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Enthusiasm Gone

The Gentleman Scamp

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I've lost my enthusiasm for TV.

Don't know if it's because of my new busy life or because it's the end of the year and time for a change or if it's this blog business that has changed everything.

I wanted to talk about this new girl I'm seeing who I met at the motor show but I feel I can't because I was encouraged to go into the Blog room to talk about whatever I wanted.

I feel that were I to speak about my continuing experiences in Thailand that George or the Doc would turn me around gently by the shoulders, give me a lollipop and guide me into the Blog room - possibly shutting the door firmly behind them.

Was the Blog created to keep Scamp's away?

I've tried it but I feel like I'm talking to myself in an empty room, and there's been no replies so I don't know if anyone has read it or not - not that it's very good, but how can I write good stuff if I don't know who's reading it?

I'd rather bring my diary back into HKK or kill myself off and come back next year as somebody else, a complete stranger.

I feel I've been given a gagging order and I don't know what's what anymore and I don't feel as free as I did.

Don't bother reading my blog - it's rubbish, and I don't have time to keep it up to date, read Random Chances's, his is a better read but he had more time on his hands.

I've got to go to work now so I couldn't tell you what I got up to on my day off if I wanted to.

P.S. Mods, you'll notice a new nick called Barbie - yes that was me but I'm not using it, it's for my friend in England and I don't know her e-mail password so I can't use it anyway - and for some reason I can't download an avatar from the Ask Jeeves Barbie photo gallery - how come?

Have a nice Christmas anyway, and i'll see you all online soon if I can have my voice back - I'll do a Blog when I have more time and i'll write my life story or something, but a recent 'Untitled' thread was deemed un-Thai related by Wolfie.

Come on Wolfie, it was about girls, how can it not be Thai related??? Keep away from Doc's wine, I know it looks like blood but it's doing you no good.

Merry Xmas everyone,

Best wishes etc.. etc.


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I've lost my enthusiasm for TV.

Don't know if it's because of my new busy life or because it's the end of the year and time for a change or if it's this blog business that has changed everything.

I wanted to talk about this new girl I'm seeing who I met at the motor show but I feel I can't because I was encouraged to go into the Blog room to talk about whatever I wanted.

I feel that were I to speak about my continuing experiences in Thailand that George or the Doc would turn me around gently by the shoulders, give me a lollipop and guide me into the Blog room - possibly shutting the door firmly behind them.

Was the Blog created to keep Scamp's away?Β 

I've tried it but I feel like I'm talking to myself in an empty room, and there's been no replies so I don't know if anyone has read it or not - not that it's very good, but how can I write good stuff if I don't know who's reading it?

I'd rather bring my diary back into HKK or kill myself off and come back next year as somebody else, a complete stranger.

I feel I've been given a gagging order and I don't know what's what anymore and I don't feel as free as I did.

Don't bother reading my blog - it's rubbish, and I don't have time to keep it up to date, read Random Chances's, his is a better read but he had more time on his hands.

I've got to go to work now so I couldn't tell you what I got up to on my day off if I wanted to.

P.S. Mods, you'll notice a new nick called Barbie - yes that was me but I'm not using it, it's for my friend in England and I don't know her e-mail password so I can't use it anyway - and for some reason I can't download an avatar from the Ask Jeeves Barbie photo gallery - how come?

Have a nice Christmas anyway, and i'll see you all online soon if I can have my voice back - I'll do a Blog when I have more time and i'll write my life story or something, but a recent 'Untitled' thread was deemed un-Thai related by Wolfie.

Come on Wolfie, it was about girls, how can it not be Thai related???Β  Keep away from Doc's wine, I know it looks like blood but it's doing you no good.

Merry Xmas everyone,

Best wishes etc.. etc.




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Hi mate, just had a look, there is absalutly nothing in your blog!! thatsa why nobodys reading it!!!

When you make an entry, you press "post entry" but them you have to press "publish entry" after.

I'm sure if you sort it out people will read it (no accounting for taste is there:P)

Have a good christmass, see you in the new year. I'm definatly down in January

Cheers RC

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