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Filthy Water At The Westcoast Of Phuket

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I just read the article in this week’s edition of Phuket Gazette, about the filthy toilet water coming from the hotels in the small klong in Kata.

I am sitting here in my house with a very bad infection in my foot after a 2 hours dive in Kata beach, just coming from the hospital with a big plastic bag with tree kind of different antibiotic.

I have lived in Phuket now for 13 years and seen and smelled the filthy klong in the south end of Kata beach. My wife and I had a massage and dive shop at Kata BBQ right op to the klong fore five years until the tsunami came and put it in ruins. In these five years we smelled it every day and Night saw the flits coming just half meter from our backyard.

Every night at app. 4 AM the hotels opened the valves and all soak tank water from 10.000 tourist toilets was flushed out in the canal, and the hotels was ready for next day.

It is a disgrace to promote Kata and Karon as top beach destinations with top prices, for families with children and they have to swim in the own toilet water.

I dived in Nai Harn for weeks with no problems just had a tiny small blister in my foot after bit of shaving from my Finn, and just after two hours snorkeling in Kata Beach water I have to see tree hospitals in one week.

As Chairman for Danish, Scandinavian ocean Cruising Association in Thailand, I will write to related tourist organization in Scandinavia and warn about the polluted filthy water on the west cost of Phuket and the health risk to swim in that water.

In Scandinavia we have a government controlled ocean department who control the ocean water at all beaches ( you can drink cleaned water in scandinavia ), if an aria have no coli and no pollution the beach can get a blue flag for clean water for one year, that makes it worth to invest in clean water and stop pollution, Tourist like clean water with no health risk. Phuket is supposed to sell the water and the beaches to divers and for beach holidays.

With so many tourist laying top dollars in the Phuket kitty, it is time to do something about the dirty black smelling water and by the way also making a safe walking passage along the hotels and restaurants in Kata.

It is a disgrace to promote Kata and Karon as top beach destinations with top prices, for families with children and they have to swim in the own toilet water.

Thailand or especially phuket is a victim of its own success..

They have had a boom, from the late 80's to now, and even the asian currency crisis only made them cheaper and spurred more inward investment as the world got richer and global credit fuelled boom worked into surplus holiday money for westerners.

This has made an attitude where Thais think they can do anything and the pink coconuts still grow, they dont need to provide service, or quality, they will just get more and more tourists coming no matter what they do. This attitude has lead to ridiculous prices, businesses that have values you wouldnt pay in the west let alone the wild west of Thailand biz markets, and worst of all a total disregard for customer satisfaction with thugs and mafias fighting over who can rip off the most and where.

Now we will see a few hard years, where the fixed costs of rents will not be possible with the leaner incomes, and hopefully those that do understand customer relations, repeat business, and quality of service will triumph, but we will see. The fear is the amount of Thais coming chasing the tourist dollar is simply more than the market will support, pverty next to percieved wealth is not a good recipe for personal safety or crime rates, add in an ineffective and basically uninterested police force and thats a recipe that doesnt make me feel too hopeful.


This past week I have been at the beach in the middle of karon and was amazed at how clear the water was.  Then yesterday I was at Kata and the water was not near as clear with strange white foam floating on the surface.  Then I remembered reading something about kata not being able to treat waste water effectively and got out of the water as quick as I could.  It's a shame but now we'll all hear how the local area has no money for any upgrading this antiquated waste water system.


Larsbo, you are right and I doubt there is anyone in this forum that could argue otherwise. Unfortunately, there is nothing much any of us can do except passively express ourselves to the locals and hope they listen and understand about the importance of water quality. Nothing will change until the tourists voice their discontent by avoiding Phuket and stating their reasons why.

I am always amazed by the tourists that swim at patong beach. Aside from being dangerous (speeding jetskis, paragliders etc.), the water is filthy. Watching the jetski operators spill petrol into the water on the beach makes me cringe but I can't say anything, since I'm just the farang. And yet, who's to blame for the mess at the beaches? Alot of it is due to the tourists that leave their trash behind and stay at hotels without considering what happens to the waste water. Aside from Scandanavians who are brought up with such a sensitivity, most foreigners are clueless. The Arcadia in Karon has its own waste treatment facilities as do some of the other big foreign hotel operators. This is one time where the multinational corporations are the good guys and its the small operators that as a whole are the polluters.

There was a time when the Ministry of the Environment did check water quality. However, the results were delayed and public release of the information was discouraged as it was deemed bad for business. I don't think the MoE has surveyed a beach in Phuket in the last 5 years.

Larsbo, you are right and I doubt there is anyone in this forum that could argue otherwise. Unfortunately, there is nothing much any of us can do except passively express ourselves to the locals and hope they listen and understand about the importance of water quality. Nothing will change until the tourists voice their discontent by avoiding Phuket and stating their reasons why.

I am always amazed by the tourists that swim at patong beach. Aside from being dangerous (speeding jetskis, paragliders etc.), the water is filthy. Watching the jetski operators spill petrol into the water on the beach makes me cringe but I can't say anything, since I'm just the farang. And yet, who's to blame for the mess at the beaches? Alot of it is due to the tourists that leave their trash behind and stay at hotels without considering what happens to the waste water. Aside from Scandanavians who are brought up with such a sensitivity, most foreigners are clueless. The Arcadia in Karon has its own waste treatment facilities as do some of the other big foreign hotel operators. This is one time where the multinational corporations are the good guys and its the small operators that as a whole are the polluters.

There was a time when the Ministry of the Environment did check water quality. However, the results were delayed and public release of the information was discouraged as it was deemed bad for business. I don't think the MoE has surveyed a beach in Phuket in the last 5 years.

I am amazed at how many tourist just leave the trash on the beach.... But the second part of your sentence come on, before you stay at a hotel, do you ask for details on thier waste water treament? I don't think most people give waste watertreatment any thought when choosing a hotel/destination... I think most travelers assume a beach town would not put shit in its beach water.... Like shitting in the hand that feeds you.

Stream at the north end of Karon in front of the new Centara Resort delivering muck to the sea>>>



Yum, thats foul and so open, why isn't the local government following the 'stream' to find the cause and fix it??

Stream at the north end of Karon in front of the new Centara Resort delivering muck to the sea>>>



This's simply insane...I am in the process of selling my home to retire back in LOS and working my way over to Phuket after visiting LOS twice earlier this year, no f***ing way now, not Phuket anyway. I always thought LOS meant for Land Of Smiles not Lots Of SH*T-filledbeachwater...that's sickening and I'm half-way around the world. I noticed some obvious garbage build-up on beaches before where I was at on the east gulf coast cities and wondered why Thais couldn't get a program going to put non-violent offenders to work simply cleaning the beaches as punishment, or start an "Adopt-A-Beachblock-To-Cleangreen" program for anyone who wants to volunteer, reward them with a lunch and thirst quenchers maybe. Thais could even do it as punishment to tourists who overstay their visas...lots of easy ideas besides fining the SH*T out of someone who litters (as if already they do) like they should the ones who dump sewage right on to the vacation beaches...sheesh.


Thai's must get it through their skulls that you build roads, sewerage, water plants and car parks FIRST. Then you think about what capacity this infrastructure can sustain and hand out permits for building accordingly. It aint rocket science but it does require some foresight, honesty and integrity. Everyone foresaw the problems Phuket would face but officials were too lazy and corrupt to forgo their tea money, enforce laws and put the country first.

Sadly future generations will pay and miss out on the opportunity to rectify things if they get bad enough. Thing can be done, but it starts at the top. I travel through Singapore airport and the toilets are nothing short of amazing. Their airport makes Suvarnaphum look like a retail factory outlet for cheap shopping.

In a country where cabinet seats are traded like buffalo's and not awarded on education and experience what hope is there? :o At least Thaksin is getting some good old fashioned Buddhist lessons. "Gong gwian gam gwian" -what goes around comes around.

Just watching a leading economist on TV telling us high end living world wide is doomed, well I'm safe......... :D

I have absolute no faith in mans laws, I do however do have unending faith in mother natures to set things right.

Our heavenly father made man as he was a bit disappointed in the monkey..........l

It is a disgrace to promote Kata and Karon as top beach destinations with top prices, for families with children and they have to swim in the own toilet water.

Thailand or especially phuket is a victim of its own success..

They have had a boom, from the late 80's to now, and even the asian currency crisis only made them cheaper and spurred more inward investment as the world got richer and global credit fuelled boom worked into surplus holiday money for westerners.

This has made an attitude where Thais think they can do anything and the pink coconuts still grow, they dont need to provide service, or quality, they will just get more and more tourists coming no matter what they do. This attitude has lead to ridiculous prices, businesses that have values you wouldnt pay in the west let alone the wild west of Thailand biz markets, and worst of all a total disregard for customer satisfaction with thugs and mafias fighting over who can rip off the most and where.

Now we will see a few hard years, where the fixed costs of rents will not be possible with the leaner incomes, and hopefully those that do understand customer relations, repeat business, and quality of service will triumph, but we will see. The fear is the amount of Thais coming chasing the tourist dollar is simply more than the market will support, pverty next to percieved wealth is not a good recipe for personal safety or crime rates, add in an ineffective and basically uninterested police force and thats a recipe that doesnt make me feel too hopeful.

Great post LOS. I wholeheartedly agree.

I watched it boom from 1997 until when I left in 2005, unable to tolerate what it had become and the people it attracted.

A few lean years will sort out some of the dross, but there will be a lot of pain to go through in getting there.

I am amazed at how many tourist just leave the trash on the beach.... But the second part of your sentence come on, before you stay at a hotel, do you ask for details on thier waste water treament? I don't think most people give waste watertreatment any thought when choosing a hotel/destination... I think most travelers assume a beach town would not put shit in its beach water.... Like shitting in the hand that feeds you.

That was my point in part. However, I do wish to draw your attention to the fact that there is a growing segment of tourism that addresses those consumers that are eco conscious. I believe the term used is eco friendly tourism. Costa Rica was a pioneer of this approach. There is a small demographic that does check out such things before booking. I do make an effort to determine hotel surroundings before I book, but I don't make inquiries as to where the poop goes, so yea, you're right on that.. Some of the review websites now have little sections dedicated to environmental sustainability. Is it the next fad? Nope, since most tourist influences to Phuket are price driven.

That being said, credit still has to be given to some of the large operators for making the investment in sewage treatment or in trying to act responsibly. Years ago when I stayed at the Dusit Laguna, I was impressed by the efforts taken to keep the beaches clean and to check effluent, and minimize pesticides that would run off from the grounds. The local manager at the time was Dutch. Dunno what's happened since, but it certainly was a big difference from the way the Thai owned Centara "resort" in Karon was run when we stayed there almost 3 years ago.

To be honest, I don't even know what happens when I flush the toilet here in Patong. I suspect that if I flush now, by the time I walk over to the beach for a stroll in 15 minutes (assuming those aren't rain clouds), maybe I'll be having a family reunion with a former part of me. :o


To be honest, I don't even know what happens when I flush the toilet here in Patong. I suspect that if I flush now, by the time I walk over to the beach for a stroll in 15 minutes (assuming those aren't rain clouds), maybe I'll be having a family reunion with a former part of me. :D

In a cell at Pentridge Prison I once saw the following written above the toilet on the wall.

"Please flush toilet twice- it's a long way to the kitchen........... :o


I'm not overly surprised by this. You only have to look at the way the people here deal with 'other' refuse and waste issues. The entire country resembles some type of rubbish pit. Theres people littlering a will, burning of plastics, lack of public rubbish bins, dogs raiding whatever bins there are, dog crap everywhere, oil into klongs & drainways, FOAM Krathongs, complete disregard for the land itself. The klong behind my house the water runs BLACK, the banks of it are shiney black and even the rats won't swim in it.....its only a short distance, couple of km to the ocean.

The other day whilst I was walking along the road a car pulled up on the side of the road in front of me & the driver got out & commenced to empty his boot which was full of household rubbish into the table drain on the side of the road, naturally being unable to help myself I asked him why he did that? He seemed amused at why I should care, afterall im only a farang.

If I could see thailand do anything, I would love to see it clean up its act, the land here is being RAPED, its such a shame.

I'm not overly surprised by this. You only have to look at the way the people here deal with 'other' refuse and waste issues. The entire country resembles some type of rubbish pit. Theres people littlering a will, burning of plastics, lack of public rubbish bins, dogs raiding whatever bins there are, dog crap everywhere, oil into klongs & drainways, FOAM Krathongs, complete disregard for the land itself. The klong behind my house the water runs BLACK, the banks of it are shiney black and even the rats won't swim in it.....its only a short distance, couple of km to the ocean.

The other day whilst I was walking along the road a car pulled up on the side of the road in front of me & the driver got out & commenced to empty his boot which was full of household rubbish into the table drain on the side of the road, naturally being unable to help myself I asked him why he did that? He seemed amused at why I should care, afterall im only a farang.

If I could see thailand do anything, I would love to see it clean up its act, the land here is being RAPED, its such a shame.

My friend came around Christmas day and he is married to my Thai niece from Krabi. He told me he went to her house to stay for a while after getting engaged to her. He asked her how they disposed of the rubbish as it was out in the sticks. She grabbed the rubbish bag, stood on the back porch and did a 360 degree spin like a discus thrower sending the bag into the jungle. She just turned, smiled and said- that's how......... :o

Gets back to "gong gwian gam gwian" it will sort itself out one way or another.................

Stream at the north end of Karon in front of the new Centara Resort delivering muck to the sea>>>



I live by a Rawai beach and the scum, rubbish etc. I see every day left by the tide is far worse than this photo!

It's horrible, but nothing will change until the tourist stop coming.

Stream at the north end of Karon in front of the new Centara Resort delivering muck to the sea>>>

I noticed some obvious garbage build-up on beaches before where I was at on the east gulf coast cities and wondered why Thais couldn't get a program going to put non-violent offenders to work simply cleaning the beaches as punishment, or start an "Adopt-A-Beachblock-To-Cleangreen" program for anyone who wants to volunteer, reward them with a lunch and thirst quenchers maybe. Thais could even do it as punishment to tourists who overstay their visas...lots of easy ideas besides fining the SH*T out of someone who litters (as if already they do) like they should the ones who dump sewage right on to the vacation beaches...sheesh.

Why don't you come to Phuket and start a volunteer program and give free lunch and thirst quenches and instead ? Already complaining and you don't even live here.

and a 'King Henry' pops up next to you. YUK :D .

Is that similar to a "blind mullet"?

Yes HB, tis the same.....nothing like surfing a wave & a massive 'log' that you snapped off earlier that morning overtakes you! :o:D

This has made an attitude where Thais think they can do anything and the pink coconuts still grow, they dont need to provide service, or quality, they will just get more and more tourists coming no matter what they do. This attitude has lead to ridiculous prices, businesses that have values you wouldnt pay in the west let alone the wild west of Thailand biz markets, and worst of all a total disregard for customer satisfaction with thugs and mafias fighting over who can rip off the most and where.

Now we will see a few hard years, where the fixed costs of rents will not be possible with the leaner incomes, and hopefully those that do understand customer relations, repeat business, and quality of service will triumph, but we will see. The fear is the amount of Thais coming chasing the tourist dollar is simply more than the market will support, pverty next to percieved wealth is not a good recipe for personal safety or crime rates, add in an ineffective and basically uninterested police force and thats a recipe that doesnt make me feel too hopeful.

Yes, but what are the negatives about Thailand?

To be honest, I don't even know what happens when I flush the toilet here in Patong. I suspect that if I flush now, by the time I walk over to the beach for a stroll in 15 minutes (assuming those aren't rain clouds), maybe I'll be having a family reunion with a former part of me. :o

Raw sewage is supposed to be treated in some sort of septic tank or treatment tank before being released into surface water drains. Connection of raw sewage direct to surface water drains is illegal. I'm sure that some homes have no septic tanks, but at least the hotels should have some sort of treatment for raw sewage before releasing into the drainage system. This is not good enough, and is polluting all the popular beaches.


Ironically there is a photo of the new Centara resort in this Issue of the Gazette..

And even in that photo you can see the same sludgy river as in F1fanatic photo, but no mention of it.

We had a problem before near my work where it was the DIRECT sewage of the LABOUR Camps from a reputable development :o going into the street drain, into our pond and killed the fish before going into the ocean This is what we get for trying to catch Rain water to recycle and use in our gardens.

So yes maybe the hotels have some kind of mickey mouse system to treat their sewage but it certainly is not in place while the Burmese are building the resorts....


and wondered why Thais couldn't get a program going to put non-violent offenders to work simply cleaning the beaches as punishment, or start an "Adopt-A-Beachblock-To-Cleangreen" program for anyone who wants to volunteer, reward them with a lunch and thirst quenchers maybe. Thais could even do it as punishment to tourists who overstay their visas...lots of easy ideas besides fining the SH*T out of someone who litters (as if already they do) like they should the ones who dump sewage right on to the vacation beaches...sheesh.

Why don't you come to Phuket and start a volunteer program and give free lunch and thirst quenches and instead ? Already complaining and you don't even live here.

Now you're TALKING SHIT too? :o Maybe I will "come to Phuket and start a volunteer program" and call it "Adopt-A-Beachblock-To-Cleangreen" program for anyone who wants to volunteer"...BUTT don't hold yer' breath, oh wait, I bet you already are :D , why would I want to help idiots like you that CONTINUE TO CONTRIBUTE to destroying something that used to be so beautiful?


and wondered why Thais couldn't get a program going to put non-violent offenders to work simply cleaning the beaches as punishment, or start an "Adopt-A-Beachblock-To-Cleangreen" program for anyone who wants to volunteer, reward them with a lunch and thirst quenchers maybe. Thais could even do it as punishment to tourists who overstay their visas...lots of easy ideas besides fining the SH*T out of someone who litters (as if already they do) like they should the ones who dump sewage right on to the vacation beaches...sheesh.

Why don't you come to Phuket and start a volunteer program and give free lunch and thirst quenches and instead ? Already complaining and you don't even live here.

Now you're TALKING SHIT too? :o Maybe I will "come to Phuket and start a volunteer program" and call it "Adopt-A-Beachblock-To-Cleangreen" program for anyone who wants to volunteer"...BUTT don't hold yer' breath, oh wait, I bet you already are :D , why would I want to help idiots like you that CONTINUE TO CONTRIBUTE to destroying something that used to be so beautiful?

Sounds like you already have a case of AFS. Angry Farang Syndrome.

1. Profanity in the most is not allowed

2. Calling me an idiot..

3. Accusing me falsely that I am destroying Phuket

4. Expecting the govt to do something about it.

Instead of ending up like some expats sitting around with an negative attitude only complaining about what should be done I hope you will decide to be part of the solution like many expats and Thai's who

help the charity orgainisation, start beach clean ups, clean up trash on the beach, pick up trash while diving, report things to local govt..dumping, trash piles etc, make monetary and material donations (not just to bar girls), take-in street dogs and cats, spay and neuter, join lions and totary clubs etc. and do what they can to make Thailand and Phuket a better place.

Good luck to you!

and a 'King Henry' pops up next to you. YUK :D .

Is that similar to a "blind mullet"?

Yes HB, tis the same.....nothing like surfing a wave & a massive 'log' that you snapped off earlier that morning overtakes you! :o:D

Isn't it a Richard the Third! King Henry is a new one on me but am interested to learn.

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