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Fortuner Or The New Pajero Sport?


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I have a friend that does not know alot about cars/suv's/pick ups and she came to ask me for help.

Her husband is going to buy a new toy, what should it be? A fortuner or a Pajero sport. I drove the Pajero sport today and it was really good. A big step up from the Triton. It was smooth and quiet, pleasent to drive.

What are your views?

Pls. Dont slag them off, just a decent comparison...

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BKK post likes the Fortuner better. There should be a model update coming soon though...

The Pajero Sport I find pretty disappointing from a design standpoint - I love the Triton's looks and was hoping for something similarly cool for the Sport. But no. It's boring and bland, the back side is totally screwed and the front is like the Triton except somehow much more boring.

Anyway - sorry for the rant. I am sure everyone has an opinion on the looks. But the BKK post liked the Fortuner better because it feels snappier, has a better suspension, and consumes less fuel.

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actually the bkk post article (which i still have) does not announce one or the other as the winner, pretty divided actually, in fact many wins went to pajero... such as 'more modern and upmarket design'...'seats tad bit more comfortable'...'seats that fold flat in cargo area'...'ride comfort'...'better practiicality, comfort, ride and price'

fortuner also had a lot of positives, so the article is not finalistic as stated....

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  • 2 weeks later...

So my friend got his new pajero sport on friday, I was there when he picked it up...

He does not go offroad so he got the top 2WD version with the 2.5L engine... No 4WD shifter to vibrate him or his wife...

He also got some new wheels on it and it does look mean now...

I drove my mates 4WD pajero now and I could not feel the shifter (I am a large guy)... Well I wish them good luck and hope that they will never have to test the crash tests as shown online or in magz...

Thanks for the info...

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