling but don't expect things to pan out as you have described. Case in point today, US Fed cut rates to near zero and Sterling regained some lost ground against the Dollar and the Baht, quite right too. Shortly thereafter the BOE minutes of the previous rate cut was released and now we know that the BOE is concerned about a run on the Pound so it is has fallen to something close to where it was before the US rate cut, down four cents from its high and heading South once again. Having said those things I reckon that the person who traded GBP for Baht this morning when rates were, er, OK, has probably made one of the best moves they will ever make when it comes to GBP/THB because 56 Baht to the Pound will not be seen again for a real long time from the looks of things - 60/70's never, repeat never.

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Remember devaluation? - what did it touch then? - Baht 97 wasn't it!

It'll go back up to the 60's/70's ..... but its going to take a couple years I would have thought.

Now is not the time to be changing Sterling to Baht - and not the time to be buying property in Thailand with Sterling (you are a mug if you do - a fool, simple as that).

Hang on to your Sterling - things will turn around over the next year - if not the Sterling then the Baht. Last month, for the first time in around 10 years, China's economic growth turned the corner and is now on its way down - Thailand's is going to follow - both shadow chasing with the reccessionary West.

Of course you should hang on to your Sterling but don't expect things to pan out as you have described. Case in point today, US Fed cut rates to near zero and Sterling regained some lost ground against the Dollar and the Baht, quite right too. Shortly thereafter the BOE minutes of the previous rate cut was released and now we know that the BOE is concerned about a run on the Pound so it is has fallen to something close to where it was before the US rate cut, down four cents from its high and heading South once again. Having said those things I reckon that the person who traded GBP for Baht this morning when rates were, er, OK, has probably made one of the best moves they will ever make when it comes to GBP/THB because 56 Baht to the Pound will not be seen again for a real long time from the looks of things - 60/70's never, repeat never.

Never's a long time! You don't think it'll get to 60? That's very pessimistic.

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Remember devaluation? - what did it touch then? - Baht 97 wasn't it!

It'll go back up to the 60's/70's ..... but its going to take a couple years I would have thought.

Now is not the time to be changing Sterling to Baht - and not the time to be buying property in Thailand with Sterling (you are a mug if you do - a fool, simple as that).

Hang on to your Sterling - things will turn around over the next year - if not the Sterling then the Baht. Last month, for the first time in around 10 years, China's economic growth turned the corner and is now on its way down - Thailand's is going to follow - both shadow chasing with the reccessionary West.

Of course you should hang on to your Sterling but don't expect things to pan out as you have described. Case in point today, US Fed cut rates to near zero and Sterling regained some lost ground against the Dollar and the Baht, quite right too. Shortly thereafter the BOE minutes of the previous rate cut was released and now we know that the BOE is concerned about a run on the Pound so it is has fallen to something close to where it was before the US rate cut, down four cents from its high and heading South once again. Having said those things I reckon that the person who traded GBP for Baht this morning when rates were, er, OK, has probably made one of the best moves they will ever make when it comes to GBP/THB because 56 Baht to the Pound will not be seen again for a real long time from the looks of things - 60/70's never, repeat never.

Never's a long time! You don't think it'll get to 60? That's very pessimistic.

I try to be cheerful and look on the positive side of things, where ever and when ever I can, difficult to find a reason in the case of Sterling however. Maybe I'm wrong in my estimates, unsure.

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Mandelson is forcing the pound down so the UK is made to join the Euro. Its only a matter of time so get ready. I give the Uk 3 years before it just becomes another district of Europe. Were 90% there now and not a referendum for any of it. The last time we were asked to vote about it it was just a common market.

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Mandelson is forcing the pound down so the UK is made to join the Euro. Its only a matter of time so get ready. I give the Uk 3 years before it just becomes another district of Europe. Were 90% there now and not a referendum for any of it. The last time we were asked to vote about it it was just a common market.

United States of Europe.... :o

bring it on I am ALL for it......Ditch the £...dump the inch and sell Beer in Litres instead of Pints....Oui.Ja.Sie,....Chai Krup.....

Time for change........ :D

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like it or not. it's only a matter of time till UK adopts the €UR!

The Brits must feel horrible...first they steal their Island-status by opening a Chunnel...now the GBP.... :o

Bloody Europeans :D


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Mandelson is forcing the pound down so the UK is made to join the Euro. Its only a matter of time so get ready. I give the Uk 3 years before it just becomes another district of Europe. Were 90% there now and not a referendum for any of it. The last time we were asked to vote about it it was just a common market.

United States of Europe.... :o

bring it on I am ALL for it......Ditch the £...dump the inch and sell Beer in Litres instead of Pints....Oui.Ja.Sie,....Chai Krup.....

Time for change........ :D

Actually I'm all for blow up the chunnel, give us a referendum on getting out. Send all those "refugees" back to France and let them deal with them. Oh and give us our blue passport back.

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Mandelson is forcing the pound down so the UK is made to join the Euro. Its only a matter of time so get ready. I give the Uk 3 years before it just becomes another district of Europe. Were 90% there now and not a referendum for any of it. The last time we were asked to vote about it it was just a common market.

United States of Europe.... :D

bring it on I am ALL for it......Ditch the £...dump the inch and sell Beer in Litres instead of Pints....Oui.Ja.Sie,....Chai Krup.....

Time for change........ :D

Fully agree ... I would rather have a litre of beer, than a pint of beer, anyday ! :o

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like it or not. it's only a matter of time till UK adopts the €UR!

The Brits must feel horrible...first they steal their Island-status by opening a Chunnel...now the GBP.... :D

Bloody Europeans... :D


...stole my beloved Deutsche Mark :o

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Hang on, the EU has to bail out Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal and all those crappy countries that sponge the EU's wealth...

Just sweeping it under the carpet at the moment.

Viva el Poundo! Death to the bankrolled FX traders pushing buttons!


Edited by SomNamNah
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like it or not. it's only a matter of time till UK adopts the €UR!

About time too, why do we have to cling the the pound what is so special about that. Most of my relatives holiday in Europe and I think they are beginning to see the light. Why give the banks any more money just to change a currency?

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Most of my relatives ARE 'European'

Self determinism and national rule are things of the past.

Lets let the fat cats control not one country but a super state! look how well it works in the USA!

Why not merge the USD with Latin American Currencies?? Then we just have a few trading blocks, peace, harmony, and one world financial dictatorship! hurrah!

Edited by SomNamNah
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Most of my relatives ARE 'European'

Self determinism and national rule are things of the past.

Lets let the fat cats control not one country but a super state! look how well it works in the USA!

Why not merge the USD with Latin American Currencies?? Then we just have a few trading blocks, peace, harmony, and one world financial dictatorship! hurrah!

Yes wasn't it wonderful when we were ruled by those benevolent monarchs what a paradise on earth that was. Now we have a global economy where it’s just a bit more unlikely for things to break into a war every few years, well at least in Europe it is. I can also think of quite a few European nations especially in the UK who must be wondering what you mean by “Self determinism and national rule”.

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like it or not. it's only a matter of time till UK adopts the €UR!

About time too, why do we have to cling the the pound what is so special about that. Most of my relatives holiday in Europe and I think they are beginning to see the light. Why give the banks any more money just to change a currency?

Because otherwise the banks wouldn't make any money, and the taxpayers would have to bail them out, via government-loans, erm ... erm ...

1 Euro= £1 = $1................ :D:o

Keeps the maths simple. Even simpler when you make the value of these currencies equal to zero through inflation ! :D

Whoops, that policy is supposed to be secret, still. Mustn't worry the sheep taxpayers ! :D

Edited by Ricardo
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