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New Years Resolutions


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I used to get disappointed when I used to light up a cigarette about 30 minutes after New Year. More sad when I had a drink within the next hour. etc etc

What to do about the depresing broken resolutions :o


This one works

No More New Years Resolutions - it has worked for about 20 years.


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1. Thinking about giving up food. - or water. Trying alcohol as replacement.

2. No more tobacco. Use alternative herbs.

3. Annoy the neighbours, crank up the volume.

4. The fair sex? heII hath no fury etc.... Stay within the groove.

Should make life interesting for a short while.

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Cigarettes. Had enough. Get fitter and keep enjoying life. Thats all.

The Cigs are the killer it took me 30 years to quit at 40 a day.

Tried everything to give up and what did it was seeing my grandson for the first time.

I knew at that moment that I would not be around to see him grow up if I did not quit.

The most important resolution I guess I can make is to be a better person not to lose the cool this is something that iv learned from Los always smile no matter what. When the going gets tough always, smile.

Live and let live not everyone has the same views.

Life is so short and stress can kill quicker.

Have a happy one people.

It is cool to be kind.

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