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Cannabis Smokers At Risk Of Personality Disorder Syndrome


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Not directly Thailand related but interesting:

Cannabis smokers at risk of personality disorder syndrome: study

George - this has got to be the epitome of hypocritical posts I have ever read on Thai Visa.

In an attempt to make this Thai related...

Ganja was (maybe still is?) used in traditional Thai cooking. It is used to add flavour, & depending on how much is used, gives a very mild 'sense of well being'. Used mainly in noodle soups, I am not sure if it is part of the recipes for the traditional Thai curries.

The last time I had a direct experience of ganja being added to noddle soup was in the mid 80's, since then I have never got close enough to the noddle seller for her (or him) to feel confident enough to tell me if it is one of the ingredients. I asked one noddle shop owner that I got to know very well why she added it to the soup & she said to make it 'taste good' & was not a delibrate attempt to get people stoned. Needless to say her noodles had the reputation as being the best in town.

I remember reading an article in the Bangkok Post in the mid 70's about the rise in use of alcohol & rates of alcholism in the north east of Thailand after ganja was made illegal. Many farmers grew their own ganja, just one or two plants, for their own consumption. With poverty being endemic in the region this was a low cost or no cost way of alleviating some of the misery of their existence. When it was made illegal, home brew alcohol with all its dangers,caused many problems (& still does). Commercially available sources of alcohol diverted the limited resources (cash) away from the family. For the many farmers that continued to smoke ganja, they became another source of income for the predatory police.

Like everything in life - moderation is the key. Many people use alcohol every day & are not classed as alcoholics & manage to function more than adequately in society. The same can be said of the ganja smoker. We always hear about the alcohol user that causes harm to themselves or others, we always hear about the schizophrenic dope smoker, but we don't hear about the millions of people that use both these drugs responsibly & with no apparent ill affects.

Disclaimer - I have smoked ganja in the past, sometimes in massive quantities, & have managed to function very well, & I suppose in my own little way have lead a successful life.

I have also drunk alcohol in the past, but now only drink on the odd occassion. I did not give up taking either of these drugs because of any religious, medical or moral reason, it was just that I found something better to do with my time, I just lost interest in taking them.

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this is a ridiculous article. i smoked pot for years with no adverse effects whatsoever, in fact it helped me quite a lot with anxiety. it has never stopped me progrssing in my career, social relationships, or other areas. i also stopped very easily (in thailand). i know very successful, well adjusted people who smoke regularly. i know a couple of freaks who smoke too, but it's my feeling that they had personality disorders to begin with and weed just exacerbates them. some people can't handle it, just like some people can't hold their alcohol. but overall, marijuana is a benign drug, if done in moderation.

<deleted> - you are a moron, you smoked some weed and are ok so it doesn't have any ill effects on people? That is a ridiculous statement wise up - hope you end up in prison.


Skiman you got to lighten up a bit. Your not friends of Rush Limbaugh are you?

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A local friend of mine claims that cannabis can be freely bought at many market places throughout Thailand, have any other memebers found this to be so?

Not in Thailand.

Maybe your friend was referring to Cambodia, where it is sold at town food markets.

Yes in Thailand......

have you been to Pai Geek?? :o check in any guest house and see what the first thing they offer you....

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I agree with the article. Interesting thread, it is Thai related as I live in Thailand and used to smoke lots of cannabis.

I started smoking at about 12 years old. It definitely affected my emotional growth and thus caused many psychological problems. I smoked every day for years.

When 15 years old, I was introduced to hard drugs through my supplier(I was a dealer), which should have killed me. Alcohol was one of these harder drugs. I have seen many lives ruined through cannabis use.

When I met up with my old friends in Scotland 2 years ago(about 10 of them aged 40-42 who were ALL heavy cannabis smokers for years)on a Saturday night, 5 of them were high on cocaine, booze and 'E'; 2 were tripping on LSD, 2 very very drunk and myself(recovered alkie/druggie). They told me about 2 friends who had died from overdoses, and 3 who were locked up institutions.

Any drug in moderation can be ok but heavy use of cannabis is very unhealthy.

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BTW, 90% of these dopeheads have given up canabis due to psychological problems - they need cocaine, heroin or alcohol now to escape life.

I hear many people tell me how they've smoked for 20 years and all is well. Wait another 5/0 years and trust me, you'll be f*c*ed.

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A local friend of mine claims that cannabis can be freely bought at many market places throughout Thailand, have any other memebers found this to be so?

Not in Thailand.

Maybe your friend was referring to Cambodia, where it is sold at town food markets.

Yes in Thailand......

have you been to Pai Geek?? :o check in any guest house and see what the first thing they offer you....

...A cup of tea?

Not been to Pai. But now you mention it, I do know a few characters that often go and they like to indulge in the odd doobie. Also, on the Islands you can get wasted quite easily, but not sold openly...

Sold freely at many market places thoughout Thailand? Me not think so.

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Sold freely at many market places thoughout Thailand? Me not think so.

It's very easy to get here, although not offered to tourists.

It is offered to tourists in tourist places.

Very easy to score in any part of Thailand. But Sunreader is talking about for sale in the food markets between the Carrots and the baby sweetcorn.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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Sold freely at many market places thoughout Thailand? Me not think so.

It's very easy to get here, although not offered to tourists.

About a month ago I was at the Thapae Gate at the moat in CM just walking around killing time waiting for my car to be maintained as I do every month when I go to renew the lease. Needless to say it was about 1pm on a Saturday afternoon and kind of quiet as tourism is down and it was in the middle of the day. Anyway I stopped under the shade of a tree to have a cigarette when a Thai fellow approached me on a scooter. He spoke very good English and asked me where I was from. As I replied in Thai (speaking fairly good Thai) he then asked me if I wanted to buy some cocaine, hashish, or marijuana. I told him that I don't do drugs while in LOS as I am fully aware of the harsh punishments that come along with the drug scene here in LOS. He said ok and went on his merry way.

I am sure he took me as a 30ish looking tourist as I look much younger than my 50 years having long blonde hair, wearing shorts, sandals, and t-shirt. BTW, having traveled to LOS for the past 8-9 years before moving here I can recall numerous times when getting into a taxi at the airport upon my arrival at BKK the first thing I was offered was a girl/massage and then it was pot........ I think it has a lot to do with how you are dressed and look whether or not you'll be offered drugs here in LOS. As for me, I was always the one being pulled aside in customs when I lived in the USA and returned home from my Mexican vacations.

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I once moved into a share house with a guy who's son - as I later found out - had become psychotic, whether it was from the dope or whether the dope just made it worse I don't know.

The kid had been caught when a real estate agent came around to inspect his rental house and found that he had painted it without authorisation. All of it - including the carpet! The police where called, big bags of dope were found, and the kid obviously had severe mental problems so they put him in hospital for some treatment.

I met the kid when he was on periodic release back to his dad for a few days at a time to see how he could cope with reality. He was truly bizzarre - he would sit outside in the garden having animated conversations with people that weren't there. Other times he would sit motionless in the corner for hours on end like a zombie, not moving a muscle. One time he was standing outside with his arms outstretched and we asked him what he was doing - "making the wind blow"!!!

Kind of creeped me out.

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I once moved into a share house with a guy who's son - as I later found out - had become psychotic, whether it was from the dope or whether the dope just made it worse I don't know.

The kid had been caught when a real estate agent came around to inspect his rental house and found that he had painted it without authorisation. All of it - including the carpet! The police where called, big bags of dope were found, and the kid obviously had severe mental problems so they put him in hospital for some treatment.

I met the kid when he was on periodic release back to his dad for a few days at a time to see how he could cope with reality. He was truly bizzarre - he would sit outside in the garden having animated conversations with people that weren't there. Other times he would sit motionless in the corner for hours on end like a zombie, not moving a muscle. One time he was standing outside with his arms outstretched and we asked him what he was doing - "making the wind blow"!!!

Kind of creeped me out.

A reporter asked Paul McCartney, if he was ever stoned making a record. He answered: ALWAYS.


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I once moved into a share house with a guy who's son - as I later found out - had become psychotic, whether it was from the dope or whether the dope just made it worse I don't know.

The kid had been caught when a real estate agent came around to inspect his rental house and found that he had painted it without authorisation. All of it - including the carpet! The police where called, big bags of dope were found, and the kid obviously had severe mental problems so they put him in hospital for some treatment.

I met the kid when he was on periodic release back to his dad for a few days at a time to see how he could cope with reality. He was truly bizzarre - he would sit outside in the garden having animated conversations with people that weren't there. Other times he would sit motionless in the corner for hours on end like a zombie, not moving a muscle. One time he was standing outside with his arms outstretched and we asked him what he was doing - "making the wind blow"!!!

Kind of creeped me out.

Do I know you? You have exactly described some of my previous coworkers...... :o

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I agree with girlx. This is such a ridiculous article. I worked For the Department of Psychiatry in the States for many years. There is absolutely no link between borderline personality and cannabis use.

Chronic cannabis use can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia ,but by no means causes it.

Just another ridiculous, and baseless "study". :o:D:D

Cannabis is a drug of addiction just like alcohol.

I have personally seen lives destroyed because of this drug.

Like alcohol, if used in moderation it is fine. The problem is some people cannot drink or smoke in moderation.

I believe that people with emotional disorders are drawn to such drugs as a temparary form of self medication.

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I agree with girlx. This is such a ridiculous article. I worked For the Department of Psychiatry in the States for many years. There is absolutely no link between borderline personality and cannabis use.

Chronic cannabis use can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia ,but by no means causes it.

Just another ridiculous, and baseless "study". :o:D:D

Cannabis is a drug of addiction just like alcohol.

I have personally seen lives destroyed because of this drug.

Like alcohol, if used in moderation it is fine. The problem is some people cannot drink or smoke in moderation.

I believe that people with emotional disorders are drawn to such drugs as a temparary form of self medication.

Then from what you have just said alcohol should be illegal as well?

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i love maryjane......

as rick james says...........

I'm in love with Mary Jane.

She's my main thing.

She makes me feel alright.

She makes my heart sing.

Rick's chorus:

And when I'm feeling low,

She comes as no surprise.

Turns me on with her love.

Takes me to paradise.

Do you love me Mary Jane?

Yeah. Whoa-oh-oh.

Do ya? Do ya? Do ya?

Now do you think you love me Mary Jane.

Don't you play no games.

Sorry guys....just had to post this :o

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I agree with girlx. This is such a ridiculous article. I worked For the Department of Psychiatry in the States for many years. There is absolutely no link between borderline personality and cannabis use.

Chronic cannabis use can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia ,but by no means causes it.

Just another ridiculous, and baseless "study". :o:D:D

Cannabis is a drug of addiction just like alcohol. or cigarettes or fast food, coffee, watching TV, Internet, exercising, women, sweets...

Like alcohol, if used in moderation it is fine. The problem is some people cannot drink or smoke in moderation or behave themself like puritans.

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I agree with girlx. This is such a ridiculous article. I worked For the Department of Psychiatry in the States for many years. There is absolutely no link between borderline personality and cannabis use.

Chronic cannabis use can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia ,but by no means causes it.

Just another ridiculous, and baseless "study". :o:D:D

Cannabis is a drug of addiction just like alcohol.

I have personally seen lives destroyed because of this drug.

Like alcohol, if used in moderation it is fine. The problem is some people cannot drink or smoke in moderation.

I believe that people with emotional disorders are drawn to such drugs as a temporary form of self medication.

I personally have never seen a life destroyed because of cannabis use. Self medication is a problem for many people. A lack of (or a total disregard) for taking personal responsibility for ones well being is a factor that destroys lives.

As far as there being any link between cannabis causing schizophrenia, all I can say is that there is no sound documented link, or at least nothing remotely convincing. I have never seen it documented in any PDR past or present. Drug induced psychosis and schizophrenia are not even close to being related diagnoses.

Edited by mizzi39
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I think it has a lot to do with how you are dressed and look whether or not you'll be offered drugs here in LOS

For sure. When I came here first in my 20s with long hair and clothes I bought in India I was asked all the time. Now, I'm never asked.

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i love maryjane......

as rick james says...........

I'm in love with Mary Jane.

She's my main thing.

She makes me feel alright.

She makes my heart sing.

Rick's chorus:

And when I'm feeling low,

She comes as no surprise.

Turns me on with her love.

Takes me to paradise.

Do you love me Mary Jane?

Yeah. Whoa-oh-oh.

Do ya? Do ya? Do ya?

Now do you think you love me Mary Jane.

Don't you play no games.

Sorry guys....just had to post this :D

as JJ Cale says....

When you light that funny cigarette

Would you pass it back to me

I'm feeling a little down and out

And it'll keep me company

I'm just a long lost sinner

Living life here on the line

I'll give it right back to you

I know it's not really mine

Now don't put it out, not right yet

It's burning pretty good

Maybe I'll have one more toke

You think I should

OO-oo, days go by

I just sit around and get real high

OO-oo, what a glow

I just hang out, they come and go

Hey, the walls are starting to move

The floor is way down there

What a buzz it is

There's electricity in the air

Boy, I'm feeling really gone

I'm feeling really cool

I think I'll have another one

I'm just another fool

You know they say it's illegal

But what isn't these days

No matter what you do

There'll be somebody on your case

OO-oo, days go by

It just seems like I sit around and get high

OO-oo, shame on me

They're going to put me in a penitentiary

I must not be together

Look at the shape I'm in

I just know people are saying

"He's looking awful thin"

I guess I can count my blessings

Though I've always been this way

I guess I'll quit tomorrow

Maybe another day

OO-oo, days go by

I guess I'll sit around and get real high

You know time has no absolute

It's a just seems like it's spent

Everything has a tendency to be so warped and bent

While looking here and there

I'm surprised to see

Everybody's gone here

Everybody's gone but me

OO-oo, days go by

I just sit around and get real high

OO-oo, what a glow

I just hang out, they come and go

..... a fairly accurate representation of reality. :o

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I agree with girlx. This is such a ridiculous article. I worked For the Department of Psychiatry in the States for many years. There is absolutely no link between borderline personality and cannabis use.

Chronic cannabis use can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia ,but by no means causes it.

Just another ridiculous, and baseless "study". :o:D:D

Cannabis is a drug of addiction just like alcohol.

I have personally seen lives destroyed because of this drug.

Like alcohol, if used in moderation it is fine. The problem is some people cannot drink or smoke in moderation.

I believe that people with emotional disorders are drawn to such drugs as a temporary form of self medication.

I personally have never seen a life destroyed because of cannabis use. Self medication is a problem for many people. A lack of (or a total disregard) for taking personal responsibility for ones well being is a factor that destroys lives.

As far as there being any link between cannabis causing schizophrenia, all I can say is that there is no sound documented link, or at least nothing remotely convincing. I have never seen it documented in any PDR past or present. Drug induced psychosis and schizophrenia are not even close to being related diagnoses.

I agree mizzi,

Actually I don't believ cannabis "causes" schizophrenia but rather it helps to ease the symptoms in early onset.

Schizophrenics are often miss diagnosted as drug/alcoholic dependant as these drugs help eleviate the terrible symptoms of this disease.

People that have not or do not have substance dependant issues will never understand the nature of addiction, especially substance addiction.

Being here in Thailand probably highlights other addictions for them such as Sex/Love etc.

Often the people that are in denial about their own addictions are the ones that are least sensitive.

Addiction is a disease that needs to be treated on a daily basis.

Good luck to all that are or have loved ones that are battling this disease.

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A local friend of mine claims that cannabis can be freely bought at many market places throughout Thailand, have any other memebers found this to be so?

yes, not bad stuff too ( err... so I am told) up north has the best(errrr.... so I am told....)

my father, mother, my BF, most of my circle of friends smoke

mmm, let me see, all graduated, all seem to ahve good job's, good income's

any addicts? no......

I would like to say more, better not though

I do not know any negitive effects at all...I have the insomnia which it help's me greatly with

My BF get's very moody, it calm's him down much better than prescribed western pill's

the argements against are by and large ridiculous, made by people who have not a clue

it is as if they want to hate us doing what we choose when harming nobody

and have done zero research into- I have, alot, and my country is famous for this

the argement that it leads onto other things is not valid

for some maybe, for many, not...

recently one enlightened person claimed smoking ajoint was 20 time's more bad than 1 cigereete ( he did not say which brand, which tar, which ratio of stuff to tobbaco,which type of stuff....etc) its this sort of maddness we are faced with

they need to chill- exercise something called freewill

Good post!...Agree with all....

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ha there are a lot of anti-weed fanatics on this thread. i find you guys hilarious. :o find something worthy of putting your fury into- marijuana is so harmless and makes the majority of it's users so happy, insinuating that they should go to jail or that it's some evil ruiner of lives is just totally ignorant. sure, if you have a personality disorder, cannot discipline yourself, or are unable to take something in moderation, stay away from ALL drugs, including alcohol, cigarettes, etc. but it's funny to see people blaming this medicinal herb for their own problems.

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