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thanks 7by7 and mariner29 for the replies.

you've all certainly given me a lot of good advice and answered most of the questions ive asked for guidance with.

i spoke to the intended this morning to see what she thought about things but i dont know if she really understands what im saying about the preperation and paperwork needed for settlement visa.

her english is spoke well and we both understand each other 80% of the time but she finds reading and writing english a bit difficult.

ive decided that the best thing to do is go over for a 3 week holiday june/july time and explain as well as i can what is involved in getting her a visa to stay with me in the uk then hopefully going back 6/12 months after this for the marriage and visa application.this way i know we'll both be sure that this is definately what we both want and ill have had time to gather all the evidence and paperwork needed for a successfull visa application.

just one more question i need to ask you guys.

when we met she was working in a bar.she stayed with me for 4 weeks then when i went back to the uk she went to visit her mother in the north of thailand then 2 weeks after that she went to bangkok to work in a small factory making t-shirts where she still works now and i think will continue to do so.

she never went back to the bar after she met me and said it was not the work she wanted to do and doesnt intend working that way again.

basically what im trying to ask is will the fact she was a bar girl go against her application?

she has also been married once before to an english man but lived in thailand with him and visited the uk for 6 months on holiday.

she also spent some time in norway with another man but wasnt married.both times the relationships didnt work out and she left them.

i have asked her if she has her divorce papers and she says she has.

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They may well call her for an interview IMO she has previous immigration history with two other people. I think that's a sensible option build a portfolio up of your relationship over the coming months she now has a job as well which will help.

Good luck


thanks mariner29.i still might call on your services if i can afford it when the time comes.

what would i be looking at cost wise if i was to use you to submit my application?

am i also right in thinking that if an interview is required i am best submitting my application 3 months before i go to bangkok?



Do not try to hide her past, be open and honest about it.

If you met her in a bar, say so. Ex bar girls do get visas; liars don't.

There is a question on the application form about previous visa applications to the UK and other countries so these should be mentioned and she will need to provide her divorce certificate as well.

Does she have any children? If so, then their details should be entered in the appropriate place on the application form. Not including them, even if they are not coming to the UK with her at that time, will cause problems if you/she wish to apply for a visa for them in the future.

Scotty, maybe you would like to share your advice on the open forum? Others may find it useful too.



I will offer my personal advise when I come back, got to pick the Mrs up at 6.

But telling the truth and not lying is a must, like 7by7 says.

My wife and I were both paranoid about this, but we told the truth from the start, and got the visa 3 days after submitted, now happily married and been living together for 1 year now in England :o



thanks guys.

im 35 and shes 31.she doesnt have any children and i did meet her in a bar.i was going to put this down as i new they would want to know where we met.i was just wondering wether it would have any effect on the application.

when you say about previous visa applications to the UK and other countries so these should be mentioned,does that mean just a few lines about where,why and how long etc..or is there proof or papers needed?

well done scotty.im glad its all worked out for you :o


Bonjour Zanzibard

Congratulation! You are in love with a fantastic woman you would like to spend your life with. Wonderful! I wish you will make it become reality. Getting a visa is just one thing and it really shouldn't be a big deal.

We married 6 years ago and went to live in France. It was not too difficult to get a visa for her, I remember, but France is not UK. So I can’t give you any advice on visa ect.

Two things: Don’t rush anything, take your time, and… read “Thailand Fever”, an extraordinary book, a must-have for Thai-Western couples! I bought two copies, one for me and one for my wife. Its in English and in Thai on opposite pages.

I fell in love with a fantastic Thai woman as well. At first we had a wonderful time too, and wanted to marry quickly, but I had to go back to Hongkong and then to Brazil and it finally took one year until we finally married. Although we met in between the moves we had a very tuff time and during the first years we had a couple of moments where we thought we would not make it. There were just so many problems (misunderstandings). Having worked previously in Thailand (I thought) I knew Thailand, but when I recently read this book, it was like scales fell of my eyes and I understood what has been so difficult in the beginning.

Wish you all the best and a happy life

  • 3 weeks later...

hi folks

ive just got another question regarding getting married and bringing my wife back to england.

im currently thinking of moving home to a 1 bed flat and out of a 2 bed terrace as the rent im paying on the property im in now is getting a bit much for me and the new place will be £100 cheaper a month and owned by the guy i work for.ive been in this property 18 months and before that i was in a flat for 6 months and then before that i had bought a house with my ex and was only there roughly 18 months.we had to sell the house we bought because we split up and the previous flat i was in after that was surrounded by noisey neighbours so decided to move into a proper house but am now finding it a bit too exspensive to live there on my own and am looking to move again.if all goes to plan ill be looking at getting married and bringing my wife back after being in the new property about 12/14 months.

basically what i am after knowing is will all this moving of homes go against my settlement application visa when i come to apply as i have read that you need to show them that you have secure living accomodation for you both? ie.you've been settled somewhere for a while.

thanks in advance


A one bedroom flat is fine for a couple, so no problem there.

You will presumably be able to provide proof of ownership for the flat, or a tenancy agreement if you rent, so no problem there. If you will be renting then get a letter form the landlord agreeing to her living there.

People do move home for all sorts of reasons, the ECOs know this. Don't worry.

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