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British Traveller Speaks Of Thai Terror

sriracha john

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Chris has now returned to Watford after his terrifying ordeal.

Traveller speaks of Thai terror

A young traveller who was locked-up in a squalid Thai prison for five days with little food or water has spoken of his terrifying ordeal.

Twenty-one-year-old, Chris Ambrose, departed Watford four weeks ago for his eight-month round the world trip. "There was no natural light in the cell, it was crowded and very intimidating. Everyone was pushed up against the bars and they all stared at me."

Having saved for two years for his dream, Chris flew to Thailand for the first leg of the trip, before heading to the northern town of Chiang Mai one week later. However, just 11 days into his travels, Chris' trip began to unravel.

After returning from a three-day trek into the hills of northern Thailand, the former Rickmansworth School pupil arrived back at his hostel to find his bag tampered with and his camera, mobile phone, and other valuables missing.

Chris, along with one of the travel reps, reported the theft to police the next morning. After filling out a form the officers asked to come back to his hostel and, once inside Chris' room, began ransacking his bags. Suddenly one of the officers pulled out the bag of missing things.

Chris, of Church Road, Watford, said: “At first I was relieved that I had got my stuff back. Then I felt a bit guilty for wasting their time." “Then I realised it was worse. The atmosphere definitely changed.”

One officer suddenly accused Chris of insulting The King and said as he had signed a form at the police station he would to go to jail. He was then driven to the town's official police station and thrown in a dark, filthy cell, where he was left for the next 21 hours.

By this time Chris' parents had been notified of his ordeal, contacted Watford MP Claire Ward who in turn contacted the Foreign Office.

The next day, unsure whether he had even been charged, Chris was taken to court, where he was joined by the British Consular for the region. Chris was fined 500 Baht, the equivalent of £10, and sentenced to one month in prison. The fine was then reduced to about £6 for early payment, however, he was still expected to fulfil his jail sentence.

He was taken back to his prison cell while officials attempted to “negotiate” with Thai officials for his freedom. Chris said: "It was pretty scary. I had no idea what was going on."

"There was no natural light in the cell, it was crowded and very intimidating. Everyone was pushed up against the bars and they all stared at me."

Chris then had a visit from his rep who told him the court had agreed to overturn his sentence, but he would have to stay in prison while the authorities decided whether to deport him. He was even told he would not have to pay for the bribery as he was a student. Chris added: “It was the best a most ridiculous student discount I have ever had. And it is quite ironic considering I wasn't even a student.

"It was mixed emotions at first because I had been told I had got off the sentence I didn't know how long I was going to be in prison for."

So for the next 47 hours he was left in the small, cramped cell with up to ten Thai criminals, no food and little water.

On Friday afternoon, five days after his arrest and having spent a night in a third dirty police cell, Chris was released without charge. Threats to deport him were dropped and Chris left Thailand, his dream trip in tatters, last Monday.

However, after spending Christmas in Watford, Chris admirably still planning to catch up the second leg of his trip, in Australia, New Zealand and South America. "I am going to try and make it work to my advantage."

"Obviously I am back for Christmas and I can sort out my route. I am going to go to Singapore and then Australia at the end of February so hopefully I can make the most of it."

- Watford Observer (UK) / 2008-12-18

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He lost his things believing they had been stolen but in reality had simply overlooked them, hmmm, really! I don't suppose there was any thought on his part of making an insurance claim, I'm sure not. But just in case there was, the UK insurance industry would do well to impose similar penalties to fraudulent claimants in the UK.

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I am sure that there is more to this story than meets the eye.

My guess is that he was trying to bilk the insurance company out of some money so he could continue his onward round the world trip and that he got caught.

Perhaps he ran out of money because he had not factored in the cost of doing a visa run every 15 days or that he helping some local girl out because her water buffalo was sick.

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Ah the speculation without the facts :o

It is true he could have been pulling an insurance scam but it is equally true that once he kicked up a stink and went with the rep to the police station the stolen items were hastily returned to his room. We just don't know so speculation is pointless.

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Ah the speculation without the facts :o

It is true he could have been pulling an insurance scam but it is equally true that once he kicked up a stink and went with the rep to the police station the stolen items were hastily returned to his room. We just don't know so speculation is pointless.

Agreed. :D

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Ah the speculation without the facts :o

It is true he could have been pulling an insurance scam but it is equally true that once he kicked up a stink and went with the rep to the police station the stolen items were hastily returned to his room. We just don't know so speculation is pointless.

Agreed. :D

Yes, but you'd have to also agree that there's more to this one than meets the eye. Wouldn't be the first time, nor the last, that a round the world traveller, age immaterial, finds himself short of dosh.

But then maybe it was an attempted theft with the conninvance of his helpful rep who hastily arranged the return of the goods.

Or maybe it was exactly as portrayed, a simple case of forgetting where he put the stuff. But most people in that situation would have unpacked every bag and gone through the room with a fine tooth comb before calling in the police.

Oh well LoSM (Land of Smoke & Mirrors).

Shame we'll never know the truth.

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He's back in Watford four weeks after starting a planned 8 month trip so I doubt very much he was short of funds so early into his travels. Reading the article it's not clear if he left his bag at the hostel where items went missing or had it with him for the 3 day trek. Would certainly be strange to leave his camera at the hostel when going on a trek etc. Strange tale but nothing surprises me here anymore.....

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After returning from a three-day trek into the hills of northern Thailand, the former Rickmansworth School pupil arrived back at his hostel to find his bag tampered with and his camera, mobile phone, and other valuables missing.

Chris, along with one of the travel reps, reported the theft to police the next morning. After filling out a form the officers asked to come back to his hostel and, once inside Chris' room, began ransacking his bags. Suddenly one of the officers pulled out the bag of missing things.

tampering with trekkers bags by guest house owners and staff whilst they are out trekking has been going on for years.

replacement of the stolen goods by the guest house owners once they know the police are on the way round seems to have happened here. why does everybody suddenly jump to conclusions about an insurance scam for a couple of hundred quid at the most.

the guest house owner/staff/rep along with the ignorant police ( locking him up , accusations of lesse majeste , come on !) should be hung , drawn and quartered over this.

thailand needs all the tourists it can get at this moment , this will certainly help.

lets hope this story makes it into the mainstream british press.

for all those who have leapt to the defence of thailands reputation in the third world country thread , enjoy your humble pie.

these are exactly the sort of incidents that distinguish a third world society from a first world society.

i like the student discount bit too.

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There is no way that this could have happened without some complicity between whoever was negotiating/translating for him and the police.

The guy had not committed a crime even if they found his belongings in the bag.

Be interesting to hear where it was he stayed.

It is quite plausible he left his camera, many people travelling with friends will take one camera on a trip and download the photos when they get back. Nothing particularly strange about that.

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After returning from a three-day trek into the hills of northern Thailand, the former Rickmansworth School pupil arrived back at his hostel to find his bag tampered with and his camera, mobile phone, and other valuables missing.

Chris, along with one of the travel reps, reported the theft to police the next morning. After filling out a form the officers asked to come back to his hostel and, once inside Chris' room, began ransacking his bags. Suddenly one of the officers pulled out the bag of missing things.

tampering with trekkers bags by guest house owners and staff whilst they are out trekking has been going on for years.

replacement of the stolen goods by the guest house owners once they know the police are on the way round seems to have happened here. why does everybody suddenly jump to conclusions about an insurance scam for a couple of hundred quid at the most.

the guest house owner/staff/rep along with the ignorant police ( locking him up , accusations of lesse majeste , come on !) should be hung , drawn and quartered over this.

thailand needs all the tourists it can get at this moment , this will certainly help.

lets hope this story makes it into the mainstream british press.

for all those who have leapt to the defence of thailands reputation in the third world country thread , enjoy your humble pie.

these are exactly the sort of incidents that distinguish a third world society from a first world society.

i like the student discount bit too.

Spot on, tax. Stop jumping to conclusions you tossers. :o

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If you came from Watford then a Thai jail could feel quite homely....... :o

I have just looked up a couple of photos of Watford to illustrate my point which is if one doesn't have all the facts then one's view is somewhat sullied.

geez.... did someone steal the city's water tower tank?

Edited by sriracha john
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Ah the speculation without the facts :o

It is true he could have been pulling an insurance scam but it is equally true that once he kicked up a stink and went with the rep to the police station the stolen items were hastily returned to his room. We just don't know so speculation is pointless.

1 + 1 = 2

Simply case.. this boy tried to get some extra travel money via his insuance..

After a couple day's in a nice Thai cell he won't do that again....

got what he deserved...

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Ah the speculation without the facts :o

It is true he could have been pulling an insurance scam but it is equally true that once he kicked up a stink and went with the rep to the police station the stolen items were hastily returned to his room. We just don't know so speculation is pointless.

1 + 1 = 2

Simply case.. this boy tried to get some extra travel money via his insuance..

After a couple day's in a nice Thai cell he won't do that again....

got what he deserved...

Personally I think they should of given death by lethal injection... Obviously guilty Oh yes!

Watford Observer! A five year old could of written a better story!

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If you came from Watford then a Thai jail could feel quite homely....... :o

I have just looked up a couple of photos of Watford to illustrate my point which is if one doesn't have all the facts then one's view is somewhat sullied.

i was about to post similar. having lived in watford the young man has my sympathies entirely. i'd come up with any crackpot story i could to avoid having to go back to that hellhole.

some cracking assumption going on in this thread though. guilty until proven innocent is the way forward.

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Another urban legend to add to the long list about Thailand. This country would have to be the safest country in the world to travel in and only drunks and sloppy, selfish people get themselves into trouble.

That's the rule but there are exceptions. I know perfectly upstanding foreigners, here legally, proper paperwork, never touch a drop, etc., who have been hauled in arbitrarily on false charges by police simply out on a fishing expedition. Probably happens less now than in the old days.

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If this was an insurance scam, which I find extremely hard to believe, then

A) he is hardly going to claim his mobile phone is stolen as this will contain his UK Sim card and be his main link to friends and familly in the UK and unreplaceable on his travels.

:o He has traveled back to the UK, presumably using his return ticket, but still has enough cash to continue his trip probaly buing a new ticket, so hardly short of cash!


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1 + 1 = 2

Simply case.. this boy tried to get some extra travel money via his insuance..

After a couple day's in a nice Thai cell he won't do that again....

got what he deserved...

Of course he is!

Mate, you are wasted on this forum.

Maybe you should start a new TV show.

CSI Chiang Mai maybe.


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One officer suddenly accused Chris of insulting The King and said as he had signed a form at the police station he would to go to jail. He was then driven to the town's official police station and thrown in a dark, filthy cell, where he was left for the next 21 hours.

How did that happen? Nothing mentioned about wasting police time or filling a false report :o

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Traveller speaks of Thai terror

After returning from a three-day trek into the hills of northern Thailand, the former Rickmansworth School pupil arrived back at his hostel to find his bag tampered with and his camera, mobile phone, and other valuables missing.

Chris, along with one of the travel reps, reported the theft to police the next morning. After filling out a form the officers asked to come back to his hostel and, once inside Chris' room, began ransacking his bags. Suddenly one of the officers pulled out the bag of missing things.


If the stuffs have been stolen, they would have been disposed off during the three days, unless Santa Claus put them back.. :o:D

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If you came from Watford then a Thai jail could feel quite homely....... :o

I have just looked up a couple of photos of Watford to illustrate my point which is if one doesn't have all the facts then one's view is somewhat sullied.

That made me giggle!! So true!

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