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What Would You Do?

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What would you guys do?

I was supposed to fly out today back to work which would have been perfect as my entry stamp was till Dec 19th. which I got allready with a 7 day extention from Jomtien after I had 1 re-entry (visa trip) through Cambodja.

Now I received a Mail from my company that they moved my flight to Sunday Dec 21st so 2 days over my stamp.

Now as I dont think I can get another extension localy here (or can I??) should I take a whole visa trip again (8hours bus and 2000Baht) or should I just get to the airport the 21st and with my 2 days over stay? (how much would tha be? and does it give you problems in future entries in Thailand?)

So again what would you do??

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Just go to the airport and pay the 500 Baht per day fine. It is very unlikely you'll get pulled up by the BiB in the meantime provided you don't get into the company of dodgy characters. Might be a good thing to have a copy of that notification from your company about the reschedule with you so that you can point out the overstay wasn't entirely your fault. Won't cut any ice with the overstay fine but it shows the officer that you do take it seriously and did intend to exit on time.

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No effect whatsoever. It's one of the oddities that Thai immigration wipe the slate clean even after a considerable overstay (years) once the fine is paid, I am a little surprised just how blase they are about it given their tinkering with the visa exemption stamp entry rules.

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Many have had much longer overstays and had no problems.

Your 2 day overstay is nothing.

To be 100 % SAFE , go to an Immigration office and pay your over stay . It has been known for people to be arrested at the airport for overstay when trying to leave regardless of the amount of days overstayed. Take the chance , upto you but I know what I would do even for 1 day over stay ..

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Immigration at Suan Phlu gave me a 7 day extension for 1900 baht and told me to pay for the remaining 4 days of

overstay at the airport. Having my marriage certificate would have qualified me for a longer extension. The woman

at the airport immigration counter gave me a big smile when I gave her the 2000 baht (4x500Baht/day) without

her having to ask me.

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Many have had much longer overstays and had no problems.

Your 2 day overstay is nothing.

To be 100 % SAFE , go to an Immigration office and pay your over stay . It has been known for people to be arrested at the airport for overstay when trying to leave regardless of the amount of days overstayed. Take the chance , upto you but I know what I would do even for 1 day over stay ..

You cannot prepay an overstay. If the OP had not already used his 7 day extension he could go to immigration on an overstay already and pay for the overstay and get the 7 day extension. Immigration has already been reported to of told people to just wait and go to airport and pay the overstay there when they leave.

Would you please supply a source of a report of somebody being arrested at the airport for an overstay. I have seen many reports of people going to the airport with very very long overstays and just paying the 20,000 baht max fine and leaving.

Edited by ubonjoe
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The most high profile case of someone being arrested at the Airport for overstay was a Prince or Count of Austria or somewhere . He was arrested and put in the BKK Hilton , where he died , due to not getting his medication , he was a diabetic , remember ??

Also , those who go to the Airport , knowing they have over stayed CAN pay and leave, however, MANY do not have 20,000 bht to pay the fine and are arrested !! Ask Immigration to clarify that , its FACT.

Most come here and spend all their money and when they have run out of cash , they leave , thinking they can get away with it , that is not the case. If you have no money to pay then you will be arrested for sure.

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…The most high profile case of someone being arrested at the Airport for overstay was a Prince or Count of Austria or somewhere .

Wrong. That tourist was caught because he had modified the “until” date in the arrival stamp in his passport and if he had not been abusive when this was pointed out to him by the immigration officer on departure he would most likely have been let go after paying the requisite fine.



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